Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Three Other Things

people   of  planet  earth  are  leaving  for  some  reason .

They   are  moving  to   another  planet  which  scientists  have  found   suitable  for  life.

Everyone   is  allowed  to  take   family  and    pet  along .

One   can   also  carry   the  three  other  things  of  his  own   choice.

                                                                                               image  source

  What   would   be  they  for  you ???


  1. Ha ha!!

    I love this.

    What 3 things?

    Good shoes
    and friends...


    1. I wonder why shoes dear Sandi

      Any particular reason:)

  2. Family photos for sure. Not sure about the other things.

    1. Yes they are most precious after family itself Marie

  3. what a great question, some food, paper, pencil...ha no idea

    1. I am sure you will find much inspiration for painting dear Christine

  4. What a tough choice. I would want to save as much information as possible, so Woikd take a comptuter with thousands of books and whatever other information I could store on it. Then I would need something to generate electricity for it, maybe some kind of windmill thing? Then maybe some kind of device to connect the windmill to the computer?

    1. How clever of you dear Brain :)

      Your first pick Will be books I was quite sure about it
      Mine too books 'tea and of course my eye glass without which I can only look at books lol

  5. I would take some family photos, HRH's ashes and my tai chi fan.

  6. I think I will stay here. This is my home and it is where I belong.

    1. Ah realities are crucial and forceful sometimes dear Emma !

  7. Definitely take my camera! Perhaps some books and artistic items.

    1. That is typically an artist 's choice dear Martha

  8. Replies
    1. Haha

      Anything else injurious to health dear Joe :)

  9. I'd take antibiotics, someone might need them as there may not be any.
    Can't think of anything else that I would take, memories in my brain of loved ones I left behind.

    1. That is important dear Margaret

      More than food I take medicine so I should have thought about it

  10. Listen to Don Henley's message.
    We have got to make it here.

  11. It would have to be my books, my glasses (so I could read my books! Lol) and some nice soothing music - to reduce the stress of leaving Planet Earth!
    What a wonderful fun post, dearest Baili...really made me think about what is important to me!😊😊

    Lots of love and hugs ❤❤❤

  12. Ah music!
    HOW can I forgot the one of my most favourite thing that release me from all kind of heaviness I am dealing with

  13. ....uh.....i can't narrow it down. I have to stay on this planet, darn it. I go to choose and then I think no .. and then again can't do it. I definitely need books and music and art supplies.

    1. I know it's really hard dear Sandy but sometimes there is no option until our choice becomes favourable miraculously

  14. I would say my computer and the internet (not sure how I would do that--haha!) and favorite foods I suppose. I have both music and books on my computer so they would be covered with the computer. Fun question to think about.

    1. I preferred books over laptop because I having time and peace for books is harder than using computer among all rush hours of my routine dear Connie

  15. Fun Baili!!! Well, since I can bring family and pets...that would have me mostly covered with Alex and the furballs...I think my three things would be:
    1. my vegetable and herb seeds
    2. my computer (including internet connection is that cheating???) ;)
    3. my painting supplies!!

    1. Haha that sounds you gone have tough time while convincing the authorities sea Rain :)

  16. This is not easy … but I think it would be food, books and my glasses.

    All the best Jan

    1. Of course it is hard dear Jan specially when you have to choose from so many favourites

  17. I would take my Bible, my camera, and comfortable shoes for exploring :) This is a fun post Baili! Have a great weekend!

    1. dear Marilyn it sounds you are all ready to discover new planet :)

      when i think of new planet ,it is all covered with lashing green grass and i am wandering on this soft soothing green carpet bare feet:)

      how silly of me again

      new planet would not necessarily meet my child like imagination indeed ,so shoes must be listed in top priorities

  18. I would take my medications, my glasses, and food - how boring, yes?! I like to be comfortable :)

    1. oh my how can i forgot MEDICINE which i take more than food!

      comfort, yes this what the habitats of planet earth looking for :)

  19. I'm going to make some assumptions here. If we're capable of traveling to another planet suitable for human life, I'm going to assume that I would have access to medication and other necessities for life. Also, I'm going to assume that we would have some temporary supplies for food and shelter and clothing for when we arrived. That leaves three things to buoy my soul. I'd take a piece of North Mountain basalt from Nova Scotia, one that had a vein of chalcedony in it making what we always called fairy rings. This, so I could always have a piece of home with me. Next, I'd bring a photo album containing a photo of each person and place I loved. Finally, I'd bring a collection of my most important family letters with me to preserve the words of those I loved. Not an easy question to answer, my friend!

    1. A truly BRILLIANT answer dear Louise:)

      Assuming that planet we are shifting has all basic necessities makes the choice easier

      Carrying limited stuff makes us choose only most desirable things

      Which we most probably will not find on other planet

      That was the reason I asked Sandi
      Why shoes :)

      I too wanted to have my native home with me for life time if it is possible dear Louise !

  20. That's a good question! Comfortable shoes, my art, lip balm! LOL!

  21. Can I take my whole bookcase with my special books (spiritual/religious)? I do like to peruse them and reflect...

    Apart from that I am not really tempted to take anything with me. Although it would be lovely if friends and family accompanied me.


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