Friday, November 23, 2018

Mathematics And Me :( And Question Of The Day

In   school  we   had   five   subjects  ,Mathematics    Urdu ,R.K (religious  knowledge) ,Social study ,  Science  and  Drawing.

Mathematics   was  most  irritating  subject  to me .  

It   was  both  at  the  same  time  ,

Out   of   the  circle   of  my  interest

Beyond  my  capacity   of  comprehension 

 Unlike   teachers   of  other  subjects  i  was  dull  to  our  math  teacher .

I   specially  hated  Al.  Khwarizmi  who  invented  algebra   as  it  was  totally  boring  and  annoying  to  me .

After   school   as  i  grew  older  i  regretted  for  my  dis likening   for   Mathematics    as   i  realized  that   to  have  better   job  one  must  be  good  in  this  particular  subject   as  it's  theories  and  formulas  apply   everywhere  in   each  field   or  profession .

During  my  second  job   i  took  admission  in  Allama  Iqbal  open  university   that   provides  education   to  students  which   cannot  attend  classes   .

University   delivered   it's  regular  lectures   through  national  radio   and  television   and  at  the  end  of  the  academic  year  students  had   to  give  exams  at  centers  referred   by  university  management .

I   thought    this  is   great  chance   to  learn   math  and  specially   chose  the  subjects  related  to  math  as   i  thought   i  was  weak  in  the  subject  because   i  was  not  interested  in  it    but  now  when   i  want   to  learn   i  can  definitely  learn   it.

How  unfortunately   that   I   could   not    get   even  a  single   lecture   of  math   though   hubby   specially   took  leave    from  office    each  month    and   took  me  to  the  Islamabad   where  the  classes   were  supposed  to  be  held   .

Our   22  hours   journey   and  money  spent  on  it  was   wasted  each  time  as  university  ‘s  lecturer   did  not  come  to  the  centers   where  they  called  students  to  attend  classes   .This   was   so  disappointing .   I   could   not   learn  math   inspite   all   my  efforts   .Consequences  were  not  beyond   expectations  ,  i  was   failed   in  the  subject  of  math   in  my  first  year   exam.

Second   year   started   and  i  gave  up  about  learning  math  from   university  lectures .I   bought   some   guide   books  and   took   help   from  hubby  to  understand   them   .I  wanted   to   pass  my  intermediate   exams   anyhow.

And  by   the  grace  of  God   i  did   though   got  hardly   passing  marks  in  math  but  finally  i  got  rid  of  my  fear   that   i  ill  not  be  able  to  continue   my  studies   if  i  did  not  pass  this  exam.

I  still   feel  sad   that   university ,s  attitude  towards  student  was  so  irresponsible   and  my  hopes  and  enthusiasm   for  learning  the  subject   which  feared   me  in  school   days  was  still   a  puzzle  to  me.

I  was   so  afraid  that,


I  kept  praying   that  may  they  not  be  like  their  mother   and   be  good  in  Mathematics   as  in  this   society  and  world   BEST   BRAINS   and  INTELLIGENT   people    occupy    the   important   and    respectful   place!

I   was   surprised   to   see in  coming  years   that  my   eldest   son Ahsun   was   one   of  the  best   student    in   his  school   specially   his   passion  for  mathematics   was   striking!  but   satisfying  to  my  heart:)))

My   elder   son  Asad   is also   good  in  math  and   mostly  hold  first   position   in   exams! He   also   wants  to  be  software  engineer   like  his  brother  as  he  Finds   Math  as  Favorite  subject   and  love  programming :)

Now   i  want  to  ask  you  that    what   subject    you  wanted   to   skip   in  school?

  Take  great  care ,love  life ,love  yourself  and  love  all  you  have  around!
make  your  existence   SUCCESSFUL! This  would  be  GREATEST  ACHIEVEMENT !

God  Bless  You  All!!!


  1. The open university sounds like a great idea to give opportunity to those who have no their way. I was not good at chemistry and physics but I liked math.

    1. Either I found chemistry and physics very interesting that we get to study from grade 9 to 10 but math specially algebra was so annoying

  2. I passed simple calculus, but still don't really know what it is...something where you have to figure out a bunch of letters. Most hated subject was Spanish, I just get frustrated learning another language. We should start earlier in the US, it gets harder as you age, that's my excuse and I;m sticking to it.

    1. I was good in simple math like minus plus multiplication and division but what stood tough for me was algebra and I still don't know much about it though in past I tried to learn little bit from my son

  3. Math was one of those things I understood AFTER doing poorly on the tests. I also wish I knew it better, but it was often a difficult subject.

    1. I thought I could have understood it lot better if I would have taken interest in it.

  4. I dreaded history and geography. It is hard to teach those subjects well because they tend to be full of detail and not of interest to kids (just like algebra!!) but now that I am much older I am particularly interested in history and also like to look at maps and read about our earth's physical characteristics. Strange :) I admire your desire to learn algebra and expand your mind, baili. Keep looking for opportunities to acquire the knowledge you wish to have.

    1. I was good in memorizing date and details dear Jenny

      My marks were specially good in these subjects.

      But my eldest son disliked them as you did:)

      He says he cannot stand memorizing old stuff give me some puzzles and sums to solve rather than asking about who born when lol

  5. I did not especially like the home economics class we were required to take. It had nothing to do with economy. I already knew how to cook, clean, and sew. The only new thing I learned was how to arrange flowers.

    1. Haha this is funny dear Emma :)

      When I could not continue my science subjects in 9th grade due to 2 months absence in school as I was hospitalised meanwhile with extreme anemic attack.

      I was asked to choose home economics which was easy to carry from the mid of the academic year.

      I Learnt lot from this subject .everything that I didn't learn from my mother inspite of her efforts I Learnt from home economics. I didn't like still I Learnt inevitably

  6. Math was my least favourite subject in school too. I didn't like chemistry either.

    1. Same here dear Debra!

      Sounds like majority doesn't like the poor math !

      Still it rules the world as my son says lol

  7. Another very interesting post, dear Baili!
    I have been always interested practically in everything, also at school. This creates a problem: it's difficult to know what one wants to be when one is big. :)
    Hugs and blessings!

    1. This is happy thing to take interest in everything. It reflects one's love for life:)

      Yes we know gradually about our Actual goals in life

  8. oh I hated math,, I needed special help to pass, definitely a weak spot for me, my one daughter and son are brilliant in math but my youngest was like me,, weak in math,, we helped her and she managed quite well but it did not come easy at all, I'm so glad your fears of your children not having strong math skills didn't happen, and good for you to work at a challenge that was difficult,

    1. Either I hated math till certain age Laurie but as I got out in the world during my second job in Islamabad I realised that candidates with brilliance in science and math are more easily selected in private jobs available in big cities.

      Alnong with that I wanted to learn math now with great interest as I acknowledged it's value in life .and envyed people who were good in it and treated more nicely as employee.

      This great that your younger daughter managed to be successful with help of her family

  9. Dear Baili, like you, I had a subject that seemed too difficult for my poor brain to comprehend--and that was geometry. I did well in other math classes, but i just couldn't seem to understand the theorems of geometry. I had to work with another student who was patient in trying to example things to me. But, I admit, that the only way I got through that class was to copy some of his work! In other words, I cheated. I never felt good about that, but only if I passed geometry could I go on to the other math classes and I so wanted to. Peace.

    1. Geometry came on 2nd as difficult subjects but less terrible than algebra

      I had (Have) friend who helped me during math' exam verbally as she was sitting next to me .I used to help her lot in English and so I did in exams .I felt sorry when she told me that she could not pass her intermediate exams due to poor English

  10. Hi Baili :) I also had a deep hatred for math, it never made sense to me! Funny that I ended up in accounting and finance in University. Suddenly it made sense. But the subject that I truly disliked was any kind of grammar, especially French grammar. I remember nodding off a lot during those lectures!!

  11. Never hated any subjects when I went to school - it was a long time ago and things have changed in schools since then.
    The 3 r's are important no matter what year or where you live - reading, writing and arithmetic.

    1. It means you were really good student dear Margaret with impressive performance in all subjects:)

  12. This is really an achievement Rain that you did masters in accounting which I don't think I could.

    Out attitude change towards lots of things as we grow .
    Mental growth open new wider horizons to us.
    I had great interest in grammar of our national language and of English in grade 6 to 10

  13. I wasn't a fan of math, either, even though I was good at it. I found it boring. History class could also be dull if the teacher was boring. But when I was in high school, I loved the world history course I took because the teacher who taught it made it fun and interesting!

    1. how great dear Martha that you were good in math!

      hubby is huge fan of history and his company increased my love for history gradually

      i agree specially in primary classes it is must to have teacher skilled in grabbing attention of students and make the studies fun for them as in small age children learn fondly from one who they like more

  14. Geometry and chemistry, I still don not understand them.


    1. Early geometry is not as tough dear Sussi but as it gets in details it blows my mind ,so complicated for me either

  15. I had to smile when I read this, dearest Baili...I was exactly the same as you when it comes to maths! The subject just made no sense at all to me...and still doesn't. I was more literary and artistic, and these subjects remain close to my heart. Just as well I didn't want to be a scientist! Lol

    Have a great day, my dear Friend...and lots of love and hugs xxx

    1. you are so right about this dear Ygraine as either my observation say that mostly people with artistic nerve lean rarely for science or mathematics

      may be this is related to our brain's particular side which has good imagination and creativity or active function of practical presence of mind

      i read once that left side of brain is more logical and right side goes with imagery and creativity

      i love being one who lives by no boundaries of world present before eyes only i rather enjoy flights of my limitless imagination :)))

  16. Replies
    1. It's okay dear Betty everyone has something to be best with and i am sure either you were :)

  17. I was a disaster in drawing and gymnastics :))))
    Have a great week

  18. Gymnastic ?

    wow i love to watch people doing wonderful tricky stuff with the flexibility of body
    i wish i could do this

    how amazing that you been taught gymnastic in school ,i always thought having schools like these who teach marshal arts and gymnastic which is supplementary for mental health indeed

    my drawing was average though

  19. Quase toda a gente detesta matemática quando anda na escola. Eu gostei muito. A minha maior dificuldade foi sempre o desenho. Não fazia um risco com jeito…
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  20. Biology. Each class member was expected to dissect a frog. I couldn't do it. Wouldn't do it, even though required. Found the requirement to be sick and inhumane.

    1. Oh that sounds sad and funny both my friend!

      I used to have wish to become a doctor in my school days as biology was my favourite subject when I took science subjects in 9th grade but unfortunately could not continue it due to my sickness and absence in for almost 2 months. I had to convert and take arts subjects when rejoined the school.

      My parents were also not financially strong to support my wish that time.

      Today I am proud to be a house wife and mother of three precious kids.
      I am truly reliving my life through their journeys:)

  21. I'm so glad I don't have to study maths znymire, I was so bad!Now I am a teacher myseld, but I teach literature☺

    1. So am I dear Natalia:)

      Literature is my favourite too .I did masters in English literature and I absolutely loved doing it

  22. I enjoyed Maths but was not very keen on Science subjects.

    All the best Jan

  23. I didn't care much for history and geography, although I am more interested in them now that I am an adult. When I was younger I found these subjects boring and not of interest to me.

    1. Dear Connie our way of thinking changes as we grow older:)

      History is favourite topic of my husband and he can talk about it for hours, 26 years of companionship makes me learn more from him

  24. The lesson I disliked was physical education: Netball, Hockey, running, high jump, gymnastics etc.

    Maths didn't come easily me either but I had a wonderful teacher. He took time outside the classes (school lunchtime) to help with revision and refresher classes. I was one of four people he helped in this way. He also didn't take promotion so that he could see the whole class through until the pupils had taken their exam.

  25. I'm with you my friend! I didn't like math at all! LOL! Big Hugs!

  26. I struggled with math, too, Baili. I had one year that I really loved math - when I was taught geometry. For some reason, I enjoyed it and got good grades. I do think it depends somewhat on the teacher and their teaching style to make it interesting. I had a good teacher that year. xx Karen

  27. A think a lot of people dread math. It is actually an accomplishment thaf you stuck with it and eventually achieved passing grades. I think that sometimes our greatest successes are in areas where we struggle the most. It is great thaf you son does well in the subject. When it comes to math everyone seems different.

  28. Either my observations say same dear Brain!

    If you admire the theory of Thomas Browne that "attempts also worth acknowledgement and appreciattappreciation then I can give myself 3 out of 10 as at least I tried but if you think only success matter I couldn't achieve anything from my attempt

  29. I desperately wanted to be good at maths and science because they were so fascinating but my brain struggled to comprehend. Perhaps my brain was still too young and immature. Revisiting some of those concepts as an adult was much easier and it was quicker to grasp. Don't let childhood experiences restrict your adult goals.

    1. Well said dear Jodie !

      People differ in their process of learning
      Some can pick quickly and some get it slowly

      So we should not underestimate our skills ever


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