This is strange how time flies by
Just while ago you were a little boy
Light and thin cuddling in my arms
Sometimes desperate sometimes calm
When you looked with cozy eyes
Whole universe seemed to smile !
Held my finger when with your hand
No joy on earth felt as grand !
In our little world you were the boss
Carrying your wishes was our purpose
Can't tell how it was to have you close
For our souls you were energy source
Absorbing "delight" through your giggles
We had power to cross all obstacles
In our life you came like a "seed"
Tried to fulfill all your needs
With all what we had in power thee
Grace of God now you are Tree !
Independent on your own roots
Bearing your own branches and fruits
Physically away from us though
Which was essential in order to grow
This departure hurt first huge!
In "The Divine "we took refuge !
He says "if you love one so true"
"He is never away from you "
"Despite bodily distance seen"
"You are in touch with soul unseen"
As all matter is warped in "Soul"
"Which is matter's eternal goal"
So with little gift of wisdom's bliss
I could say to my sorrow "dismiss"
Feels my "existence" has got new bling
Like a bird who grew fresh wing
Do you see the miracle of love
My heart follows you like a dove
In the vastness of time and space
Seems i melted and joined Divine Grace
So i can stay close to you
And my prayer keep surrounding you!
Oh my precious son and kindest soul!
How i give you a tribute as whole!
Thanks for the tears of gratitude !
Thanks for the smiles of peace and joy!
How you turned in a wonder man
From a mischievous and lively boy
For the goodness you have shown always
I run out of words to praise !
Keep Walking on righteous path
Always with you be my dear God!