Hey kind hearts !
hope beating beautifully and wisely on the rhythm of life ! Now when i have fully recovered from malaria and feeling lot better by the grace of God i am taking fasting slow and steady. The disease has left some weakness and this is why i am finding it good to fast for one day and take a break for next day . Actually i enjoyed fasting like an entertaining adventure in my early teens . I have mentioned that there was great enthusiasm and a healthy competition among all cousins regarding finishing holy book and fasting .As they would see their elders fasting , kids above ten mostly would try to fast on regular bases throughout the month of Ramadan. As fresh entry to my little magical village world everything was great fun and excitement for me as young girl .I would take part in all these things just because it would make me feel happy and fit in all of them.
I think i fasted properly till my thirties . My health declined greatly after two later children and fasting went behind the curtain of so many other thick layers of business and excuses for many years. When we moved here in separate house and my stomach ulcer was treated for three years long medicine course i tried to do fasting once in a while but horrible headaches kept me from fulfilling my wish to feel that old sense of joy again. Every year when Ramadan would come i would retry but invain because headache would make me feel Misérables and i would hold my head and lay whole day by doing nothing .Any attempt to do house chore specially cooking would make me feel extremely dizzy and fainted. So i gave up the idea of fasting and it remained until this ( more then 13 years or less). After the death of both parents in same year of 2011 to avoid trauma i did teaching job for two years which i had to quit because the kids' studies were being neglected. When i stayed at home i realized again that i need relief for my soul that was burdened with fresh grief of the loss of parents. So i started yoga and meditation in 2014 or 15. It has been a decade and i can feel the difference because it is so obvious and strong on the every aspect of my life. But one thing that seemed to help in being able to fast again like my teenage days is reducing the carbs from diet since some months before the arrival of Ramadan . This life is full of magic indeed and surprises us each time when we ponder on something to seek solution. Remember i have mentioned doctor zee who's site has been greatly helpful to make us understand briefly how food works in our body on cellular level .His explanation is powerful who want to solve their health problems with honesty . Thanks to Creator who lead us to path when we want to correct our lives ! Thanks to doctor zee who is serving people in this good cause !
So my reason for fasting is scientific but as we see that in every command of God there is abundance of "goodness" hidden for humans ! Because he is Creator and his creations are precious for the Creator !
Sharing a very interesting and informative article that supports idea of fasting in all religions and why it is important for people .
thank you so much for bearing with me friends ! God bless you all!
health peace and happiness to you and precious loved ones!
Thanks for stopping by mo blog. I am happy that so many people are familiar with Mary Anning. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for kind visit David ,i was introduced Marry Anne through movie Ammonites
DeleteIt is great to hear how it has given you joy. I am glad you can be a part of this again. Thanks so much for the post. Awesome how yoga has helped and your diet before Ramadan. Glad to hear you are on the mend. All the best to you, your family and your blog.
ReplyDeleteprecious Ellie fasting was fun part of my early age because it was way to feel the sense of harmony with my cousins and maternal grandparents .my mother would fast regularly she did throughout her life until she died .
DeleteWhen i got away from the familiar loving warm environment of my parents and home town fasting was part of those memories for me which i wanted to refresh every year .
Now but fasting has become surprisingly very necessary for health issues i have been suffering for all life .
Thanks for sharing this information.
DeleteFasting is a challenge to begin with but when you have physical problems it's harder than ever. I wish you all the best during this holy month.
ReplyDeletedear Red i can relate because i was unable to fast for so many years only because of the extreme weakness i would feel during fasting and the horrible headache i would suffer with meanwhile .
Deletethe link i shared here mentions which people with certain health problem like heart issues diabetic or few more can avoid fasting .but other wise fasting is very effective way to cleanse the inner body system and give way oxygen to dissolve in cells correctly which helps body organs function well
Such a good tip to reduce carbs to help fasting, hope you enjoy Ramadan, and have a wonderful April!
ReplyDeletexoxo, Midori
thanks dear midorilinea
DeleteI too am on a low carb diet. I began because my son is diabetic and foods with carbs are deadly for him. I do miss some things at times. Pasta, baked potatoes, glazed donuts are the most. I do indulge every once in a while then I am happy. Overall I feel much better and my mind is more clear. I am so happy to know you have overcome the attack of malaria and hope you stay well.
ReplyDeletei think your son's diabetic is giving you chance to eat healthier food dear Emma
Deleteas far as i have know recently about carbs they are disastrous for our body if eaten in abundance ,i have been eating lots of carbs unknowingly only because carbs are biggest part of three time meals daily here in our country .which has created mess inside and i got this from watching videos how bad it can do when taken more than body's need . i don't know whether at my age (52) this will help to mend the damage but as because it is my habit to follow right way once once it is before ,i am trying my best my friend
Baili - God certainly has a reason for everything he wants us to do. I think when one fasts their mind and thinking become so much clearer. Hope you are feeling better dear one. Take care. Hugs!
ReplyDeletea heartfelt thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts Debbie
Deletei have mentioned that religion was beyond my comprehension as little girl of age seven to whom grandpa would give heavy big religious books to read . but with time i have realized that whatever i have have been learning in all these years pointing out that life one has way with balance God's ways are best to live an easy simple life without falling into extreme or entering into much manmade complexities .
Today whatever science is revealing ,it was already mentioned with details in holy books .God has given man a curious and rebellious mind and it is also for the reason . God says when my true men are confronted with any kind of knowledge they don't jump on blindly but they get curious and they try to understand essence of things so truth can be obtained and applied for betterment of their lives.
I hav been meditating over our holy book since more than a decade and each time it's translation opens new horizons for me and deepen my faith in Divine who never left his man alone and kept them guided through not just messengers but He is closer to us more than we are to ourselves why ? because whenever we need Him we find him not just around but Within and whenever we call Him we feel that no realty is stronger than this that He is always with us
I am glad you are feeling so much better after malaria, Baili.
ReplyDeletethank you dear Marie !
DeleteRoman Catholicism (my religion) requires two days of fasting-one at the beginning of Lent and one at the end. I have problems with even those, and cannot imagine fasting for an entire month.
ReplyDeletedear Kathy in God says in our Holy book that it is good to fast in the month of Ramadan but if someone is sick ,weak or does not want to fast despite health can give away some food to hungry one in order to get goodness of his thoughts . i think even in your religion there is no forcing for any kind of ritual that are called ways of worship because all ways have reason behind that is feeling God's presence in our world and life and avoiding bad thinking or actions that can harm others . All ritual have reason so people can be God fearing .if you have love of God and your actions display this love in daily life no need to worry about just rituals because the Main reason that is most important you are trying to fulfill it with all your heart .and God knows you most why you are unable to not fast my friend .
DeleteNever tried fasting.
ReplyDeleteMy body needs to be nourished frequently.
balance is key to success as they say Pedro . like everything else our body needs to be cleanse once in a while so health can be recovered .intermittent fasting is being advised by physicians for inner system mending process
DeleteKeep improving getting over your malaria Baili. Nice post.
ReplyDeletesince i know malaria is another permanent fellow dear Margaret i am trying my best :)
ReplyDeletePleased to read you are feeling so much better after malaria, but do continue to take good care dear Baili.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for the links you've given here, very interesting.
Sending good wishes to you.
All the best Jan
thanks dear Jan ,fasting is recommended by doctors as well because of how it cleanse our organs time to time just like we do yearly cleaning in our houses
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw the title of your post, Baili, I knew you had fasted for this Ramadan, and that meant you had to be feeling much better. I had an immediate surge of joy at that thought! It is funny, perhaps curious, how the Universe opens up to us and gives us solutions. You are stronger than I am. I doubt I could fast, and I am not motivated to do so. More power to you, my friend! And hugs and love!
ReplyDeletedear Louise i have mentioned reasons why why i would i wanted to fast during periods of my life in comments above . For now i realize how important it is for our stomach to stay empty for some hours so microbes within can clean the inner system properly .this is crucial for our health and for the clarity of mind particularly . i feel little bit embarrassed that i got hold of this health secret too late but i am thankful i could at least. I have also mentioned that my motivation for clarity of mind is so obvious ,"a strong feeling of peace that comes to a heart when he feels at home with Creator or Guardian " this feeling is important for me to achieve because i feel lost without it . Or i can say this is where my inner peace lies .we know everyone has different source for having peace .Mine is this one. This longing has led me to keep trying to improve life 's quality .
ReplyDeleteNow at this part of age i realized that fasting once in a while can serve this purpose greatly . I will keep intermittent fasting including in my routine afterwards .
If we ponder this is powerful truth display in our daily life that God or Nature has designed everything with perfect strategy . Everything here including us the humans grow towards what it intent to and whole universe is loaded with pattern to support our desires and struggle .Nature let us achieve what we want in life whether good or bad . We have been given liberty with freedom of choice a thin weak line where we human stand as super entity to make choice and face consequences accordingly .we must be indeed careful in following our wishes .
i have a certain mindset which helps to do tough tasks ,when i am in some difficult situation my mind offer me first solution that may sound stupid and this is that what this is the only option and i have to do it anyway .it has helped a lot till today . fasting is not exception too because i feel terrible when i have to quit water for longer while .
intermittent fasting won't include water quitting though .i am loving the state of mind i could get through because of fasting and i would recommend to all my friends even if in a a year or few months .
Religious Observance: Many religions have fasting practices as a form of spiritual discipline. For example, in Islam, fasting during Ramadan is a key aspect of worship and devotion. Similarly, fasting is observed in Christianity (e.g., Lent), Judaism (e.g., Yom Kippur), and Buddhism.
ReplyDeleteSpiritual Growth: Fasting can be a way to focus on spiritual matters, deepen one’s faith, and seek spiritual enlightenment or connection.
Samantha Nelson