Yesterday after breakfast hubby left for grocery and on returned when he stopped for a while to greet my mother in law and younger brother ,he was informed that his sister in law (wife of eldest brother) was ill and took by her son to his city close . I have mentioned visiting our this nephew when he had invited us at the ceremony of his only son's khatana. It was sudden news and despite of extremely hot day we decided to visit them as according to my younger brother in law she seemed serious .Riding 21 km on bike on such hot day could be dangerous for people of our age (52 to 55) but fortunately weather had become bit mild after windstorm last night. So we left our younger son at home who refused any cooking i offered and said he will be cooking his pasta later . Three of my kids are good at their cooking skills thankfully so i was ok with that. Bike ride remained pleasant throughout the way because as motorcycle moved air felt cool and cheery. I forgot my phone at home which i regretted when saw beautiful mango and date gardens on the way. Birds lacing the water ponds filled my heart with joy . Sky was not so clear and groups of wandering little clouds were marching randomly. Today temperature is 41 c ,though it was 37 most probably at 12:30pm when we left .
We had informed the family about our arrival so when we arrived everything was settled including lunch .People hardly pre inform their anchors which makes them feel stunned and bit uncomfortable for while (talking through personal experience) so i preferred to inform which provided us quality time together with anchors . Our Nephew attended us for half hour and left for his shop from where his assistant was calling him frequently. It was nice surprise that our sister in law to whom we went to see was looking bit better . Her daughter in law (wife of nephew) told us that she is up and able to talk after many days and it was possible after immediate intense treatment she received whole week here since we bought her here with us.

she is a very nice young lady with kind heart . She loves to be helpful to all around her .this photo was taken when she came with her husband to meet our eldest son in December 2022. Unfortunately she has some issues which prevented her being mother for so more than nine years . Then she expected but baby came premature . I have mentioned here in previous post in July 2010 about how her baby was in critical condition and i could help to save his life wit CPR .The boy is 13 now healthy and active by the grace of God > But couple was missing more children so my nephew adopted a newly born baby girl from her his elder sister. Samiya (this young lady) is really happy to have new child . And when i asked how she is feeling she said she is having best tie of her life as mother as baby girl came healthy and now when she is thirteen month old she runs around and keeps her busy all the time . she said all the disappointment and sickness that used to keep her down is gone now by the grace of God!
I feel good when see how sharing can wonders in the life of people. I have a another sister in law (wife of youngest brother of hubby) the couple is starving to have children but no miracle until in 10 years until now . But what hurts is that two of her sisters willing to give her their baby but their husbands are not consent .She does not want child from her in laws who are agreed but give and this is also heartbreaking for her husband as well.

her new adopted daughter is very cute and really mischievous . i thought i will take phot of her with her mother but she was slept so i took this photo with hubby's phone which is a gifted dress to little girl by some friend of Samiya .she showed me and i could not resist photo as embroidery on little dress looked so pretty .we left after two hours .but guess what on the way once again our bike stopped when we reached in the middle of the way . There was nothing wrong with bike this time but the fuel was finished surprisingly .Hubby was shocked as he had filled two litter by the petrol pump close to colony before leaving. He said there was already fuel in tank but because of the journey he wanted to add more cautiously. There are rumors that cheating in filling is being done on pumps but never thought what can happen to people who stuck in middle of nowhere because of such corruption. I have told you story story in January 2021 previous post friends when our bike got punctured when we had reached in middle and how. a boy came with solution miraculously . Same thing happened yesterday as when our bike got slow and stopped another motorcycle stopped before us A young man asked hubby if the fuel is down . hubby could not first respond as he was busy in trying to start the bike . The man got down from his motorcycle and so the three young girls sitting behind him. He came close to hubby and repeated his question and when found the answer positive he walked away to look for something which i got when he picked up an empty juice cane . He corrected it's shape and filled it with fuel from his bike .He poured the fuel in our bike and waited to see if bike starts . And left with the ladies afterwards. Hubby thanked him twice and he smiled only . I knew how angle smiles now . God is great and each time when we are disappointed with heartlessness of so many people around God show us that world is standing on the shoulder of right doers and make us believe on miracles once again! Without his help we would have to walked for petrol pump for more than one hour and it was impossible to reach home before 8pm which is full night time here.I am sure that God will be sending his goodness to him and family from another source! Hope post did not much long ,sharing below some recent smiles of garden .
Thank you so much for bearing with me precious friends! God Bless You All!