I was doing my laundry work today and it was quite large bundle this time,
When I was with my in-laws in our old house the neighborhood was quite familiar .people were living close to each other from years so there was lot of respect and care for each other but then we found that that house was not big enough for a big family and we bought our new home which was than large enough for our family which consisted of 5 members . I ,my husband and our 3 children.
In the beginning every thing was cool and calm ,Actually i am a person who like to live its own way ,I love to be busy in daily routine ,Looking after my children and house.It used to take almost all of my time and until i finish my work it becomes almost midnight.Before kids when i was free i used to spend my time in my hobbies ,reading , writing,gardening and a bit of movies and music . But now its all .....
impossible.we have got three houses attached with ours , 2 from both sides and 1 from back.Right and back are quite fine but the left ones are really strange.
There lives a women ,who is 2nd wife of her husband who rarely visits her, She has a great habit of spying ,she looks secretly from the main gate of her house out side the street.This i heard from other neighbors.She started visiting me frequently as we shifted in this house .every time she had her children with her all the time aging from 9 to 15.Every time they came was so horrible ,when they entered the house they all spread in every single room of house and act as they are finding some thing hidden they never asked before using anything.The thing i hated most they used to put a local music channel and gave it full volume i mean 100 they never cared what or how i am feeling at the moment and their mother instead of stopping them always encouraged them in their activities .This is what she used to say them" Go children play its your aunts house " ,
I found it quite abnormal because i had never seen it before.I was told earlier that she is hard to handle .But as my nature is ,I thought it might be her loneliness that she got that upset behavior .I often advised her to be busy in some positive activities.but it seemed that she was not happy with my advises .So she started bothering me through her children ,And one day her son threw stones nearly size of a tennis ball while my youngest son was sitting in the yard after having a bath ,it was just a blessing of god that none of the stone touched him ,As my husband came home i told him about this and he went and complained her husband.And after that day nor i visited her and neither she came to me.
She knew my routine in the evening when me and my husband have tea in our little garden her children still make horrible noises standing in front of our home . I don't know when but one day I pray it should end and I shall live in peace.I remembered her today because she never forgeted to visit me during my laundry .I pray that god my never give neighbors like this to anyone.