i was sitting on the hill ,holding a cup of tea in my hand,thinking about the air who was completely absent ,i was not alone to think this ,i felt same feeling in the eyes of a pair of bird who was sitting on the tree front of me ,sun was picking up his golden rays from the scenes,down there stream was looking like silver silky way ,Vally was smiling with colorful dress of spring ,
so i was thinking where does air go every evening ,does she have some one special to go with on particular time ,its always a beautiful feeling to spent evening with your special friend with whom you can share your heart and soul,i always feel that evening has a strange but a strong call for each of us that no one can deny,there is some thing special in evening which belongs to sprite,it pulls us towards it and make us sit and think,some time this short but wonderful part of time made amazing changes in our mood and life ,
sun was saying good by behind the hill,another tiny chapter of huge book of life was about to close ,but last touch of sun rays made promise to Vally that he will be back soon and will be brighten her day again,i felt slight touch of breeze on my face and took a deep breath i wanted to hold it inside like a Vally hold sun's promise in her heart,missing you baili.
hello dear friends hope and pray that all of you are having blessed life , it is getting hard to find time for myself ,i really really love reading blogs of dear fellow bloggers but on returning from office i see the huge hill of work waiting for me especially cleaning and cooking ,some time when my son is home help me in cleaning but cooking is purely my job ,after my husband promotion i dont get much help from him but it is so kind that whenever finds time never leaves me alone,
today is weekend and we got up late in the morning,i got in my front yard first and took some nice deep breaths in,after whole busy week spending in office room and facing lots and lots of people it seems amazing to sit alone and quiet in airy yard and looking at small blooming garden ,where life is crawling in different shapes like tree rats ,various birds and tiny insects on plants ,and most amazing and beautiful butterflies flying around ,looking at them is like absorbing life.
i found myself lucky that i have strong huge wings of imagination and can take flights of wonderful unseen worlds ,where i meet baili who seems most original and pure person in the world ,but friends now where i spent my half day i cannot afford such ride while in office ,as i can make some mistake, so i often request to baili that wait for me till i get some time ,dear friends always try to find little piece of time for your self in 24 hours ,it will help you to live a healthy life.take care
last night when electricity left us alone with mysterious dark i found baili smiling beside me, she hold my hand and took me out in my wide front yard ,when we got outof the rooms fresh air touched my face suddenly with softness,that moment i felt the difference between the air between we get through artificial sources and the air we get through natural way like that night ,i took some deep breaths and looked at the sky which was full of glittering stars ,
their smile was even brighter due to have a company of full moon ,silky rays of moon were falling on the scenes so smoothly ,atmosphere was elegant and magical ,my neem tree which has received its new dress from spring was expressing its joy by waving happily,
baili and i sat on the swing and start swinging ,some times are as complete and graceful that we just dont feel need to say any thing in words ,we just feel its beauty by keeping silence
our swing was moving gently so we can listen the songs of branches and leaves ,and can understand the stories of moon which it was telling to the stars and they were listening it so carefully. i felt their soft shining smile many times.
hello dear friends ,i hope and pray that each of you is feeling the beauty and importance of life ,life is wonderful in its each color we just need to feel and explore it, when ever i am tired or sick i remind myself those patients who are sick for very long time and waiting for that beautiful moment so they can get out of hospital and can live a normal healthy life, i am not sick right now and
thankful to dear god for this but yes i am bit tired ,not for that i did great hard work but for facing some new sides to cover ,i am worried the kids as i used to spend more time with them but after joining new job i find less time to be with them ,they never expressed that but i feel it by myself,
when i come back from school after four and half hours they always meet me at the door,i hug and kiss them pick them up in my arms and bring in,these precious moment give me a happiness which is not definable,then we sit and eat together,i enjoy watching them play in the evening in
front yard and feel grateful to dear god for all of his kindnesses,and wish and pray that he may keep all of us in his great blessings,
school will start from 15 April and my both little ones will insha-allah also study there ,and this time three of us will be in same school ,it will make me comfortable i hope so. ok friends till my next post wishing you all very very best of luck for each goal of your lives.
hey come on,
lets step in the forest ,
we have seen the plane,
we have seen the desert,
lets now explore ,
this whole new world,
full of random seasons,
fill with of puzzled ways,
mostly ruled the darkness,
hardly shown sun rays,
there is fear of getting lost,
and doubt of being hurt,
but you should feel the excitement,
of trying new stuff,
i know it will bring you,
some misery around,
may can cast some pain,
may can bring a wound ,
but will make you learn,
some most important lessons,
that there is a huge difference ,
in looking at the world,
through the glass of window,
and in getting out and ,
being part of the craziness,
when you will cross the forest,
you will be able to make your own way,
you will be proud of your self and strong enough.
but hey ,remember,never lose your innocence,