Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Christmas gatherings and Happy New year 🎉


Hey  kind hearts 💕 

Hope all those  friends who celebrate had wonderful Christmas with family and friends!

I have been really busy with family visits recently as this is the time when we exchange family visits due to favorable weather.  

I was also busy in preparation for our upcoming trip to Islamabad (tomorrow) where our eldest son will join us in few days.  We aren't sure yet whether we will stay there (air bnb) or will come back here for two weeks. 

I will try my best to visiting you all meanwhile. 

sharing few photos sent by our son. He spent Christmas holidays with Gabi's family on their invitation. These delightful images show how lovely time he had there by the grace of God!

He and Gabi had Christmas gathering with their friends at home as well, how nice!

Enjoy the glimpse ♥️ 

    Sue told they took Christmas train on Christmas night and on the way they saw this huge special Christmas chair  :)

Wishing you all dear friends a happy healthy peaceful and prosperous New year 😊. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas

Dear Friends !
Wishing You All A lovely Christmas filled with love of family ,peace of mind and health !


                                                                          via GIPHY

Blessings and love to all !

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Christmas Lights Shared By Sue

Hey Sweet Hearts!

Hope beating beautifully on the beat of life .

Sharing some really awesome and mesmerizing images . Sue  ( eldest son's girlfriend)   shared them after her recent trip to London for watching Christmas lights .She is very sweet :)

Hope you will find them amazing as i loved them.  T felt quite thrilled to see these photos actually .What a wonderful decoration of the city wow . Hasn't Sue captured the dazzle of the festivities so well :) I want to thank her for the generosity!

i am having my younger son for winter vacations (20 days thankfully) 

My son was invited by Gabi's family for making special cake for Christmas which is made one month before Christmas surprisingly .every participant stir the mixture of cake and make wish for the future  .how lovely tradition it is !

  See you all soon friends!
Have blessed each day each moment amen!

Monday, December 9, 2024


 My youngest son has simple nature like me . As i mention he is not much fast with studies though try honestly to keep focus.

He is really helpful at home even more than his both elder brothers. 

Here in our small city there is hardly any activity for youngsters so he stays home mostly. He has joined gym since an year almost as he is conscious about his weight due to much sedentary life style .

When he goes to the gym he helps pedestrians by giving them lift on motorbike . It makes us little nervous as parents because the uncertain circumstances of outside world about which he knows less due to his least exposure to the real world. We ,his father particularly ask him to stay cautious sometimes.

Last night when he returned from the gym he  seemed anxious and excited both.

He told he has done something but he does not know whether it was good or bad. It seemed to raised my heart beat a little. 

He told that when he was going to the gym he saw a tree beside the footpath on fire .The fire was on the tree trunk till then. He stopped his motorbike and took off his jacket and wove it around the tree trunk until fire was put off. He said he did so because he thought if fire will spread to the whole tree ,other trees could catch it and that will be threat for passers by .

It made us worried and proud both at the same time because there is possibility that it could have hurt him as well .

He asked if he did something wrong ?

me and hubby could think of much except that "you did right if the fire wasn't dangerous enough to hurt you ,but you must be careful "

what made me wonder that what made tree on fire during such cold weather as our night temperature is 20 C and getting out in open is hard without warm clothes ?

Reason to post this is that i want suggestions from friends about how to make my youngest son  more aware off  such threatful situations?

thank you for being with me ,see you soon ! 

health peace and joy to you all and to all you love! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Little Heartbroken

 Hello dear friends !

Hope enjoying the Christmas season excitingly specially those  who celebrate it properly .

I also want to apologize for if i missed greeting thanksgiving day to anyone by going on blog. Happy Thanks giving to you my friends and hope you had great happy family times and feast .

My youngest son uses laptop for study purpose and it gets long sometimes which makes it hard for me to post or visit regularly . I lost my hope to get my own laptop repaired actually because technicians declared it old and unfixable :(

Hubby offered me insistingly to buy me a secondhand laptop with good condition .But i refused due to some earlier experiences of buying old devices. I know that here people hardly sell things that are workable but when they reach on the verge of end .

So i have choose to wait until Hubby retires in June 2025 .Although he is expecting to receive his due funds within an year almost but i don't have choice .Till then i will be posting through this only laptop at home so hope my kind blogging friends will understand if sometimes i am bit off  (least probability though)

One of my blog friend has asked the name of injection i get once after three month . The injection name is Inzet and it is used to treat bone disease Osteoporosis . 

When i saw word Osteoporosis and little searched about it ,it immediately reminded me my wrist ache that i used to have almost ten or eight years ago .For wrist ache i had visited bone specialist who treated me with few medicine for three months .I could recall only one name "voren tablet" 

It makes me sad that i could not know about my disease earlier enough so could get treated before got knew bone fractured . An article on the Osteoporosis informed that i will have to live with this for remaining life . 

Saddest part is that  i have waited long for moving to Islamabad once Hubby retires .Now when days have come closer i probably won't be able to take long walks in lush parks of the capital city :(

Life is hardly simple and perfect for us surely yet i  love the opportunity to live and explore life gradually :) I am not at the bed atleast right :)

Thanks for being with me now and always wonderful and sweet people!  Love You All!

health peace and joy to you all and to all you love !  


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