Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Weather , Friend And Traumatic News

Hello   Precious  Hearts 

Hope   and  pray  that   all   of  you   are  enjoying  your   glorious  weather  and  blessed  lives :)

Here   it's  been   cloudy   since  more  than   a   week .It  rained   heavily   almost   throughout   the  country.

Though   not   here  in  our  small  city  :(  but  hey  i   am   happy   it  did  not.

It   does   not   makes  much  difference   to  me   if  it  did  not  rain  here  But  if  it  does    dates   hanging   on  trees  will   be  spoiled .

Happiness   of   so  many   people  depends   on   dry  
weather  :) 

 So   my   prayers   are   with   them   so  their  hard  work  can  get  desired   results.

Last   day   one   of  my  friend  called. We   were  classmates.We   chat  once  in  a  while  but  this  time   it was  after   many  months.

It   was   pleasure   to   hear  from  her. Each   time   when  we  call  each  other  it   makes   me   happy   more .

Actually   she  lives  in  town   near  our  native   village .Many  of  my   classmates   live  there. I  ask  her   about  all  of them   which  is  wonderful   feeling  for  person  like me  who   is  away   from  her  native   land  and  friends :)

We   talked   more  than   hour .She  told   me  that   like   weather   people  are  also  changed  in  so  many  ways.

According   to  her   rains  were  less  and  not  as  heavy  as   were  in  olden  times.

She   told  different  things  that  were   mixture  of  sadness   and  joy.

One  news  was  devastating  . Husband   of   one  of  my  classmate   was  sentenced   death   for  being  espionage .

He  was  brigadier  in  army . He   was  convicted   for  leaking   some   army   related   secrets   to   raw.

This   traumatic   news  made  me  sad. I   instantly   thought   about  Nadra  who  was  married   to  this  man. She  was   one   of  few  richest  girls   in  my   class.

I  never   saw  her  studying .She  was  typical   rich   pampered   child .fair   skin and   bluish  eyes.

Very   pretty   with  friendly  smile .  Best   thing  about  her  that  i  never  forgot  was  her  neutral   attitude.

When    girls   would  ask   mischievously  " how   was  your  Sunday" 

She  would  tell  honestly  everything   including  "me  and  daddy   danced "

Danced ?  all  will  say  at  once  teasingly  and  will  laugh together  loudly .

She  would  annoy   but  not  for  long . I  never  laughed  at  her  stories  because   they  were not  weird  or unfamiliar   to  me.

Through  parents  ,books ,radio  and  english  t.v  shows  i  knew   lot  about   different   ways  of  life  in  west.

After   marriage   Shazi   (friend who  called)  was  source  to  know  about  other  friends  or  classmates.

I  knew   that  Nadra  was  happily  married  to  man  with  high   status .

She   lived  mostly  in  foreign   countries    due  to   her  husband's   profession.

She  had  4 children .Family  owned  fine  houses and  hotels   in  few  cities .

Wealth  showered  at  family  but  through  bad   sources .

 They   came  under  suspicions. Army  sent   lady  spy  disguised  as  maid  who   confirmed   that  brigadier  was  betrayer .

Shazi   told  me  that  whole  matter  is  in  media  and  on  social  media  as  well. I  was  horrified  to  see   how  bad  it  was.

This  is  so  painful   for   a  wife   and  children   to  face  such  embarrassment   and   sham   for  the  crime   done  by  head  of  their  family.

I  find  it  heartbreaking   and  severe   for  family. I  don't  know  if  Nadra   was  aware  of   treachery   of  her  husband    but  i  know  she  and  her   kids   will  have   to  face  all  the   guilt  and   hatter   coming  from  society   for   criminal  who  unfortunately   belonged   to  this   family .  

I   just  hope  they  could  survive  through  all  this.

All  i  can  do  is  to  pray  for  them.

God  Bless  You  All  Friends!!!



  1. I think she was unaware. It seems like something he would not tell her. Why would he?

    I looked online and found an article about a Brigadier Lt. General sentenced to death. Horrible. I don't know if that's the one you are talking about. I wonder what he did and why.

    1. I have had seen such horrible stuf only on movies Sandi

      First time to learn someone closer to my acquaintance

      I have not met Basra personally since I left school so can't comment about that if she knew it
      His name is Rizwan .You can search by name

  2. Yes, all must be chaos and turmoil now for that family. Sad for the innocents involved.


  3. Specially I feel for kids Debra who were being expelled from academies

    I don't think it was their fault
    Most probably they left schools to avoid negative behaviour of people
    But people around them have built up stories as mostly they do in such cases

  4. It is a shame that the family of someone accused of a crime are considered to also be guilty. It is sad news from your village. At least there was good news about other classmsates.

  5. Mostly in such cases family suffers a lot Emma

    People who treat them inhumanly forget that time can come for them either

  6. It will be difficult for the family for sure.

  7. How very sad indeed, baili. I hope the wife and children have some emotional support at such a hard time. Your reply to Emma is right on - we could all face tragedy of one kind or another and really should try to treat others as we would want to be treated.

    1. when i think about the wife and children it makes my heart so heavy

      hope my friend has family support at least

  8. That's kind of shocking to me Baili. Putting someone to death is wrong in my eyes...but that's just my own opinion. I hope his wife and kids will be okay.

    1. i also did not like this option
      he could have been given the life long prison like other who are involved

  9. A tragedy for everyone involved...

  10. I always feel so sorry for those innocents …

    All the best Jan

    1. how selfish of people who not even once think what will happen to their family if all is revealed

  11. Terrible news about your friend and her husband. It is really terrible that people will take it out on this family. People can be so cruel.

    1. i wish may God bless family with courage to pass through successfully

  12. I get together with classmates from my school every couple pf years and the news filters through about others that are not there and some of it is sad some have died, are suffering ill health and in trouble I feel sad for these people as I remember them as young kids free and happy with not a care in the world.

    1. time is quick and carefree Merle

      we are sand in the hands of time indeed ,slipping away so quickly

  13. We should never make siblings responsible for the mistakes of their ancestors

    1. i wish
      people have time and heart to think about it

  14. Oh Baili! I'm so sorry to hear of the sad news of your classmate's husband's betrayal to his country and the terrible effect it is having on his family too. I'm thankful you are enjoying the summer days, and that you had such a nice visit with your friend, but truly devastating news though! Blessings to you sweet friend :)

    1. it is always pleasure to hear from you dear Marilyn :)

  15. This is very sad and painful new the wife, children and love ones. Hope they will have the strength to go through this difficult time. And also understanding friends showing love and comfort to them when needed.

  16. So sorry your school friend has such a difficult time ahead. We can never be responsible for the actions of others, you are a good friend for her.

  17. It would be unbearable for the family. Poor kids will be spectated scornfully by their study mates. The wife may not be involving in spouse's official matters.

    1. Of course it is one of the most hard situation for any family to face such trauma dear Pray

      they have to bear the death of head of their family on one hand and on other hand they will have to deal with all the pain society throw over them ,how grieving

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oh Baili...how sad that the wife and children have to suffer because of something the husband did. It must have been devastating for them. How fortunate that the lady has good and loyal friends to help and support her through those difficult times. Dearest Baili...please do relay to her my love and very best wishes for the future. I will pray for her and the children...and for her husband too. I guess he must have had his reasons for what he did, even if they were misguided.
    Oh all this is so, so, sad.😢

    My dear Friend, please try to stay cheerful...I am thinking of you always, with

    All my love and hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. dear Ygraine how can i return such deep love to you :)

      i feel so lucky to find you my friend
      your sweetest words uplift my soul to sky of peace and gratitude :)))

      i if will meet to her i will never forget to mention my kind friend ,i will give warmth of you love to her definitely and she needs it most i believe

      either you are always in my thoughts and prays my friend!

  20. It hasn't been raining here. I hope you stay healthy during the rainy season! I wish that Nadra and and her family stay well too

    1. thank you dear Kim for kind visit and words !

      it still is cloudy here ,though partially now
      i wish you lots of rain my friend!

  21. That certainly was the harshest sentence for your friend’s husband, Baili. It’s also very sad that she and her family also have to suffer for his transgressions.

    1. it is indeed dear Dorothy !

      i wish he would have thought that one has to pay for his actions sooner or later it is universal law and we have no exit

  22. It is very heart-breaking, Baili :(
    I hope Nadra and her kids have the strength in this difficult time.

  23. May Lord bless them with courage and may Lord bless people with insight to stop from nonsense

    it is saying here
    " you can hit a sinner with stone ,but stop and think if you are innocent enough to secure such right "

  24. So sorry to hear this terrible news Baili, life is so unpredictable. Sending prayers for them.

  25. Oh Baili what horrible news for the wife and kids. I do hope for the kids sake that mom did not know also. You opened my eyes to seeing another side of the world. A side that other then news on TV I don't hear about here in the US. I am sorry for your upsetting news.

  26. Tragic news is a mild word for it! She and her children had happiness and even luxury, and then? Oh, what will happen next? Will her father and family shelter her? I will pray for them all. I promise.

  27. Espionage is a difficult subject. Is the person a betrayer or is the person exposing a betrayal.

    The answer depends on personal viewpoints on the issues that resulted in the espionage.

    Whatever the reason, the family are suffering. I feel for them xx

  28. What a tragic post to read, Baili. I am truly sad for Nadra and her children. I can't begin to imagine how they must be suffering. I, too, will keep them in my prayers. Hugs to you!!!


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