Monday, March 13, 2023

Hardest Elimination Of Food And A Worth Sharing Video By Dr Joe Dispenza

If you might have noticed that i mention time to time that how with age i have to eliminate some certain type of food . Food that i had never imagined to quit ever .But how life slowly unveils further parts of the reality (complexities of living) with age is inevitable sigh.

All of us have weakness ,an area of life where we feel to have "less control or we find it okay to not control it because we think (consciously or consciously ) it is harmless.

Mine was since beginning to eat until i am full which is not wise of course . For more than twenty years of my life i found milk and all dairy products disgusting . I hated red meat as much as even looking at it would make me vomit .Only protein added to my daily meal was eggs only . Nuts were not in our reach mostly because of their high price back then. 

My parents had healthy habits of eating instead ,and mother will try so hard to make me eat meat or cup of milk at least but invain because sometimes when she would put these things forcefully ,they would return back immediately without getting wet from my stomach even. Can't say whether reason was my high anemic state or else.

Hubby added milk in my food on regular bases which is continued till this day. Nuts are also part of regular diet since some years . But Meat is "huge" thing to digest for my poor stomach as always . Even chicken is hard. Hardly one tiny piece i could  take but it was few years back. But these all are not my favorite foods so no sad feeling to surrender before the "forbidden food" 

But reason to write this post today is that leaving food that i loved most feels tough even today. Red lentil with boiled rice still tempt me ,Fried egg ,potatoes ,cake and sweets which i would take rarely but now they are banned too .

Worst part is leaving tea :(

I did not skip tea completely but started the mission by first most difficult step and that is skipping tea from breakfast :(((

Yes i am trying be brave because starting morning without tea is like saying my brain "shut up" for the thing the poor thing is habitual for more than forty six years sigh!!!

It was crucial because tea was only source to consume sugar  for me. The our addition of sugar in tea has been decreasing from "lightly" to "slightly" since many years . But still it was probably enough to gain weight so tea is first thing that i love most to have in morning but i have quit it and this time whiteout the advice of doctor. I take breakfast with bit of yogurt which i am trying to like now. And i take my cup of teat before lunch which i try to keep sugar free almost. This is first week of change so i wanted to share my heart with you dear friends . 

Did you too have eliminated foods from diet with time ? how did you feel about it and what was most traumatic ? please share 

Watch this beautiful video last day and found it worth sharing because it relates to the transformation of my own state of being with time with help of regular meditation 

 Dr Joe Dispenza  is international speaker ,researcher ,author and educator who is passionate about findings in neuroscience ,epigenetics and quantum physics behind spontaneous remissions. I bet this video will make your day and will leave you with healthier perspective of life! 

Thank you so much for bearing with me ! you are very kind and sweet souls indeed .Grateful to have you all as blogging friends! 

Health ,peace and happiness to you all and to all you love !  


  1. It is hard to change eating habits. I still have my qualms with quineo and brown rice. Eating less is hard to get used to when you think it won't. All the best to your diet.

    1. so true about it is hard to change old eating habits dear Ellie
      i doubt if i would have not go through my gallbladder surgery (that seems to reduced my appetite to great extent )my portion of meals might have taken lots more effort to decrease because i was captivate by (now i understand it) kind of "psychological hunger" an urge to eat more and more even when your body does not need it. I can say this because i have been realizing throughout the years that whenever i got job and my mental energies were invested properly on better places instead an urge to fulfill an invisible space inside you. i was less hungry and and more satisfied .seems like business according to our own inner demands play roll in reduction or rising of our appetite .
      i think you are quite young and have much time to be consider about eliminating food items even though adopting good eating habits is great always and the earlier we start it the better

  2. It is a good habit of eating healthy food. Stay healthy and strong.

    1. thank you dear Nancy
      i think we all learn with time from our mistakes and make our way to eat better

  3. I understand how you feel about missing foods from your diet. I don’t eat gluten any more so bread products are gone from my diet. On a recent vacation, my meals were limited compared to the rest of the family but I was happy to have done that since I did not suffer during the trip.

    1. you are such an inspiration dear Marie .I appreciate you shared your experience!
      because i am thinking to reduce carbs in my diet as well .i have realized how quickly i am loosing my appetite for everything except fruits and veggies so specially after my gall bladder surgery ,so i am going to take advantage of it hopefully and cut off my carbs consumption as well .
      i agree that with age our bodies tell us what they need and what they don't need anymore and listening to them makes life easy indeed

  4. Sugar is, by far, the hardest thing to give up. Good luck!

    1. my appetite for sweets was not much even when i was young dear Kathy . I would rather buy spicy things available at that time . sweets and cakes were eaten only on special occasions like eid or family event . after marriage i would ask for sweets only for eid day and mostly with purpose to serve guests .Cakes only on kids birthdays and that is it . my longing for chocolate or toffees was also rare as compared to other cousins when i was little .milk and little sugar in tea was to follow the tradition which reduced with time automatically and now i think we add just so called sugar to our cup like a pinch may be to add a psychological satisfaction .and i think it will be skipped soon either . what hurts more is skipping foods that were really favorite of mine but i am pretty much habitual to their absence now .

  5. Good luck! We reduce sugar in our diet

  6. Sugar and carbs need to be reduced with time

  7. You face a very difficult situation. I hope that you find some resolution so that you can live a more normal life.

    1. i did certainly dear Red
      my mother suffered with lots of worries because of my poor eating habit though she had realized with time that it was not about my attitude towards food but for some reason my body respond to food hesitatingly .she would try to give me special herbs and diets during my pregnancies but each time whatever she gave came back instantly without gaining any "wetness" from the stomach which makes me think now that may my stomach declined some food and pushed them back before they even entered .sounds weird but there can be some medical explanation for this surly .i was extremely anemic ,always dizzy that few time fall and hit my head to bleed after puberty.

  8. Since I had the stroke I no longer eat carbohydrates if I can help it. That means no milk which I love. My mother used to tell me that if I ever got used to drinking tea with no sugar I would never want sugar again. She was right. If you get used to it you will not want sweetened tea. Good luck.

    1. i did not know that "milk " has that level of carbohydrates that you have to leave it after stroke dear Emma
      i was able to take milk after marriage after long course of medication for anemia and it is more than twenty five years ago . Hubby would try to force milk but it was really hard to digest it before the treatment .
      my parents would take sweet tea but not as sweet as i see many other family members . almost twenty years back when i started to see health shows and magazines i became bit health conscious and since then our tea is sweet as if it is without sugar as if someone else drinks it by chance shouts "what is this thing" because much sweetness is preferred in tea by most as they find it elevates their senses .
      i have realized that my long meditation has also made my longing for sweet tea disappeared .
      your mom was right .it is all about "changing old habits" which feels very difficult at beginning but once you succeed life is on better track

  9. Since migraines ruled my life, red meat as well as pork doesn't taste the same. We are eating chicken and fish. Chinese food is good, esp. if the MSG isn't there. I understand your food diet.

    1. oh dear Susan !
      i can relate because i suffered with severe migraine in my teenage life .mom would try to follow all she could do and buy nuts even that were beyond her approach . though everything was invain except temporary relief sometimes . i think if i remember correctly my migraine went away after i started intense work out twenty years back almost .it vanished away slowly
      i think meditation is best option works magically for it. nuts are great too

  10. As you will know both Eddie and I eat a lower carb, moderate protein and higher fat diet.
    Diet and lifestyle is always a personal choice taking any health conditions, allergies etc. into account.
    Of course, if anyone has any health concerns, it is always advisable to consult a doctor or health care team.

    All the best Jan

    1. your blog has been quite help for me to understand how carbs need to be reduced with time dear Jan
      specially when i a housewife like me is often have less time to make access to useful information like this

  11. For the past several weeks, I have given up sweet treats like cakes, cookies, candies as a test to see if I could resist these. It was a bit hard at first, but now I can say no to these things and not feel deprived. Instead, I treat myself to some nuts or an orange. Milk is not consumed in any great quantity, eggs are always a favorite.

    1. congratulations for the accomplishment dear Dorothy !
      i agree that eliminating favorite food item is hard but the idea to reduce it slowly instead quitting it at once is great an works on almost all levels of eliminations .
      i have found value of nuts since some years .you made great choice indeed ,a healthier one without any cost

  12. We all have to discipline ourselves, baili.
    For our own good and the ones who live with us.
    Stopped smoking and drinking, quit some foods, sleep much earlier than I used too.
    Not easy, but absolutely necessary and worth it.

    1. Hats off to you dear Pedro !
      i think only some people have dare to choose between healthy or harmful but desirable thing .it requires lots of strength mental and focus on "bright side"
      i think you might have realized how nicer becomes life after making "right" choice

  13. Oh it is hard to change ones diet. Only have one cup of tea for breakfast without sugar and don't have any other sugar only what's naturally in the food. We eat meat every day for dinner but I have to not eat too much chicken and lamb or anything with too much fat in it since having my gall bladder out several years ago - it's sometimes hard not to eat the things I once was able to., I certainly don't dwell on it though.

  14. i agree it is dear Margaret
    specially convincing ourselves to choose healthier and better one over temptations that kept us occupied for whole life .
    most hard part is accept that we are getting old and our body has started to decline what we love to send in her stomach .we should listen to her and choose to treat her kindly .
    i am impressed that you are able to eat meat regularly . people that have had good health conditions and healthy eating habits definitely have healthy metabolism .
    unlike this i had kind special and very delicate health condition since always but still i am trying to figure our what can make me survive better and i think this struggle is respond back positively by Nature until !

  15. Good useful post baili. Adjusting diet is the hardest decision for me 😢

    1. seems we all find it tough to change eating habit when body demands it :)

  16. Getter older is hard on our digestion, for sure, dear Baili. It's good that you are taking care of yourself in this way. I limit my sweets and don't really like too much meat or strong spices. Just a little chicken once in a while. I am fortunate that I don't have any food allergies or lactose intolerance, but sometimes that happens as we get older. I use Stevia in my tea and coffee instead of sugar. I love all fruits and vegetables, but now peppers seem to give me indigestion. Sometimes it's hard to keep a balanced diet and we have to research our dietary needs to stay healthy. I hope you can find some healthy alternatives to what you love. Hugs xo K

  17. i found your attitude towards diet quite impressive dear Karen
    till early or late forties it is hard to accept the reality how our body has changed it's response towards food we eat ,talking through my personal experience .when doctor told me to quit rice we and pulses that were in daily use of mine ,world seemed to fall before me because i loved that food and it was a way (probably) to reach that certain type of satisfaction via taste it provided .and it was unimaginable to think surviving without it . it broke my heart and when i took the pain to skip it at once which was condition for medication course to be effective i realized i am facing the cruel part of reality .it took some years to get used to this fact that life is second name of "change" a constant state of change that teach us how to be flexible and accept what is coming next .
    with my extreme health conditions i am trying to figure out now what should i do to survive through .i don't want to be sick enough to be independent physically .life for me is interesting only until i am active physically and mentally .and hope my struggle to stay up will be rewarded by kind God

  18. Wishing you good health! With me, good food is, of course, vitally important, but I find that I have more and more problems with the sun as I grow older. We have to adapt.

  19. Changing eating habits can be difficult. Taking it one step at a time is a good pace to adopt. Taking good care of yourself is great. I like to eat very light. Fruits and vegetables are my preference.

    1. i am shifting to fruits and vegetable slowly hope soon bread is out of my diet

  20. oh I feel for you - it just sounds like such a limit to what you can digest well, etc. I am looking forward to Dr Joe Dispenza. I love anything to do with neuroscience and quantum physics (not that I understand the real depth of physics just the surface stuff). I truly believe our bodies are pure energy that "appear" to be matter because of our limited five senses. I came to the conclusion after having some issues that I will only eat what i love and love what i eat. It seems to work. When I was at my sisters I almost had what you could consider fasting for three months. I had no appetite and only ate a little every day - but doing cleared up many things - indigestion, weight gain, giving up a lot of sweets I didn't need and also things like Cheese puffs (i love those darn things, lol)...but I came home with 20 pound weight loss but also the disappearance of many eating issues. So I choose now to simply love what I eat and eat what i love - no rhyme or reason to what it is i'm eating only that I have to enjoy it, ..(even cheese puffs at times)... sounds crazy... but at least for me it works, lol Hope you enjoy whatever it is you are eating and feel good while doing it. You have so much love that all that love - loves you back.

  21. Oh that last line of yours made me cry !
    yes this thing inside me i feel like i am part of everything i look at and every person i meet or look seems "familiar" i wonder from where it come to me and dominates my being that i feel like a dough soaked by the water of love and isn't it strange dear Sandy that i feel that i am nothing but to love and to give even though i don't have anything to give i still feel that strong weird desire to spread comfort and love to all i can in this tiny period of life .this makes me feel stupid and helpless with thought that people say "one who is for all is not for one of us"
    but what if all feel just one to you ?
    thank you for sharing how you feel about eating .oh my God you remained on fasting of one kind while staying at your sister's .three months is long time and i can understand how you lost twenty pound oh dear . hope you did not fall sick but felt healthy instead . such different times come to point out some really important things i must say ,things that could have make their way to us otherwise .
    this break from rough eating habit brought crucial realization in your life that will be guiding you in future for better indeed.
    my restricted eating conditions were due to extremely poor health conditions actually . but it is also true that i was fond of eating and whatever i could eat i would keep eating it all the time .though most of healthy things were forbidden because of stomach declined them always until i was in my mid thirties


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