Monday, September 23, 2024

Humans Are Not From Earth ????

I encountered with a video in national language Urdu in which host was talking about this  book    Humans Are Not From Earth by doctor  Ellis Silver .I found topic compelling and searched for pdf that i could not succeed until now . Author reveals 53 factors that prove that humans belong to some other planet . The host of the video though talked about only three proofs ,First that evidence shows that before coming to the earth humans lived on a far better and  comfortable planet where he got his food effortlessly (sounds like heaven right?) .He was free of any kind of hard work.

 Secondly  ,humans sometimes feel sad without any obvious reason which seems more like home sickness or as he misses his original homeland, I felt so agree with this one because i myself have often felt and thought about it.

Thirdly , Author claims on the bases of his study and research that it feels like humans were banished from better planet and put down below on the planet earth as they were sent to face some kind of punishment . 

I often feel sad and wondered why the universe and world has been created on the theme of "constant state of fight" i wondered often if it is some kind of punishment but i never put that final line on my blog to avoid negativity .

What do you think dear Friends ?

Do you feel agreed or have you heard of this book ?

may be some of you already read this book so i would love to hear few lines from you .

Health Peace and Joy to you all and to all you love!  


  1. There have been other books over the years about humans really being aliens from another planet. I think it's nonsense, myself. But interesting science fiction!

    1. it can be a false theory dear Debra but still we must keep our mind for the world has been design as probabilistic place full of numerous probabilities stick to everything existing here
      we see many times that facts revealed later resemble to science fiction existing earlier

  2. I have read books that offer a similar explanation for our lives. Some give compelling ideas. I prefer to believe that we originated on Earth. If we were sent here from another planet we would have the technology to go back to a planet of origin.

    1. i had not read such book until now dear mimmylynn except holy book Quran that talk about similar stuff so i can't give my opinion with strong evidence .all i can say that i find it similar as we feel in our life sometimes

  3. This sounds like a movie my dad watched several times..that was supposedly a documentary. I think we wish life was out there, but that's about it. Life is truly a mystery. Thanks for your post.

  4. This sounds like the book of Genesis in the Bible.

    "First that evidence shows that before coming to the earth humans lived on a far better and comfortable planet where he got his food effortlessly (sounds like heaven right?) .He was free of any kind of hard work."

    Genesis 2:8-9

    Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    "Secondly ,humans sometimes feel sad without any obvious reason which seems more like home sickness or as he misses his original homeland, I felt so agree with this one because i myself have often felt and thought about it."

    Me too.

    "Thirdly , Author claims on the bases of his study and research that it feels like humans were banished from better planet and put down below on the planet earth as they were sent to face some kind of punishment ."

    Genesis 3:23

    So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

    1. thank you so much for responding so beautifully dear Sandi
      our holy book speak exact same facts in details as well
      i am not being suggestive at all but want to point out only that we see how many things from old books prove right more than often in day to day life
      even though such theories cannot be proven accurate still they have significant value and validity as "can be probable " theory

    2. It is interesting to me how many of us have these stories.

    3. Dear Sandi when look at this world
      It is strong feeling that it is unified and purposeful from grander to tiniest level.
      Despite Creator of it is force beyond our imagination still everywhere we see it is undeniable fact that some highly intelligent Force behind each creation.
      For creator his all creations are equally important So it is natural that he has sent us here with certain inner ability to find its way back to its origin just like we find cycle in everything here. This basic instinct is faith installed within our souls .Although not everyone is capable to sense it but Creator has sent chosen ones who had strong connection with Him and meant to show us path that lead to our origin. Therefore you will find stories of such kind everywhere on earth.

  5. I have never heard of this idea and it is curious to me. I don’t believe it though I would read about it.

    1. hope when you read about it dear Marie ,you will share your thoughts on the topic later with us

  6. We sure treat the Planet really badly, baili.
    Could you do that to your loved ones?

  7. Haven't heard of the book, Baili. One never knows about these things, always an open mind.

  8. that is what i say dear Margaret

  9. Hello Baili,
    I have not heard of this book. It is an interesting topic, I always try to keep my mind open. Take care, have a great day!

  10. I have not heard of the book but have seen articles about this premise. I am not convinced by the idea although I can see the reasoning behind the idea.

    I am more convinced by the idea that man was created by God, but this is an altogether more complexed idea. If you add into the mix re-incarnation and ultimate union with God (after many lifetimes) then us being on earth seems to make more sense.

    Delving into Religous texts reveals some of the mysteries of life. The teachings of all major Religions share the same understanding.

  11. Humans are a mystery to me, they could be from anywhere. I hope you are well, dear Baili.

  12. Hello Baili,
    For some reason I am experiencing problems leaving comments!?
    Hopefully this situation will improve.
    I have not heard of this book.

    All the best Jan

  13. I haven't read this book, Baili. It sounds like an interesting read. I think humans evolved on Earth, based on my scientific background, but I always like learning about other ideas. I've added it to my list. I need more time, my friend! LOL!

    1. We both share likening of science research :)
      I can't have opinion though mind must keep open to possibility because world has been made as probabilistic

  14. The Hindu religion and texts explain the cycles of re-incarnation. It can also be found in the Bible, although less easily understood there.

    Existance on earth is place to learn to achieve the higher states of the soul.

    1. I fully agree with your conclusion dear Cheri.
      Earth is place for physical and spiritual growth obviously but our focus remains on one side unfortunately that makes us miss noticing so many obvious facts sadly

  15. I love Be Here Now, Ram Das , and other authors and I find, if we can anchor in the moment - which isn't that easy because our brains want to go back to the worry of the past or fear of the future...but if we can anchor and stay present - that's when we get a little glimpse of light and heaven - the peace that passes all understanding. I had a mantra for years and whenever i was stressed I would breathe and say I choose peace. That became a little miracle maker - meaning, the stress would let up and I'd feel kind of an unconditional love feeling. But...the stresses of this crazy world takse precedent too often in the mind. I know for me it does. But when I remember then I know Heaven can be Here and Now.

  16. what a beautiful comment dear Sandy you just made my day my friend!!!!!!!
    i can totally relate to your mantra because by the good grace of God i have earned this gift from within as well and it is greatly helpful during hectic times of the life .
    i feel utterly grateful with huge sense of awe and wonder that how gracious is Creator who has left the miracle in our hands .
    i feel sad when mostly people avoid this simple breathing technique and find everything upsetting .I wish they could see how life changes once we change our way to look at things
    we are born with good and bad God And Devil inside ,only need to get some strength for having power to choose right side and stick with it firmly


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