Monday, October 21, 2024

The Birds Story And Some Concerns


I was taking my morning tea in the yard today and everything looked so calm and beautiful .Although the grass of my small garden has changed it's color fully ,plants are still doing fine and seemed happy and content while playing with slight morning breeze . Our neem tree petted two families of the birds as usual .Despite both families are totally different from one another they co existed harmoniously like good neighbors!

A couple of robins nestled in the neem tree this year instead of pomegranate surprisingly . Crows are permanent residents of Neem tree since few years and i was concerned they won't let robin to nestle close to them as they scare away all other tiny bird species always . But this year was exception and both totally different bird families co existed on the same tree . It filled my heart with peace . I whish we human learn this quality as well and start to accept our differences as part of Nature's plan.

Our third bird  dove nestled among the branches of our climber like every year  where hubby had made hatch for the climber to laydown and bloom. 

I can hardly take any photo as they fly away when i see them around and get up dentally to grab my phone :(.

Sometimes the thought of leaving this house makes me sad. We have lived here for more than seventeen years and have so many lovely and sweet memories belong to it . It was our first shelter that hubby had build up for his family . He is going to retire nest year and we were planning to move to the Islamabad once he is retired. But now when time is moving closer i find mixed feelings of sadness and excitement in my heart. I am concerned if we can have big house like this over there . I love to have trees around one at least .I feel suffocated otherwise. I doubt that it will be possible . I don't know what will happen actually but these are my thoughts now days .

I was going to meditate right after the morning tea but i requested my youngest son to lend me his laptop for a while so i can write post first. The next time when laptop is free is the evening when i feel little exhausted or dull and i find writing in morning times easier  because mind is bit fresh and stable then.

Thanks for being with me dear Friends !

Health ,Peace and Happiness to you all and to all you love!!!   

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Surprise Visit


Hey precious friends !

sorry for being absent for one week almost .Our younger son made video call to us in the morning a week ago .I was having my morning tea in our front yard so our youngest son received it. My younger son asked him to bring me on the call .Our youngest son brought the phone towards me .When i attended the call our younger son said after greeting

 " Ami  i came for the grocery actually but see where i have reached now "   ?

my youngest son screamed at once but i could not get it until i recognized the main gate of the house behind him .

It was such a huge leap of joy for me immediately because we thought he will be able to visit us during winter holidays (second week of the December) 

It is really hard to define how immensely ii felt happiness that moment, for one week but our younger son was with us and biggest relief was to realize that i will make him eat properly meanwhile!

The week blew away with an eye blink to me and he left for Karachi last night .

I could not find time for blogging so here i am to share my heart with you all once again and to read your lovely thoughts on various matters of life and this is another joy for me indeed!

I hardly got any surprise in life except two times in my early marriage .

One was when i was at my parents and hubby visited me suddenly and without informing (later we knew that letter he had sent got late)

Secondly when i was in our old home where we lived with in laws and one of the technician from the hospital came to collect my blood for the test .He was hubby's friend so he gave favor to come home instead we visit the hospital. He was preparing for taking the blood when suddenly we learnt that my mother has arrived from Islamabad and waiting for hubby to pick her up. I became so excited that the technician man could not find my vein in my forearm .

In the first time when hubby visited surprisingly i was shaking with nervousness and hubby was laughing and teasing naughtily .

We all go through surprises at least few times in life 

Do you remember such surprise that still shine in your memory chest ?

Thanks for being with me dear friends .

health peace and Joy to you all!!!  

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Contagious Laughter And A Serious Laughter Story Of.....

 Sometimes while you are carried away by burdens of the day and business becomes hectic some pleasant memories from the past cheer you up suddenly and you smile without any obvious reason .

 I don't know if it happens to others as well but i often receive fair amount of bitter and sweet nostalgia while being busy in kitchen like it has some portal which transports my soul to the past smoothly.

Some days ago same happened to me while working on kitchen slab. I revisited a funny situation in the past when i lived with my parents and my aunt (sister of father) had come to visit us .The situation wasn't funny at all at first but a lively conversation between my mother and my aunt . There were few other family members as well including me and my younger sister. When elders were talking we the youngers would speak to each other sometime and sometime stop and listen to the chat of the elders. My father was reading the newspaper at the plain sight though he would add few sentences to the conversation once in a while .

My aunt had huge passion for being younger than other family women around . My mother was good at remembering the special dates and days of all kinds among the family so during conversation when it would come to point out age of my aunt ,it would become an entertaining issue for all around because it was actually serious matter for my aunt .

Now this time as well when mom had to mention the age of my aunt my aunt  insisted that she is not that old and so on ...

Mom had to insist too  because facts were pointing out the same .

My father felt irritated or amused and said , Sarwari (aunt's name) is not  like others ,she stays with her words firmly always .( he meant that she always tells her age with same number  and forgets that it's been many years she is repeating the statement) When he said that mom smiled and meanwhile she was trying to suppress her smile aunt don't notice it my aunt started to laugh ,we youngers stopped our giggles and looked at our aunt who was laughing and with time her laughter  was becoming graver and louder ,my younger sister joined her and started laughing too ,i followed her gently .That encouraged my mom and she felt free to laugh as well .Within seconds everyone in the room was laughing except my father who had laughed at the first , though he kept smiling while trying to focus on the newspaper afterwards.

Such spontaneous and happy moments stay with you forever and peek into your heart once in a while .

I experienced such funny situations several times when i was growing up . One particular situation is unforgettable . I think i was thirteen and my sister around eight . I mentioned that back then when people of the village had nothing for entertainment so they were accustomed to visit each other after lunch or dinner. One day when mom , me and my sister were at one of our aunt's house and playing with our female cousins . During the game when all of us were laughing for some funny reason ,All other girls stopped laughing within moments including me except my younger sister would  stop but start laughing again ,she repeated that few times but suddenly we felt that stop laughing wasn't in her hand anymore because she was laughing madly now, she was holding her tummy like it was hurting so much ,then she laid down in the shape of ring and her lips felt green and laughter seemed dimmed yet very strong . I felt something bad was happening so i shouted for help to mom. Mom and other aunts ran towards us and shake my sister ,mom threw some water drops on her face and shake her strongly once again .She was reading verses speedily. My sister stopped laughing finally but she wasn't looking same lively person some moments ago but a person who went through some trauma . That was dark experience of laughter for all of us . After that my sister would laugh carefully instead of being much into it . 

Contagious laughter though sounds like a sweet friendly feeling among people ,an special connection between innocent hearts .

I remember many  occasions when while being some wedding party or so people start chuckle or laugh automatically  on the funny talk of others .

Even i saw it happening in parks or during travels .

I find it a humanly thing .What about you ?

I find it so humanly thing ,What about you ?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Astonishing Journey ( poem by me)

 In awe  of the wonders of life 

Knitting the baffling motif on the needles of Time

Astound with puzzling pattern, i felt lacked  light

I left my comfort zone and looked for place right 

It took so long to find some seat higher and bright

But reality i encountered there was so hard to deny 

That once you know" what is what" next you think is Why ?

 Pondering on the "why" reveals that many truth are lie

Sometimes it's heartbreaking makes you sad and sigh!

Even existence seems unfeasible and you don't want to try

Then what hold you back is only Nature's cozy lap

Everything speaks for the Whom who gives it's shape 

Then i feel like a drop of water evaporated from the Sea!

 Journeying back slowly due until where i meant to be

Thanks for being with me dear friends 

Health ,Peace And Joy to All Of You And To Loved Ones

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