I find myself quite lucky to be optimistic . I don't know whether i inherited this quality from parents my mother specially who was despite of all her complains about suffering of life gave her was an optimistic person .I can say this because i hardly saw her wearing the stress shawl and avoiding family or duties as house wife and responsible and caring mother. It is right that she was swept away by the wave of nostalgia once in a while .The strongest hits of that wave were few among which most powerful was lamenting over her died son at very early age (13 or twelve).
But it would take her an hour or two to get hold of herself back and she was again an amazingly strong and cheerful person who then seemed only thing in whole world so precious and loveable.
When i try to figure out what makes me as hopeful and faithful i realize it is the pattern i am able to see in things . The pattern that attracted me always so powerfully . The pattern that my became more obvious and and eloquent with time . I see unification and connection in everything existing here in this universe. Today it makes me happy that science has the same opinion that everything seems to make it's journey in circle and is connected .
I feel that unseen form of energy is the "real thing " actually and matter is it's just a "fabric"
I know so many what ,why and how rise after we reach to one conclusion .But don't you too feel that no matter what is the form or wherever the fabric of matter is visible ,energy hidden behind this fabric has same behavior .Dark or bright ,strong or gentle ,good or bad ,hard or soft kind or cruel so on..
The energy wrapped in any form of matter seems to basically of two types. The whole game of life and universe is based on the battle between both energies .
Scientist have proven facts that everything existing in the universe from single particle to larger bodies have counter parts and both parts are destined to repel each other . This repellent behavior is the whole story in which scenario of life and universe has been written.
Why then it is not possible that the Energy we humans are made up of is also of two kinds ,"positive energy " and "negative energy"
The concept of angle sitting on our both shoulders is well comprehend with this theory i believe.
So from the very beginning when first human being came to existing he contained was actually a bundle of both energies positive one on one hand was to make him rise and shine with wisdom and strength and Negative on the other hand was to break him down to destroy him to whither him away into pieces .
But why ,God could have make this easy for his man if wanted to but seems like he does not want to put us at ease at all . He probably want us to "locate and realize the reality of battle we are put in as humans" and then want us to "be careful" with this battle between both types of energy within us.
What is our role in this fight . Are we allow to play randomly and stronger let the side win naturally ?
And the consequences of each victory will shape our destiny automatically ???
No we are forgetting one most important thing here ,the crown put on our head before we were sent there was "free will"
Free will that separate us from other species .
I believe that the whole game is about this " freedom of choice" in reality .
Between the battle of both energies within us How we use this "free will" and what choice we make is the
"Main Act of the Show"
The God who seems to love his creations so much as he has provided all we need here in next thousands years .
Should we expect from that God that he is unkind and cruel to his men ?
It Is hard to believe for me because pattern in things tells that how everything is the reason the existence of the other which explains that love and support is basic theme of life.
We loose his kindness when we make wrong choices only .Even If you don't believe in God you might believe in law of attraction or laws of Nature which are ultimate and irreversible .
These laws that has shaped universe and life here prove that we reap the fruits of our choices most of the time .
So being careful while making choice is crucial always. This carefulness is the obedience of laws that rule the world and breaking divine laws can never be beneficial .