Thursday, November 8, 2018

What I Learnt From My SECOND JOB!

It   was   1997  or  1998    probably . My  eldest  son   was  4  or  5  years  old .

When  my   younger  sister   left  for  U.S.A  with  her   (first)   husband   for   the  honeymoon   which   turned   into  a  long  stay   (almost six  years)  there in  Arlington Virginia.

My  parents    were    living  alone   in  the  newly  built   house   in  capital  city  Islamabad   almost  one  hour  drive  from  our  native  village.

My   father   like   as  usual   was   not  always   with  my  mom   as  he  had  weird  habit  to  suddenly  leave  few  times  in  a  year    for  his  native  city  Kashmir   or  other  provinces   and   cities  of  our  country .

Meanwhile   mother  was  alone   and   this  was  the  reason   that  with   the  advise   of  my  younger  sister  and  permission  of  my  husband  i  moved   to  stay  with  my  mother   in  Islamabad.

There   was  also  another    reason  hidden  in  my  heart  that  may   be  by   this  way  i   will  be  able  to   participate   in   making  our  son's  future   better    as  big  cities  have  environment   little  easier   for  females  to  do  jobs   as   there  are   far  more  opportunities   to  obtain  career .

Anyway   after  moving   with  my  mom  my  first  priority  was  to   look  after  her  in  all  possible  ways   and  then   looking  for  job.

First  of  all  i  put  my  son  in  school   which   was   quite expensive   but   had   good   teaching   standards   so  i  was  satisfied   as  it  was  only  a  15  minutes  walk  away   from  home  and  before  leaving   for  job  i  could   easily  drop   my  son  to  school  everyday.

I  have   mentioned   about  my  first   job  in  matrimonial  office   in  my   an  old   post  may   be  month   back. I  left   that  job   because   the   owners   were   revealed   as  fraud   and   were   faking  people   for   money  and  not  taking  any  interest  in  their  duties   of   match  making .

After   leaving   this  job   i   was   anxious   as   i  was  only  ten  grade  passed   that  time  and   there  was  less  chance   for  another   decent  job soon.

One  night   while  talking  on  phone  my   younger   sister   embarrassed    me   that   with  such    small  degree  i  will  be  able  to   do  nothing  and  no   one   will  pay   me  as  i  don't  know  even  how   to  operate  a  computer  blah  blah blah...

She  was   same  in  degree   but  she  was (is)  far  smarter  ,confident ,beautiful  and  active  than  me . Her  communication   skills  were   amazing.

I  was  agreed    with  her  about   my  all  the  lesser   skills   but   i  was  stronger   in  my  faith  so  i  replied  her   calmly   that 

 " i  know    that  may  be  no  one  will  give  me  job   but  i  believe  my  God  will"

   Her  laughter  still  echo  in  my  head!

Next   morning  with  little  sad  heart   when  i  went   to  drop   my  eldest  son  in  his   school,   inevitably   i  entered   the  school  building   and  asked   spot  lady  to    that   "can  i  meet  the  principal ?

S.L.S school   was  something  far   modern    and  disciplined    and  i  was   not  sure  that  my  request   will  be  processed as  when   she  asked  me  to  tell  the  reason   i  said   it  is  personal!

After   half  hour  wait  when  earlier   guest   left   i  was  called   to  meet  principal ,  i  was   nervous  inside   but  there  was   only  one  thing  very  clear  in  my  mind   that  i  was  not  doing  anything  wrong  so  why  hesitate ?

Principal   was  a  middle  aged  fashionable     lady  with  smile  less  face  and  sharp  curious   eyes.

I  simply   told   her  that  i   am  only  tenth  grade  passed   and  want  a   job   just   to  support   my  son 's  education.

She   asked   if  i  was  single  mother ?   I told  her  that  i  have  husband  who  sent  us   money  every   month  which  is  enough  for  our  expenses   still  i  want  to  work    for  the  sake  of  my  own  desire  of   being  self   dependent to  some  extent.

This  time   the    flatness  of  her  face  loosened  and  slight  friendly  smile  appeared   which  was  encouraging  and  needed !

She   said   she  really  appreciate  women  who  have  no  strong  need though  ,  yet   they  come  out  of  their  comfort  zone  just   for  the  betterment  of  their  children .

She  admired  my   wish  and  effort  that  i  want  to  raise  my  son  in  better  environment   and  for  this  i  am  ready  to  sacrifice   rest   and  peace   of   my  life  which  is  more  easy  to  have  in  house  as  house  wife.

I  told  her  i  can  be  helper  in  small  office   jobs   or   i  can  do  cleaning  and   keep  check  on  student's  discipline .

She  said  it  will    not  be  fair  to  do  such  odd   jobs  where  your  own  son  is  studying., but  i  will  try   to  get   you  appoint  somewhere   else...

To  be  continued.......



  1. Interesting to read how your open words opened the doors...

    1. thank you dear Ola!

      Faith is key to open all the doors ,that is what i learnt from my 48 years life

  2. Replies
    1. Dear Leigh!

      i had not planned to divide this post into 2 parts i had to leave it as i got guests

  3. What an interesting history that you have. I cannot wait to read the continuation.

    1. thank you dear Brain!

      i am honored that you found it worthy

  4. Good for you! You really showed your sister your strength! I can’t wait to hear the rest, you’re very brave!

    1. Thank you dear Laurie

      When I went inside the school building there was only one thing in my mind

      "My faith must not be proved wrong "

      As I so deeply love my Creator and want him to be with me always

  5. "One night while talking on phone my younger sister embarrassed me that with such small degree i will be able to do nothing and no one will pay me as i don't know even how to operate a computer blah blah blah...

    She was same in degree but she was (is) far smarter ,confident ,beautiful and active than me . Her communication skills were amazing."

    This makes me so sad. But, you know, here I am reading your blog, your words, from 7000 miles away, not hers. I had to look that up. North Carolina to Pakistan. But I can see you from here! (Waving)

    "I was agreed with her about my all the lesser skills but i was stronger in my faith so i replied her calmly that " i know that may be no one will give me job but i believe my God will"
    Her laughter still echo in my head!"

    He did, didn't He?

    1. Thank you dear Sandi!

      You are so kind and sweet!

      Your waving brought tears of joy in my eyes my friend!
      Hugs back to you too!!!!!!!

  6. Interested to hear the rest of your job saga,Baily. You are correct when we don't do wrongs, why to hesitate

    1. Yes dear rudraprayaga@

      In my whole life I followed this "if I am doing right, why to hesitate? "

      But my scale of rightness must be matched with universal laws of righteousness

  7. Sounds like you spoke to just the right person.

    1. She did not seem in first look dear Joe but when I spoke to her her soft corner appeared before my eyes

      God was there to make her RIGHT person for me as in life I saw such miracles which I will share time to time that struked my limited wisdom

  8. You've captured my interest with the first half of your story. Now I'm looking forward to hearing how it all worked out! Good for you for being brave enough to pursue a job opportunity. That is an admirable quality.

    1. Dear Connie it seems that there is someone within me who makes me take right step at right time as I know I am not as smart

  9. I am sorry to have to wait for the rest of the story. In the meantime I have to point out that your sister is not correct. You are smart. Lack of education has nothing to do with intelligence. You are confident yet humble. I have seen your pictures and you are beautiful. You are a person I admire.

    1. Oh dear Emma you are such a kind person

      Being a sister who is far better than me in each worldly requirements made me always proud of being sister of her but little nervous when it came to public appearance as this difference was mentioned by all my relatives and family except my mom so I grew up with this fact

      Though now in this part of age when I see difference between her and me I find myself more lucky than her and I pray for her to have same stability and peace in her life and relationships

  10. I always enjoy these stories. Looking forward to more... :)

  11. You were bold and brave. That is just like I picture you.

  12. Waiting for remainder of your life story.
    Good on you for asking the Principal..

  13. I so enjoyed reading so far in the story and look forward to reading more soon.

    All the best Jan

  14. Curious to see where is it going to lead us
    Have a great week

  15. A sua história é sempre de coragem e determinação. Parabéns.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, dearest Baili. This has been really interesting to read...and I am looking forward to the next installment!😊😊
    Much love and hugs xoxoxo

  17. Good for you!!! I can't wait to read more Baili! Big Hugs!

  18. Lovely, Baili. I can't wait to read Part 2!!


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