Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year ! Faith ,Love , Humanity wins the race ! (image source google)

Hey  lovely  friends!

Hope  and   pray  that   you   are  ready   to  step  in   to   the  Happy   New   Year :)

Yeah ,yeah   i  know   all  the  ups  and  downs  that   previous  

 year   brought   before    you   were   Hard   Yet   how  

 amazing   that   you  almost  Passed   Each   obstacle  with  

 great   courage   and   stability !

and   for  this  i   feel   so  proud  of  you  !

How  do   i  know  that  you  Did  it  ?

I  know   because    i  believe    that    Each   of   you   Has  ability   to   bring   out  his  Best   when   it   comes   to   cross  the    obstacle    because   YOU   ARE   NOT   LOOSER  !


And   once   you   did  it  all   ahead   is   piece   of  cake   trust   me :)

In   2017    there   must  be   many   resolutions   you   and  me   wanted   to   brought   in  to   better   our   lifestyle  ,less   or   more  we   made   it   possible  .

Some   dreams   came   to  be  true   some   are   still  in   wait  for  us  put   little  more  effort   to  turn   them   into  the  reality .

May   be   there   were  some  apologies  to  make  to   some   loved   ones , family  and   friends .  We   said  "sorry "  to   some   and   there   are   still  few    waiting   consciously   or   unconsciously   for  this  difficult    word  from  our  mouth!

May   be   many  of  us   made   decision    to   eliminate   some  irritating   habits  from  our   behaviours   or  nature    but   our   flexibility   towards   our   self forgiveness   did  not  let   it  happen !

May   be   most   of  us   planned   in  the  beginning  of  2016   that   "NOW   WE   WILL   PLAN   EVERYTHING"   and   got   horribly   failed  in  it  ,


Still   there   is   time   to   recheck     ourselves    and     attempt   to  do   them  again .

Let  us  give   ourselves  BENEFIT   OF   DOUBT   and   one   more   chance   to   do    all   again   with   more   DARE   COURAGE    and    ENTHUSIASM    along   with   most    reliable    virtue  the  WISDOM !

If   the   FAITH   is   weak   (faith  in  you  and  your  creator)   you  are  weak ,


If  the  FAITH   is   STRONG   nothing  can   shake  you   ,nothing   can    defeat   you   whether  it's   man   or  pain !

So   lets   stand   on   the   glorious   ground   of   HUMANITY!

So   lets   hold   the  hands   of   each   other   strong   

With    hearts   filled   with   LOVE   and  RESPECT  for   each   other  

and   Smile   of   grace   ,dignity   ,strength   and   devotion   to   each   other   


Let's   step   into   a   HAPPY   NEW    YEAR!!!

Lucky   to   have   you  all   with   me :)

You   all   are   precious  and  always   in  my   prayers!

God   Bless   You   All!!!


  1. I hope 2018 brings you and your family good health and happiness, Baili.

  2. wonderful post!! Best wishes for a wonderful 2018 for you and your family, good health and happiness,

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. Thank you very much for your beautiful wishes !!
    Happy New Year To you, too !!

  5. I love your attitude and I love your take on life. Though there are indeed ups and downs, let us hope that there are more ups then downs in 2018.

    Happy New Years to you and your family Baili!

  6. Have a great year. Godisia from Poland

  7. I wish happiness, health, and prosperity for you and and your family in the new year.

  8. Happy New Year, sweet friend. Wishing you and everyone you love all the best for 2018!

  9. I love and appreciate your enthusiasm, optimism, and uplifting words, baili, not just today but all through the year. You always see the best in people and your encouragement never falters. Wishing you and your beautiful family and country a peaceful, healthy, and joyful 2018! All the best, my dear friend :)

  10. Beautiful post Baili :) Wishing you a lovely year ahead with very good health. :)

  11. Have a great 2018. Love having a look at life in your world. Keep on blogging.

  12. Happy New Year to you and yours!! May 2018 bring good health and joy!

  13. Happy New Year to you and your family. I wish for you; happiness, peace and health.

    with my love xx

  14. Happy New Year to you and your family dear Baili!

  15. Happy New Year my friend. May you and your family receive many blessings during this new year 2018.

  16. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.

  17. Lovely to read your post.
    Sending my good wishes to you and your family.
    Happy New Year.

    All the best Jan

  18. Happy New Year, Baili! I will be taking a blog break, but the girls will post as often as they can. They are so busy with their schedules, but I'm hoping they will do a post every couple of weeks, so you can visit any time, and I will still visit your lovely blog as well.

    I hope the new year brings you so much peace and joy, Baili. You deserve all the goodness that comes your way.


  19. A Happy New Year to you and your family Baili :)

  20. Happy New Year to you - I will be visiting more in 2018 to catch up here.

  21. Thank you for this very encouraging post. Have a great new year!

  22. Wishing you and your family a wonderfull 2018!

  23. Obrigada. Também desejo tudo de BOM para 2018. Muita paz no mundo, muita esperança, muto amor, muita saúde.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  24. ...wishing you, health, peace and happiness in 2018!

  25. Happy New Year♥ I wish all the best for you and your family♥

  26. Happy New Year, Baili -- wishing you and your family all the very best in 2018!

  27. Such a beautiful post my friend!! Thank you!! Wishing you and your loved ones, love, happiness, health and abundance! Keep being you! You are a beautiful Soul! Big Hugs!

  28. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  29. Beautiful images and lovely words. Best wishes to you and love ones for the new year!

  30. Dear Baili, I wish you and yours a wonderful New Year full of happiness, health, love and laughter. Thank you for your lovely, heartwarming comments during the last year. They always made me happy. (I tried to send you a 'Happy Holidays' card in an e-mail, but I think you didn't get it. :-))
    Big hugs! ♥

    1. Thank you dear Edit!

      I feel so lucky to have sweet friend like you!!!

      Actually due to much business I Check my emails in months so Sorry for poor response to your generosity my friend!

  31. O!Tthat was a fantastic journey for me through the West. Thank you for the photos. Your son is a good photographer.He has captured the details remarkably,Baily.

  32. Thank you dear friend!

    You loved the glimpses and i felt relived:)

  33. I love your positive and optimistic approach to life, and thank you for all these lovely posts in 2017. I look forward to more in 2018 and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  34. Thank you very much for your beautiful wishes !!
    Happy New Year to you too !!

  35. This is an inspiring and beautiful post, Baili! Thank you for the kindness and encouragement in your words and for the reminder that, while some dreams did not come true in 2017, they still can with more effort in 2018. I hope that the new year has started off well for you and your loved ones, and that you will enjoy many blessings in the new year.


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