Sunday, March 17, 2019

Rain , Blooms And Guests

Hey  Pretty   Hearts !

Hope   enjoying   the   life  ,weather  and   moments  in  hands   with  positivity   and  cheerfulness :)

Would  you  believe  that   it   is  raining  outside   right  now ?

And  we   are   on    18th   march   2019  11 am   having   downpour  instead   of    scorching   sun  :)

Rain   has  started   while  ago .Mild   gusts   of  wind    putting  soul   in   environment  beautifully !

These   unexpected   rains  are   favorite   topics   everywhere   here  now  days 

People   of  this   small   city   which   often   suffer   with  drought    are   happy   and  enthusiastic    to  have  lovely  pleasant  weather   and  i  am  on  the  top   obviously  :)

Still  thought of  extreme  summers  ahead   blows  head  off  sometimes  when   sun   seem   so  hard   to   face .

But   we   are   enjoying  the  moments  in  hands   a  Lot  though   you  know !

Our   Lord   blessed   us   with   more   peace    yesterday   when    our   eldest   son  called   and   talked  for  long :)

That   charged   our  batteries  to   great  extent  as  we  were  missing   him  so  much  as  he  was  so  busy   with  his  exams  and  office  projects .

We   also   had   some  guests   last  day  in  evening .They  were   from   my  in  laws ,two  were  daughter   of  my  eldest   sister  in  law   and  one  was  the  wife  of  hubby's  youngest  brother .

They   had   children   along   who  were  hard  to  control  for  their  moms  ,as   ladies  were  concerned  that   their   children  may   spoil   the  garden  .

When  i  saw  both  moms  panic  i   pulled  out  some  old  toys   from   cupboard  and  gave  to   kids (2  to 4 years old)      
That   was  relief   to  see  that   those   little  guys  were contented   with   toys   and   stopped  their  quest  with   flowers .

         This   is   message   by   nature ,   arrival    and  departure   is  fact   that    is   eternal   truth 

How   we   made   our  short    period   of  existence  SUCCESSFUL    is   most  important    question  to  ask   ourselves ,Were   we   source  of   delight   and   peace  to  us  and  others  or  lost   and  wasted   ,So  our   "being"    did  not matter  anyway

    When   i   look  at    this ,only  one   thought   comes   in  mind  LIFE  IS   BEAUTIFUL !!!

                           no  name  sorry  ,but  arn't    they   speaking  for  themselves :)

                                                   these    are   delight   to  my  soul :)

                                i   so   love   the   fragrance  of  roses   specially  the  red  ones

  Pomegranate  on   right   has   started   to  sprout   quickly , glad   that   squirrels   will   find   their  food  in  my  small  garden  area :) 

our  eldest  son   sent  this  image   of  waiting  room  in  hospital   3  days  ago  as  he  went  for  whole  body  check  up  on  our  much  insistence,  .he  sent  this  to  assure  us  that  he  visited  the  doctor    ,we  wanted  him  to  be  aware  of  his  body  ,but  no  problem  was  detected   by  the  Grace  of  Lord!

So   that  is  enough  for  today  i  guess  !

You  please  stay   safe  and  strong   my  precious  friends !

Time  is   really  Short  to  do  Better  for  you  and  your's :)

God  Bless  You  All!


  1. O seu texto faz pensar. Afinal tanto a chuva como o sol são necessários para que a Natureza nos dê tantas coisas belas. Essas flores que fotografou são lindas! O nosso olhar alegra-se de tanta beleza.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  2. I am glad to hear that everything is good with your son and I am glad to hear that you have experienced some cooling rain.

    Nice pictures of the flowers. Here in New York we are still a few weeks off from the flowers sprouting.

    Have a great week!

  3. Your flowers are beautiful! Glad the kids did not destroy them! Good that your son got a checkup.

  4. Rain can be very comforting when it is greatly needed.

  5. I bet it was so good to have a long talk with your son, Baili. You got some rain! It's making all your flowers bloom so nicely. And I noticed the red roses, so pretty. We've been having warm days, but I heard there is more rain this week and into the weekend.

    Have a beautiful week, Baili.


  6. Happy days! Your family is well, you received some refreshing rain and your garden is beautiful!
    Have a lovely week!!!

  7. Gorgeous flowers! They make the soul smile.

  8. I am glad your son had his check-up and all is well. It is nice that you had visitors. The children sound like they were just being children. You were wise to pull out the toys. The rain can be so welcome until you get too much. Your flowers are lovely.

  9. Wish we could share the rain with you through the summer, Baili.

  10. You have grown such gorgeous flowers Baili! We are just waiting for our daffodils to bloom here, but still have 2 feet of snow on the ground! I'm thankful your son called, and that you had such a good visit with him on the phone, and for the fact that a doctor visit assured you that he is okay. I keep a bucket of toys here as well for little ones when they come to visit, as our house is not exactly child-proof any longer! I'm glad your garden flowers were saved by bring the toys out for the little ones! Enjoy the rains and the beautiful days, so wonderful to have such a lovely springtime! Many blessings to you!

  11. How beautiful!
    Good to hear that your son is just fine.

  12. Time spent with friends is always a good time.
    Love the flowers

  13. What a joy to see your garden - it's very pretty and I do love it.
    Little children, wonderful to have in the house and good you had something for them to play with..

  14. Dearest Baili, your post made me smile. If only you could send me some of your sunny weather...and I could send you a little of our almost endless rain in exchange! Then we would both have more comfortable days!😉
    Oh wow, those beautiful flowers...yes, just the sight of them makes you feel uplifted, doesn't it?! Oh thank you so much for sharing.😊
    I am so glad your son's trip to the doctor turned out to be positive. It must have really put your mind to rest.
    Have a wonderful day, dearest Baili!

    Lots of love and hugs ❤❤❤

  15. Your flowers are lovely and surely appreciated the rain as you did too, Baili. Glsd all is well with your son and that he listened to his mother's advice and went to the doctor.

  16. Sometimes we really need rain! The flowers are so beautiful. And that is good news about your son. We are always comforted knowing our children are healthy.

  17. How nice you heard from your son and he is healthy. Your garden is gorgeous and seeing flowers and beauty makes me feel joyful so your post did that for me today..thank you.

  18. Your flowers are beautiful! They delight my soul too. :)

  19. Your flowers are so beautiful, lovely colours too.
    Pleased that your son got a check-up and all is well.

    All the best Jan

  20. You're right, Baili! Our time is short, not much longer than your beautiful flowers (geologically speaking), so we must make the most of our time here. I'm glad that your son had a good checkup, and I wish him well in his studies. Sending you a big hug!

  21. Gorgeous flowers! So happy your son is ok! Big Hugs!

  22. Your words are beautiful, they uplift my soul xx


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