Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wonderful You!!! , First Snow Experience In Munich By My Son and Some Photos

Hello  my  Precious  Fellows!

Hope  and  pray  that  you  are   living  life  of  your  dreams  ,and  part  of  life  that   you  did  not  dream   though  is   turning  into   master  piece   for  you  as   you   are   the  one  who   can   turn   everything  unexpected   in   your   very  own  favour :)

You  are  magician  ,whatever  comes  to  you  ,becomes   Beautiful  and   Meaningful , You  are   so  special  for  nature 

She   Blessed  you  with  a  Fighter  spirit ! 

You  can   Swim  smooth  with  flow  of  water!

You  can  swim  sublimely   against   the  flow  of  water !

Because  you  are   True  Survivor !

Nothing  can   take   down   your  Faith   upon  your  Creator  !

Nothing  can  Snatch  away   your  Positive  Attitude  from  you :)

Your  soul  is  enlightened   with   Grace   and   wisdom  which   keep  you   within  you!

Hope   Enjoying   the  weathers   changing  moods   sweet   people.

Here It  is  11:27 am with  20 C.  Cold   and  windy  . Little  cloudy  but  absolutely  Gorgeous  day!

I  am   fine  as  with  reduced  dose   of  medicine  i  am  feeling  quite  better.

Felling  much  better   since  my  eldest   son;s  money  transfer  problem   is  solved  and  finally  his  blocked   money  is  transferred  into  his  new  account   in  Munich  Germany .

This  transferring  process took  more  than  two  months  which  seemed  long  as  century  as  after  month  the  amount  of  money  that  my  son  took  along  as  cash  was  finished   and  we  were   so  worried  about  his   daily  expenses   .

Thank  God  that   his an  old  friend  who  already  lives there  for the same  studies  since  one  year,   helped  him  whole  month  from  his  own  pocket   money  that  bank  gives him as  student  . 

Yes  it  is  self  finance  though   education  is  free .My  son  also  collected  huge  amount  of money  from  his  previous  job   for  his  masters  in  Germany .

 Hopefully  his  account  will  activate  in  Munich  from  Tuesday  and  he  will  be  getting  his  own   money  in  monthly  instalments  for  next  two  years .

Last   Day  when  my  son  called  he  told  that  it  is  snowing   in   the  Munich ,He  sent  some  pics  for  me  from  the  area  where  he  lives ,hope  you  will  enjoy  the  peek . 

                             My  precious  piece  of  heart!

              Experiencing  his  very  first  snow  in  munich.

 He  got  down  from  4th  floor  to  give  me  glimpse  of  his  snowy  eve!

    After  spending  whole day  in  university ,he  said  it  was  pleasant  experience  to  look  at   the  showering   smooth  snowflakes !

Now  few  pics  from  my  yard,

                    Mischievous   friend  getting  down  in  my  garden 

 I  often  see  the  beautiful  bunch  of  these  white  ducks  outside  while  saying  goodbye  to  hubby  for  office  in  mornings 

   I  took  this  shot  right   before  my  evening  prayer,it  was enchanting ! my  camera is not powerful  to  convey  the  whole  BEAUTY of  that  moment !

Okay   Dear   friends   this  is  all  for  now  ,

Please   Take  great   care  ,Stay  Positive  to  experience  the  miracles!

God  Bless  You  All!!!


  1. beautiful photos, its wonderful for your son to share his snow experience!!

  2. Your son looks like he's enjoying that snow very much! It will be such a relief for him when his money comes through. It's good that he has such a helpful friend there in the meantime.

  3. I'm so glad that you feel better now, dear Baili! Thank you for sharing your son's snowy photos. On Sunday morning it was snowing a little here too, but disappeared quickly.
    I always like to see your photos of your garden, and to know the different faces of your little patch of sky. :-)
    Have a delightful week! Big hugs! ♥

  4. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I love snow when I do not have to travel in it. Here in New York we will likely see our first snowfall of the year with the next month.

    Have great week!

  5. Well, I'm not quite so sure that 20 C is cold! We're at minus 5 C? It's not cold. Cold and warm are all relative.

    1. You are right Red that measures of cold and hot differ for people of different part of lands .

      we have long summers in which tep rises above 50 so 20 is is cold for us not enough cold but we count it as cold .
      today temperature dropped to 7 so you can imagine how much cold people are feeling here

  6. We have snow like that here today, Baili.

  7. Does he speak German?

    Love these snowy photos! It hasn’t snowed here yet.

    “Wonderful you!”

    This made me smile, Baili. I had an old friend whose mom used to say that exuberantly. :)

    1. Dear Sandi My son is learning German as one subject is included in his first semester so hopefully he will learn it within few month though he says that German is quite difficult language and he admits that he less love the accent .

  8. Hello Baili, so nice to hear things are working out well for your son in Germany. Also glad your doctor has reduced your dosage of medication and it is working well for you too. That had me concerned for you. I wish you a beautiful week.

  9. How wonderful for your soon to see snow. We hardly ever get snow any more.

    I am glad you are feeling better :-)

  10. Your son looks happy! Does he mind the cold? I'm glad his banking issue is getting sorted out. That would be a real worry for him and for you, his parents. Good thing he had a friend's help.

    That photo of the sky is beautiful! My camera doesn't do justice to the early morning or the evening skies either. But I keep trying.

    I enjoyed the picture of the duck!

    1. Dear Jenny i am sure my son loves snow as in this age mostly we all enjoy such adventurous weathers though with time our health does not allow us to do so .

      I still remember my first snow experience in Murree hill station where i went on picnic with school friends and teachers , we enjoyed like never before or even after lol.
      throwing the snow balls and slipping on the snow's soft surface everything was most beautiful fun we ever had .

      i was in grade 8 but memories are so much vibrant still in my heart :)

  11. P. S. I am glad you are feeling more like yourself, with the reduction in medication. Hopefully your pain is still under control with the change.

  12. Your son is having a new experience with snow. It is beautiful to look at. Not quite so much to have to shovel or drive in. I have been watching out my window today because we are supposed to have snow a little later.

  13. Oh, it's snowing in Germany! How nice for your son too see this. I enjoyed all these pictures of the white snow falling from the skies. That's great that his friend helped him out until he got everything straightened out. The white duck is precious, and I think that enchanting sunset was for you, Baili, as you began to say your evening prayer.

    Enjoy these wonderful December days.


  14. I like it warmer where you are, but it is a wonderful experience for your son, his first snow!

  15. Do hope you are feeling much improved and not so tired!
    How lovely for your son to experience snow, he must be rather excited :)

  16. Just to look makes me feel cold.
    Have a great week!

  17. Wow, looks cold! I wonder how I would feel as I live on a tropical country where its summer all year around!

  18. It looks like your son is enjoying the snow in Munich and is happy there.

    It was fun seeing your photos of the sunset, squirrel, and duck.

  19. Wonderful thoughts about being confident and believing and chasing dreams. Great photos indeed, warm greetings.

  20. I am so glad you are feeling better, my dear Friend...and that you now need less medicine. Here's hoping your health will continue to improve!:)
    Aah, such beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing...and that amazing snow in Munich. We haven't had any snow here for quite a few years, but the forecasters say maybe this weekend, so fingers crossed!
    It is so good, too, to hear that your son's financial problem is finally sorted. It must have been such a worry for you all.

    Warmest Blessings :)

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

  21. What fun for your son to experience snow! I hope he's having a great time there. And I hope he's not too cold. I'm so glad everything finally straightened out with his banking. That must have been very stressful for him. And for you!

    Great news that you are feeling better! I hope it continues that way for you.

  22. I am just so pleased to read that with a reduced dose of medicine you are feeling a lot better ... good news.

    How lovely to see the photo's of your son, they are most special.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  23. The sky photo is beautiful Baili, 20C....I'm jealous! ha ha, I do love the winter, I love a "white" Christmas! Your son looks like he's a little annoyed with the snow in that photo, it's funny! I'm glad you're feeling better with the reduction in meds, that is ALWAYS a good thing! Take care my friend! :) Stay warm!!!

  24. How exciting for your son to see snow. I remember I was excited to see it for the first time too.

  25. Love the snow pictures with your son! Glad he had a good friend to help him!
    Your pictures are stunning! Love your friends in your garden! LOL!
    Keep taking care of you!
    Big Hugs!

  26. Dear Baili - Here it is 7 C outside, sunny and cold, and I feel bracing air. This winter season looks to be much colder from early time. It snowed in Western Japan the other day, much earlier than usual, but not Nara where I live. It’s so cold, but your son’s kindness always sharing his experience with you by photos made my heart warm. The sunset sky fits to end the day with the promise of the next day. This’d be my last comment this year. I’m happy to have made friends with you who has such a beautiful soul. Wish you and your family a joyful Holiday Season and a peaceful and healthy New Year.


  27. It was such a treat to find a comment from you today, thank you. I lost touch with your blog, but I’m happy to have seen this post – your son looks as if he is really enjoying the snow. Your photographs are beautiful.

  28. I'm so thrilled that the finance situation is resolved and can imagine you were a little on edge while this was being resolved. Your son is absolutely gorgeous! Kudos that he's able to experience snow for the first time, and he looks so happy. I'm glad you're feeling better, and thanks so much for the wonderful pictures. Hugs...RO

  29. Your son looks like he is having a wonderful time. Blessings to you and your family.

  30. Still making sure that I haven't missed a post. What a delight to see your son experiencing his first snow! I'm glad to hear that his money transfer problems have been sorted out. I hope that you are having a good day, Baili!


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