Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cheap Seasonal Shopping


When my youngest son got up from laptop and i got chance to sit by it i realized it was time to post almost . I had nothing particular in mind honestly when our main gate was knocked by someone .My youngest son was going to bathroom when he heard knock and turned to the main gate. He returned with a parcel in his hand. Hubby told he has ordered some cheap trousers for himself online somedays ago . And an idea sparked in my mind immediately that why not post about these trousers today . I know it can sound an excuse for my slow mind but on the other hand it can be an interesting thing to share as well for some at least who are interested in cheap online shopping just like hubby :)

Hubby has this instinct for cheap haunt of things and he succeed most of the time ,this is one of the trousers he has ordered ,it is not ultra soft in touch but nice comfy and fine stitch and fitting 

hubby tried all and and found them fit and fine ,he also liked the cloth quality for the summer season ,each costs 300 pakistani rupees which is 1:8 dollar ,on the right the colorful stripped plastic sheet is something which we lay down and take our meal over.

My eldest son used to remind me about sail season held by well know lawn and cotton brands in our country such as Gull Ahmed ,Alkaram Khadi ,J.etc but i hardly can keep it in mind . Hubby remembers and so we visit to their original outlets in Sukkur ,Islamabad or Karachi during September or Late August which provide good opportunity for yearly shopping . People say there must be one wise among a couple .Here it is hubby :) 

Who Is at your side :??

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Oldest Version Of You Is Within ...


During first month of the Homeopathic treatment i avoided doing my yoga exercise which made me feel dull .I did this on purpose because i thought i must observe how medicine solely is working for me without any other external support . Extreme heat was the second reason to skip physical exercise actually. But i am trying to start it back and adding slowly few steps back in y daily routine . It's just third day and i am feeling like i have taken my head out of the cave and am able to take breath properly. It's miraculous undoubtedly how little physical work out can transform our perspective!

I felt little dull and depressed when i skipped exercise which made me search for some videos dealing with how depression takes control of our real selves. Yes we often forget that like everything else in the world we humans too are made up of two types of energy Yin and Yang or in other words Negative and Positive . But in philosophy of human soul they are called "conscious mind " and Subconscious Mind"

Physical brain of conscious mind is 70 percent of our thinking self and responsible for current surviving functions and skills where on the other hand Subconscious Mind is only 30 percent of our thinking self and lies within our stem embryonic stem cells . Despite being thirty percent visibility Subconscious mind has far greater roll in shaping our life by influencing our Conscious mind which seems larger otherwise . If read some nice book on embryonic stem cell one can find how obvious it is that our Subconscious mind is actually something lot  and lot older than  body we live in. It belongs to times when "soul" had no outfit of the body. So Subconscious mind is oldest version of our true selves . It has our long rooted nature installed within that travelled to us through our ancestors in millions of the years. In short all the anxiety ,depression or stress we feel throughout the daily life is because of the lack of understanding between both minds,  conscious stern alert and active mind  and the wiser, relaxed and carefree subconscious mind both try to confront the situations in their own way which make us feel exhausted .

Think of  Sub conscious mind as hand who is holding the puppet. The puppet is Conscious mind, he is passionate about character he is playing and anxious to keep everything in control, but the Hand  holding it is cool and cares less what is necessary for timely measures because He has different level of insightfulness and knows everything will follow it's pattern naturally and will fall on it's place eventually. We face this inner quarrel throughout the life. Sometimes one looses and other wins but we suffer anyway. The only thing which can help us to take control of this situation is Meditation. It brings harmony between both minds and above everything else it make us sit on super position from where we as "self aware one" can keep eye on both sides and decide to listen whom more when and why. No other way is available honestly .

Thanks for bearing with me precious friends .Our device is working fine since yesterday and i thought i must post quickly .

Health peace and joy to you and to all you love!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sorry If Someone Realized I Am ....

 Hello Kind People !

Hope having blessed times of the cherished season while counting all the gifts Nature has bestowed upon you and loved ones!

Sorry if someone has realized i am absent from blogs since some days. Our internet device is causing issues and turning on and off by itself even it's plugged in . We thought it will be fixed by resetting it once or twice but it didn't actually so the mechanic was called three days ago who said it seems ok and it is hard to detect what is the problem .But he then monitored with some machine the small power handling box attached with device and told that it's i c can have issue which is leaving current after sometime . Device is staying on only when our screen time is gone such as evening . We could not talk to our both sons because they called but net device was off . 

These are religiously special days here as Shia community is celebrating it's ten days of Muharram the Islamic month so it is impossible to do any such device exchange before 11th or 12th of Muharram which is three to four days away sadly . Till then we are trying to manage whenever internet is available .The heat inside the rooms intensifies after evening and it is very hard to focus or do some blog visiting or try to write something as mind is totally blown  out by heat.

It is 5 pm almost and i saw internet working so  i thought i should run and share my heart with you my friends .Thank you so much for being with me always and responding so kindly !

Sending lots and lots of love ,best wishes for your health peace and joy and for loved ones!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Something I Miss


Hey beautiful souls! 

Hope blooming wisely in the garden of life !

Our horribly hot weather took break and we are having little pleasant days since day before yesterday .Recent rains throughout the country are responsible for this kind and badly needed change by the grace of God! 

Power load shedding ,extreme heat that blows mind and all one can think are reason to not be able to post or blog on time dear friends . On the other hand we are having guests as well . It's been third time when i sat with laptop and got guests meanwhile and had to get up. So decided to post right after breakfast and before recitation .Sharing some photos that show how much i missed my eldest and elder son and how much i missed visiting beautiful lush Islamabad and native town .Hope you will find them worth of . 

   a lovely sight of window flowers that became dream because hubby's office building went under demolishing and reconstruction for two years . Hubby would bring variety of plants from there before which would bloom in our yard garden.The building is completed now and staff has been moved back.The inauguration was done by ex chief minster on last Friday . 

 taken when one of my cousin Nano invited us at her place for lunch 

     captured when two year ago i reunited with my younger sister and she invited us on lunch at her place where she lives with her in laws .it was her bedroom actually

  Daman e Koh ,the famous tourist hilly attraction in Islamabad 

             a lovely tree of pretty pink flowers standing among row of it's kind front of Centaurus Mall

                     gorgeous bloom from the native home yard 

       delightful   yellow flower that seems cousin of sunflower to me 

   a week back this handsome guy landed on our roof walling while we were having evening tea ,we tried to capture it's beauty but it was tough .he belongs to farther neighbors 

     when my younger son visited last time he put the tv in lounge to avoid room temperature ,we would watch young Sheldon while having breakfast daily .we are expecting him in last ten days of July hopefully!

    the golden times when my eldest son took us to famous Bahria town in Karachi ,we had amazing time wandering in wonderful biggest model town ever in Pakistan .

                    i miss my precious baba so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 aren't they  pretty ,they were waving gladly in field patio of my native village 

    my younger son shared this some months back when he visited some special place with friends .today when i was scrolling quickly for photos to share here i found this lovely !glasses look good on him 

                   he is again with us all in Bahria Town Karachi 

          my youngest son standing on New Murree Hill station where we scrolled beauty of the place for hours and spent some beautiful time ,just three of us .below homes were scattered like colorful blooms 

 Lake in Ayoob  Park Islamabad where it was fun to watch ducks and other birds floating in water .
Will be visiting you all from today hopefully .
Thinking of you all with heart full of love ,best wishes and prayers .
got to get up as youngest son is waiting to start his studies on this laptop . 
God Bless you all!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Some Eid Photos And A Link Of A Video

Hello Sweet Hearts !

Hope picking  goodness from the each moment in hands by the grace of God!

The terribly hot weather has literally blown our mind these days . It seems tough to survive through such extreme heat with age . The power load shedding has been extended as well which makes it harder actually still i am grateful for everything God has bestowed upon us as his people ! In return all we can do is be grateful ,keep trying to be better through all kinds of struggle life offers .Sharing some Eid pics which i could not earlier because i really missed elder son this time and could not convince myself to share photos with just three of us . Although we are thankful that our youngest son is still with us and it can take him one year or so to reach in university! I wonder what will Eid look like then to us . Hope you will enjoy simple shots of Eid day except one pic of mutton biryani that shared my younger son from Karachi .He made his lunch with meat gifted by one of his close friends .  

         i created this flower with hena while missing my younger son who does this for me every year,he asked me to take photo and share so he can see what i could draw ,mess but it worked 

  hubby 's quick art on left hand ,he wrote Eid Mubarak in urdu and quick stars ,he said so and i could not denied that they are not stars lol yet they look good when feel love behind the effort i guess :)

   thankfully three of my sons are good cook ,mutton biryani made by younger son in Karachi ,looks fantastic and delicious :!

                                     our summer garden made our Eid images alive 

    our younger son has joined the gym after finishing his college studies and preparing for Sat as well 

   Hubby and me are happy to have garden that fills our soul with serenity and happiness everyday by the grace of God !                               
 .I watched this  beautiful video few days ago .though it is lengthy yet worth watching honestly !

Thanks for being with me dear friends!
health peace and happiness to you and to all you love!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Gratitude !!!!!!!!!

 Hey Kind Hearts !

Hop beating beautifully on the rhythm of life 

I want to thank you all of you from the bottom of my heart for all the sweet and generous comments you left on my previous post !

This is always an amazing and comforting feeling for me as blogger that i have such kind friends here on blogging land who show love ,concern about things happening in my life and share their priceless thoughts and views about it . I really appreciate your love and support and want to say that it truly matters for me and gives me strength to keep sharing my life with you all unhesitatingly because i have developed  habit of seeing you all as my own family and it is beyond my control!

We got thunderstorm and heavy rain night before last day which transformed our weather and brought some really needed relief thanks God ! Despite no airy since it rained for two hours almost yet we are having nice bearable few days and hoping for more grace of God in future !

Although on the other hand it is heartbreaking to see how fires in California are causing trouble for so many residents ! we been watching bbc videos about recent weather conditions actually and how unusual heat is taking over various parts of the world . I am keeping all the people suffering with heat and fires in my prayers ! may God bring sooth and ease to them and to all of us amen !

As we celebrated our Eid Ul Adha on 17th June despite our both elder sons were away we are utterly grateful for the online time we could spend with them during three Eid days specially .It helps so much to sad parents who have kids abroad or in another city indeed!

My younger son was invited by one of his close friend where he spent whole fourth day of Eid with his friend and his family .He told the food was delicious and company great which pleased us as parents . The mother of his friend gifted her some dishes and raw meat (mutton) to cook . 

 We get plenty of beef and some of mutton on Eid of sacrifice from friends and family . As hubby does not eat beef anymore since more than decade he distributes all the meat in his brothers . He keeps some portion of it for our younger son who likes beef little bit. Yesterday hubby boiled all the beef on huge pot ,then he crushed it in the mortar ,mixed spices and made the flat kebabs for our younger son so he can fry and eat them later . He freeze kebabs in the freezer.

It took him hours to prepare all this .My younger son and i helped him but most of the job was done by him . He is really an amazingly loving and  responsible father for his kids and it makes me feel proud of him each day more !God bless him always!

I visited my mother in law on Eid day evening . We too have been having guests constantly since eid day . One of my sister in law left while with her family. I love the kindred spirit of Eid honestly !

Thank you again for being with me always and believe it or not you guys are always in my thoughts and prays without any conscious effort !!!!!!!

hugs and blessings to all of you ! health ,peace and happiness to you all and to all you love precious friends! 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Photos Shared By Eldest Son From His Trop To Greece

Hey precious friends !

Hope and pray all is well at your corner and enjoying the changing weather thoroughly !

Our June has been extremely hot despite windy . We were excited that will manage to spend July in Islamabad but as hubby's sudden transfer order has made it impossible for us we are trying to survive harsh days by staying indoors mostly under the fan during daytime and ac at night .It took few days to feel recovered from trauma that we are not visiting our native town this year. Our Eid Ul Adha will be celebrated on 17th June .Government has announced three holidays but my younger son is not coming as he says it will be hard for him to travel during hot weather for few days when living at home time will be two days hardly. He promised to join us in August for ten days  before his next semester starts in September hopefully! It will be our first Eid without both of our sons actually :( 
On positive note my eldest son returned from Greece trip with his best friend . They stayed there for the four days and according to my son the drives were long from one island to another but heavenly and they so enjoyed the 30 pus temps and sunny sky as London has gray sky throughout the year which makes him feel depressed sometimes.
Sharing photos that my son shares with us. I instantly fall in love with stunning blue sky!

 can't say if it is same but my son adored most his stay in a small village where it was hard to decide what was more awesome meals or views 

Gabriel is the name of this young elegant lady who is friend of my son . According to my son she is a wonderful and intellectual person . They have started to date since few months and we are hoping for the  best for them as parents with heart full of best wishes and prays! hope things can lead them to beautiful future together soon amen!

this orange tree fills the image with it's vibrant presence ,everything looks calm ,sunshine and clear sky are magical indeed 

                                         shots from the roof top of restaurant probably 

                     scrambled eggs with feta cheese and tomatoes ,must be fulfilling without bread  

                              sorry i did not ask him what is this place .museum it can be or so 

my laptop screen has such desktop image with  a lady running on beach ,i loved this similar sight 

                                                         Gabbie  has delightful smile i feel !

  such driving can be so liberating  and full of fun ,my son told he drove for hours without feeling tired 

                             meals on roof with spectaculars scenes  around is priceless always 

                                       i wonder if it was sunrise or sunset but beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for bearing with me dear friends !
i will be trying to keep up with you all as much as i can during Eid days .
Health ,peace and joy to you and to all you love ! 


Monday, June 10, 2024

Milk ,Water And Fennel Water's Miracle

Here we have milkman who drops milk daily at morning time . But it is customary  in cities only. In village customers go and buy milk straight from the house of milk sellers. I did this back in village till my early teens (12 probably) . Since the packed milk arrived in the market many advertisements are shown to discourage buyers from buying whole milk direct from the buffalo owners by revealing how unhealthy it can be for people . I don't know advertisement in your part of land but most common and true sounding one here is that the water that milkman adds to the milk can be contaminated and life threatening .Even it could not convince us for buy packed milk instead of whole milk that we think is most nutritious and complete meal. As we both belong to times when whole milk was most trustworthy food item among all .It seems tough to switch it with something new and unknown thing. All original qualities of milk are extracted before packing it as so called milk actually which makes it scary and useless for those who seek genuine and simple things.  

Since sometime milkmen are being tricky and demanding. They ask to raise the price each one or two month and still supply milk full of water. We used to make  curd or yogurt with portion of milk we take daily. If the milk has more water the yogurt would not form at all or properly. It's happening frequently now and even we are paying their favorite prices it seems impossible to get better milk .I did not use the word  the word "pure milk" because there exist no such thing here anymore.

Our milkman stopped our milk supply few months ago despite we paid what he wanted .He said this is the season when all buffalos are with child so it will be temporary. It never happened before in thirty years of milk purchasing actually. 

I have watched in old English  tv shows how milk bottles were dropped on the door of houses by van man. It would bring pleasant feeling regarding milk supply system there in my little mind. My father would tell sometimes that unlike eastern people , western people like cow milk more. I would listen and continue to focus on show without asking any question. I think i regret that carelessness little bit now. I wonder if same milk supply is available still in your area and with same standard of milk ??

We were missing taking milk before leaving for bed these days when one night before dinner i put three cup of water on stove after dinner and added one and a half table spoon funnel to it. I covered it on slow heat and turned off the stove when it was boiled for ten minutes at least. Three of us took one cup full of Luke warm funnel water .I felt lot better next morning surprisingly. When i mentioned this to hubby he agreed to it that he felt his head clear and lighter than any previous day. Since then funnel water has replaced milk in our routine and i think you must give it a try too .Please share if you feel the same or anything else .I think it is worth trying and miraculous. What else one can ask for if the head is light and focused in morning as to get on such head or mind state one have to wait for long time and sometime it is beyond approach all day completely.

Thanks for being with me precious friends! 

Your kind comments are always appreciated and mean lot to me.

Health ,peace and joy to you and to loved ones!


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Miracle ! And A Note

 It is always hectic morning when kids and hubby have to leave for their office and college . She was always full of positive energy and a strange enthusiasm for one more day as "alive" being . It's not that intense facts of physical reality did not impact her ever but there was certain flow of contentment and tranquility within her spirit that kept her uplifted despite everything. 

The physical world was full of challenges. Her body was showing signs of decay on many inner and outer levels with age . Sometimes it seemed that cup of her body was mostly filled with various issues such as aches and diseases. Few of them were obvious enough to come into notice and get treated on time ,many were like confusing energy blocks springing here and there within like bubble in the fluid that fail to reach the surface for some reason. 

She had inherited this weird or carefree attitude from her mother who would not let such physical problems take her soul down . Throughout this constant inner fight with unknown enemy within she has realized one thing clearly that giving thought to dim doubts intensifies them and bring them into powerful reality .She was little right about this probably because she had recovered from many symptoms because she learnt to stick on positive side while practicing physical and mental exercise regularly. She felt utterly grateful to mother Nature who has given full control to every single being for his well being. She was happy she could access this process and achieved inner peace finally.

Days were long gone when she had thought that life will be easier once kids are grown ups. She did not realize that problems also grow older with age . Life was never shaped up to live happily ever after actually. It was designed as an abrupt and full of obstacles way leading us to some unknown dimensions. To keep us busy and keep learn till senses go off eventually (probably)

To her life was an emotion far larger than life . She has experienced depth and power of "emotions" throughout her life. It was really hard for her to carry this enormous burden on her tiny shoulders at the beginning .

She often wondered why she was given such huge and incontrollable thing to cope with ?  

It was like a toddler a was given an aero plane to fly or a paper boat was thrown into stormy waves of ocean to float .But those crushing and heartbroken years have passed eventually when she felt she was walking in the desert  bare feet under scorching sun in hope of some shady tree. She felt this way until her confusion regarding her emotional energy kept her imprisoned and miserable . 

But as they say every tunnel has a way out . She found that way because she had liberated soul strengthening her from within always. Encouraging her to stay strong ,to have faith and keep moving like an eager and joyful child in wonderland.

This is natural that we keep things that we can adjust in the house. Physical things are easy to adjust because they have limits. Emotions are spiritual things . They belong to unseen world, a world that is beyond our physical approach but we see how it moulds our reality in everyday life. An invisible thing that control and shape our reality silently ,do we realize this ?

She was given emotion larger than capacity of her physical world. It was hard to adjust it so she can feel settled . She saw how this thing kept her behind on many levels in material world. But thankfully she had least care for materialistic success . But it does not change the fact that she had no idea how to solve this problem . It was necessary for her spiritual serenity which mattered for her most.

She was born with strong sense of  connection with everyone and everything around. This was like you have antenna that catches signals from whole universe. Like although you have limited physical senses yet you feel like your soul linked with divine flow is encompassing the eternity .It was exhausting at first and for long.

This connection was as strong that she could not discriminate anything at all . It was not her fault but she could not make others understand it sadly.

For ages she thought that emotion she was given was her curse. But it was until she was taking this emotion as objective fact . It was an undefinable subjective feeling instead and when she realized this  she realized that it was her gift actually, like everybody has his own gift. She has her gift of  "love" 

She thought often what is "love" ?

A flow of connection ,power of  creation swirling through the veins of divinity ? 

Nothing else came in her mind . 

Except that "love" is an explicable struggle of Divine to rediscover Herself ? 

It reminded her cat of her mom who would chase her tail round and round . But then it would make her laugh only . She missed that carefree approach of childhood.

Today when everybody left and she put her head on pillow for rest for while . She felt like a drop of water dropping back into it's ocean. She felt this was the most desired feeling throughout her life. The sense of completion made her eyes wet. She closed her eyes and let herself sink in this feeling of peace . It was blissful feeling that she could experience . She had thought she would have to wait for such feeling until she would take her last breath honestly. But here it was ,an ecstatic feeling of fulfilment .A feeling when a baby is cradled in the lap of her mother . 

The physical definition can ruin the beauty of what she felt . There was no sign of physical realty left just flow a smooth and an endless flow within Divinity .She felt at home .She knew she won't lost this connection ever now!

Note precious friends thanks for being with me . my younger son took laptop of my youngest son as his own is out of work so mine is occupied by youngest son as he is giving his exams these days. 

trying to approach you all via my phone as my new tablet is not working for some reason as well .

Thinking of all of you with heart full of best wishes and prayers!

God Bless You ALL!!!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Heat ,Young Sheldon , Promotion And Travel


We are having extremely hot weather since two weeks almost.  The actual harsh weather which seemed delayed for one and a half week due to rains in surrounding area has arrived eventually. The scorching sun sees to lean down and showing his resentful eyes angrily . The poor earth is trembling with heat and sweat wondering what to do to make sun feel calm. 

Nature before my eyes has been like open book who teach us lessons of life through her each aspect and behavior. Today when science admits that nothing is random or empty but we are living with vibration of energies who sense our personal energies and react accordingly ,it feels quite exciting to be part of such "alive" and vibrant universe. Nature reveals for us that dwelling on any extreme is dangerous and only "balance" is a way to reach appropriate consequences.

My homeopathy medication course has ended but the visit to doctor is postponed till hubby returns from Karachi . Hubby has got promotion to 18 grade scale as shorthand instructor at commercial college . He along with other promoted colleagues  been called to attend a meeting where he will be handed his promotion and posting order. He will return tomorrow noon hopefully.

My younger son has left only few days with us. I am bit sad yet i am hopping that he will make his time there productive and best . He will join us on Eid ul Adha hopefully which is expected in mid of June . My younger son has recommended us Young Sheldon    in his last visit. He told he loved the show specially the family environment. He told he has watched the show twice. Since my younger son is here, we ,me and my youngest one are watching the show with him daily and loving it a lot . 

We wanted to visit my native town and Islamabad during summer holidays this year but the final exams of my youngest son are two weeks late due to heat wave ,so it can take whole June almost to end his exam now. We will have to wait until things get clear so we can book our seats for the travel. Lets hope we will be able to spend one month at less hot place at least. July is one of the most humid and muggy months ,same is true about August and September here. 

Trying to catch up with you guys whenever i find piece of time .

thanks for being with me sweet friends .you guys are my strength for blogging !

God Bless You All!

Thinking of you with heart full of best wishes and prayers !

Monday, May 20, 2024

Brighton And Norway Glimpse By My Eldest Son From Recent Trips

Hello pretty souls !
Hope having blessed times during spring season .

We are happy to have our younger son with us for somedays more at least. Trying to spend most of our tie together . I am trying my best to make him eat which is still a task honestly. 
Our eldest son called on Sunday . He had returned from Norway last night so seemed bit tired yet he managed to call and let us see and hear him which we find so generous of him .
My son had received an wedding ceremony invitation form one of his friend who lives in Norway. She insisted him to attend  her wedding ceremony but unfortunately the visa arrived right one day after the ceremony ended. So my son wanted to make up for this inconvenience. He told that he found face to face meeting with newly weds nicer than the ceremony itself might have . He spent whole day with couple while having nice chat and meals. It was 17th of the May Norway's national holiday so my son could witness few interesting things as well . He said it was amusing to see Sophie the bride wearing her bridal dress instead of traditional one like others on national holiday.
Sharing some glimpses of Norway and then Brighton where my son visited two weeks ago. Hope you will enjoy. 

  the beauty of Norway is divine due to the country lays under the thick cover of snow for six months ,when summer melts the snow away the fresh and lush views open their eyes to cherish the souls .

                                                                   looks like tram track 

     the architecture is intriguing ,my son tells Norway is too expensive for visitors yet worth visiting in life time ,i wonder how enchanting the sky it must own wow  

  water is considered the most successful substance within the universe .Deeply intuitive ,strongly attractive , vastly connected  and powerfully needed for all life existing .what makes it special to such great extent i wonder! 

                                                      soothing sky and marvelous building 

  i think such white hair ladies live in Norway only ,seems like geological or climate affect perhaps ,i find such hair fascinating actually 

     i am thankful to my younger son who helped me to search for the name of this Royal Pavilion via google image search . it would have not possible otherwise honestly .i loved this 17th century stunning palace .white makes it look divine undoubtedly .

     my son was happy find a sunny day for this trip ,he says he will try to revisit to know the city more when is free

 i was happy to see him in sunlight last day when he called . sun shine is rare in London .i wish  it can increase to create some balanced weather conditions 

sun brings out people and makes them feel happier together ,i feel happy to look at such life celebrations 

in a video below Sophie is playing with her pets 

Thanks for being with me dear friends .
sending you heartfelt best wishes for you and loved ones! 
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