Monday, July 15, 2019

Visit To Sukkur During Mango And Dates Season

Hello   Remarkable  Souls!
Hope   grabbing    essence   of   life  (joy)  from  each   moment :)

It's   not  that     how   long   we  exist   physically  in  this  world   but   How   brilliantly    we    make   ourselves  to 

"FEEL ALIVE "   by   composing   our    thoughts  positively   and   channelizing   our  energies   for  creating    a  beautiful    world   within   and  around  us :)

June   and  July   are    here   months   of   two   main  fruits   of  Sindh  Province .The   Mango  and  Dates .

Both   fruits   are  mainly   grown  and   export   from  here   throughout   and  outside   country.

Both   fruits    must   avoid   rainfall  until  they  are  stored  safely . 

Both   fruits   include  many   steps   and  long  process  till  they   get   ready   for   market .
Though  procedure   for  dates  is  more  long   and  difficult.
Rural   areas   in  surroundings  of  our  small  city   has  dates  garden  in  abundance   that   spread   to  Sukkur  city as  well.

During   summers   too  many   people  from   far  come   to  earn   living   as  labor,most  of  them  belong  to   desert  Thar  near  us.
Sunday  Morning  was   gorgeous   due   to  cloudy  weather  after  long  time. So   we   decided  to  take  kids  for  outing  to  Sukkur  city.

On  the  way  i  was   totally   consumed    by   date  gardens  laced   both  sides   of  roads .   

my  imagination   ran  like  a  goat  in  soothing lawns  within  gardens !!!!!!!!!!!!!

 where ever  eyes  travel  i  can  see  the  grace  of  Lord   for  his  beloved  man .His  love  for us  is  deepest  and  unconditional  :)))

 Ice  melting  in  summers   fills   the   Indus  river , there  were  so  many   fishing  and  visiting  boats  roaming  though  weather  in  sukkur  was  just  hazy  not cloudy   yet  people  were  enjoying :)

   Beautiful   tree  was  fallen  in  the  lap  of  river   (park area) work  of  strong  winds  indeed

do  you  ever   feel  that   sun   peeking  through    branches    is  invoking   and   magical  :)

i  found  this  bird   lovely  ,painted  on  back  of  tanker  yet  it  seemed  quite  alive  to me :)

  Sunday  evening   was cool   though  clouds  were  gone  ,i  felt  the  stillness  soothing  while  taking  evening  walk

last  kiss  of  goodbye  by   clouds  was  still  there  to  cherish :)

 Robin  was  waiting  on  water  tank   for  my  walk  to  finish   so  she  could    get  back  to  nest   with  her  babies . motherhood   seems   to  tiny  part  of  love  that  our  lord  has  for  man :)

 it   was   3pm  noon , some  park  boats   were  waiting  for  visitors  who  mostly  visit  in  abundance  in  cloudy  weather  ,  weekends  or  mostly  everyday  in  evenings

  we  did  not   know  that   sukkur's  clouds  will  vanish  until  we  reach  there  yet  it  was  windy   enough  to  keep  us  out  of  sweat . after   some  sitting  and  walking   we  left  for  hotel  for  lunch.  water   also    has   some kind  of   motherhood ,don't  you  think ?

mango  juice  is  refreshing  these  days , we  add  some  milk  to  make  it  creamy   

    each    moment  is   blessing  ,easy  or   tough  both  are  for  us ,it  is  on  us  how   we   discover  goodness  within  them   for  us :)

 Stay   Happy   ,Stay   Strong 
Have  Faith  ,nothing   go  wrong !

God  Bless  you  Precious  Friends!


  1. Mango is great, too bad it does not grow in here, but I should buy some for my little son, he loves any fruit, but he hasn't tried mangoes yet. Have a lovely week:)

    1. Mangos grow in hotter parts of land May be dear Natalia

      My son who lives in Germany Munich miss the eating sweet mangos there
      He tells that mangos he find there are mostly not sweet
      Hope your son will find mangos delicious when tries

  2. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  3. Bonita reportagem fotográfica. A cidade de Sukkur deve ser linda.
    Que tudo seja bom para todos vocês.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  4. I like both mangoes and dates. I imagine it must be great to drive and see the date gardens. Great photos, thank you!

    1. Either I do like both dear Angela

      Drive through date gardens is absolute pleasure

  5. That's a nice description of the process to produce dates. We never know how dates are raised . We just like eating the dates.

    1. As you know I try to keep post short due to lot other responsibilities dear Red otherwise the details of these processes are interesting and lengthy

  6. Great post as always. I like Mangoes as well as dates. But I really love Mangoes. However, I have heard that the mangoes that we get here in America are not as good as Asian mangoes. I would like to try one of yours!

    1. you heard right dear Brain

      like every part of land has it's particular thing, mangoes are specialty from here

      my grand parents and parents used to tell that our mangoes are SWEETEST ONE in world and very popular product that is exported to other part of lands

      i can do this but i don't how ,i mean sending some sweet mangoes for you and other friends will be great pleasure for me :)

  7. Hi Baili :)) Those date trees are so pretty! I've never seen those before! I LOVE's so sweet! Such a treat, I've never had it with milk though a great idea!

    And YES to your question! I find that the sun peeking through the branches is EXTREMELY magical! I love it, I always feel like Nature has a message for me when that happens! :) all part of being a woman and it's all connected to the Earth. Lovely isn't it? :) Did you guys go boating?


      i love receiving messages from nature ,sun through trees speak more appealingly and more lovingly :)

      we go boating occasionally like when we visit during yearly festival holidays or mild winter's soothing days .
      hot days are not perfect for boating here

  8. I would enjoy having mangoes and dates growing nearby. Of course I have had other fruits so I suppose I can't have them all.

    1. dear Emma yea one area can't have all types of fruits and birds :)

      things differ according to weather and environment and this is beauty and way to connect inhabitants i believe

  9. It's amazing to see the enormous clusters of dates on those trees! I do like mango and dates - mangoes are just arriving in our stores the last week or so. It's time to get some. They are very good, but I imagine yours are best because they are straight from the trees.

    I love your robin and cloud pictures!

    1. Hope mangoes available in your area are sweet like you dear Jenny :)

      yes having fresh fruit right from gardens is different thing yet not possible for all
      back in my village which is famous for most juicy oranges a,apricot and many other fruits it was so easy and taken granted to have fresh fruits in approach

      but here we have to wait until they come to market ,still this is relief that they arrive fresh in our hands withing few days

  10. Mangoes and dates must be such lovely treats this time of year.

  11. Oh WOW...I have never seen anything so beautiful as those mango trees!!
    And, yes, looking up at the light shining through the trees is indeed sacred...makes you feel close to The Creator, doesn't it?!😊😊
    I love the bird on the tanker too...such fabulous artwork!!
    Believe it or not, I have never tried a mango - but that is about to be rectified now...and dates I do like, very much.😊
    Your robin and cloud pictures are delightful, dearest Baili. Such a beautiful country you live in!

    All my love and hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. Oh you never had mango dear Ygraine ?

      i hope you have some reason for this my dear friend

      rays approaching through branches splendidly burst in mesmerizing colors and take hold of my nerves for long ,this seems some kind of spiritual experience :)

  12. I have just learned how much I enjoy mangoes in a smoothie drink, Baili, so would really enjoy being where they are plentiful. Dates have always been a favorite since my childhood. Thanks for the information on both things I also like very much! Also, Grenville (Pat) thanks you for the birthday wishes.

    1. in summers mango and sugarcane are popular juice here dear Dorothy :)
      glad that you love it either

      may you and pat see many more glorious birthdays together ahead my friend :)))

  13. I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    Those date trees look lovely, and the bird on the tanker is colourful.

    All the best Jan

  14. Dear Baili, and may the Holy Oneness of All Creation of Whom you and I are all of us are a part bless you also. Peace.

    1. such a joy to learn that you too realize the wholeness and oneness of this whole scenario called EXISTENCE dear Dee :)

      i felt it in my childhood and by the time it opened up to me overwhelmingly

      this BONDING is strength of my life

  15. Mangoes and dates are some of my favorites. Mango juice with milk sounds good.

  16. Love what you said about motherhood reminding us of God's love. The day my son was born, I felt like I finally understood why God would create us. In so many ways we are a bother, so what was the point of our creation? Having kids (or others to care for) reminds us that we were created to love.

    Beautiful pictures!

    1. thank you dear Elizabeth

      i either think that we are here to CREATE and to TO CARE WHAT IS ALREADY CREATED

  17. Date trees are growing very tall and mangoes look so good.
    Dates and mangoes are my favorite fruits, Baili.
    It's really lovely cloudy scenery on the river.

    1. sweetest mangoes and one of the most delicious dates grow in our area dear Evi :)

  18. The date gardens look lovely, Baili. It sounds like there is a process in growing them. You know, I love dates, and haven't had them in a long time. They are good for baking Yummy desserts. The mangos look delicious. That's interesting that you add milk to the mango juice to make it creamy. I always enjoy seeing the different foods and flowers in your area, dear Baili.

    Enjoy the last of these July days.


    1. Oh you like dates ! either i like them a lot since years they were my favorite fruit until i had to stop having them often because of stomach issues

      i wish i can send you dates my friend

      actually main reason to add milk is to balance their warm effect on blood as they are rich in calories

  19. Lovely food both mangoes and dates.
    Nice to see the photos.

  20. I always enjoy seeing the photos of your countryside, Baili! I'd love to frolic in the date orchard like a little goat. These days I'd love to feel more frolicly. I miss the energy and limberness of being a child! But, no matter how old I get, I will always feel that sunlight peeking through trees is magical. Your sons are getting so tall!! Hugs to you!

  21. Wonderful pictures! I love seeing the trees all lined up in rows. So lovely there.

  22. Your post is lovely and captivating. Your photos are a gift :-)


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