Thursday, November 2, 2017

I Saw a Ghost When i was Little (almost four years) and Mom 's , and Grandma's Ghost Stories

I   have  mentioned  many   times  in   many  of  my     previous   posts   that  before  coming  to   the    village  my  parents  lived  in  a  quite   old   and  big   city  name  Hyderabad. 

They  would  have  lived  their  forever  may  be  if  my  older   brother  would  not  have  died  because   of   T.B.

My  parents  lived   their  in  a  rental   home  which  was  owned  by  an  quite  old   couple  and  his  son, his  wife  and  five   kids .
It  was  very  old  double  story  building .We  lived  in  ground  floor  and  owners  in  upper   story.

I   used  to   play   with  those  kids  sometimes  on  roof  of  that  building  which  was  walled  almost  3 feet  and  fenced .There  was  also  a  store  room  and  few  rows  of  wires  to  hang  the  wet  clothes  for  drying.

Two  of  those  children  were around  my  age.Until  this  age  (4) i  new  nothing  about  death .I  had  my  own  thoughts  in  my   small   head  that   when  people  get  enough  old   they   again  become   children  and  that  is  how  life  goes  all  the  time  in  world.

One   day  uncle  bhatti (real name)   died .Mom  went  to  attend  the  last  goodbye  event  in  which  according  to  tradition   all  the  relatives   and  friends  were  gathered . I  was   asked  to  stay  and  play  with  my   older  brother  who  was  alive then. Until  that  time  his  sickness was  not  diagnosed  properly .

While   playing  with  toys  i  asked  my  brother  that  "why   there  are  so  many   people  in  uncle  bhatti's   house  and  why   the  ladies   looked   so   sad ?"

He  said  while  mending  his  torn  woodcart  (made by  himself)(he  used  to  make  me  sit  on  it  and  push ) that  "because  uncle  bhati  is  dead!"

"what  does  that  mean"  i  asked  innocently ?" He  replied  that"it  means  he  has  returned   towards  God  and  will  never  com  back"

I  asked  him  some  more  questions  but   his  answers  could   not  satisfy  my   curiosity. I  decided  to  go  upstairs  and  watch  what  happened  to  uncle  bhatti. I  went  up  and  saw  that  all  the  ladies  were  sitting  in  a   circular   shape   and  within  the  circle  uncle   bhatti   was  laying  upon   strange   kind  of  wooden  bed  that  had  four   handles  .

I  stared   a   lot  but  uncle  bhatti  made  no  move  .It   was   strange  .Even   just  few   days  back  he  was  walking  actively  in  street   when  he  yelled  at   her  granddaughter  for   some   reason .His   fat   body   and  eyes  huge    annoying   eyes  behind   glasses   made   me  scare  special  when  he   was  angry.

Lunch  time  passed   without  having  any   lunch.My   elder  brother  gave  me  biscuits  with  milk .After  sometime  dead body  was  moved  to  the   men's   section  and  then   around  4pm  men  took  dead   body   to   bury  toward   graveyard .

When  they   came  back   the  huge   (very  Huge)  pans   of   different  food  were  ready   to  serve  the  guests according   to   tradition(death  is  expensive  for  family  left  behind  til  today  here).

We  all  kids  were  happy  to  eat   specially  sweet   yellow  rice .After  eating  we  all  children  more  than  10   i  think  because  of  guest's   kids   too   went   up   to   the   roof  .It   was  getting   dark   and  on   the   sky   only  one  single   star   was   twinkling.

                                  image source google

Some  more  kids  were  standing  near  me  and  looking  around or  staring  at   the  star   like  me  may   be .Suddenly   i  saw  a   transparent  smoky  (casper  like)  (i  had  never  seen  cartoons  of  Casper  until  then)  body  aroused  from   below   and   while   waving  weirdly   moved  above .The  first   part  of  second   made  all   of  us  struck   by  this  strange   incident  and  in  the  other  part  of  second   we  all   shouted   at   same  time  and  ran  towards   stairs . Before  stepping  in  stairs  i  saw  it  that  object  disappearing  in  vastness  of  darkening  sky.

While  running  blindly  many  of  us  fell  and   get   minor   injures. 

As   kid  of  four  i  could  not  understand   it  .I   was  too    scared  to  repeat   it   though  when  we   rushed  down  and  elders   asked  us  what   happened   we  tried    to   explain   to    them   but   no  one   was  interested  in   our   story .

After   two   years  ,due  to  death   of  my   elder  brother  mom  went  under   deep   depression  and  doctor  advised  my   father  to  change   the  place .Mom  decided  to  come  to  her  native   village   then. I  was  six   than . My   grandparents   said  warm  wellcome  to  us  and  offered  their  old  empty   house  to  live  until   our  own  get  built.

In   next   few   years  i   heard  lots  of   ghost   stories   from  my   grandma   who  lived  with  her  kids  as   my  grandfather  was  in  army and  used  to  visit  occasionally. She  had  a cow ,a  buffalo  and  lots  of  goats  and  hens  .

My   grandparents  had  many  fields  too  where  they  used  to  grow  wheat  and  corn. They  had   gardens  where  we   used  to  play  and  eat  lots  of  fruits   among  which  my  favourite  were  apricots ,loquat  ,oranges, aloocha and berries.  Below  are  the  images of fruits that were in abundance there ,

My  grandma  in village
(35,houses only)  was well known fro her daring  spirit ,bravery and love  for  justice .She  was  so  fascinating person for me .Used  to  tell  me  lots  of  ghost   stories  to  whom  she  encountered in  her  way  to  market (4 or 5 km away from  village )  while  walking  alone .

When  i  told  her  that  i   saw  that  smoky  transparent  object  she  said  it  was  the  spirit  of  uncle  bhatti  who  after  his  body's  burial   left   peacefully  .

She   said  people  who  die  in  unnatural   are  painful  accidents  their  spirits   don't   leave   world  ,they   just   wander   around  and  try  to   get   attention  of  live   people ."If  you  encounter   with   such  then  don't  be  afraid  ,if  you  will  be  afraid  even  in  your  heart  they   will sense  it   and  dominate   your  body  and  make   you  die  terribly "

She  told  that  when  she  get  back  from  market  it  is  almost  dark  in  way  So   they   surround  me  and  play   their  tricks  .They  appear  in  a  disguise  of  bold  and  beautiful   girl  and  offer  help  in  holding  stuff i had,  when  i  say   no  they  turn   bad  ,some  time  snake  or  donkey  ,sometimes  lady  with  opposite  heels  and  white  eyes .But  i  just   keep   repeating  my   verses   from  holy  book  and  faith  on  my  God  that  he   will  save  me  ,and  see  he  is  saving  me  since   years.

Her  such   stories  used   to   blow  away   my  sleeps  many   times .but  as  i  got  elder  due   to   my   readings  ,listening  radio  and  watching  lots  of  t.v  .my  knowledge  lessened  this  fear   to   some  extent. 

But  one  thing   that   still  bother  me  is  story   from  my  mother  .She  was  witness of  one  weirdest   accident  of  her  whole  life  .Once   she  was  passing  near   the   graveyard  accompanied  by  three  other  women  among  which  one  was  really  pretty  girl  who  was   newly   married .They   were   going  to  attend  a  funeral  and  it  was  night  time  not much  late   may  be  around  9pm.

When  they   passed  near   the   graveyard  which  was  on  their  way   the  young  girl   said  "ouch" she   took  off   her  one  shoe  and  pulled  thorn   from  it .All  other  women  including  mom  stood  and  waited  for  her .She  wore  shoe  and  walked  with  women  towards  the  house   where  the  person   died .

Mom  told  that  the  girl  started   to  shiver  slightly  and  felt  cold  as  it   was  sudden   fever  with  cold  shiver. But  soon   she  laid   and  her  eyes  became  wider  as  they  eye  balls  will  be  thrown  out  by  some  one  .her  mouth  was  releasing   cough  and  she  was  screaming  loudly .Mom  told  her  scream   seemed  blend   of  more  than  one  voice .In  last   she  vomited  blood   and  died  at  the   spot  within  half  and  hour .

She  was  healthy  young  girl  happily  married but   died   in  weird  circumstances .Postmortem   declared  that   her  heart   was  squeezed  and  blasted    in  her  chest  but  how  or  why  no one  could   understand.

Mom  said  that  she  though   does  not  believe  in  such   things  but   old   women   says  that  she  was  killed  by   a  bad  ghost  who  caught   her  while  standing  in  grave   yard.

I  in  my  whole  life  never  encountered  with  such  situation  except  that  strange  waving  object  that  i  saw  along with  all   other  kids. I  after   my   marriage  once   felt  little  weird  touch  of  finger  tips  on  my  upper  back  while  i  was  alone  in  room  though   light  was  on  and  everybody  was  close   to  room  watching  t.v in  lounge . But  i   rejected  it  and  though   it  could  be  my   fad. Because  after  that  i   tried  many  times  to  refeel  this  touch  to  identify  as  if  it  is  real.I  stood  alone  in  room  in  dark  but  nothing  happened.   

When  on  national  geographic   channel  i  saw  a  reality  show  for  years   about  people  who  get   lost  in  barren  deserts and  forests  alone  for  months  and  finally  manage  to  survive   i  ask  my  self  that  why   ghosts   caught   those  lonely  stuck   if  they  really  exist?

Dear   friends   please  take  great   care !
Stay   blessed  with   strength   that   comes   from  faith   and   self  confidence .Love  yourself  because  you  deserve  it !

God  Bless  You  All!!!


  1. Long interresting story,greetings,Joan

  2. Hi Baili. Your account reminds me of how I also learned about death when I was a child. It is not an easy subject for children or adults. I think that coming to understand it is one of the most profound things that people experience.

    Take care.

    1. Such learnings can never be forget Brain!

      I still remember how much painful was acknowledging this fact that my parents ,me and my siblings will be buried under the pile of mud .
      i believed for years and sometimes still do that i will be reawaken there and feel to be deceased slowly by creepy insects

  3. Creepy, Baili. There are many things in our world that we do not yet understand.

    1. Yes agreed!

      in this world of wonders there are still LOTS to be revealed dear Sandi!

  4. Spooky! Your grandma was full of ghostly lore!

    1. Yes she was indeed .
      i still wonder was it her brain's tricks to her or real .
      because when ever i watched horror movie my brain did this to me terrifyingly but for long if i did not see such crap thing get back to normal

  5. I never saw or felt a ghost but my mother was certain that she did.., many times items she was searching for would show up out of nowhere... most often moved...there were odd things that happened to her over her lifetime xox ♡♡♡

    1. Dear Launna it is said that with some people such energies get more obsessed than others .

      Back in my native village i saw a woman of my mom's age who was changed within months after such attack(according to elderly her body got caught by a spirit )
      she was almost new person with new behaviours ,even she start talking in other language which was totally from another province and her status raised after this in her family and specially in laws who were so bad with her before

  6. Spooky Tales Baili, made even spookier by the fact they're real childhood stories!!!!!!!!!! Your Grandma sounds like a remarkable woman.
    Have a wonderful November with hopefully no ghostly sightings xx

    1. Thank you Prunella!

      i feel blessed that i had such AMAZING lady as grandma .she was outstanding .even most powerful people of high status in surroundings were so impressed with her confidence and dare .she was not learned from school but she had lots and lots to taught others through her powerful personality

  7. Sounds like you have a wonderful grandmother.
    I like ghost stories/experiences.
    Thank you for your kind comment on my art blog.

  8. Scary experience! I have had such happen to me. I don't talk about those much to anyone. Some spirits cannot move on, why I don't know. Good post.

    1. Believe me dear Susan either i don't like to think or talk about it but this time of the year i don't know why my heart is wanting to share more of my unshared experiences with my friends!

      yes i heard lot that some spirits roam about in this world for various purposes .

  9. My mother-in-law used to say, "Of course I don't believe in any of that." But she was the one who could explain many of those things. She experienced more than she was willing to admit.

    1. "The Skeleton key" movie tells that to feel or see them first you have tom Believe it .and i don't want to believe it for sure

  10. You gave me goose bumps all over.

    I have seen and talked with ghosts, all friendly except one in an old house we lived in in South Carolina. It was frightening and felt evil but it never could come in the rooms we lived in. Seemed only to haunt the hallway and stairwell. Shivers!

    1. Hooo..

      that is spooky Toni dear!

      My grandma used to say that she can sense that which place is occupied by such things

  11. It is so interesting to read and catch glimpses of your life as you grew up, baili. I can't remember when I learned about death. It seems it must have been more gradual than you, because there is no single event that I can remember.

    1. Dear Jenny i was quite a duffer but one think was little special in me that i always looked for knowing more and more and more .
      i still think i know nothing about life .
      i still remember the day when i learnt that time will not move further if i push the hands of clock ahead lol...

    2. Hah! But that is how we learn as children :)

      I meant to add to my original comment that I am sorry for the loss of your brother at a young age. That must have been difficult for everyone in your family.

    3. Yes dear Jenny it was indeed .
      somehow it affected our whole life ,during the hospitalization my parents left my eldest brother with my aunt where he lived for some mothes but when we met again he was not same person.
      Mom went insane for months and on doc's advise we moved from city to the village where began the complications between mom and dad ,they stayed together though but were not same as they were before .
      though life passed in village and being close to my grandparents and nature brought huge positive change in my upbringing

  12. The world is full of strange things, some we do not fully understands. Those that touch us from just outside our realm are one of those strange experiences. You will be able to feel if those touches are healthy and good or if they are not.

    1. i totally agree dear Cherie.

      i am over sensitive to sense positive or negative energies around me and will you believe me that it never went wrong even sometimes i wished it go

  13. Who you gonna call?
    Ghostbusters!! :)))
    Do you remember the movie and the song?
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Yes i remember the movie Pedro
      though i have strong memory of that glimpse of strange object but still can't say anything else as it was only a strong "experience"worth mentioning

  14. My aunt told ghost stories about the village where whe grew up. I loved and hated those stories all at the same time.

    1. it sounds that when the people were less on earth their sixth sense worked more than crowed of today

  15. How interesting, it's believable that you saw a casper shaped object.
    Lovely grandmother.
    I'm not a believer in ghosts but of course I believe there is something.

    1. Yes dear Margret i believe it or not that was so strongly felt fact which could not be denied .
      In spite of all i don't believe in ghosts

  16. Interesting! Especially children have the ability to see something that most of the adults do not do.

    1. Yes it is said most often that children and all kinds of animals can feel such energies stronger than grown up humans

  17. Wow...being a trainee medium, I found this post absolutely fascinating.
    I have seen seeing Spirit People all my life. As a child, I was rather frightened by it - especially when I plucked up sufficient courage to confide in my mother, who promptly informed me that what I was doing was evil and I would be eternally damned!*smiles*
    I am so grateful that I finally came to trust my experiences, and to realise that I have a gift which I can use to help heal the grief of others.

    Thank you so much for this post, dearest Baili...I found it so interesting!:))

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

  18. Hi Baili :) I know that all of those experiences must have been frightening for you. I really enjoyed reading them though. I'm fascinated by such things. When I was much younger, 19 years old maybe, I lived alone in a basement apartment. I woke up one morning to whispers and opened my eyes. I saw about 8 ghostly figures scattered around my bedroom just looking at me. I really got scared. I closed my eyes and pulled the covers over my head. The next day I couldn't figure out if I had dreamed it or not.

  19. So interesting to hear your experiences, Baili, and it must have been so frightening as a child. I do believe in ghosts, although I have never seen one, but I have felt the presence of them. My Father, who didn't believe in such things, did see a ghost later in life - the presence of a miner. My Mother was away (with me) visiting my sister, and he was alone in bed and woke up for some reason. There was the ghost of a coal miner with coal dust over his face at the foot of his bed. This area was once a very active coal-mining community and there were still open mines on his property deep in the woods. My daughter also experienced ghosts when she stayed at a girlfriend's very old home. Doors would slam, rocking chairs would rock and lights would flicker. They even had a 'ghost whisperer' come to the house to try and 'send them home'. I find it all fascinating. I think ghosts are souls that are trapped here and haven't followed the light. Sending hugs xo Karen

  20. What remarkable memories, Baili! I always enjoy hearing stories about your life and family. You were blessed to have a wonderful grandmother.

    I have never seen a ghost, but I have several family members who have seen them, as well as several close friends. Because I haven't experienced ghosts myself, it is hard for me to believe they are real; and yet, it's also hard for me not to believe my family and friends whom I trust. I think that some people are more attuned to spiritual things and sense spirits more than other people like me. I do know that the universe is far bigger and more complicated than I can imagine, so there are plenty of possibilities for spiritual or other beings to exist.

    What a gentle way your brother explained death to you, as a return to God from which you don't come back! I remember your writing about your brother's dying from TB before. It must have been devastating for all of you.

    I have no memory of learning about death, but I must have been very young. One of my earliest memories was of the racetrack fire in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. I woke up hearing fire engines and the screaming of horses trapped in the fire. I climbed up on the window sill and looked out into the night sky. I was so small that I had to raise my arms to reach the middle of the window, so I was between 2 1/2 and three years old. I understood that the horses could die and what death meant.

    Sending you a big, warm hug, and lots of love!

  21. Hi Bali, Hope you are doing good. ITs pleasure to read your interesting stories... this is good one...

  22. Spooky but interesting story! I do believe that the spirit lives on.


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