Monday, March 9, 2020

Difference Of People's Behavior Depends On....

This is an undeniable fact  that  everything  in  this  world  has two  kind  of  effect  engaged  to  it's  use ,good  or  bad .

I  consider  myself  lucky  to  have  chance  to  grow  in  environment  where  people  shared  special  bonding  whether  they  were  family  members  or  fellow  villagers .

I  think  growing  in  such  atmosphere  is  healthy  influence for  an  individual . We  learn  about other people  more  and  feel  strong  while  sharing  connection  with  them . I  remember   that  as a  child i  saw  many  foreigners visiting our village  surroundings as being  at the foothills  made  villages of our area  quite  popular among tourists  then .As  children  we  would  see how  farmers  and  their  wives  would  gladly offer  hospitality to  strangers. I  never witnessed  or  heard  that  they  took  advantage  behalf  of  their  kind  behavior .

After  marriage  i  moved  to  this  small  city  which  was  though  different  than  my  native  village yet  being a small  town  everyone  knows  each  other . Specially  neighborhood  is  familiar  as  mostly  families  live  close  by  since  decades  and  know  each  other  through  generations. Even   new  neighbors  do not hesitate  to  begin  friendly  relationship  and  invite  each  other  in  their events .

Here  when  we  visit  to  public  places  like  hospitals ,libraries or  park or  travel in public transport   people  do  not  find  it  hard  to  say  hello  and  start  conversation  mostly . I  remember  almost  thirty  years  back  when  i  used  to  visit hospital  with  mom  in Islamabad  ,we  made  few  friends while  sitting  on  waiting  room or  sharing  wards .

 My  eldest  son  who  lives  in  Germany  tell  us  sometimes that   when  it  comes  to  be  familiar  with  each  other  without  any particular reason  people  are  completely  different  than  here . He  says  that  people show  kindness and  generosity  when  they  feel  it is certainly needed  by  someone  but  it  is  not  their  way  to  say  hello  to  some stranger  and  start  conversation . Everyone  seems  so busy  in  his own  world  and  feels  no  need  to  be  friendly   with  person  sitting  close  by  for  no  reason.

This  makes  makes  me wonder  what  reason  makes  us  the  Asian  people  so  open or friendly ?

And what  makes  people  of   Developed y  country  so  shy and shelled?

According  to  my  observation  Dependency  also plays  role  here . Even when  a  family  get  more  resources  and  luxury  members  of  the  family  become  more  dependent  and  feel  less  need  to  stay  close  to  each  other  and  warmth  among relationships  decreases slowly .    

May  be  psyche  of  third  world  country  is  different  due to  their  economical  circumstances or may be it's   in  their  genes ,it  could  be  weather  too .

Despite  of  all the  facts  that  can  effect  human  nature  positively  or  negatively we  can  say  one thing  undoubtedly  that  people  who  are  genuinely   kind  and  have  sweet  generous  nature , none  of  these  facts  can  change  them  for  worse .

They  exist  in  each  part  of  land  and  they  don't  care  what  kind  of  people  they  are  treating  with  kindness .They  don't  treat  people  on the  bases  of  race ,religion  ,gender  or  status but  humanity is their only criteria ! 

They  do  so  because  this  is in  their  blood  and  nature. No  matter  which  country  they   belong and  under  which weather  and  circumstances  they  live their  souls  remain  unstained  of  rudeness  or cruelty. They  spread  love  where ever they  go.

What  Do  You  Think  ?  




  1. I have heard some countries are warmer and more hospitable, Portugal for example, compared to Spain.

    1. So true, Christine. My daughter has been to Portugal and it's such a friendly country.

  2. I live in New York State. But not in New York City. I feel that people here are closer to the way you describe people in Pakistan then in Germany. But it is different in other parts of America and even in other parts of New York. There is a lot to variation out there!

  3. Your one statement says it all. Don't treat people by considering race, religion gender or status. This would go a long way to solve some of the nastiest problems in the world.

  4. It's in the heart, baili.
    And that can't be fake.

  5. Some places are definitely friendlier than others, I think. Some cultures are reserved and others more open. Here in America, it is so big and so many different areas and cultures - it just depends on each particular region. I've lived in several areas and I have noticed a difference in each region, but every place has genuinely wonderful people who love their families and are kind and accepting of differences. There are also the mean and bigoted people, too. They are usually the ones with the loudest mouths but the fewest friends :) xo Karen

    1. i believe that this is a huge ability to LOVE or Except others around you and treat kindly dear Karen and i think whom got this in their roots nothing can effect them negatively but who have it on surface they only need any excuse to express their cold or harmful side for all around
      i think geographical and cultural differences are also involved in shaping human nature and behavior

  6. I guess it all depends on where you live. The people in the last city we lived in were happier and friendlier. In our present city, the people seem more unhappy and stressed, and less friendly.

    1. such beautiful thing you mentioned here dear Martha :)

      yes i think people who are basically HAPPY INSIDE are more friendly and they hardly put condition to for others to be that way :)

  7. I do think that some places are friendlier than others …

    All the best Jan

  8. We have not lived in as many places as others, but have noticed differences in two geographical areas. When we lived in a southern state (Virginia) and also in a very small town, people were very friendly and outgoing. When we moved to a larger New England state (New Hampshire) we noticed a difference in that people are a bit more reserved. So I wonder whether it is the people's nature or their environment which determines friendliness. You have raised some very good points in this post, Baili.

    1. I don't know i must share it here or not but i have read and hear as well that British people are most reserved people in the world and their historic image as ruler nation of the world has something to do with this fact

  9. i live in a small town and whenever we are out walking around the lake everyone says hello. I am on a FB forum for the town and it's is pretty cool - someone even started one for the roads right around us locally so we always know whats going on up the road if there is a lost pet or a disturbance.

  10. oh this is why i love villages and small towns dear Sandy :)))

  11. People in Louisiana are very warm and nice. They are also easy to greet and give you their sweet smile :)

    Have a great weekend, Baili!

  12. Dear Baili, I'm thinking that the coronavirus is going to demand of all of us that we become generous and see ourselves as One--we are all in this together. Peace.

  13. É bom viver num lugar onde as pessoas se ajudam umas às outras sem qualquer tipo de preconceito. Gostei muito do seu texto.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  14. It is interesting, isn't it? There is a so much difference from one place to another, even from one person to another. I chat with people checking out my groceries and that sort of thing, but not everyone does that. You seem very friendly and open in your comments here on your blog, but even on blogs not everyone is like that.

    1. i agree not everyone is like that dear Sandi

      i am not judging people for their behavior as they must have reasons for their reserved attitude but it seems so natural and nice to be friendly with people we meet during our routine of life ,i personally think there is no harm in it
      i was reserved young girl when it came to be among crowd but i used to be friendly with people whom i met in public places like hospital waiting room etc ,it's not necessary to form serious friendship but it feels good to not stay unconnected to human around ,to me it is so natural
      how sweet that you do same my dear friend!

  15. Dear Baili, I agree with all the others who have commented. Hospitality of people completely differs from place to place. The variation in each of their behaviors and the culture they follow are different from each other. Thank you for giving us this very valid piece of article showcasing your personal experience in the same. Please visit us at

  16. Some of the friendliest and most caring people I have met are those who have the least. We should all make an attempt to spread kindness and smiles! Love and hugs to you, my dear friend! 💖🌺

  17. Yes, I think people are friendlier in some places than in others. I think it has to do more with trust and if you have always been around people you can trust or not.

  18. I think the maybe friendliness shows itself with mutual interests. For example in the UK people who like walking always acknowledge others when they encounter them on their walks.


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