Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Spartacus !

Hello   Precious   Hearts!

Hope     enjoying    your    each  moment   as  it  is  last  ,it  is  actually 
because  the  next  one  is  unknown   and  uncertain ,isn't  it ?

Our   summer  vacations   at  home  are   going   great :)

along  the   all  fun  we  have  as  family  together  now  i  have   asked   my  sons  to   start   their   studies   for  new   grades  they  entered    as   it  will  be  great  help   for  them  when  they   will   attend   classes  in  July  .

Weather   is   bearable   and   gorgeous   with   clouds   often  and  cool   breeze   followed   by   strong  winds  sometimes .

We (me and hubby)   just    finished   Spartacus    and   found  it   ONE  OF  THE  BEST    SHOW   WE  EVER  WATCHED!

Truly  moving   and  powerful   story   of   man   who   had  faith  in  EQUALITY OF  HUMANS   and  fought    for  the  rights    of   weak   and  helpless    ruthlessly   captivated  and   inhumanly   treated   by   Romans !

I    fast   forwarded    the   rough  exposures    though ,  as  it   was   uncomfortable   to  watch   yet   the   power   of  story   and   WILL  POWER   OF  MAN   Touched   our   souls !

I  must   say   that   if  we  would  have  miss   this   drama  it   could  have  been  loss   indeed!

Knowing   that    hundreds   of  years   ago    someone   was  pioneer who  dared   to  stood  against   cruelty    and   injustice   and  the   strength   of  his   FAITH   AND  WILLPOWER   influence  almost   2  million   people   to  follow  him  in  his  noble   cause   is   great    pleasure   and   peace !

Everyone   has  to   die  one  day  but   GLORIFYING   DEATH  WITH   SUCH   SIGNIFICANCE  AND  SUBTLETY  IS    TRULY   A  GIFT  OF  GOD!
Sharing   some  images  first  two  are  shared  by  eldest  son  and  other  from  my  front yard :)

                         i  found  this  moon  absolutely CHARMING and  STUNNING!  9:30 pm

                                     2am  when my  son   returning  from  friend's  hostel

                            could not find the name of this gorgeous beauty (anyone please)

      next  morning  her  smile  was withered with   the  gust  of  wind ,ah  life  is short,indeed  yet  they  spread joys until they  lived  :)

                       took  this  one   while  ago ,summer  garden  looks  like  this  now

         Clouds  are  growling  as  usual  but  mostly   they   pass  without  proving  their  claims :(

Take  great   care  lovely   people!
hope  you   find  all  your  heart  desire  for  and  hope  all  you  desire  is  what  actually   is  Right  for  you!



  1. THe moon looks like a street light that floated away.

  2. Sounds like a great movie. I have not seen it yet! Beautiful photo of the moon!! Oh yes jasmin is a wonderful flower! The aroma it gives is lovely.

  3. Another enjoyable post, Baili! Your beautiful flower is plumeria, sometimes called frangipani. I've seen it many times in Hawaii, and I have even taken a class on making leis with plumeria. There are many, many varieties of plumeria. Here's a link for plumeria: If you scroll way down on this entry, you will see a photo of white plumeria, which is what you have.
    Here's a link for jasmine: Sometimes the names for the two flowers are used interchangeably. This link will tell you more than you probably would ever want to know about plumeria ~ LOL: I love plumeria, so I couldn't resist looking into it more. I don't think anything has felt more wonderful against my skin than a cool fragrant leis of plumeria. Hugs to you my friend!

  4. I can remember watching Spartacus, a good film.

    That is a beautiful moon photograph.
    That flower does look lovely, it looks a little like Jasmine … but I'm not sure.

    All the best Jan

  5. I have only seen the 1960 film version of Spartacus. That was a superb film. I would like to see the newer version. It sounds so good. I can understand skipping some of the disturbing scenes

    Great pictures as always.

    Have a great day Baili!

  6. I haven’t seen that movie. I will watch for it.

  7. That movie sounds good, certainly inspirational! Your photos are beautiful, I hope the clouds soon come good with their claims of rain! Beautiful moon!

  8. I saw Spartacus when I was younger. It is a powerful movie.

  9. Spartacus representes the fight for freedom.
    And the man you gave him life in movies (Kirk Douglas) is now 102 years old.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Interesting reading how you enjoy the movie Spartacus.
    Do believe that flower looks as if it's a Frangipani which is highly perfumed.
    When I was married I had them in my Wedding Bouquet. Last years winter holiday I came across some growing in a parking area and there are many in people's front yards.
    Your garden look delightful.

  12. First of all, thank you for your comments, dearest Baili. They made a rainy day look sunny and cheerful. :)
    I think I haven't ever seen Spartacus, but my husband likes it very much.
    Your question about the white flower was very interesting. I too was thinking of Jasmine, but the flower looks indeed very much like some photos of Plumeria. Only, isn't Plumeria a plant of much warmer regions as yours?
    It was lovely to hear from you. Take care!

  13. Spartacus is a wonderful and inspiring story, isn't it! Those white flowers look like plumeria to me. I've seen them in Hawaii. They don't grow in Canada -- too cold.

  14. Thanks, Baili, for the movie recommendation, but Spartacus is not a movie I will likely watch because like you I would fast forward through so many scenes. The flower is lovely and almost reminded me of a miniature magnolia but after reading previous comments, I see others have named it.
    Also, I see that you have removed a comment from an un-favorite blog spammer, my suggestion would be instead to mark it as spam and then you can delete it completely. This way it doesn't display in your comments as something that can be clocked on and accessed. No need to give these spammers any attention at all.

  15. Baili, I saw Spartacus many years ago too. I'm glad your son is home now with you. Love the pictures of the white flowers. We have had some cloudy days as well, and even rained this month! That's a cool picture of the moon that your son took.

    Enjoy this merry month of May, Baili.


  16. Hi Baili :)) Your Moon photos are wonderful, it was such a nice Flower Full Moon this month! Ours was very clear to see in the sky, had a bit of a red hue to it! I love your gorgeous flower photos too, though I don't know what they are! I watched the movie Spartacus with Kirk Douglas many years ago, it was a great epic! I didn't like the harsher violent scenes much either!

  17. I also think frangipani is the flower, it has a wonderful smell.

  18. Wow, beautiful images! Thank you for sharing your precious moments with us.

  19. Beautiful moon.

    Beautiful flowers!

  20. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed watching Spartacus. That's one I've never seen. Beautiful photos!

  21. I've never seen Spartacus but from your description it sounds like a movie worth watching. Your white flowers are beautiful - so perfectly formed!

  22. Lovely photos :-)

    I am sorry that I have commented for a while. Some life issues have got in the way of me blogging and commenting on a regular basis.


  24. I love your photos so much! Spartacus is such a great movie! Big Hugs!

  25. I haven't seen the series Spartacus, but in my favourite novel series (Masters of Rome by Colleen McCullough), there is a big part about Spartacus. If you like historical novels, I'm sure you would like these books too. :-)


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