Sunday, June 30, 2024

Some Eid Photos And A Link Of A Video

Hello Sweet Hearts !

Hope picking  goodness from the each moment in hands by the grace of God!

The terribly hot weather has literally blown our mind these days . It seems tough to survive through such extreme heat with age . The power load shedding has been extended as well which makes it harder actually still i am grateful for everything God has bestowed upon us as his people ! In return all we can do is be grateful ,keep trying to be better through all kinds of struggle life offers .Sharing some Eid pics which i could not earlier because i really missed elder son this time and could not convince myself to share photos with just three of us . Although we are thankful that our youngest son is still with us and it can take him one year or so to reach in university! I wonder what will Eid look like then to us . Hope you will enjoy simple shots of Eid day except one pic of mutton biryani that shared my younger son from Karachi .He made his lunch with meat gifted by one of his close friends .  

         i created this flower with hena while missing my younger son who does this for me every year,he asked me to take photo and share so he can see what i could draw ,mess but it worked 

  hubby 's quick art on left hand ,he wrote Eid Mubarak in urdu and quick stars ,he said so and i could not denied that they are not stars lol yet they look good when feel love behind the effort i guess :)

   thankfully three of my sons are good cook ,mutton biryani made by younger son in Karachi ,looks fantastic and delicious :!

                                     our summer garden made our Eid images alive 

    our younger son has joined the gym after finishing his college studies and preparing for Sat as well 

   Hubby and me are happy to have garden that fills our soul with serenity and happiness everyday by the grace of God !                               
 .I watched this  beautiful video few days ago .though it is lengthy yet worth watching honestly !

Thanks for being with me dear friends!
health peace and happiness to you and to all you love!


  1. You have such a look of contentment on your face. You and your husband look younger than ever. Your sons grow more handsome with age. Oh my I'm full of compliments today. They are all sincere.

    1. dear Emma believe me this is only the beauty and goodness of your beautiful heart you see in us or others :)
      it is always pleasure to hear positive words words from friends ! God bless you and family amen

  2. I love vegetable biryani, which reminds me that I haven't eaten any for quite awhile! Time to find a good local South Asian restaurant and have some again. I think your henna work and your's husband's henna work are both lovely and what a beautiful tradition it is!

    1. like you i too used to enjoy vegetable biryani more than chicken or mutton dear Debra but my kids loved the chicken and mutton biryani most .hubby would love beef biryani as well but it is long ago when he wasn't aware of his hepatitis .since he recovered by the grace of God he is away from red meat and chicken completely me as well . how nice you can find south asian food anywhere around there :)
      the hena applying on hands is difficult because hena come in cone like tube to which one has to hold above hand and press really carefully so it can get on palm smoothly and on required amount only . we both have no clue of this job yet hubby always wanted me to have hena on hands on Eid days so do i (now) because it is permanent tradition for the Eid days here and women's Eid is considered incomplete without it :)

  3. Such beautiful pictures of you and your family! Thank you for sharing the wonderful celebration photos too. Praying for cooler weather for you guys! We have had some hail here. Rising water on the river too. Peace be with you in all things. Stay the beautiful you🌸🌸🌸💗💗💗🌸🌸🌸Thank you for your many comments too! Greatly appreciated.

    1. dear Elie our Eid day was though slightly better than previous hot days yet we were sweating badly while standing near garden .thanks for good wishes my sweet friend !
      i hope your weather gets better and hope and pray that things stay cool . hail storm are common during these months here as well .but our Indus river flows thirty miles away from us and no such rising new until now thankfully

  4. It's kind of a good bad situation when your sons do well but they can't spend much time at home. I would like to see my kids much more often.

    1. i totally understand your point dear Red ,now when i am going through same situation as a parent i realize that such times of separation are hardest to face as parents honestly no matter how greatly we are happy and grateful for their growth and success there stays an emptiness within that can take ages to fulfil or it never will .life never goes as we think undoubtedly . being an asian parent i had no idea i would be dealing with such issues some years back but now i know this is how it is .may God bring good out of this for all amen

  5. Those hand paintings are incredible.
    Have a great week

  6. Happy Belated Eid to you and your family. It is hard to enjoy new versions of a holiday when we are so used to having things a certain way. But it is always good to give thanks. I'm happy for you that you have a green garden to sit and enjoy. I think it helps us survive the heat when we have a green space to spend time in.

    1. thank you so much dear Joy !
      so true with time when life changes and we see new and unexpected aspects of life it is shocking to get settled with them at first . even it's been a decade my eldest son left home we are still struggling with our feelings of missing him and the younger one now as well .i feel this insight is also a gift that we find courage to deal or personal feelings and try to keep things straight for our children because it is our duty towards them to not hold them back because of our feeling as we won't be around for them in future far but life will be still a walk they have to keep walking with strength and wisdom .
      Garden indeed is soul within house :)

  7. Lovely photos dear Baili.
    The painting on your hand is beautiful and I can see those stars your husband painted. It's not easy to paint on a hand as I tried it once.
    Take care.

    1. oh how amazing you too tried to paint your hands with hen dear Margaret :) i have no clue whether it is in your customs as well or it was just one time tail :)
      hena applying is hard because of the method one has to try . holding tube opposite and pressing accurately is big task actually .here my nieces are expert and apply hena incredibly beautiful way .back in native town my brother's daughter also does this wonderfully .i never took interest in such things but Eid days are exceptional because of feeling attached with . i try to apply hena on Eid days because mom did this for us always and it makes my connection to those precious lovely old days and i love it

  8. Obrigada por partilhar as celebrações e a sua família. Que tenha uma semana muito abençoada.
    Um beijo.

  9. Love those trees in the garden. Greenery is always welcome.

    1. i am happy you found my green portion delightful dear Haddock :) thanks

  10. It is so lovely to visit your family. Your sons are handsome men...and the hena art is so beautiful.

    1. thanks for such sweet words dear Susan !

  11. The biryani made by your younger son looks good.
    Your family photographs are lovely to see.

    I wish you a happy month of July.

    All the best Jan

    1. thanks dear Jan !
      i am happy he can cook for himself once in while which keeps him away from processed food for few days at least

  12. It is hard to be missing family on such special days, Baili, and I am sure that your sons also feel the same. It is always wonderful to see photos of you and your husband and your son(s). At the same time, it makes me sad that I am no longer sharing photos of some of our family members by their request, which I will abide by. I did like seeing the henna art and I am sure it gave you some pleasure remembering that your son did this previously, memories can be good and sad at the same time.

    Our hot weather is gone for awhile and we are enjoying some very pleasantly cool days, but not much rain which is needed.

    1. precious friend Dorothy thank you so much for beautiful thoughts you shared here with me !
      i am sure despite kids feel liberated and happier when away from parents still there are still some moments in their days sometimes when they too miss having us around such as when they need us most like when hungry or exhausted by tough routine or homesick probably .
      my eldest son has been advising us a lot that parents should have much to do in life so can find no time to miss their children . i agree to him totally but he knows very well that such philosophy is new for eastern parents like us and it can take us long digest this reality fully that we have to live life away from our kids though as mother i keep praying for times on yearly or monthly bases so we can be together which is in the hands of Allah completely i know !
      dear friend i too feel sad and bad that things suddenly turned this way out of nowhere and you are not sharing your family photographs anymore .i found it shocking back then and it is still a mystery for me .but as you said you will abide it and i respect that totally . i must say that i thoroughly eagerly enjoy your all posts specially glimpses of your trips and tours across various states ! i love your informative posts as well and they add lot into my poor knowledge .

      oh yes i have reason for applying henna on Eid days ,they make me feel closer to days i spent with my parents !
      i wish you cooler days and rains !

  13. I used to paint my hand, but for answers to school tests.

    1. haha still i would have beat you in painting my hands blue back then lol

  14. Dear Baili,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beautiful moments with us. The heat can indeed be overwhelming, especially with the added challenge of power outages. Despite these difficulties, your gratitude and positive outlook are truly inspiring. Your Eid photos radiate warmth and love, and it's wonderful to see your family's joy. I can imagine how much you miss your elder son, but it’s heartening to know your youngest is still with you, bringing joy and delicious mutton biryani from Karachi. Your garden sounds like a sanctuary, a place of peace and happiness amidst life's struggles. Thank you for sharing these snippets of your life and reminding us to appreciate the blessings we have. Take care and stay cool!

  15. i am glad you found my sharing nice dear John !
    thank you so much for lovely comments full of generosity and insight .
    our power system is weak and under load during summers specially so the only solution authorities an think of is shutting the city power down ruthlessly . sometimes it is beyond declared routine which makes people miserable .still we are trying to survive with the strength God has gifted us till now .
    my eldest son has been occupied with his really personal and important jobs. he could not visit because he was needed there for things that could influence few of his future plans . he is in our thoughts always and prayers always each breath ! May God give him success and so he can be free to visit us this year hopefully amen!
    he too know how much we miss having him and he says he misses the opportunity to have us as well .
    we encourage our younger son to cook for himself so he can stay away form fast food as much as possible .he shares so we can be happy that he cooked :)
    i loved your phrase about garden so true and genuinely beautiful
    thank you for reading and commenting .it is always true joy to have you here

    1. Thank you, Baili, for all the kind words! It is a pleasure following your blog!

  16. I love the henna, and that mutton biryani looks so delicious!

  17. So nice to see the love and happiness in your faces when you are together with your son, Dear Baili. We work so hard to raise them so they can find their wings and fly, but then we are left with a little hole in our hearts when they are gone. It is wonderful to share their achievements, though, and it fills that emptiness knowing that they carry all of your love with them on their journeys. And maybe, someday, grandchildren to love, too!
    I love your pretty henna art and the rice looks so delicious.
    Your garden is a beautiful, peaceful place to contemplate all of your blessings, dear friend. I hope that you get some cooler weather soon, and some rain to help replenish the garden. Sending hugs and blessings x Karen

  18. Dear Baili
    The pictures of you and your son is beautiful and so is the one with your husband.
    I do henna hand painting when I visit my son in Dubaï. During Eid my son was in hospital, but feeling better now he is with us in France.
    Best wishes to you!

  19. Very lovely photos, Baili...
    i enjoy every photos here...
    i like the art of's looks so detail but beautiful...
    and your biryani make me so mouthwatering....Yummy ^^

  20. Life is good. So good your sons can cook.

  21. Hi, Baili! Love makes everything beautiful, and I love the henna designs created by you and Ali! I love the photos of you with your younger son and with Ali! I can feel the love! I'm sorry that you are dealing with such awful heat. What is happening in our world with climate change is tragic. I believe everyone should be able to prepare a meal and to feed themselves. Kudos for you and Ali for teaching your sons to be self sufficient. Wishing you a great week and many blessings. Love and hugs to you!


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