Friday, August 4, 2023




  1. A lot to think on when I see this. Happy weekend!

  2. Letting go of anger, pain, resentment or grudges is indeed freedom, but one must be truly ready to let go. It cannot be done before its time but it is a good goal to strive for.

    1. bad emotions are horrible dear Debra i agree completely and taking them down willingly with healthy thinking and replacing them with better and bright thoughts is true liberation and only those can reap the fruit of it who went through the experience of refinement in my opinion

  3. Replies
    1. i believe in forgiveness dear Sandi because my faith demands it

  4. Forgiveness is so hard. Often it takes time.

    1. i agree dear Emma
      if we get stuck in "Why " and similar questions it makes us feel miserable for long time until we realize that by doing so we are destroying our peace of mind only. because thoughts are energy and giving time to negative thoughts empowers them which overshadow our life .this is loss
      with faith that Nature make us pay whatever we do we have to forgive and move on fast

  5. Forgiveness leads to soul liberation.

    A beautiful image :-)

    1. true dear Cheri
      keeping wrong doings of others in mind troubles and burden our soul all the time which naturally weaken our personality in long run
      by forgiving we are free of all negative emotions confined within us ,this makes us light and fresh and attend to what we have present before

  6. I think we can do forgiveness. I am taking small steps. Just because I forgive, my heart tells me that it can not forget.
    I would like to forgive

    But my heart is like an archeology site in Mexico
    I know that something happened.

    1. thank you for dropping by Richard
      i used to be sad a lot over why people do or did what they did to me and it ate lots of energy and precious time to contemplate on things which i had no answers nor i could stop them . all i could do was to just keep stuck in dark well full of negative thoughts ,negative in terms of sad not harmful though.
      being a person who likes to keep track of her thoughts and actions i concluded that whatever people did to me was only because of their nature and i never gave them reason to treat me unjustly .
      it was more heartbreaking indeed but one cannot give up after such long contemplation so i extended my observation and saw that people are different from each other and most often they don't have ability to be in other's shoes and this is why they behave according to their very raw nature .
      we the humans like everything else in this world come to this world with "raw nature" which we like to polish and refine through our observations and experiences throughout the life .
      Hardly some can achieve the absolute refinement because changing the basic bad mindset is like trying to leave your "comfort zone" we know most of us don't like to do it because we think it is our identity they way we are different than others .but i wonder how we forget that being different is nice but being bad with severe addiction of harmful habits is wrong .
      at my fifty second i thankfully can understand that everyone behaves according to his or her nature and probably this is life is test or game instead heavenly experiment . probably we the people are obstacles to each other and mother nature want us to achieve absolute refinement by being alert and strong .may be in this jungle we have to survive by facing all these unjust and hard tests with skills like consistency of patience ,bravery ,wisdom and courage .

    2. Richard, something I have learned is that if you pray blessings and good things for those who hurt you the unforgiveness falls away. Try it, just a small start. It is amazing. You may still remember, but the sting is gone. You'll be free.

    3. One of the most beautiful things dear Sandi!
      This is how Nature works .whatever you give away it will travel back to you eventually

  7. It's a good thing to forgive not everyone can do that unfortunately.

  8. to forgive we need to have big heart with broader and positive approach of life dear Margaret which is rare sadly

  9. Being forgiven is incredible! I am grateful for being forgiven for some difficult things in my past.

  10. this is true liberation dear Louise !


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