In awe of the wonders of life
Knitting the baffling motif on the needles of Time
Astound with puzzling pattern, i felt lacked light
I left my comfort zone and looked for place right
It took so long to find some seat higher and bright
But reality i encountered there was so hard to deny
That once you know" what is what" next you think is Why ?
Pondering on the "why" reveals that many truth are lie
Sometimes it's heartbreaking makes you sad and sigh!
Even existence seems unfeasible and you don't want to try
Then what hold you back is only Nature's cozy lap
Everything speaks for the Whom who gives it's shape
Then i feel like a drop of water evaporated from the Sea!
Journeying back slowly due until where i meant to be
Thanks for being with me dear friends
Health ,Peace And Joy to All Of You And To Loved Ones