Monday, October 23, 2017

Sorrow of Lake (image source Google)

                   She  was    sitting ,  on  the  desk

                   in   the   garden ,  beside   the   lack

                 Which   was   silent ,    and   still

                 As   laid ,  after   taking   the  pill

                Sun    slipped   away , behind   the   hill
               Breez   was   trying    to   lake , chill

              with   her   tricks,  trying   to   tease 

              sprinkling   over ,   golden   leaves 

             By   creating ,  circles   around 

             within   trees ,   making   sounds

           But   in vain ,     her   all   tries 

           lake  produced ,no  move   or  voice

        calm   and   cool  ,  without   noise

      Like ,  before  fool  ,stand   the   wise

      She    was  looking   ,at   the   lake 

       web   of   silence   wanted   to   break

         in   which    stuck ,   were   so   many   gloom 

           Many    questions ,  secrets  ,   doom 

           Though    the   surface   was   soothing  and   calm 
           But  in   bottom   saw   lot ,  when   zoom

         She    got   up ,    and   came    near  

          with  a   smile   , giving    cheer 


        Asked   the  lack ,why  is   she  so  sad?

        Beautiful   evening    ,what   is   so  bad ?

       Lake   replied   ,with   deeply   sorrow

      For   me  same,    today  , tomorrow  

      I   am   stuck  , here     for   years 

        Gathering   only ,  sky's   tears  

           I   can't   move    ,i  cannot    flow  

          Cannot    groom ,  and    cannot    grow 

            Look   at   stream ,she  is  happy   and   sing

          How   much   joys   she   seems  to   bring 

          She   smiled,   with   serene     face 

         And   spoke   with   wisdom   and   grace

         How    sad  ,your   thoughts   sound 

        Can't    you   feel,   the   blessings   around 

       and   how   great!  ,   that   you   gave  them  life 

        Realize   this  ,   and   feel   pride  

      You   are   source   ,  to   so  many    here  

       Self    pity  , is      totally     unfair  .

       Don't    feel   less,   than   flowing   stream  

        You   think  songs,   but  might   scream

        She   is    travelling    towards    the   sea  

        where   she   think  ,she  meant   to   be 

        But   each  time ,   thrown    back   aloud 

      in   the   shape  ,  of   desperate   cloud  

      Cloud   that   ,turn     it   into    snow   

      She   melt   down   ,again   began   to    flow 

        She   is   suffering   with   lack   of   love  

       Strangers   meet ,  with   every   curve .

    She   is   running   into   the   circle  

      And   you   are   beautiful   miracle 

           happened   to    beautiful   town  

        I   am   friend   , don't   feel   alone .

Dear   friends ,take  great  care ,love  you  all .

wishing you all  a happy  ,healthy  prosperous life .




  1. "and you are a beautiful miracle"
    this is so beautiful.
    thank you for sharing, dear one!

    be blessed!

  2. The lake brings comfort, lovely writing!

  3. I have been enjoying a beautiful life the last few days and I feel like the rushing water that sings a song

  4. Um belo texto a acompanhar as fotografias igualmente belas. Gostei imenso.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  5. Lovely. Even though the lake thinks it is sitting still and accomplishing nothing it is the catalyst for all the life around it. And parts of it evaporate into the air. When enough of the drops get together they must again come to earth. They are absorbed into the soils where they gather with other drops which flow back into the lake. You captured it perfectly.

    1. Oh dear Emma!

      You captured it even more beautifullbeautifully!
      Thank you dear

  6. Oh this is incredibly beautiful and full of emotion.

  7. This is a sweet poem about the lake, Baili. You know, I've always loved the lakes and rivers and streams and brooks. There is a peacefulness and calm that the waters bring, and I appreciate them very much. You keep writing your poetry, Baili. I love reading it. : )


  8. I love your beautiful poem, Baili! So many feelings!

  9. This is superb verse Baili I love the way that you drew the contrast between the lake and the the stream.

  10. Very nice poem Baili, wise words written very well, I enjoyed this so much.

  11. It's the same for all of us, isn't it? We can't change who we fundamentally are, and we don't need to, because we are all important in different ways. Lovely thoughts and wonderful poem, my friend :)

  12. Friends are the most important treasure we can keep.

  13. baili, isn't that just a poem describing a mother's life to a T? You have a way of putting things. :)

  14. What a beautiful poem, friendship is indeed at the heart of all things.

  15. Your words flow like the stream and soothe like the lake.

  16. Wonderful poem, great reminder that we need to be happy in ourselves the way we were made, and how important we are to those around us

  17. Imagem tão linda, e o poema é me faz pensar, refletir...
    Boa semana!

  18. Lovely writing, and your choice of images is perfect!

    All the best Jan

  19. We are never alone or sad when friends are close by...
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Hope to see you there soon.
    All the best

  20. " And you are beautiful miracle " Very beautiful, this part! Congratulations!
    The way you write is engaging and engages the hearts of readers.
    A river that was so beautiful but that saw the negative side of its natural state. Until her friend showed her how much beauty there is around her.
    Your dream world has enchanted me so much.

    Many thanks for the words left on my blog.

    Tenha uma semana abençoada de paz, luz e alegria !

  21. Beautiful words Baili. Good wishes, Sue xx

  22. This is absolutely beautiful -- and wise!

  23. Wonderful words and soothing pictures to make my day! Hugs...RO

  24. Beautiful words and you've chosen the perfect photos. Thank you Baili :)

  25. Beautiful photos to go with your words!

  26. A beautiful image and truly wonderful words. I so loved reading your poem.
    Have a magical weekend :)

  27. Great poem, my friend. I love it. Wonderful words and thoughts. ♥

  28. Dear Baili - Nice emotion-telling in poetry. I like to be at the lakeside simply appreciating the stillness of the water and the surroundings. I also like to listen to the merry whispering of the flow of a river. On both occasion, I know how you become contemplative.
    Thank you for seeing my old post about glorious Nara in autumn. I look forward to those scenery at least one month ahead. Have happy days ahead.



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