Thursday, January 23, 2020

Query Or Irritation

Hey  precious  hearts !

Do  you  have  some  friend  or  cousin  who  often  calls   you  and  after  almost  each  sentence  he  or  she  speak,  asks 

"So  what  is  new  happening  around  you "
i  would  pause hummm........think ,what  to  reply ?

Being  a less social  person  i am  uncomfortable  with  phrase  i  have  almost  no  collection  of  interesting  knowledge  when  it  comes  to  gossip  ,specially  about  others .

when  she  calls  it  rings  in  my  head  that  now  she  is  going  to  ask  me repeatedly  "so  what's  new news huh?

sometimes  i try  to  say  "please stop asking " but she is  sweet :)

what  about  you ?


  1. It is probably just a habit, like it comes out of her mouth but she doesn't even realize she keeps asking. It may be her way of saying she is interested in what you have to say. 🤗 Just a guess.

    1. actually it is bit different dear Sandi

      most of my acquaintance ask same question when call or meet ,she is my friend from school and she does the same though she know i have no account of knowledge related to world around me

      it is popular habit and is liked to have by almost everyone

      "so what new" means tell me something interesting or funny about others " which i cannot for two reason probably
      one is i am not smart enough to say stuff funnily which may stored in my memory recent or old :)
      my sister is famous for doing it incredibly ,she would not just grab your all attention with her information and style but she can make people laugh
      i am so dull (embarrassed :( )

    2. Ooh... 🙁

      It is sad, though, even if it is told in a funny way. It's good that you don't have those things to say, because other people's feelings could be hurt.

  2. Thus seems to be a universally standard phrase, Baili, and admittedly I have used it as well, but try to find other ones that will show interest.

    1. agreed dear Dorothy

      mostly people use this phrase to get to know what is going on other side

      but once you are all updated about one you called ,sounds weird to repeating this and i know many who ask this to feel amused by gossip

  3. Replies
    1. easy answer but might not work when people like me are hesitant to say so

      i keep try to remember things which i can share but only about myself until she would clear
      "what about others such as in laws etc"

  4. Dear Baili, the only person who really said that regularly to me was a friend who was about 30 years older than I. When she was in her late 80s, she began to have short-term memory loss. So she would ask the question when we went out to eat--we went for pizza a couple of times a week--and I'd answer and then just a few minutes later, she'd ask again because of her memory loss of what had been said. With "short-term memory loss" a person cannot recall what's just happened, but can recall wonderfully well what happened many years before.

    Before we went out for pizza, I would make a list of things I could tell her and each time she asked the question, I'd tell her one more thing from my list. That made the conversation interesting for me too. Peace.

    1. this is overwhelming dear Dee

      you are such a beautiful person with heart of gold :)

      i never encountered with such person though i can remember my father when he got old and would forget that he had meal while ago ,he will ask for it again .
      when i would give him meal he would not be able to eat and then he would believe that he had eaten some time ago

  5. If someone says that to me "Oh not much new, how about you?" Then it puts the ball back in their court. :D

    1. oh that was easy lol

      thank you for wonderful advise my friend
      how dumb of me to not saying so

  6. That is a question I often ask my grandchildren when they call. I want them to feel free to talk to me about anything. I hope that provides an opening. At the same time I have my own little adventures. There are family stories to share with them. And I always ask how school or jobs are going. It helps me feel more a part of their lives.

    1. i can completely understand dear Emma

      and i can relate either ,this is so natural to ask about themselves as they are family and we have privilege to ask anything from each other

      it becomes different with friends though specially who want to have good time while having long session gossips

  7. It seems like an odd habit I guess that I might eventually use the opportunity to talk about something that I was interested in. I would not gossip either.

    1. do you know people who don't gossip are called "boring" by friends dear Brain :)

  8. Yes, I do get asked that by most people who I talk to - I think it's because I don't say much about "my stuff" unless asked, so they ask and they ask and they ask - ha ha. Mostly now if I'm getting tired of it, I'll say, "nothing much" or "that's about it" and then "how about you? what's new with YOU?" and turn it around to them :D

    1. haha well said dear Jenny

      either i am not one who share all immediately if someone call ,not because i don't want to but because i am not fluent or quick to think and say
      they have to ask again and again
      it is good until they want to know about exciting and fun news from around :)

  9. Such a question doesn’t bother me but if asked repeatedly I think it would.

    Hope all is well with you, Baili.

    1. yes it does if repeated often dear Marie

      thank you for asking ,i know i am being late for visiting blogs of my precious friend like you :)
      i don't know how days are running so quickly and it is being hard to blog regularly
      still i am trying honestly
      may be long summer days will stretch time for me bit more :)

  10. I agree with Sandi, I think this may just be a habit …
    I do sometimes get a telephone call from a friend who says/asks "anything new to report" invariably there isn't so I just reply no, I'm just enjoying my day, how about you?"

    All the best Jan

    1. haha
      hope she gets you soon and does not repeat it :)

  11. I heard a lady reply 'the same' when asked 'what's new'

    1. easy reply dear Christine :)
      what matter, does it work ?

  12. My wife continuously asks me this question. I tell her that I have no time for gossip.

    1. oh that can be trouble dear Red :)

      some times you have to extend your limitations ,specially when one of the partner is interested in your "fun side :)

      hubby and me both are boring lol
      hubby talks mostly about politics ,history and current affairs while i am completely "nature lover and spiritual words attract me most"so when it comes to talk we both try to manage to be a good listener

  13. Sometimes we have to be blunt, baili.
    Kung Hei Fat Choi!

    1. may be i will be when grown more old dear Pedro :)

  14. If I like to discuss but not talking about the ugliness of others. I like to talk about things related to my life such as about economics, business and others

  15. Here it is a pretty common greeting where no real answer is expected. Almost always the response is "Not much...same old same old."

    1. it means Mrs C is also not into gossip dear Joe

      otherwise you must have known that how long reply to this question can be if is asked to "right " person lol

  16. Replies
    1. and truth is hard to tell Salman ,well sometimes when you doubt you can can hurt someone's feeling

  17. oh i can so relate to you dear Laurie

    i wish they can figure out who can entertain and who cannot lol

  18. Always remember, if they will gossip to you, they will gossip about you.

  19. Baili I am the SAME...I never know what to say. A few years ago, I was out shopping and I bumped into a girl I knew from high school. Can you believe she said to me "So what have you been up to?" and we hadn't seen each other since 1985 lol??? How on earth do I answer that, my initial response was "not much" seems to futile. How are you supposed to answer 35 years of "what I've been up to" in a 2 minute conversation? I ended up just saying "oh you know, working, living..." she said "oh cool" then we parted ways. It's so silly.

  20. I think she just wants to be with/talk to you.

    The question is her way of starting a conversation she could just as easily started talking about the weather or some other trivial point.

    I often start a conversation with someone I haven't spoken to for some time with 'How are you? Then I would go on to ask them what they had been doing recently (meaning holidays, family life, work, anything that fires their passion).

    I often feel that what I do is boring to others but friends are always interested and listen to what I have to say. It goes without saying, I always listen to what others want to say to me.

  21. *smiles*...I am totally with you on this subject, baili!!
    I, too, never really know what to say in situations like these...because I never believe people could possibly be interested in anything I may have to, I dislike gossiping about other people, because I think that is unfair.
    Social interaction is rather difficult for shy people like us, I guess. That is where blogging is really useful...we can express our feelings and thoughts...hopefully without offending anyone! ;))
    Thank you for another wonderfully thought-provoking post, my dear friend. You never fail to get me thinking! :))

    All my Love & Hugs xxxxxxx

  22. Oh yes, sticky beaks in my opinion.
    Don't care for people asking that question at all, usually I put my guard up.

  23. I have to laugh, because everyone knows I'm hopeless when it comes to "news." I'm always the last to know most things. My closest friend here moved to Arizona four years ago, lived in two homes there, returned to Colorado two years ago, bought a new home nearby but not in our development, and she still knows everything that's going on where I live. She fills me in, even though I don't ask. I'm perfectly okay with that ~ LOL

    1. dear Louise how resemble we in our nature lol

      either i am okay with lack of unnecessary knowledge that made me most bored person among my cousins and girlfriends back in native town and school
      what is astonishing for them is that haven,t changed bit

  24. I don't participate in gossip, so I try to change the topic. I'd rather talk about interesting subjects than people :)

    1. unfortunately i have almost no one around to whom i can have conversations over my favorite topics
      it kept me bothered for so long in past
      but i have accepted it now
      i try to catch the flow and be part of their talks ,that makes me feel good :)

  25. I don't accept phone calls, lol. Except from my sis or kids. I'm a loner .... . But when the kids call they say what's new..." I just say same ole thing - hiking or sketching. I think I bore them.

    1. that is brave of you dear Sandy :)

      i can't do this because later i am not good with excuses for doing so :)

    2. I think it kind of just evolved that way - losing touch with friends in the past. It happened more when grandkids started being born and i just found i didn't have much time for anything else other than helping babysit ..same with my friends - we went our own way so I really don't get that many calls - actually hardly any, lol ... but if I did - i agree with you it would be hard to not take them...

  26. Talvez seja apenas aquilo que se chama uma "bengala" para fazer conversa… Mas deve ser irritante.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  27. Eu tenho uma amiga, que vive me perguntando isso!... :-))
    Como se a vida estivesse carregada de acontecimentos extraordinários a acontecerem à nossa volta, o tempo todo!... Às vezes, em dias de menor paciência, lá lhe respondo com um... "não há novidades! Não se passa nada! E por aí? Igual, não é?..." :-)
    Mas acho sempre a pergunta muito invasiva, e irritante... por ser perguntado, antes da gente ter tempo ou vontade de contar algo, não é? Pelo menos, eu interpreto assim!...
    Beijinhos! Feliz semana!

  28. Yes, I know what you mean - that can be an awkward question. There's so much to say when someone asks that, and we wonder if they want us to get into detail and tell them all and everything that's been happening in our lives, or just a quick description of what's been going on. This is a fun post today, Baili, and it looks like your readers enjoyed it too. ; )


  29. I think I would probably just say, "I can't think of anything," to answer the question, and then change the subject and talk about the weather or some other easy topic. If you repeat that often enough, maybe she will get the hint and quit asking you.


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