Sunday, February 28, 2021

Wedding Ceremony


It  is  4:15 pm .I  am sitting  in  my  living room on dining table. View before my eyes is serene and beautiful .I can see my small garden smiling to me from it's fullest and delightful spirit .Blooms are dancing gently on the beat of soothing breeze. Peace is breathing  through  the whole environment and i am inhaling it gratefully as i felt it after three days .Yes i was gone to countryside to attend wedding ceremony of Hubby's nephew ,the only son of  one of  the hubby's sister .I spent there two  days and one night and returned last evening after final event of the ceremony.

It was great fun to meet all family members and acquaintance at once after long time .I realize each time during such gathering that how important such socialization is for keeping in touch with family and community.Such parties just refresh the page of our routine and add some joyous memories to it .  

on right lady in pink is hubby's younger sister and happy mother as you can see her smile.she recovered from certain disease an year ago ,and when she came back from hospital she was quite change and happier person and agreed to get her son married to his cousin finally .she has seven daughters too and one of them is standing beside her on left  in this image in yellow ,she is married to landlords of the village who though have so many farms and cattle in abundance yet never tried to better the standard of  life which is annoying for me .when i was newly married and visited them i was shocked by this and many got caught in discussion with her father in law (late now) that why they still are stuck in rotten ways of living despite of all the property and money they own. according to him it was their way and they liked it this way .his answers were weird and unconvincing and i quit asking questions and giving advising later .anyway some people are extremely slow learner and better to leave them alone  after best try .still it hurts me most when i see girls are kept away from education in some rural areas like this .it is unimaginable loss of coming generations which is so sad!

on right (first in close up) is daughter of hubby's eldest brother from our city ex teacher and proud mm of three school going sons.she is example of girls who rise from conservative background and still mange to inspire others with their abilities to learn and apply learning on practical life .i like her for her smartness insight.she convinced her husband to sell some piece of land and move in city  so her children can get better environment to learn and grow.She also advised and helped her husband to establish his own small business which is going well .she want to rejoin teaching job once boys are older and less dependent .

unlike city wedding events are held in yards in village ,this one was first event and smaller one with less people ,later both events were held during night and guests had fancy chairs to sit around place where performances were delivered by family members  and professionals .

this one was taken on last day before final event when groom goes with his family and friends to take bride ,we were tired and sleepy after whole night celebration .i have been skipping such late night events since long time but this time i wanted to join my sister in law in the happiest day of her life so i tired to be brave lol,this room belonged to my other sister in law Nusrat who lives in upper floor ,she tried to comfort us during the event in every possible way and it was so nice of her .

joy is like tiny bloom in your heart but when it is shared it is whole garden with bursting beauty and happiness :) i feel so scared when i hear or read about how wold is changing quickly  and  awareness is damaging the beauty of life .It is good to be free and self sufficient but leaving the family culture completely and trying to find joy or peace in other things can ruin the meaning of life because it is unnatural way of life . Everything in "Nature" is here to guide us and we are forgetting it so sad !

Nusrat  is my younger sister in law ,the one to whom i spent more time after  my marriage than other two .She is sweet and intelligent but not lucky enough to convince her husband to adopt better quality of life like city or move in city which is essential for the better growth of her children ,i feel for her and tried hard to convince her husband through my husband but he is tough rock ,he thinks selling land can hurt his pride as landlord and that he can only buy not sell .i can only pray for her and i do so,may be some day but growth of children cannot be stopped till then unfortunately !

Nusrat's  one of her three son is on right standing with groom ,her husband on left who is invisible due to darkness as power was gone and solar lights were weak to support event 's excitement 

  this was taken after arrival of the bride at home in last evening ,power was disappeared once again but flashlight helped to capture the face of the future of this house. 

I am feeling still exhausted as it was too much for me.Still i am back with some more happy memories .I feel good when i am on my own but being with friendly family friends time to time makes me happy too as i think it is best way of living to keep balance between both ways !
See you soon dear Friends ,stay safe and healthy ,positive and happy always !

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Secret Behind The Spring (poem)


Unlike  freezing  winter days  

when valley  is  wrapped  in  white  gloomy   sheet 

When  life  is   jammed   in  veins  with cold  blood  in  the streets

When  heart   of  lake  is  stopped after  parting  with sun rays 

and  the  hill  grows  chalky hair  while yearning  for  warm days 

When winter  erases  away  all  the  colors from the  scenes 

And  birds  loose  their  nests  in  Storm  that  sound mean 

We  all  know  this  because  of  earth's unbalanced  Lean 

Unlike  Hot  summer  days 

When  Sun  is  greatest  foe 

To  scratch   earth's oldest  wounds 

It moves  little  bit  low 

 When  green  burst  out  from  earth 

As  someone  tried  to hold  his  breath 

Countless  pattern  of  life  appear  above  ground

As  escaping  from long lasting  death 

When  world  seems  shelled 

 in  shiny  Heated  balloon 

And  ocean  show their anger  

 through  hurricane and typhoon 

When  sunlight  burns  ,instead warm 

And  hit almost everyday  dreadful  storm

When  sun rays  cut  like  blade  

And everyone  seek  for  shade 

Each   heart  sings  same  sad  song 

With  Earth  is  something  Wrong 

Unlike  winter's  cruel frost 

And  summer's  violent heat  

When  Nothing  can  go  wrong 

Spring  sings  sweetest  song 

When  everything  seems  at  ease 

Even  air  is  called  breeze 

It  is   the  beauty  of  this season 

When  smile  seek  no  reason 

When  heart  at  peace  to " Feel "

And  odds  seem no big  deal 

When  soul  is  light  and  serene 

And   able  to  ponder  all  scene 

When  eyes  drink  glass  of  life 

To  each  drop  with " fullness" 

Soul  swims in the ocean of  soothing "stillness "

How  can  we  turn  blind  

To  what  is  the  secret  behind 

When  gap is  balanced amid the Sun   and  Earth

We  earthers  get  best  Treat as we worth 

We  Can  Learn  For  Better  and Well 

From each  story  Mother  Nature tell !

From  building  materials  or life 

Balance  is  key  to  Advance 

By  loosing  Balance  in  life 

We  are loosing  our  all  chance

Chance  to grow  as " ideal  race |"

Who  Has voice ,sense and face 

Responsible for "Saving the Show"

So cannot  fall  as   low 

Awake  and  rebegan the  run 

Let  Balance guide   this Turn !



Thursday, February 18, 2021

Floating Within Ocean Of Divine Energy And More Blooms

Days   are  getting longer .Sun  stays  for more  while  as he is wiser  and  more contemplative  now :) His  glowing eyes   are  comforting  and  enlightened  as  his  best  friend March seems  to  arrive  near while  holding  bouquet  of  spring  in  his  hands :) April   will  bed  the  ground  with  lush  and blazing green  sheet ,Things  will  seem  perfect  until  May  reaches  to  spoil   Sun's  mood .Everything  will change  once  sun  is bad  mood .Instead   of  soothing  smile  he  will  be  throwing  his  scorching  rays  upon  us .It  will  make  everyone  uncomfortable .June  ,July  and August  are   unable to  calm  mr sun though  September  is lucky  who  has  power  to  delight  him to  some extent eventually .No  matter  how  harsh  the  sun  is  i never  can  stop  to  look at  him and  smile :) How  can  i  forget  his  long  kindness .This  is  the  only  condition  to  make  things  work  between  relationships  that  try  to  remember  pleasant  times  that we  spent  together  .

Today  when  i  opened  my  eyes in  the morning ,i  felt  i  was  floating   within  the  soothing  fog  smoothly .I  felt  that  fog  or  energy   is  like  an  ocean  spread  and  absorbed  in  every  corner  of  universe .It  seemed  like  Divine  Energy that  has   warped  the  each  existing  object   from  within  and around. It  is  flowing  in  kind  of  circle  till  eyes can see  and  senses can  feel.It  is  letting  it's  being  to  dwell in  numerous various  shapes  whether  living  or  non living .Everything  has  mystery  yet  ability  to  satisfy  reason so  curiosity can  feel  pride with  each  attempt and keep  growing. 

Privilege  of  "Being  Something " depends  on  That  Divine  Ocean  of  energy. Non  living  things  are  wiser  to  understand  and  follow  rules  for  successful  existence .But  living  are  deceived  by the  "Freedom  Of  Choice "  which  is  Test  more  than  privilege.One  who  has  Completed  His  grace  by  letting  Us take   Best   form  of  His  creations .One  Who  loves ( not just religious belief but my  own contemplation about how he reveals his love for us) His  creations  most. Can  he  not  expect   they  will  remember  Him  when  perform  "Life  and It's  belongings " ? Is  this  big  deal to Keep  Him  In  mind and  stay  away  from  what he  has forbade  to  keep  us  safe and  happy .How  weird  that  we  care  for  Parents  but  not  who  gave  us  parents.We  do  anything  for  children  but  what  about  who  blessed  us  with  children .

I  am  realizing  that  the  more  my  "being"  is longing  for  Him  The  more  His  Love  and  Miracles  are  revealing  upon me .This  understanding  that  He  is  my  Source ,i am from Him and will  end in  Him  is  soothing  me  day by day. As  a part   of  this  Ocean  i am  a  happy  ,serene Drop Utterly  Grateful and Truly  Pryful  For  all  my  co existents !
some  more  blooms but from  my   camera :( difference  between  my phone camera and my son's is like  difference  between  our eyes ,he  can  see better obviously .But  due to tuition and gym routine he comes back  after evening so bear with my eyes please .

 in  my  thoughts  and  prayers  all  of you dear  friends always!

please stay  blessed with  hope  and positivity  that  grows in  Faith full  hearts!God Bless!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Photo Talk And Flowers

Hello  Beautiful  People 

Hope  Feeling  good despite of  all the obstacles because  goodness is what faith  brings to your heart no matter what :) Faith in yourself and faith in one who created you with promise that  he  will love you unconditionally throughout  your life .

I  think  faith  is " soul"  of  structure of  our living.Without  it  we can fill  it  with   stuff  but  no light  of peace  will be there for us end of the day .
Spring  is  around  the corner  and  have  begun to  smile  in  my  yard  either .Lord   is  most  powerful  and  most  glorious  energy  of    this  universe and beyond  this universe indeed.We  ,including  everything  existing  are  part  of  his  energy .Whatever  shape  we  have  taken  reveals  some of His  characteristic  indeed .And  flowers  are  one  of the  most  pretty  of   it ! 
Everything  speaks  to me about  Him  though  but  blooms  convey  me  His   Sweetness  and  delight .I feel   as  Lord  is  smiling  upon  us  whenever  i  look  at  the  flowers :)
So I  am  sharing  some  photos today hope  you  receive  some  more  goodness from   His  Grace :)

  i  rarely  want  yellow  around  me  but  when  it  comes  to  flowers  it  proves  most  pretty  and joyous ,don't you agree :)

 orange  color  is calmer  and  engaging than   yellow one   sometimes ,it reminds oranges instantly lol
tiger  rose  looks happy  to  survive heat  here  as  i can see he  has  started  to grow  many  blooms  at a time ,we had  to wait two  springs  for  it's  persistence and thrive 

okay  my knowledge  about the flowers ends soon  and here ,so enjoy the new little  beauty in my yard for the first time ,guesses  are warmly well come though 

first time in yard this one too ,this is astonishing  and mesmerizing  how Creator  combines these   cheerful  colors in most beautiful way ,Nature  is DIVINE guide  and  i wish we don't  stop  learning from  it  to make our life balanced  and peaceful 

my younger  son  captured  this  during  sunlight time right before  leaving for tuition center ,i  asked him to overshadow  the plant for better  result  as he returns in late evening  since he goes to gym  from there .his phone takes better images than mine 

this  on is my favorite among new entries ,such soothing  and pleasant to look at  

this one is taken when we visited  his younger brother who lives in  house  provided by government  since  few years ,it was our first visit  to them in new residence ,i liked the small lawn there 

on Sunday  hubby  offered me  motorbike trip to Sukkur  city which is 25 km away from our city ,we left for it 2:40 afternoon  after having lunch with  kids who  are no longer interested in joining  us and feel happier while playing on screens or watching videos ,there exams are close (in May) so they study as well (hopefully) i took three photos when we reached  in Sukkur park that's name i could not find ..we did not go inside  as it was  sun was tough  and we were in hurry as after bit wander we wanted to go market for shopping as wedding of one of my sister in laws' only son is approaching (in March)

Pakistan's second largest flag was planted in this park (300 ft high) ,i captured it to save in memories

few  people were siting and some were wandering despite of sun which is good because weather takes dramatic turn in first week of May  here and heat attacks abruptly to blow our mind ,sun does not seem the we looked at few weeks ago smilingly (though i still dare to try it :)

Hubby drove to the old bridges of British era which i find fascinating always ,bridges  make people ans sides meet and this is why i feel positive energy coming from them  :) sky and water both were serene there  except sound of occasional vehicle passing by on road  behind us   

famous scissor bridge of Sukkur ,we could go there as hubby offered but when i did time calculation we could have be late if did so ,so after spending some time on river bank and little walk in park there we returned to the city market , breeze   was pleasant crispy and i liked it so much .


i know hat is horribly blurred ,i did not notice it will look that bad when enlarge ,but i wanted to share this tea set that we bought from Market ,it is nicer than it looks here i mean if it does appear ,on left are older  four cups with hubby's framed photo , it was  tough to hold it while riding motor bike but we reached safely and without falling it on the way (by the grace of Lord)

That  is for now dear friends ,now when days are extending i wish to post more ,see if i can .

Keep being  kind to yourself and all around you ,stay ,safe ,healthy and happy and yes Positive always!
God Bless You All!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Necromancy vs God !


 Sometimes   i feel  that i want  to step  out   of  that  certain   sense  of  harmony  with  whole  scenario  of  life and universe .But  next  moment  i realize what  i  would be if i do so ,like  a child lost  in  

crowd ,who  is terrified  ,lonely and overwhelmed  by the fear  of  not being able to see his parents ever again . I  honestly  don't know what is wrong with me but from where i see, things have become Crystal clear now . The  knot  of  connection  tied to someone invisible around me that i felt ever since i came into my senses (early teens)  has been  appearing to me strongly .I often  remember  a sentence  from my very first  diary  where  i mentioned this feeling in a way of question, it is (translation) " i feel  there is someone  near me though i can't see him but i feel his presence , are you the one i 
feel Puppoo  ?(nickname of my brother who died when i was 4 ) 

It never  go away ,that certain feeling of having someone around me.It  kept  dominating  my being as  i grew  old .I had  loving parents and sweet little sister.I had few friends at school (till today) and many cousins and girlfriends  in family and village.So  i was never lonely to have imaginary friend .I would write diary to share my thoughts .I would also write lengthy letters to radio programs where they host would  read them .May be i have mentioned that once few girls came to meet me and told that they  listen same radio  program and wanted to know who write such letters .They were elder than me and one of them had aunt lived in my village .
My aim to share this is only that i had many with me and i was happy with my life so  having strange feeling  that there was someone around me was not self creation at all.
Despite  of  that "feeling " i felt that i loved being with people. Though  with time i learnt  that i am not  Like most of them .So  this made me bit uncomfortable with  others  often .This discomfort or fear  divided me in two persons .One who loves everything including humans  and one who  wants to keep distance  from humans as caution .Reason , because people are of so many kind and more of them become harmful to those who seem vulnerable . 
I was vulnerable because i was tied to something Unseen who would  seem try to keep me away from complications. Complications that began when we fail to keep balance between spiritual  and physical  world .Complications that  began when we become selfish and forget  that  OTHERS  TOO ARE HUMANS LIKE US AND FEEL THE SAME PAIN  AS WE DO WHEN THORN HITS. Complications  that began when we   forget that One who has created us is keeping eye  not just on our actions but on our intentions too . 

On  the other  hand  a part of me had resentment and anxiousness that  came out occasionally during  critical  circumstances  but only for opposite gender that seemed nothing but threat until my mid forties.Throughout  my life i  gradually realized  Who he was. Despite of my  negligence  to religion He  made me believe  that He existed  and He  is the one  Who  guards  them  who cannot  guard themselves .
As  i  told  in my some older posts that  my life has many miracles.I shared one  here  when He  stopped me  to put my eldest son (was two and half then)  where i thought was balcony floor but was not. That was first  great help from Lord .Later in my life series  of mishaps  keep happening  but  He  keep  saving  me and my family  from  each attempt  of harm. He Literally  made me believe me that  He Exists  and cares . 
Since  we have moved to  our new house  we have been facing necromancy here . I  bet if there was not our Lord  with  us  we would have lost our minds  and things would have gone terribly wrong. I don't want to write about  this in detail  right now as i want to mention it in my book of life if i have life ahead .I will say this only that we have encountered  the devil himself directly .Their  tricks  are not just failing  but  playing on themselves  sometimes because We  have most  powerful  Magician  by our side Our Creator !

Now  i am in position  to understand the pattern  of life little bit.He The Lord  kept me close and safe for the reason .He  saved me and my family members  from numerous situations that  seem unbelievable. He  now brought  me the test that so many might  get afraid of .Because  it  seems scary  to admit that someone is reading your thoughts ,not just reading but trying to manipulate  them  to harm you.Someone who lives behind the wall  is  hurting you hideously  and when  finds the   result  opposite unexpectedly with the time ,finds you better  person day by day .It  makes him  annoyed and angry  and  he speaks    loudly so  you can  understand who is he and where is he ,to  seek to come in notice of you ,to provoke anger  in you.Surprisingly  i smelled this negative energy  when i stepped here first time. I remained puzzled about that uneasy feelings that i sensed about them since beginning .I did not know what was the wrong but i knew something was and terribly .I  felt anger too and reacted on their open strikes .But how they were effecting our life and mood i had no idea until i turned to meditation and yoga that  changed my life for better. But biggest  roll  played another thing here i think. 

My  sleeping  disturbed  and one night i tied my head with my scarf  tightly .That  was beginning .Tight means really tight  that my head bones seems to compressed . That would make me feel better and i would sleep finely. After  some months i realized that my ability to understand things grew .This understanding made me feel that my eating habits play really important roll here. I started to eliminate  food that was gastric .Such food was  weapon  in their  hands  to hurt me i found it later slowly . 
Tying  my  head really tight every night  seemed  to  help me things clearly as time passed.Things not around me but inside my head either. That was most astonishing thing for me to be able to see how that dark power  acts in my head .This was new face of life for me believe me ,i never believed in black magic before but here when i am confronted with it i can see what it is, how it can harm us.Being able to detect  negative energy in my head and manipulating my thoughts  has become a gift. I can easily  push it away and keep control on my thinking.

What is satisfying here that once again  everything depends  on my reaction to all this.My intention was to calm myself gradually. And one thing i knew  clearly that no can else help me but Lord.Only he has the power which is supreme and undefeatable . He let you connect with His power  when  you ask for it .And i asked for it ,I ask for it each day ,moment and breath because it is not about me but my family too. So Lord is showing me His Miracles and i am Stunned and astonished with his Grace upon me!

So  my precious friends this is truly miracle that in the middle of fire i find life beautiful like blooming flower .This is the reason for my deepest unshaken faith in Lord !

Blessings to all of you !
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