Friday, November 30, 2018

Nadia Khan Show And Question Of The Day

Hello   Precious  Fellows!

Here   we   have  a   saying  that  (translation)

 "everyone  gets  wisdom  tooth   after   his   25th    birthday   so   he   starts    thinking   out   of  box"

But   i  was  not  that  fast  ,i   learnt  gradually .

And   i   think   growth  process  of  my  wisdom  tooth (if  there is one)  starts   when   i   was  in  my  mid  thirties always late :(

A  program  "Nadia  Khan 's  Show"   helped  it   to   grow .

Nadia  khan   was   (is)   hosting  a  morning  show  which  i  watched   for  many   years!

Her  ability  to  bring  variety   of  topics  belong   to  each   aspect   of  life   was  outstanding !

Her   outspoken  and  bold  nature   and    amazingly  interesting  way   of  taking  interviews   from  her  guests  made   me   huge   fan  of  her!

She   got  skills  to  make  her  guests  talking  about  many   things   which  they  may  won't  like  to  say  on air  in  front  of  other  anchor !

Her    show  brought   many  many  positive  changes  in  my  life.

Though   i  don't  watch   morning  shows  anymore since  years  but

  I   am   happy  that  i  found  her   when   i  needed   to  get  OUT  OF  BOX   certainly .

I  never  hesitate  to  learn   and  apply   positive  stuff  of any  kind  and apply   it  to  make  my  way   of  thinking   and   lifestyle  better   as   according   to  science,




I  know   many   people  who   never  get   out   of  their  box  whole  life ,some   are  scared  ,some  egoistic ,some  ignorant  about  world  that  exist   around   their  box  and  on  and on....


That  show  bettered   my   life  in  many  ways   as  it  made  me  think   OUT  OF  THE  BOX!

What   Made   You   Think   Out   Of   The  Box   And  When ???

I  would   love  to  learn   about  your  source   of  inspiration !

Hugs! God  Bless  You  All!


  1. This is an insightful post. I agree that it is important to think independently and creatively. It is neat that a television program is encouraging folks to do this.

    1. It totally depends on one who has nerve for learning dear Brain

      If one wants to pull something positive he can grab it even from completely negative things as here is another saying that
      "Wise learn more from fool"

      But that show was a complete package for specially house wives stuck in busy routine facing multiple physical and emotional challenges at same time
      Nadia Khan was INSPIRATION through her skills and attitude

  2. For me, thinking outside the box began in 1970 when I was 13 and first learned there was such a thing as feminism. It changed my life. I questioned everything in those days and I've never looked back!

  3. That is amazingly quick dear Debra !

    And for me striking too because I found these early teens THE AGE OF FOG WHERE EVERYTHING SEEMS FASCINATING AND ILLUSIONERY

  4. I don't know that I do think out of the box, thanks for this inspiration to to that.

  5. Hi Baili :) For me, thinking out of the box means not following the rules that society has placed on me. Not that I am a rebel, but I just don't fit into the mould of society anymore. I think that (unfortunately) being a workaholic then burning out FORCED me to think out of the box and find a lifestyle that was more suited to me - DESPITE what anyone else thought of me. It took a while for me to accept that humanity didn't "do it" for me. So I found Nature and my spirituality. Then I found Alex and he is the same as me. We know now the kind of life we want to live and what makes us happy and we stick to it. We don't think like the every day city 9-to-5-er who works themselves silly for some kind of "dream" retirement when they are old and gray lol...we live NOW and live simply. That's outside the box for us. As for Alex, he started to think this way when I came into his life because I guess he followed my example and the idea of "who cares what society thinks of us". :) Great thought provoking post!!! :)

    1. Thank you dear Rain for sharing your beautiful heart with me .

      I strongly deeply your attitude!

      Either for me thinking out of the box is being myself simply and I am so happy that I followed my own will instead of obeying orders from society

      After 7 years of arrange marriage when I was about to break up my relationship with my husband I realised that I LOVE HIM AND LIFE WILL NEVER BE COMPLETE WITHOUT HIM AND I RETURNED TO HIM BY MY OWN CHOICE
      I finally opened my heart to him that I have loved him since I was a teenager. That became first day of our true companionship and now with each passing day our relationship is getting stronger and deeper:)

  6. Have to give this some thought …
    In the meantime Happy Weekend Wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  7. I am not sure I have ever been in the box. It is too confining.

  8. This is an interesting post, Baili. A box is rectangular, some of its corners give some latitude. I pretty well have lived my life outside the box. At times I get pulled back in by forces not under my control probably because I group up in the country and didn't know what boxes were.

    1. Thank you dear Jim for sharing your heart!

      Environment and our attitude plays very important role in realizing that what are the boxes are and are we going to spend our whole life in this self created confinement without being aware of the glorious vastness of horizons existing around us or will dare to break it and take some fresh breath

  9. Youngsters want to fit in with the crowd and be popular. Later being yourself is more important. Thoughtful post.

    1. So true dear John!

      As we grow we realise value of discovering of our inner true self !

  10. It must be refreshing to watch a television show that encourages independent thinking. Most of the time we are told to think and see what is politically correct at the moment. Hats off to Ms. Khan! And hats off to you, too, Baili :)

    1. I am part of conservative society dear Chris where women mostly stay inside even after finishing house chores

      Than to consum some positive energy t.v seemed great source like Window that keep one CONNECTED with world outside and bring breeze of fresh and variety of ideas.

      I unconsciously though took advantage of that luxury

  11. Never have watched the morning show on TV, always was doing something else I expect.
    Thinking outside of the box/square for me - don't recall exactly but as long as I can remember I discovered new things and opinions along with thoughts.

    1. You did great dear Margaret:)

      That is what called constant improvement

  12. constant progres... from time to time it happens to me but currently unfortunately no:(

    1. Phases of life differ from each other dear ola :)

      This will also pass and this will be part of the progress hopefully

  13. I grew up most after we had children. Then I had to be the adult, and learned a lot about myself in the process. I grew some more during the years following my father's stroke, when I spent a lot of time with him, and worrying about him. I think responsibility can be a great change-maker. But learning can also come from things such as books or the programs you watched. A smart person learns by whatever method is available.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing this dear Jenny!

    I totally agree that responsibilities can make us grow mentally along with many emotional ups and downs

    Before marriage I was totally a carefree tomboy type girl who thinks that her mom is a castle where no harm can touch her

    This lively nature completely demolished by environment provided by in laws though my husband was like second mother as he loved me enough to take care of me in every possible way .

    But I had to learn A LOT about this new life filled with complications and conflicts
    There was one solution to get out the box and see world around
    Accept it and face it
    Gradually though but I Learnt

    1. And I think you did an excellent job of learning. Sometimes I wonder if perhaps it is harder to learn if we have a happy childhood because we are not challenged by life's difficulties to learn some lessons early on. Then we have to learn so much at once!

    2. Again I Completely agree with your wise words dear Jenny!

      I even know families where everything provided and life is full of comfort and luxury

      I truly find me and my kids so blessed that we born in challenging environments and had to face ground realities

      This made us cross obstacles with energy and wisdom that we learnt through personal experiences.

      It made us mature and strong.

      I strongly believe since my childhood that physical mental and materialistic development in journey of life must be gradual and by our own little steps.

      Life packed with everything I want would be too boring. This is my personal opinion:)

  15. Inspiration is always my family.
    Have a great week!

  16. An inspiring post. True some incidents stir up our covert insight resulting in the opening of new avenues. Nice post.

    1. Thank you dear rudraprayaga!

      Without such turns and twists learning would not be improved

  17. O que me inspira é a vida. A minha e a dos outros.
    Acho que já nasci fora da caixa. Mas a minha rebeldia foi sempre interior…
    Gostei muito do seu texto.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

    1. Thank you dear Grace !

      You are right life itself is huge source of inspiration

      Rebelliousness is also way of expressions that take place in our behaviour when we try to swim against the flow

  18. Inspiring post.. You did a good job of learning

  19. Hello Baili, you might want to check back on Magic Love Crow's guest post or my blog post here: I announced the winners of the e-book giveaway. You may be interested in the results. :D

    1. I will definitely dear Rommy!
      Thank you so much for reminding

  20. Dear Baili, what got me to thinking out of the box was a professor at the University of Minnesota. He taught me in 1970, when I was 34 years old. He critiqued a paper I had written and explained to me why it wasn't acceptable and what I needed to do to make it acceptable for the assignment. By doing that he freed my mind from some things I'd learned about writing many years before. I have remained--as you have--grateful for what I learned from him--get out of the confines of a rigid box! Peace.

    1. This is wonderful dear Dee that that task revealed your beautiful and inspiring skills of writing:)

  21. I started thinking out of the box in 2012! My life has changed and healed in so many ways! Very thoughtful post! Big Hugs!

    1. Congratulations for your self discovery dear Stacy:)

      I can see how positive and pleasant effects of your new approach to life changed the scenario

  22. It's great that you found something and someone that gave you that "aha" moment! Hugs...RO

  23. It's great to find the things that help you and to help others by sharing those things.
    Crochet had helped me to get 'out of the box' because it stimulates creativity and imagination which are important attributes for problem solving.

  24. It is wonderful to be inspired by other women.

  25. I greatly enjoyed this post, Baili, and I can certainly understand how thinking out of the box can be more challenging depending on how a person was raised and in which country. It has often been more difficult for women, even in the USA. Thankfully, I never felt constrained by family or environment and give much credit to others who were able to get out of the box.

  26. To be always thinking and learning new things is the best way to be out of the box in my mind. How wonderful that this television interviewer was able to provide these new ideas for you to consider at a time when you most needed them.

  27. i find inspiration daily in almost everything. I triedi to stay awake to see the Love that is always present behind any semblance of suffering and just taking off each day whether it's in the car or walking or hiking I find beauty everywhere. It's so easy to see it if we keep our heart "eyes" open.


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