Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Positivism , Surprising Rains And Photos from Wedding Ceremony

Hey   Precious  Fellows !

Hope   being  able  to  stay   positive  and strong   through  all  the  odds  that  life   and  politics   is  offering   now  days .

As   i  grow  old  i  find  myself  sitting  beside  my   grave  with  my  legs  hanging  in  , so  my  secret   to  stay  positive  is  only  my  way  of  thinking  ,and  i  think  i  must  extract  the  joy  and  peace  from    life   ,before  it's  too  late  ,because  laying  breathless  below   the  ground  won't  provide  me  such  delightful  air  to  breath ,such   soothing  sunrays  to  absorb  and  such  soothing   lightness  of  conscience  which   keeps  me  floating   between  earth  and  sky  with   pride  that  i  tried   honestly  to  experience  a  successful  existence :) Without  being  harmful  to  anyone  and  trying  my  best  to  be  useful   for  myself  and  my  loved  ones.

Weather  is  keeping  us  surprised  with  unexpected  rains   and  snow in  northern  areas ,Murree  Hill  station   and  in  Baluchistan  province  which  is  near  our  Sindh  province  and  every  change in  weather  there  effects  our  climate  .Therefore  quite  cold  days  we  are  having  here  (loving it when i think extreme hot summers ahead though) yet bit  sad  as  rains  are   causing  misery  and  deaths  (more than hundred deaths throughout country) due to roof falling or wet electric wires. Hoping  that all  ends  soon  and   people of my  homeland  will  start  normal  routine  of  life. 

Praying  for  people  of  Australia   too  who  still  suffering with  threat  of bush fires. Hope  and  pray  that  may  clouds shower  over  fires and  cool  them  off ,amen!

Sharing  below  some images  ,few  are  from  wedding  ceremony i attended  almost  two  week  back. It  was  raining  and  groom's  family  was  quite  unhappy  about  it  because  it  was  hard  to manage  guests  and meal  during  pouring ,than it  stopped  for  while  and  things  got  easy  for  them.Back  in my  native village  if  it  rains  on  wedding  day people  blame  it to  bride  or  groom  ,they  say  one  of  both  would  have  eaten  in  cooking  pan  instead  plate lol.I  really  don't  know  what  the  theory  about ,do  you  also  know  such  belief  related to  rain on  wedding day :)

Still  cloudy  outside though sun  came  out  for  two  days  ago and everybody  seemed  relived , it  rains  here  rarely  so  people  are  basically used  to  have  lots of  sun  ,specially  they  admire it  in  winters  a lot ,Summer sun  is  scorching and  painful to  bear  so rains  are  required  and  prayed for  more then

Two  days  back  when  clouds  faded away  and  sky  cleared ,my  younger  son  found  the  rain drops  beautiful on  this  leafy  plant  , rest  of  our  plants  are  growing  slowly ,waiting  for  blooms  ,in  end of the February or  middle of March probably

                              few  lovely  blooms  have  started  to  open their  eyes  though :)

Mother  of  groom ,she  is  one  from  old  neighborhood   and  always  kind  to  me ,once   years  ago when  i was  newly married  and   invited   to a  wedding  which  was  to be held in  village  far  from  city , we  had  to  stay  there for  night , i was  too  shy   to  have  proper  food  and  bed  as  in  rush  everyone seemed  to  care for herself ,She  was  one who  cared  for  me and  brought  me  all  i  needed to  be  comfortable .I could  never  forget  her  kindness  since  then.

people  started  to  come  late due to rain ,these are early shots before hall was packed with  guests

this  is  beautiful bride ,on  right her  sister is sitting ,her  mother  was  an  decent and charming  looking  lady .it  was  arrange  marriage .

It  is  1 :15 pm , I  think  i  should  rush  to  see  what  happened  to  my  vegetable dish  i  am  cooking  today :)
Hope  you  have  blessed  peaceful  day ahead dear  friends! Take  Great Care !


  1. Haha, better hurry, before the vegetable dish overcook :)
    Flowers are blooming beautifully, seems Spring is coming.
    The bride is SO beautiful, like a baby doll.

    Have a wonderful day, Baili.

  2. Hi Baili. It was interesting seeing these pictures and reading about the wedding.

    I have just heard that rain on. Wedding day was food luck

    Have a great day!

  3. When I meet people with a lot of positivism, I wonder where they get it. How do they stay so positive?
    Then I realize they work at it. It is not easy when difficulties come. We must keep trying and keep our thoughts in tune with the good we have around.
    Doing something kind for another person helps not only that person .... but helps ourselves too.

    What beautiful dresses the wedding guests are wearing.

  4. It is funny how people take rain as a bad omen at some celebrations, and yet life itself is impossible without it.

  5. Yes, a very beautiful bride! I'm glad the rain stopped so the wedding was not ruined.

  6. Beautiful wedding photos, and your garden photos always make things better!

  7. Such beautiful colours and fashions at the wedding, Baili.

  8. WOW, such stunning photos, dearest Baili!!!
    I love the way the ladies dress in your part of the world...they all look so elegant.😊😊
    And the bride looks so beautiful...as do you, my lovely friend!
    The flowers are amazing too!!

    Oh how I have enjoyed my visit 😊😊 Thank you so much!

    All my love and hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. Oh very cute photos darling
    This is my first time reading about a wedding like this

  10. Yes, it's a good point you make to be positive. Sometimes it's hard to be positive but it's the best way to live your life.

  11. First of all it saddens me to hear you talk about your death. You are too young and vital. Next I copied something from a search on the internet. Rain on your wedding day is good luck because it signifies that your marriage will last. As you know, a knot that becomes wet is extremely hard to untie – therefore, when you “tie the knot” on a rainy day, your marriage is supposedly just as hard to unravel! We can thank Hindu traditions for this belief.

  12. Such lovely wedding photographs, and your garden flowers look so colourful.

    All the best Jan

  13. I agree, Baili, that some days it is difficult to feel optimistic about the state of the world and current events. I found the story about why it would rain on a wedding very interesting. The women's' outfits were so beautiful and thanks for sharing and including yourself as well. It's always good to remember the kindness of others, always. Thank you for your sweet comments on the post about our recent Christmas road trip. it was much appreciated.

  14. The weather is certainly causing problems all over our world. Thank you for your kind thoughts of Australia Baili, and we in turn wish your country well - to suffer such tragedies from too much rain is so very sad.
    Lovely to see the treasures in your garden. Each rose is so beautiful, as are the raindrops on the leaves.
    I really enjoyed reading about and seeing those wedding photos. Such beautiful clothing, you look so elegant Baili.
    Remembering a kindness from someone always brings such happy thoughts to mind doesn't it.
    Again, another thoughtful post, thank you and I hope you reached your vegetable dish in time ;D) xx

  15. Traditions that we are able to know and admire trough you, baili

  16. The photo of you is a good one, you look indeed a lovely pretty lady, be proud of yourself as you certainly deserve to be.
    Thanks for sharing the Wedding photos so good to be able to see them.
    Rain has fallen on some of the fire effected areas so hopefully it has helped.

  17. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of life there from the snow and cold, baili. That is very sad.

    The wedding pictures were very enjoyable - I like to see traditions from other countries. You and all the other ladies look so lovely.

    And you made me smile with your description of getting older - "legs hanging in the grave". Here we say of old or ill people that they have "one foot in the grave"! It's not meant to be harsh or rude, it is just a way to say someone is not very well or is very old.

    1. i used the saying here "legs hanging in the grave" which i commonly heard back in village :) people used to mention very old people or some who were old yet quite fearless in their actions

  18. That photo of the sky is fabulous... and your flowers are so lovely. I also have that kind of little white in my garden. Surprisingly, it's still blooming despite the frosty days. :-)
    The wedding photos are beautiful too.
    I hope you have a nice week, dear Baili! Hugs!

  19. Grata por tão bonitas partilhas, Baili!
    Adorei ver os preparativos para a cerimónia, e a noite estava linda!
    Realmente a chuva atrapalha um pouco estes acontecimentos... mas aqui em Portugal, temos um provérbio popular que diz "casamento molhado, é casamento abençoado", por isso, a chuva por aqui nunca é vista como algo muito negativo... por vezes até proporcionando alguns inconvenientes... que se acabam por tornar divertidos e inesquecíveis... tudo sempre depende da perspectiva, como se encaram os acontecimentos... mas chuvas intensas que provocam estragos... isso é que já é preocupante... por aqui, também já houve imensos estragos, com as chuvas e vento forte há umas semanas atrás, e os serviços meteorológicos estão avisando que o estado do tempo também se vai agravar para hoje e amanha... mas por enquanto estará dentro do é habitual para o nosso Inverno!...
    Mas de facto, as alterações do clima estão por toda a parte... A Austrália que ardia... no momento está a braços com tempestades e chuvas... e é esta a consequência da inconsciência da acção do homem, ao longo de décadas e décadas... variações muito acentuadas no clima, por vezes muito rápidas... passando-se do calor ao frio...
    Por aqui, também já notamos isso, o Verão prolonga-se pelo Outono... atingindo-se logo a seguir as temperaturas frias do Inverno, sem termos uma época de transição de temperaturas... como supostamente seria o Outono...
    Estão lindas as suas flores, Baili! Também gostei muito de ver... cuidar de flores, é uma actividade, que nos proporciona muita paz interior...
    Beijinhos! Continuação de uma feliz semana, para si e todos os seus!

  20. Dear Baili - The flowers in your garden are beautiful; so are women at the wedding. Especially you look refined and graceful with the dress. The bride looks like a doll. Thank you for this auspicious topic at the beginning of the year. Regarding age, I don’t deny declining physical strength, but as you might know “You’re as old as you feel.” Be positive in your own way as you always encourage us. Have happy and healthy days ahead.


  21. Dear Baili, thank you for sharing the photographs of the wedding. The sari you have on is so lovely. It's such a delicate green color--the color of the first blush of spring here on our trees. Your smile though is the loveliest always. Peace.

  22. Loved all the photos - I love the colorful clothing in your area of the world. I've often admired so much the colors and sparkle and wish I could make myself get out of my standard way of dressing which is always just jeans and a t-shirt - either short sleeve or long sleeve depending on the weather. Love your outfit you had on for the wedding. And my prayers would be that the whole world lives in joy always.

  23. I love all of the photos Baili, but that one of the tree against the sky is FRAME WORTHY...it's so artistic, very well done with your photography!!!

  24. Nice post...love those colorful captures

  25. Beautiful bride! Love your pictures☺So sad about rain and people dying because of that, hope the weather will be better soon in there and in Australia,of course. Have a lovely day ☺☺

  26. Hello, Baili!

    We must all keep on living life and staying positive. Love the beautiful sky and lovely flowers. Beautiful bride and wedding photos. Wishing peace and joy always. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  27. wow, the camera results that you take are very good. I think that you are well suited to be a photographer

  28. Great photos dear, the bride looks stunning! Regards:**

  29. I'm sorry to hear of the deaths and problems from bad weather there. I hope it is better now. I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful photos. So lovely!

  30. Beautiful dresses. The make-up stunning.

  31. It rained heavily on the morning of my wedding to Mr C. The sun came out later for me travelling to the church with my dad, photos on the church steps and also a special journey for photos in a park near to where we would celebrate our wedding with other guests.

    So maybe the sun came out to celebrate our marriage? I am sure it was a gift for us :-)

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  33. What a beautiful bride. It looks like a nice wedding, even though it rained. I love to see all the accessories that women wear where you live. These are lovely photos of your blooms in the garden, Baili. And I know that red rose was just for me. : )



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