Sunday, July 28, 2019

Body Clock

 Back  in  village  life  was  simple . People   would  rise  before  sun   and   sleep   early  as  well. 

Mostly   rising   times  were  5 to  6 am .And  sleeping   times  were  8  to  9 . Except   in  case  of  gatherings .Then   people   could  go  to  bed  late  night  like  1 am  which  was  too  late for  village  life.

My   parents   moved  from  city   so  their  sleeping  habits  were   little  different .They   would   sleep   til  10 or  10:30.

Automatically  we  both  sisters  did  the  same.  But  i  was  little   anxious  child . Radio   was   companion   of  such  times .My  father  had   brought  me  a  small  transistor  radio. It  was   as  small  as  now  my  hand  is .

I  would   put  it   aside   before  go  to  bed  as  it  was  mom's  direction .But  thanks  to  snoring  which  would  confirm    mom's  sleep.

I  would   get  up  carefully  , grab  radio  back  and  dive   into  my  bed  quietly.

I   would  put  radio   on  my  pillow  and  above it i   put my  head .

What  would  happen  when   in  the  next   mornings  mother  found  that  is  another  time  story .

Purpose  to  share  this  is  that  i   would  sleep  late   such  as  11 pm  or  12 am.

I   never  ever  had  taken   naps  in  my  life  until  few   years  back  from  now .

When   my  family   would   take  nap  i  would  feel  pity   for  them   "how  can  they  be  so   stupid  to  waste   time  in  sleeping when  day  is  such  beautiful"

As  i  told  many  times  i  was  different   child  ,filled  with   excitement   about  my   status  of  BEING ALIVE .

Enormously  CURIOUS   and   always   hyper   to   learn   something  more  about   life  and  belongings of it's.

So  i  would  get   hardly   5  to  6   hours   sleep. If   i  had  fallen   to  sleep   early   for  some  reason  i  would  wake  up  unwillingly   in  middle   of  the  night  when   time  is  up .  

I    tried  hard   to  make  myself  habitual   for  more   sleep   but   i  failed   mostly.

During   winter  holidays  or  weekends   hubby  and   kids   rise  late   so   if   i     manage  to   sleep  for  7  hours   my   day   starts   with  heavy   head  and  burdened   eyes   as  i  had   less  sleep   instead   more . I   find  hard  to  motivate  myself    to  do  anything   on  such  days.

But  if  i  follow   my  body  clock   obediently  and  take  sleep  only   my  body  clock  has  fixed   i  wake  up  with   fresh  and  active  mind.

I  do  take  nap   since   almost  two  years   though  not  regularly   but  i  do   take  nap  for  15  to  20  minutes . If   someday  i  am  tired   enough  to  take   long   nap   my  sleep   is  disturbed . 

I   don't   know  how   can  i   bring  changes  in  my   body  clock ?


Do    you   also  face  such  problem ?

If  you  will  share  it  will  be  help  and  pleasure :)

God  Bless you  All  My  Dear  Friends!


  1. I haven't had a full night's sleep since menopause! Sleep disturbances as we age are very common. I think it's all hormonal. I take naps too when I need them.

    1. this is wise to take nap dear Debra
      i avoid them as much as i can but sometimes i have to take one inevitably

  2. I have read that a short nap like the ones you take are beneficial. They refresh both your mind and body. If you awake after a certain amount of sleep each night that must be the amount of sleep you need.

    1. i too have always heard and read that human mind must take rest for 7 to 8 hours dear Emma

      but life has become very busy and agitated and most of people have avoided their natural needs to keep a healthy living

  3. I was always a night person who had to get up early, a bad combination. No that I am retired I just let my body do what it often wants an afternoon nap.

    1. best is that you have time to take nap whenever you need dear Joe :)

  4. I wake up early and need to go to bed early too. I don't usually take any naps during the day unless I am ill for some reason or if I lost sleep for some reason. I don't know how to reset my body clock. It has always been this way for me.

    1. Oh you have same body clock dear Connie as mine :)

      but if your body does not show need for sleep then it is okay to not take naps i guess

  5. Fascinating post. I have been on various work and school schedules for decades. For years I have been on a variable work schedule. Sometimes I work early, sometimes late, sometimes in the middle. I actually like the change of pace but sometimes it disrupts my national sleep schedule though. So when I am not working I usually love naps :) I also have found that as I get a little older I need less sleep. I also sometimes do not get enough sleep because there really is so much that I like to do!

    1. wow your pattern sounds to have quite diversity dear Brain :)

      within such irregular schedule of life disturbance of sleep is obvious but this is great that you have luxury of naps

      i am 50 now and i agree that as we age our requirement of sleep lessens

  6. My sleep pattern is not very regular. One thing that is helpful is to try and fix a definite time to go to bed, and keep to it. Also a routine before bed of when to have supper, etc. If you like look at the computer in the evening, be sure to stop at least 2 hours before bed. And, turn the screen brightness down. Because computer screens give out a particular wavelength of light, and this has been proved to stimulate our brains too much. So dimness, later at night, is best. I think you are doing the right thing in taking daytime naps, my friend. They can be very helpful so long as they are short.

    1. so true that fixed routine is great help dear Jenny

      i hardly use computer during evenings though i watch t.v which makes my mind tired because screen is big and shiny

  7. While i have read that it is beneficial to one's health to get 7-8 hours of sleep as a person ages, i am not very good at reaching that goal. And, like yourself, I do not take naps but my husband takes them as often as he can and feels rested afterwards. Whenever I taken a nap that night's sleep has been harder because then I cannot fall asleep for quite awhile longer. I also do best on between 6-7 hours a night's sleep so believe that is my body clock.

    1. you case is totally like mine dear Dorothy

      haha like Pat hubby can easily sleep during days and it hardly muddle his regular sleep

  8. As Debra said, naps are good when you’re not sleeping. They helped me get through the day after some sleepless nights.

    1. this is relief dear Marie that naps helped to give your body rest

  9. If you want to make changes make them gradually otherwise you'll get tired and probably get headaches.
    You body gets used to our rhythm and if we alter it suddenly the body reacts.
    Have a great week

    1. i agree taming mind is long time process ,it is tiring and quite a mental hardwork indeed dear Pedro

  10. I have never stick to my sleep schedule. Often I sleep at day time and stay awake all night long. It is not good at all, Baili. I am trying to fix it :)

    1. Oh dear Evi this is quite worrying !

      hope hope you fix it soon because such abrupt way can affect health negatively my friend

  11. I too feel that time is previous and I seldom laze in bed. I am also an active person and could only fall asleep if I am really tired and sleepy. If not, I will toss and turn. So instead of wasting time I will get up to do something to occupy my time until I feel sleepy.

    1. what an exciting approach dear Nancy :)

      your comment reminded me my childhood when i had same attitude :)))
      absolute blessing indeed !

  12. Hello, dearest Baili, and thank you for the interesting topic, once more!
    I don't think you should try to bring changes in your body clock. Isn't it lovely to get up earlier than your family and to enjoy the beauty of the morning? :) I get up earlier than the others and the best moment of my day is the cup of coffee and the newspaper in all peace. :)
    I too have read that short naps are beneficial. It looks to me that your body clock works very well.
    Big hugs!

    1. Dear Sarah believe me i do enjoy the glory of morning times and the tranquility it offers to be connect to my Maker :)

      It always uplift my spiritual side

  13. Acho que não deve contrariar o seu relógio biológico. Mesmo que tenha que fazer alguns ajustamentos de horas de sono…
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

    1. you are right dear Grace

      like Jenny said and you either that i should not try to change my biological clock but let it work in it's natural way

  14. I have read that too much sleep is just as bad as not enough sleep, and that everyone's body clock is unique to them. So perhaps you should not try to change; rather use the time you are awake earlier than others for quiet time for yourself - reading or writing or just thinking :)

  15. absolutely correct dear Jenny

    balance matters most for everything in life

    looking forward to days when i will be able to have enough time for myself :)

  16. The beer fairy and I have different body clocks he worked afternoon or night shift I worked day shift so I'm up early he is up late gives us both time alone which is not to bad gives us time alone to do our own things .
    I still like naps in the afternoon sometimes.

    1. time for being alone i a day is important i agree dear Merle

      in your situation kids can never miss at least one parent at a time which is great i think

  17. I do think everyone has their own body clock and it is best to work with it (if circumstances allow) than against it.

    Now that I am retired some (not all) afternoons I do take a short nap and find it so refreshing.

    All the best Jan

  18. I always stop up too late. When I go to bed I always sleep well.

    If I go to bed earlier I don't sleep so deeply but even so I always wake up refreshed.

  19. Take a nap if you need to! Listen to your body! Big Hugs!

  20. I agree with Stacy! Take a nap if you need to, Baili. Listen to your body! That said, I wish I could nap. My husband naps almost every day, and he usually sleeps at least an hour longer than I do almost every night. I get so envious sometimes! My body seems to operate best on 6 1/2 hours of sleep a night. If I get a couple of nights with eight hours of sleep, then I'm in for a night of four hours. Thank goodness I'm retired, because when I was working I usually got four hours of sleep a night and that was too little!


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