I have seen when doctors were not essential part of life. I never saw my grandparents visiting any doctor. Though there were doctors available next town . They both had farm and and cattle so their daily life was full of business .
They were up before sun and on bed right after sun left. Their food was natural and rich with protien ,fats . Milk ,butter , clarified butter and curd.They were added in three times meal regularly .Still i never saw them doing any kind of exercise .And i never found them ill or slow .
Always Happy and active with amazingly positive approach towards life . They inspired me with their lifestyle indeed. Now i truly wonder why they were not sick or slow even in their last years ?
I don't know honestly . All i know that they were totally against of visiting doctor or using medicines. They only believed on herbal treatment if it was necessary and how amazing that it worked for them.
When i think about doctors they seems to be permanent part of my life. My mom went through three different surgeries in last decade of her life . Afterwards she visited doctors regularly until she lived.
I was stubborn to go to doctors and avoided it until one day i fell down and hit my head .Bleeding made mom frantic and she ran to doctor. There began a long process of tests as i was diagnosed under extreme anemic attack . After almost six month run doctors told that i will have to go through surgery for stomach treatment and for anemia i will have to take medicine for whole remaining years of my life .How annoying for 18 years old girl :(
Anyway i threw away medicine for few months and surgery was totally dismissed by my intellect . Which developed as ulcer later and was caught by another doctor after ten years of my marriage.
According to ultrasound lady stomach was almost damaged and there was no chance to get complete heath back ,so after almost three years medicine course i felt better and still on some medication though with breaks .
I find hardly someone around who is not coping with some kind of disease . Almost everyone seems to have load of diseases and is forced to take lots of medicines .
Unlike thirty years ago ,now people seems to be more dependent on medication than food .
Doctors have become important part of our living. They are like almost part of family .Their sensibility and wisdom is more curable than mere medicine they prescribe . I have realized how a kind look and gentle word can help to feel better to a patient .
Once i when mom was alive and my younger sister called me to come and help her with mom's visit to doctor to another city Lahore .I went and took mom to city which was almost six hours drive from Islamabad .
After the tests when we got back Islamabad on same day's night .I fell ill so badly . I don't know due to just tiredness or i caught some bug from train or else .
I was burning with cold and vomiting after each few minutes . Mom was not well enough to attend me and sister in her office . My youngest son was also very afraid as i was totally mess front of him.
That was unforgettable night full of misery and terror because next day i had to travel back to my home ,which seemed completely impossible now due to sudden sickness.
Next day my sister returned from her office and we tended to head for hospital . She found her car 's tire was punctured .That was strike and shops were closed so she left the vehicle behind and asked me to take walk as hospital was half hour walk away.
That was most difficult walk of my life believe me . I was walking like drunk person who can fall any moment anywhere . I would try hard and walk further and then inevitably would sit because dizziness was consuming my senses completely .
How i walked to that hospital in more than hour time it is another story . I would say it was God holding my hand and leading me there . When we reached in hospital i was out of my senses . Laying on bed with close eyes i could hear how doctor was scolding my sister for making me walk in such bad condition . Which was not her mistake obviously though.
After almost one hour when i opened my eyes i found myself in cozy warm room . My sister and son were sitting on bench . I could see how scared my son seemed. He was away from daddy and brothers and mom was sick so being sad was natural reaction surly .
I was feeling as i am hanging in space though bit better. One dominating feeling was sense of loneliness and helplessness as i was missing my husband badly . All days of previous illness when he looked after me like a mother were running before my eyes like a movie
I did not know i was crying silently when i saw doctor coming in . He had complete white hair ,kind face and angle like smile .When he said oh why are you crying sister ,it's okay ,you are fine now ,i realized his voice was most sweetest thing in this whole world .
He spoke for while and spoke as was conveying message of God to me . I will never ever forget his graceful face ,his compassionate voice and his soothing words . Only i knew how they healed me so quickly that i walked back to home as i was never sick. It was miracle indeed .
I felt how God work through his man. I was diagnosed with typhoid . After three days rest i came back to my home . I told that story to my husband numerous times.He smiles and says yes Allah is always around you because you never stop calling him :)
I have met many doctors .Some unkind .Some kind .Some funny and some don't care. But the one i met that day was angle . I visited may times that area and looked at that hospital building. Each time thought crossed my mind that patients in that building are going to be well soon :) Because the healer has magic of goodness and kindness. He is gifted ,this makes me smile always. Life is beautiful and good kind people still exist.
It sounds a terrifying experience and you are lucky indeed to have met such a man who gave you the hope and confidence to recover so fast. Some people like your grandparents are blessed with good health.
ReplyDeleteSo interesting, I agree that back on the days People didn't need doctors so much, I guess it is because better lifestyle what you mentioned. Now for me the most important is having the best pediatrist for my son, it is necessery these days. Have a lovely weekend ☺
ReplyDeleteMany of my relatives, including my father, never liked doctors and never went. However, throughout the world people are living longer and I think that one reason is better medical care.
ReplyDeleteI agree, that kindness and compassion are so important in doctors. As I get older I find myself seeing more and more doctors. I am lucky that many of mine are very kind.
Have a great day!
Gosh Baili Typhoid is very serious, thank goodness you got well. My mother was like your grandparents, she used herbal remedies and would never go to a doctor or dentist but was not very healthy to be honest. We are so lucky in the UK to have our brilliant National Health Service, available to every UK citizen.
ReplyDeleteThank God for that angel doctor! I thought for sure you were going to say you saw him but no one else did. ;-)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like your grandparents had a healthy diet and active lifestyle AND good, peaceful thinking. Our minds do affect us, what we think about and how we choose to feel are so important. I truly believe that.
I remember getting a vaccine for typhoid one time before traveling. It sounds horrendous.
DeleteYes in someway only I saw him dear Sandi
I never saw such gentleness in some man specially as I was annoyed to visit one male doctor even in that worse condition
The way he treated me was kind of "our of the world " believe me even when I think of those moments my eyes gets teary
I can't explain the grace he had
It seemed beyond just humanity
Many people are blessed without needing many visits to a doctor. But we shouldn't dismiss the need for them. Even a checkup when we feel fine can reveal some hidden ill.
ReplyDeleteHope you are doing great now.
PS ... I thought I was following you, but your posts are not appearing in my Reader. Fixing that now. :)
I'm sure God was with you, also you are really tough!!
ReplyDeleteI think it is our lifestyle that makes doctors so needed today, travel which exposes people to different issues, mental stress etc. Also years ago, most people just died sooner, doctors could not do as much to help as they do today.
And yes, people were less likely to see a doctor. WHen I was 9 I also had anemia. When we were on vacation away from home for 2 weeks, I would wake up every morning my pillow covered in my too thin blood from nose bleeds. My mom told me, "As soon as we get home you're going to see the doctor about this!" No reason to rush or panic in those days.
i think people died soon when medical help was not available around for certain diseases dear Joe
Deletei never realized back than that anything exist like stress
through the years human psyche has become more complicated and we are forced to captivate ourselves in shell of our weird harmful attitude which effect our health negatively for sure
i did not know that anemia can cause noose bleeding ,i am really sorry you suffered with such health issue ,i hope in coming years you were completely out of it !
Hi Baili, I'm sorry to hear your experience at the time you got a flat tire and walked to the hospital, meanwhile your health was not really good. Another hand, it was a blessing; you met a kindness of a doctor who caring his patients with God's help.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend, Baili!
So glad you survived this!
ReplyDeleteI’ve had doctors good and bad. Being lucky enough to have a good one assigned to you is a blessing!
ReplyDeleteMay all doctors become kind healers like the one you met!
ReplyDeleteI have had doctors that were so kind and caring with me and other doctors who were not. The doctors who are not kind and caring, are the ones that I think are in the profession only for the money. When I encounter an unkind doctor, I do not go to them again. But doctors who are good at their profession and are kind I will go to for as long as I can. I am almost 66 years old and I have been going to the doctor who treats my asthma and allergies since I was 21 years old (young). He is a kind and caring doctor and has given me great care through the years. He has that calming, almost angelic way of speaking and caring for his patients.
ReplyDeletedear Susie thank you for kind visit and sweet words
ReplyDeletei am glad you shared your experience with me my friend
doctors are humans and to be a good doctor it it is needed to be a fine human being if we are not a good person it is impossible to contribute any goodness in field we join
it amazed me that from the age of 21 you are visiting same doctor for care ,such a blessing to have as kind and warmhearted doctor to care for your health :)
Way back then they didn't have time to get sick, it was a different life and a different lifestyle to today and a few years back.
ReplyDeleteNot good have typhoid at all, wonderful to have a caring Dr. and they often shine when someone is really ill as you were at that time..
So glad you were healed and were fortunate to be treated by this kind doctor. Such a scary experience.
ReplyDeleteNext Saturday I'm going for my annual check up.
ReplyDeleteIt's not fun but it's necessary.
Have a great week!
Best wishes dear Pedro
DeleteÉ verdade. Antigamente as pessoas quase não iam ao médico. Levavam uma vida mais frugal. Ao contrário, agora nós não passamos sem os médicos, como se a nossa vida dependesse deles. Que bom ter encontrado um médico que soube como trata-la com gentileza e simpatia…
ReplyDeleteUma boa semana.
Um beijo.
It would be wonderful if all doctors had a kindness to their medical practice. It makes it so much easier for patients.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, Baili, many years ago people did not go to doctors or medical offices as often as today. I'm not sure if that was because they worked hard and used homemade remedies and perhaps it was too costly to seek outside help. I didn't really know or remember my grandparents so can't say if they were the same as yours, but I know they were hardworking people. Your experience with typhoid was certainly life threatening and scary, and thankfully you were treated by a wonderful doctor so you can share your story with us.
ReplyDeleteReading your experience, thank goodness you were healed and were fortunate to be treated by this kindly doctor.
ReplyDeleteHere in the UK we have our National Health Service, which provides a service to every UK citizen.
All the best Jan
For some reason many doctors do not seem very empathetic. They are all business and don't show their feelings. How fortunate that you had such a kind doctor when you needed it most!
ReplyDeleteHi Baili :) I think that the word doctor is used too seriously. They are not all HEALERS. But as you experienced, once in a while there is a true healer. I am not a doctor person, I hate seeing them because in my experience, they are all just prescription pill pushers. I prefer to try my own methods at home with food and herbal medicine, and also exercise. If worst case happens, I will accept modern medicine, but I will avoid doctors always if I can!
ReplyDeletei hate going to doctors. I try to be healthy but sometimes it is necessary:)
ReplyDeleteThat was a beautiful story. And such a wonderful and kind doctor.
ReplyDeletewow, what an experience you had Whew! Fortunately you got better.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a terrifying experience. I am glad you had a guardian angel watching over you.
ReplyDeleteA little kindness always makes a difference to someone.
ReplyDeleteWhat a powerful post, Baili! I'm glad a wonderful doctor showed up when you needed him most! Typhoid ~ What a horrible thing for you to catch, and very dangerous. Typhoid was a "bogieman" when we were growing up. Typhoid Mary, who was a carrier of typhoid in the US, was featured in a number of health courses when I was in school. I am thankful that you survived, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI have seen people do amazing things in extreme situations. Sometimes it comes to a simple choice: Lie down and die or keep moving. You kept moving and lived, my friend! I think that people who lived close to the land and worked hard were physically much tougher. I also think that our current world is increasingly environmentally degraded and our industrial food supply is more concerned about profits than health and nutrition. Also, people travel and spread sickness around the globe, much more than 50 plus years ago. These things impact the overall health of the world's people.
But we can't forget how much medical progress has been made over the last 150 years: sanitation, vaccination, medicines and treatments that have increased human longevity and have decreased debilitating diseases (like polio, small pox, or tuberculosis). Were it not for modern medicine and doctors I would have died for sure by four years of age. However, my mother would have died before giving birth to me, and I would never have been born.
I have a wonderful primary care doctor, and I've had him for many years. He is kind and gentle, listens and respects me. He's also given this hugger a hug when I was very sick and fragile. He's been my guardian angel.
I love what your husband said about you, that Allah is always around you. You do walk with Allah and share His Grace with so many people everywhere! Take care of yourself, sweet Baili! Sending you a big hug!