I think this is effect of less hot weather that i am feeling bit energetic than i felt in July which was dreadfully hot yes almost 5o Celsius in noon and 40 plus in nights .It was impossible to think of doing anything except really necessary chores .August is usually extremely humid month here but this year July was instead so partially cloudy and breezy days are now giving us room to think more or do better thankfully.
My younger son has finished his high secondary exams finally so i am bit relaxed at the moment though i know it won't last for long as i have to supervise him for his applying in universities .But it is when results will be announced in the end of the November probably. Meanwhile i will try to convince him to improve his essay writing skills which is demanded in every application along with recommendation letter. My eldest son says that his younger brother is quite more intelligent than himself but i think he needs to strengthen his focus little bit more as he is easy to distract by other things such as various videos and games sometimes.
I have downloaded another e book about brain and it's incredible ability to Change .It's name is "Train Your Brain Change Your mind " by Sharon Begley .I just started it last day actually few pages only. It deals with topic how Science and Buddhism both related to each other regarding to their "Seeking for Truth.
I think i will acquire more striking knowledge from this book. I choose this specially because i could relate with it's title. I am really thankful for Creator (or Divine energy whatever it is) has guided me to improve my brain by following some simple rules and steps. It is astonishing how easy it becomes for us to see beyond the plain surface once we determine to see and struggle for it. Though i started it mindlessly i admit ( for which i always give credit to my lord) but when i realized what it was actually i adopted it permanently and now i am on my way to learn more and more about it.
I feel to common people this topic seems grave or totally waste of time even i myself could have not taken it seriously if i have not felt the extremely negative energy playing trick upon me and my family. My first expression was sadness and trauma when i found out about it. But when i started to face it instead of hiding myself behind self pity and complaining ,within an year i saw how i was becoming a different and better person.This positive change effected my life and my relationships deeply. Once again the bad turned good for me and only because i kept faith in goodness i never quit in my life and the Source from i inherited this goodness .The Greatest source of Goodness and Comfort who lend His strength to one who truly believes that He Exists and despite of hardest odds never let this Faith go away from within.
After few years of constant meditation ,a little bit simple yoga regularly and other little efforts to awake my brain and train him for being alert and attentive to avoid mistakes is showing now positive results by the grace of lord! I feel active and my appetite for learning is growing day by day with joy enhanced that i can do this now .I remember some years ago how hard it was for me to read few pages from any book.I was unable to watch tv for more than two hours .It would made me so dull and my head would be burdened. Such tiredness has disappeared completely thank God! At my fifties though but i am able to read and learn happily which was my biggest (personal) desire.
I wonder what made this possible and reply is only my
"wish for survival " which provoked me to look for help and from within i heard that " an undefeated help comes only from undefeated source " which is one and only The Divine Energy the God the Allah whatever you call him He is all around you ,He is within you, like an unseen flowing light which shapes you slowly ,secretly according to your own attitude and will.
The one thing that i realized very clearly that now i know that what is Evil actually and what is Good for real ?
Good is what we do during our Presence of Mind .
The Bad or Evil is what we do during absence of mind .
Absence of mind can be created by negative thoughts or emotions which at that certain moment seems just fine or okay but actually if we can hold it right there and give it second ,third or some more thoughts fog clears away and we see things in their genuine manner and make better decision.
Adopting habit to keep check on our thoughts and choose only that are beneficial and bring betterment to our life is easy .Okay Hard in the beginning because thoughts are just like raw withered stuff in our raw brain which only knows "to work" how to work is not his concern at all. He adopts and increases habits that we put in it throughout the life . But these are few only which we practice in our daily life .The other sudden situations that encounter us abruptly and make us decide hastily and mindlessly are numerous and add lot of odds to our living that we face as the result of our quick witless decisions sooner or later in our lives. Putting the Inner stuff in Order is harder part but once you learn it things outside you take beautiful pattern too instantly.
But once you have hold on the Reins your brain ,he is your most amazing friend who can do wonders for you miraculously because believe it or not this is where God lives in the neighborhood of Mr Evil .Key is given into our hands completely what door you open and To Whom you well come into your inner world .What will you choose will shape your world around you simply and what a freedom it is just think about it !
As far as is my read about astrophysics by Neil De Grace Tyson ,i am reading it further too. I finished the chapter six two days back. But i will share bits of these chapters as they are pretty much in detail which i am loving so much but i don't have any idea if you are enjoying it too .So i will talk with brevity here about some very important points which i found fascinating among these chapters .
In second chapter authors mentions about how astrophysicists have discovered that laws of physics that we find on earth apply equally on the whole matter visible in the universe .All the measurements suggest that the known fundamental Constants and the physical laws that reference to them neither Time Dependent not Location Dependent ,They are truly Universal and Constant .
Check this line below particularly ,
"To the scientists ,the universality of of Physical Laws makes cosmos a marvelously a Simple place ! "
Yes i felt the same that the place called "world " and then the place called Universe has some certain laws that govern them and which are Ultimately Divine unchangeable . As i experienced life i learnt i was right about and and now how amazing that i see that Science agrees to my thoughts .
Third chapter talks about How Light was formed. Author shares that after the big bang for 380,000 years universe looked like an Opaque Soup due to it's Extremely high temperatures. When after all those years temperature dropped to 3,000 degree Kelvin ,that allowed electron to slow down and form atom with union of proton. .Earlier Electron wandered freely and swiftly enough to restrain Photons and and preventing them flowing through the universe as Light.So this is how Photons were set free to form light eventually .The spot where each Photon began it's cross Cosmos journey is where it had smacked into the last Electron that would ever stood in his way.
Okay i will share further knowledge in next post hopefully. Actually i had to get up and go to the hospital with Hubby .Yes we just got our second doze of covid vaccination thankfully .The vaccine name was AstraZeneca.
Please take care and stay blessed with faith in you as you are part of whole divine truth .Believing in yourself is actually believing in Him !
See you soon friends !
health,peace and joy to all of you and to all you love!!!