Thursday, March 5, 2020

Corona Virus Vacations, Dinners set And Seasonal Business

Hello  Precious  Friends 

Hope   picking  up   each  moment  as  flower  and  filling   your  heart   with  serenity  and  beauty  of  life present  before your  eyes. I  think  that  is  matter  most  to  realize  the  importance  what  we  have  right  now  and  living  it  with  complete  acceptance  and  gratitude .

I  am  being  late  for  blogging  because  i  am  busy  with  family  as  here  our  government  has  declared 15  days  vacations  due  to  threat we  face  as  corona virus .School  will open  on  14  march.
Another  reason  is that  due  to  beautiful  spring  weather  people  are  celebrating  family  events  often as it happens  this time  of  the  year  always .We  been  visiting  many such  events  previously and  many  are  ahead to  attend .One  of  them  is  wedding  two  of  hubby's  nieces on 14 and  15 probably .
We  have  bought  wedding  gift during our  visit  to  Sukkur  city last week. And  at  same  time  i  finally  decided  to  buy dinner set     for  my  kitchen . I  have been  delaying  it  since  i  got  married  as  i  thought  it  was  not  necessary  to  serve  food in expensive  crockery  just  because  it looks same  in  design  ,I  thought it was loss of  money (yes i am old fashion :(  ).
But  few  weeks  ago  i felt  embarrass when  i  had  to  serve food  and  it  was  hard  to  find  proper  dishes .I  know some of you say "what a shame " lol but hey i finally changed  and  bought dinner set . hope you will approve it :)

                  paid  almost 7000  thousand for this and  it  took  almost  six hours to  find this one

                           i think 64 pieces it has okay may be i forgot again as usual

pulled  it  out  just to share glimpse with you guys and packed it again ,i will place it in kitchen cabinet when find free time 

 pic belongs to another visit to city Sukkur ,we went to see Masoom shah tower famous for it's history and it is  shrine and tomb of  Muslim Saint .

Weather  is enchanting  these days ,airy ,sometimes cloudy and rainy too so  we are  so happy and grateful for spring and hopping that summers will be late due to rains !

wishing you all true happiness ,perfect health and peaceful days ahead my dear friends! take care!


  1. Wow, the set is sooo pretty, I really love it! The virus scares me so much, as far it is one sick person in Poland. I hope it will be over soon, have a lovely weekend ☺

    1. oh i am glad you liked it :)

      there were lots and lots of colorful designs and latest with bit weird look but i continued to look for one like this ,creamy white and slightly patterned on edge
      i did not find square or other plates which were not plainly round attractive and those are in fashion here now days though

      my eldest son told that some cases were detected in Germany too
      it seems disease is spreading quickly praying for better situation

  2. Your dishes are beautiful with lots of serving pieces. I hope you enjoy them every time you use them!

  3. THe dishes are very nice, now you have to have a big dinner party.

    I'm not worried about this virus, it seems to only be dangerous to the elderly...oops, I keep forgetting.

  4. What a lovely set of new dishes! Enjoy using them!

  5. Thanks for the update on what you have been doing, Baili. Spending time with family and enjoying beautiful weather are always wonderful to read about. And, your new dish set looks very complete with many serving pieces as well. Now, you can replace your older dishes with this nice set. When we moved from our previous home, we left all the dishes and serving pieces. Instead, we bought a new set of fewer pieces and in white only -- goes with everything😏


    1. one of my sister in law moved to her newly built house lately dear Dorothy so i have decided to give away my older dishes to her until she buys new she can use them
      i agree that white is color that can fit to any other easily

  6. Those are very nice dishes.

    I am glad to hear that you are spending time off with your family.

  7. Hello sweet Baili! Your new dishes are beautiful! How delightful to own a matching set! I personally love to mix and match dinnerware, with the same color scheme, as I love so many different pieces of china. However, there is something so lovely about matching dinnerware. Your family is going to get much enjoyment out of these dishes! Enjoy the gorgeous spring weather! We are finally getting some spring weather here as well, and it is exciting! The coronavirus is close to us as well, and although no one I know has it, there is much preparation going on to keep everyone safe. Praying for you as always, much love to you!

    1. dear Louise
      actually call me dull to be fond of mating dinnerware :(

      thankfully not late anymore to join who care for such issues :)
      actually paying quite amount of money to have just matching dishes made me annoyed in past ,i tried to manage with cheap utensils that could serve without being too costly
      but now i gave up to this kind of wisdom (if it was wisdom lol)
      i am trying to be normal housewife instead of dull person with sainty thoughts who consider such things waste of money or worldly (how boring!)
      this is first vacation of my life that i was not happy about due to the reason it had behind
      i hope you are safe and fine with necessary cautions my friend!

  8. We should be more careful about daily sanitation. Happy weekend to you.

  9. You have chosen a very pretty plate set, not extravagant at all to have good quality things for our home, as it enables us to be a generous host. I recently went to see a dear friend (who is from Sri Lanka) she has very little as a single parent, she made lunch for me with mismatched china, but every piece was beautiful, much of it very old/her mothers, and all of it treasured so I felt very honoured that she brought out her best things for me! You are doing the same, giving your family and friends something beautiful to use in your welcoming home :) I have plain white dinner set that is not expensive because we are clumsy here but I have pretty leaf patterned plates for best days/guests. I am worried about Corona Virus but I don't think there is anything we can do, it's going to affect many of us. People are panic buying food and cleaning products here and the shelves were empty in my supermarket this week of much tinned food, all hand cleaning and toilet rolls! It's interesting to see the places you visit in your country as from the UK it is not a tourist destination and remains very much closed to our eyes. I hope your son is ok, safe if he is in Europe. Betty x

    1. thank you dear Betty for encouraging

      how sweet of your friend to serve you with her best dishes ,don't we do it happily when we are absolutely excited and joyful with our guests :)

      my mom was not in condition to give me dinner set in my dowry but she gifted me best of what she had at that moment and i think her saved dishes and other stuff cannot be replaced with any other newly bought stuff because it was her choice and gift to her daughter and her choice was never ordinary no matter how long it took to purchase her favorite item she would save and buy anyway

      i still have some of her old dishes and they are so valuable to me ,i just take look of them once in while to feel her love again!
      i agree that such desperate situations making everyone panic and worried and this is true we can't do anything except being cautious and praying
      my son in Germany is fine by the grace of Lord ,he says he hardly goes for outing ,only office where he is doing thesis or few friends ,Lord will keep him safe and all other children amen!

  10. That is such a beautiful dinner set! Enjoy them. And enjoy time with your family.

  11. Dearest Baili, oh how you put me to shame...I am still using my old, non matching dinner services! Your new one is so pretty!!
    Very few schools have been closed here so far, but as the virus is now spreading rapidly, the government are beginning to think it may be a good idea!
    We do have many empty shelves in our stores here, as people are panic buying just about everything!😕
    I do hope your son is ok in Europe...and that you all stay safe there in Pakistan. 😊😊
    Sukkur looks such a beautiful city!!

    All my love and hugs, always ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. i think it is okay to use old kitchen dear Ygriane ,i did same until now while thinking that buying expensive dishes just because they are matched in color and pattern is waste of money
      but since i understood that i am running out of kitchen ware i decide to buy new one otherwise no chance
      here in our country we are facing shortage of many things on store lately ,my younger son is fond of macaroni but he is coming back empty hand each time as imports are effected due to alert situation

  12. OMG - that dinner set is absolutely wonderful!!!! I really love it so much! Hugs, RO

  13. Your dinner set is beautiful! I love the flowers design along the edges. I hope you enjoy your vacation time spent with family.

  14. Baili, your new dishes are so pretty. I like the floral design. I think it's smart of your community to close school for a couple weeks. How nice that you got to do some traveling. You bought a wedding gift, and treated yourself with a gift too. And you deserve it, Baili. Enjoy your enchanting Spring weather. It gets hot here in the summers, so I'm enjoying Spring as well.


    1. these were unexpected vacations dear Sheri

      we were not aware that situation was as serious ,though after vacation announcement we dug bit about the scenario and it was sad to know that disease is spreading rapidly
      i hope ministry of health here and world health organization take some steps towards it

      to be honest i hardly gifted myself anything except an encouraging smile though mirror once in while :)

  15. It is not wrong to appreciate beauty, including beauty of everyday manufactured items in our lives. We have very similar taste in dishes, baili - I would have chosen that set also. Our good set of dishes is plain white with a silver edge! I hope they give you many years of pleasure each time you use them.

    It sounds like spring in your climate is a time of getting out and around before it gets too hot. Spring here is much the same, despite the fact that your "hot" is much hotter than ours. Spring is a good time to get things done while it's comfortable.

    Enjoy having your sons home - it's extra time to spend with them!

    1. Oh this is such delight to know that we like same things dear Jenny :)))

      when it come to appreciate beauty of nature ,people or things i am almost at front of the line believe me
      yes spring is time to express joy within in form of celebrations and other gathering events before summer take charge when taking breath seems labor :(

  16. It is really awesome dinner set, Baili.

    Take care.

  17. oh it's been awhile since I've been here - nice to read your newsy post and i like the dishware you picked out. I bought some new ones about 7 years ago when we moved to this house and i hardly ever use them. I keep just pulling out the old ones especially since it's usually just myself and husband who eat here. There are a few cases in So Cal but none here in the mountains where I live. Sounds like you have a lot of fun times ahead with family.

    1. Thanks for appreciation dear Sandy :)

      It is true that being few family members who eat no need feel to use many or new kitchen ware
      We are four present at dining table so mostly old dishes are fine with us unless there are guests to serve

  18. This is a lovely set of dishes. I love the small flowers on the design. It is beautiful!! Have a good week!!

  19. Your dishes are lovely, Baili, and now you can feel happy to serve your guests any time. We are dealing with the virus here near Seattle, too. It is difficult for families with schools closed and people working from home. Praying that you and your loved ones stay healthy. Sending hugs and blessings xo Karen

    1. So nice to hear from you dear Karen :)
      Here we also dealing with uncomfortable feeling regarding virus
      Marchsuppose to be a last month for final studies in school and college as examination usually take place at the end of March or beginning of April so parents and teachers both are concerned and frustrated due to sudden unexpected vacation
      Stay safe you too my friend

  20. Que conjunto de louça bonito! O coronavírus já começou a assustar-nos aqui em Portugal. Tenham cuidado por aí.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  21. The set is really nice, I think you will use it many many years

  22. I think your dinner set looks very nice …

    All the best Jan

  23. That is a pretty set of plates and your family can enjoy using it for years and years. I hope the Coronavirus stops spreading in every country. Have a peaceful and joyful month.


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