Monday, April 22, 2019

My Own Concept Of Beauty And My Eldest Son Went For Cycling With Friends

Hey     Amazing   Hearts !

Hope    enjoying   the  beauty     of   life    and    glory    of  weather  :)

Thank     you   so   much   for   wonderful   replies    on  my  previous  post ,  i   really  appreciate    the   sweetness   and  generosity    of  all  of  you   for  sharing   your   thoughts    over   the  topic   i  pick ,so  nice   of  you!

I  forgot   to  share    my  concept   of   beauty    with   you   guys   which   is   , 

 "THE      TRUTHFULNESS "  ,  of  course   it   includes   the   all  kinds   of  Actual     beauty !  

Measure    to    this   beauty    i    consider    the   

If     a  thing   is    calming   my    soul    and    soothing   my   restlessness    it   is   beautiful !

If    it   is    setting   me  free   from   all   false   temptations    and  leading    me  to   the    origin    of   true   joy   and   contentment    it  is   beautiful !

If     it   is   connecting    me    with    my   origin  ,to  my    Creator  (whoever  he  is)  it   is  beautiful!

Enough   i  think .

Our   last   two   days   were   filled   with   happiness   as  family,   as   our  eldest   son  was   free  from   his  exams    and   he  had   four  holidays     before  the   new  semester    starts , so   he  called   us   daily    for  hour   atleast :)

His   next   and  final   semester   is  starting  from   tomorrow   which    will   end  in  July .

Then   there   will  remain  only   thesis   that   will  last  for   six   months (until December i think).

We  asked   him   about   his   future  plans  but  he  said   he   is   moving   forward    steadily   with   no   desperation.

Things    will   be  clearer   by   the   time   as   he   thinks  his   job  is  only   to  try   his  best   which  he  is  doing.

His   answer   was  great  satisfaction  for  me ,  i  feel   so   peaceful    when  i   find   his  attitude  as   positive   and   stable .

He   always   prefer    to  live  in  present   moment    with   his   contentment   and   smooth    struggle    for   better    future.

His   positivity    keeps    me   strengthened    with   hope  that   Lord   will   ease  his   ways    and   reward   him   for  his   constant   silent   hard   work   one   day  hopefully!

During  the   holidays   my   son     went  for  cycling   with  one  of   his   friend    as   weather   of   Munich    was   glorious   for    outdoor   adventures .

But   unfortunately   his   fellow  rider  (also  from  Karachi  and  classmate  too )  fell   and  hurt   her  knee .

This   made   my   son    quite  upset   but   luckily   an  old   German   lady    with   graceful   heart   passed  by   and  helped   the   girl   to  feel   better .

My   son   told   that    kind  lady   pampered   his   friend   so  much   ,later   young  lady   called   her   boyfriend   (German)  who   came   and   took   her   to    her   residence   as   there  was   no   serious     injury    so   was   no   need   to   go   to   the  doctor .

  i  edited   the  image  to  avoid  her  scratched  knee  which  can upset  you ,brave  and  brilliant  young  lady  which   inspires  with  her  skills   of  facing  life  so  wisely  and  wonderfully  and  after  her  mom  she  is  leading   lady  of  her  family   too!

During   our  stay   in  Karachi  before  my  son  left   i  visited   her   house  though   she   herself  was  in  Germany   but   she  insisted   my  son  to take   me   to  her  house ,  She   belong   to   quite  establish   family  ,his  father  is  work  in  private  t.v  channel ,i   Met   with   her   mother   who   seemed   really   incredible   lady  with   wonderful   humble  personality . I  met   her  sister   who  was  typical   teenage  young  lady ,very   intelligent  and  had  great  sense  of  humor ,i   really   enjoyed  my  time  there  and  returned  with   pleasant   memories. her  only   brother   lives  in  Japan  since  few  years ,not  just  he but  his  sister  can  speak   Japanese   fluently   which  was  amazement  to  see.

Before   leaving   for  cycling   my  son  sent  me  this  quick  selfie ,he  said   that  i  will   object  his  long  hair   so   he  wore  the  hat  :)  I  always   ask  my  sons   to  keep  their  hair  short  as  they   look  reasonable  to  me .he  said  he  wants  to  do  experiment   with  long  hair for  while  which  i  found  okay !

There   is   forecast   for  more  rains   on  Wednesday  but   until  then   we  are   having   rough  temps   here (40 plus) since  three  days ,hoping   for  better  though !

You   guys  enjoy   the  present   day   without   worries   of  past    and   illusions   of  future :)

Who   know   what  comes  next ???

So   stay   Blessed  with   Faith   in  your  Creator   and   faith  in  yourself!

I  know  you  can  do  this  most  amazingly :)

God   Bless   You  All!!!


  1. I like your take upon beauty. I have been trying to come up with a comprehensive definition myself since your original post.

    I think that your son has it right. I tend to believe on concentrating on achieving success in the short time. I find that if one works both smart and hard in the here and now, then the long term will take care of itself.

    1. Thank you dear Brain for kind words!

      You are always so encouraging as I am not well read of books though
      But I simply speak my thoughts with honesty that is best I can do :(

      I found your earlier reply very convincing and authentic because it conveys your spontaneous views over the topic

  2. A beleza mais importante e verdadeira é aquela que vem da nossa alma.
    Gostei das coisas interessantes que contou e das fotografias.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  3. Glad your son is well and that his friend's knee is ok.

  4. In the first part of your blog you deal with peace and happiness. this reminded me that I take those good things for granted and never think about them.

    1. Dear Red sometimes our vision is blocked by fog of illusions ,we can call it process of learning though .

      best part that we learn end of the day and earn wisdom enough to look through layer of fog things that really matter to us

  5. Oh I am glad your son's beautiful friend is Ok!
    Yes, your idea of beauty is so profound...I have been pondering it's true meaning ever since reading your previous post. You certainly set me thinking!😊
    I do think your son has the right idea. Concentrating on the present, I'm sure, will lead to success in the future.

    Have a fabulous day, dearest Baili!

    Lots of love and hugs ❤❤❤

  6. Great definition of beauty! Your son is wise to continue to do his best in the here and now and let tomorrow come on its own. Glad to hear his friend is OK and that you enjoyed your time visiting her home.

  7. Thanks for sharing your definition of beauty, Baili. I knew that it would not be physical beauty; and, as always, you gave me lots to think about. It's great that your eldest son get a break after his studies and was able to talk with you. I'm glad that his friend is okay after her fall from her bicycle. The German lady was kind and helpful; again proving my faith in the goodness of ordinary people.

    Terry and I went for a walk early yesterday afternoon. It was chilly and windy and the sky was filled with threatening clouds. Sure enough, on our way back from the turning point in our walk, it began to sprinkle. Terry ran for home, but I walked. I was thinking of you, and wishing you could feel the cold rain, the strong chill breeze, and our temperature of 15º C. I had to stand by the fireplace and warm up when I got in the house. It's rainier and even chillier today.

    Take care, my friend! Sending you a big hug!

  8. It is always nice to receive news about your son. I like your ideas of beauty. There were many in the comments of your previous post that I liked too.

  9. Hope you can stay cool Baili. I cannot imagine a temperature of 40+.

  10. I agree with your definition of beauty, baili (I never got here to leave my own but it would have been very similar). Anything that lifts my heart, anything that moves my emotions - those are the things I find beautiful.

    I hope you get your rain and that it cools things down. I know it gets much hotter there but if there are some breaks it makes a difference.

    I'm so glad you had extended chats with your son. He is such a good son, keeping in touch and caring about your wishes and feelings. I think he has the right idea, to work hard at the thing he is doing at the moment and wait for the future to reveal itself.

    Hugs, my friend. I hope you are feeling better!

  11. Thanks for sharing your definition of beauty.

    Pleased that your son is well, that's a nice selfie.
    Glad his friend's knee is all-right.

    All the best Jan

  12. Some scratches always happen, baili.
    No big deal, it's all part of the growing process.

  13. I like the way you see beauty! True peace of mind is something is beauty indeed! Glad to hear the girl is fine. Glad they took care of it to avoid an infection. Have a great week!!

  14. Baili, I'm sorry your son's friend hurt her knee while cycling. It's good to hear that your son is doing well, and his good and positive nature is wonderful to hear about. My son used to grow his hair long, which I liked, but I always like to see him with short hair and a shaved chin haha.

    True peace of mind and happiness IS beautiful, and it's nice that you said that. I hope the remainder of the April days are delightful for you, dear Baili.


    1. either i wanted my son to stay shaved chin lol ,how we think alike as mothers dear Sheri

      i want to see all men of my house with short hair and to me they look decent this way though i know the new concept of random and rough look is popular among youngsters specially the torn geans which are beyond my comprehension

      i still want to look my sons in sober dressing and look and it is natural wish as mother i think
      but i also believe that they should not be forced to follow our wishes
      let them learn with freedom of choice :)

  15. A nice definition of beauty, dear Baili! I agree! You have a wonderful son - kind, hard-working and good to his friends and especially his Mother. You must be very proud of him. Glad that his friend was not injured too badly. Blessings xo Karen

  16. Living in the present moment is a very good thing. It brings contentment and peace in life. You have such a wonderful family, and your son seems to be doing very well with his studies and his life. Wishing him, and all of you, well!


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