Hey Precious Hearts!
Do you believe in destiny or you think it is a man made thing ?
If everything is decided already why do we struggle to grow .
I never understood the true concept of destiny though when it comes to except what comes next after giving my hundred percent i feel agree upon topic
what do you think ?
yourchangeisnow blog .com
i would love to hear your own valuable thoughts about the topic friends :)
God Bless You All!!!
Great question Baili.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe in destiny. I think that the future is unwritten and the future can go in many different directions. I guess that if I thought that things were preordained that I might be inclined to be a little lazy :)
i agree dear Brain
Deletesuch people mostly can be found complaining and doing nothing
Ha ha...well said! If you knew everything would be as it is, no matter what you did, why not stay home and eat ice cream instead?
Deletei wonder about people who always look so worried and always complaining dear Sandi
they hope for fruit without plow
and so many who have all they need still desperate and fragile and they don't know why
This is a very big problem in our society here in the usa, Baili. Many people have everything, yet nothing. It's because things aren't life. It's good to have food, a home, etc...but it is not enough.
DeleteEvery day is a new day we do not know what is ahead of us if we do the best we can then we are doing alright that's all I can say.
same i think dear Merle
Deleteall we can do is to try our best and then wait for result and except it
I do believe in destiny, love that first meme so true
ReplyDeleteall magic hidden within our way of thinking isn't it :)
DeleteI don't have an answer. Sometimes it seems like Destiny grabs hold of a person and carries them to the finish line. Other times people work super hard to get to some accomplishment, but they end up somewhere else instead. I believe God interferes in our lives. He can lead even those who are afraid to move.
ReplyDeletei am COMPLETELY AGREED to what you said here dear Sandi
Deletei believe that God work among us through nature and lead us to do what we are meant to be
when i look back at my life and the life i have now ,it amazes me that nothing was in my existing dream back then
i shiver with fear and gratitude
fear of loosing him who loved me more than myself
Yes...how did I get here? I was led. I was carried. I do not know how else to say it.
DeleteA great question, Baili...free will vs. destiny and I am not sure which one I feel is the most powerful. Certainly, people are said to possess free will, but then sometimes their circumstances or surroundings can prevent/prohibit their acting upon it. So I would also include environment as being a critical factor.
ReplyDeletesuch forces also work by will of someone who is most powerful i believe dear Dorothy :)
Deletethey mould us to real us
I think some people have destinies. Having a destiny is not necessarily a blessing.
ReplyDeleteyou mean some people have more favor of God :)
Deleteagain destiny is result of what decision we take to move further by free will and sometime by forcing with nature
I believe in possibility, but you have to "create" your own destiny.
ReplyDeletepossibility is all there indeed
Deleteit is just how we realize the right time to make right decision and yes destiny is still a probability to provide us with " chance" when we actually there to avail it
Destiny? I have no idea because deep in my genom as a human I am an agnostic. But for me, the above Quotes are great and make a sense!
ReplyDeletedestiny is something working so silently within circumstances we are in
Deleteit took quite a part of life to learn that IT EXISTED ALL ALONG :)
It what I called: Great and make a sense, my friend
DeleteDifficult question! Sometimes I really believe that everyone of us have things that we should do during our lives. We could call it destiny. But we also have the possibility to choose.
ReplyDeleteif i understood you well
Deleteyou mean we should not be afraid of making choices dear Sussi
i agree with you because if we do so we will have no reason to blame others for our outcomes which can be both "good " or bad"
we ignore it or deal with it Possibility is always there
Throughout our lives we are presented with situations that require a decision. Do I or don't I? Perhaps the situations are preordained; I don't know. However the decisions are all ours. That is what determines how our lives will be.
ReplyDeletewe born like "paper so blank" dear Angela
Deletesituations though good or bad provide us chance to learn and adopt skills for better survival
it is another issue that how we deal with them and how authentic our decisions are but still WE LEARN
Our lives are results of the choices we made... For the most part.
ReplyDeletenothing is truer than that :)
Deletefree will shows reveals our own approach towards life dear Laurie
ReplyDeletebut what is best for us is led by will of God the "destiny"
No. Life is what we make it, we are our own destiny I believe. I do think however that events are put in our path by angels to either challenge us or protect us. I don't think they can change our destiny but I think angels guide us and watch over us. What do you think Baili?
ReplyDeletedear Betty
Deletethank you for insightful words!
i too do believe that this is all about how we choose to REACT to challenges and as far as you said about guidance by angles
my whole life stays as mystery to me when i think that did i achieve it by my own will or this is just someone's gift who led me here to have it ,i can't understand really
WOW, such a fascinating subject, dearest Baili!
ReplyDeleteI believe that we decide upon our destiny when we are preparing to reincarnate. But, once in our physical body, we are free to make our own life decisions.
And I do firmly believe that, whatever life throws at us, we are always free to choose how we react to those life situations. We can either crumple under the pressure of our challenges...or to view them as opportunities to grow spiritually.
But, above all else, I honestly believe that we are all born into this world in order to learn to LOVE. Really LOVE...unconditionally!
Oh I apologise, my dear friend...I am rambling again. But this is a subject that is very close to my heart!😊😊
Have a wonderful weekend!
Much love and hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
i agree dearest Ygraine
Deletefree will is given to us to reveal the truth within us
truth that what we actually we want to be and to which way we choose to reach our chosen destination ,honest struggle or short cut
Oh Love is my favorite topic too dear friend
i believe that love is reason behind every creation and the most dominated dimension or character of Creator is also LOVE :)))
Difficulties prepare ordinary people for extraordinary life...... so true.
ReplyDeletethey make us familiar with situations that can occur any time and even worse
Deletewe stay in practice all the time :)
Your question: "If everything is decided already why do we struggle to grow ?"
ReplyDeleteBecause it is already decided that we struggle. And for those who do not struggle, it is already decided that they do not struggle.
I use all of my brain
I struggle and strain
There's nothing more I can do
I play the game
Others do the same
I advise you to try it too
haha this is very sweet dear friend :)
Deleteyes ,all we can do is "to try" :)
This is a good question.
ReplyDeleteI just do the best that I can each and every day …
All the best Jan
best way to keep up with destiny thing :)
DeleteI do believe in destiny, however, God gave as free will, therefore we can make our own decision and we can reach the destiny by different paths... very complicated subject, we could talk about it for days! You asked for my blog name, it is lekcjewkuchni.pl which means lessons in the kitchen in English. Thank you for your kind comments, I truly appreciate it!Have a wonderful weekend☺☺
ReplyDeleteI believe that we have free will, so that even if there is a pre-determined destiny, we can make choices to alter our direction, or choices to handle it. Hi baili!
ReplyDeleteHi Baili :)
ReplyDeleteThat's as I say a "noodle scratcher" lol...I don't even know. If I really think about it, I feel as though we make our own destiny by the choices we make. But then, I have no proof of that so I can't be 100% sure.
That first one really rang true! I do agree.😊 Our thoughts are SO powerful. Happy weekend.😊
ReplyDeleteVery interesting topic to discuss, Baili.
ReplyDeleteI remember when somebody told me that my soul already picked my destiny from the big tree in heaven before I decide to live in this world.
Then my soul also picked who would be my parents, then I was born.
See, like a contract that I don't know anything about that.
So I need to learn, work, pray very hard to get understand, which one the real contract, don't get wrong to follow the things that can drag me to the hell. Why? Because my soul and I scare Hell.
It's interesting, isn't it??
I love to travel, especially when traveling outside Indonesia
ReplyDeleteI believe that we make our own destiny.
Have a great week
Buon inizio settimana.
ReplyDeleteUma pergunta com resposta difÃcil. Há quem diga que o destino somos nós que o fazemos. Eu não sei. Claro que temos a nossa vontade, o livre arbÃtrio, Mas será que algo nos está destinado à nascença? Um assunto para reflexão. Quem poderá ter a certeza?
ReplyDeleteUma boa semana.
Um beijo.
Such a difficult question, Baili! I believe that we have free will and don't live predestined lives. We are all born with unique strengths and lots of potential. We face many obstacles in reaching for and achieving our dreams, sometimes facing circumstances beyond our control. Most of us work hard to overcome our challenges and to establish meaningful and productive lives. Most of us don't gain great power, fame, and money; but it is us, the "ordinary people" who make the world work. I am grateful for the "ordinary life" with which I have been graced. I just finished reading a book called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows. There is a line in it that I can't get out of my mind: "Is it so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived light in the spring, to have loved, to have thought, to have done, to have advanced true friends?" I say, "No it is not a small thing!" I am happy with my "destiny" which I have created largely through my own choices, and I am grateful for the full life I have experienced. What I wanted more than anything was to share my life with someone I truly loved and who loved me and accepted me for who I am (Not an easy thing at times ~ LOL!). Love is the most important thing of all, and I am rich in love! Hugs to you, my wise and inspiring friend!
ReplyDeleteHi baili, I have been born again of God's Spirit, long story, so I can only speak of my own experiences. Two things come to my mind that are in the Bible, they are that God wants all to be saved, and that every day in our lives is written in His book before even one of them is formed. My walk with the Lord is an ongoing process as I continue to be taught through the mind of Christ, but if what lies ahead for me is the place I was taken to when I had a near death experience (the third heaven) then I believe that the choice is ours but we are shown the truth when we seek it. 'First seek the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, then all else will be added to you.'
ReplyDeleteGod has given us 'Free Will', our destiny is determined by the life choices we make.
ReplyDeleteFlawed humans are not well equipped for choosing the right direction...