Saturday, June 15, 2024

Photos Shared By Eldest Son From His Trop To Greece

Hey precious friends !

Hope and pray all is well at your corner and enjoying the changing weather thoroughly !

Our June has been extremely hot despite windy . We were excited that will manage to spend July in Islamabad but as hubby's sudden transfer order has made it impossible for us we are trying to survive harsh days by staying indoors mostly under the fan during daytime and ac at night .It took few days to feel recovered from trauma that we are not visiting our native town this year. Our Eid Ul Adha will be celebrated on 17th June .Government has announced three holidays but my younger son is not coming as he says it will be hard for him to travel during hot weather for few days when living at home time will be two days hardly. He promised to join us in August for ten days  before his next semester starts in September hopefully! It will be our first Eid without both of our sons actually :( 
On positive note my eldest son returned from Greece trip with his best friend . They stayed there for the four days and according to my son the drives were long from one island to another but heavenly and they so enjoyed the 30 pus temps and sunny sky as London has gray sky throughout the year which makes him feel depressed sometimes.
Sharing photos that my son shares with us. I instantly fall in love with stunning blue sky!

 can't say if it is same but my son adored most his stay in a small village where it was hard to decide what was more awesome meals or views 

Gabriel is the name of this young elegant lady who is friend of my son . According to my son she is a wonderful and intellectual person . They have started to date since few months and we are hoping for the  best for them as parents with heart full of best wishes and prays! hope things can lead them to beautiful future together soon amen!

this orange tree fills the image with it's vibrant presence ,everything looks calm ,sunshine and clear sky are magical indeed 

                                         shots from the roof top of restaurant probably 

                     scrambled eggs with feta cheese and tomatoes ,must be fulfilling without bread  

                              sorry i did not ask him what is this place .museum it can be or so 

my laptop screen has such desktop image with  a lady running on beach ,i loved this similar sight 

                                                         Gabbie  has delightful smile i feel !

  such driving can be so liberating  and full of fun ,my son told he drove for hours without feeling tired 

                             meals on roof with spectaculars scenes  around is priceless always 

                                       i wonder if it was sunrise or sunset but beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for bearing with me dear friends !
i will be trying to keep up with you all as much as i can during Eid days .
Health ,peace and joy to you and to all you love ! 



  1. Baili, I know how disappointed you felt to not be visiting Islamabad this July as was your usual custom and that your sons cannot join you for Eid. It is difficult to accept some things, but you have a way of going forward and you have in this post by showing the wonderful photos your oldest son sent from his Greece trip. Also, it was very nice to "meet" his girlfriend, Gabriel.

    Your plan to stay indoors and keep as cool as possible is a wise one. Even here in New England, very hot temperatures are forecast for the coming week, even if not as hot as in your country, they will still be uncomfortable.

    1. dear Dorothy the hot weather here seems to be hard to bear with age actually. specially time spent in kitchen is truly traumatic in these months .
      other good reason for the trip is to get out of the routine for a while which makes mind and body fresh and it helps to stay good for the rest of the year .
      hubby has attended local office for 29 years .but as he got promotion the transfer for new promotes was part of the promotion plan .Hubby was suggested by his office seniors and colleagues that as in july someone else is being transferred from the local office as well he has nice chance to try to replace him .hubby is willing to try this and the paper work has been started already lets hope the result comes positive and hubby has to stay here .
      as you know my eldest son has job in London ,it's impossible for him to join us for Eid specially when it's just third year of his job there and there are many things going in his life which restrain him from regular trip to Pakistan. Although he manages to join us during Christmas holidays and we have become settled with his routine that suits him most . but this will be our first eid when our younger son who has returned back from here to Karachi some days ago does not want to travel back home for really short while .It makes me sad but i understand both of my sons are right on their place and they are hardly away from our thoughts for a single moment!
      thanks to technology we are able to see them once in a week by the grace of God!
      Oh many thanks for sharing your likening for Gabriel dear Dorothy ! she seems sweet person not just from her lovely look but through the words of my son as well . we are with them may God lead the towards what hold good for all of us amen! i felt likening for her instantly as well :)
      i just checked that which part of England you live in actually but google says New England is actually a state in America and thank goodness i checked it otherwise for me you were living in same country where my eldest son lives .
      i hope you have comforting ways to keep yourself safe from heat my friend

  2. As he always does your son has sent beautiful pictures. I especially like the fountain. Your son's girlfriend is lovely.

    1. i am glad you enjoyed the glimpse dear Emma
      she is indeed has a beautiful personality !

  3. Beautiful photos! Excited your son has a lovely girlfriend!

    1. thanks dear Christine
      believe it or not we are excited more that he has returned back to dating actually . He has been with a girl for more than eight years since he was in university but he could wasn't sure about future together as she was hesitant because of her hindu background though we weren't . it's been two years or more they decided to back up mutually like mature people . we were waiting for him to become normal as he wanted to take sometime alone completely . so we are grateful that there is another hope that he can have relationship and family in future sooner or later by the grace of God !!!

  4. Your son and his girlfriend look happy together and his wonderful photos make me want to visit Greece again. Stay cool and indoors when possible, I know it is sad your son won't be home for Eid and that you will not be in Islamabad this July.

    1. dear Terra keep them in your prayers my friend ! may they be happy along with all other kids always amen!
      how nice you have visited Greece ,i bet you loved your trip and have golden memories about the magical place :)
      life is hardly we expect yet it is worth trying i believe ,positivity is all i have by the grace of God

  5. Lovely photos and scenes Baili. Your sons looks happy with his girlfriend.

    1. thanks dear Margaret
      they both look great together surly ,we are happier for them as well with heart full of prayers and best wishes

  6. Oh, looks like a beautiful trip. I hope you are doing well with the heat. The humidity has found us have a few hail storms and unexpected thunder storms (a good relief) Of course, you just can't trust the weatherman here. Thanks again for posting the photos from Greece. Such lovely locations, and food too. Great to see your son and his date. Wishing you all the best for you and your family. Thanks so much for being here.

  7. thanks dear Ellie
    i am glad thunderstorms brought you some relief
    best wishes for you and family

  8. Beautiful photos of places and food! And Gabriel is beautiful too. Good luck to her and your son!

    1. thank you sooo much for lovely words precious friend Debra LOVE!!!

  9. Eid Mubarak, Baili! May Allah bless you and your loved ones with peace, prosperity, and happiness on this joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Adha! I'm sorry that your two sons will be absent and that you can't visit your family during this special holiday. You will be with each other in your hearts. Thank you for sharing your son's photos of his trip to Greece and the news that he has a girlfriend. Gabriel looks like a lovely young woman, and I'm glad they have been dating for a few months. I've been secretly hoping that he would meet someone wonderful. Your son takes his friendships and relationships seriously, and he will make a good choice about his future, one way or another, I have no doubt. I agree with your son, London is gray and rainy a lot, and I would find it depressing if I couldn't escape to sunny, blue sky places occasionally. I'm sorry that you must endure such oppressive heat. Stay as cool as you can, and drink lots of water. Enjoy Eid Ul Adha! Love and hugs to you! And good luck and best wishes to your hubby as he transfers to his new job!

    1. precious friend Louise i want to respond to your Eid Mbarak in traditional way so "khiar mubarak" means same goodness to you my dear friend!

      heartfelt thanks for using such beautiful words of prays for us .they brough tears of gratitude in my eyes Louise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Our younger son had Eid day alone on his hostel which makes heart heavy but thankfully he looked fine and content with the choice he made to stay there . He thanked us for understanding him and allowing him to stay in karachi as short holidays of four days will bring him comfort and space now instead of rushing and travelling for just one day stay at home with us. we felt satisfied as if he is happy we are as well .He will be visiting home by the grace of Allah in last two weeks of July hopefully!
      Ahsan called twice once on Eid night and second on Eid day and it strengthened our souls quite !thanks to God who allowed us the humans invent technology which facilitate us to be able to connect regardless of distance and time by the grace f God!
      dear Louise thanks for the lovely and sweetest words always ! they always make me cry with the joy !
      you sounded exactly like me here when mentioned you hoped secretly .Yes as a mother i too wished and waited for same thing to happen for long time because of two reasons one that we as parents wanted him to settle down in life on time which for us is starts from 25 for men specially . the second reason that we saw how heartbroken he seemed after his broke up. despite he is strong and wise person still emotions are monstrous if out of control sometimes and we were little scared because he was away from us .yet we saw with awe and gratitude how amazingly he crossed this traumatic path . I share your good thoughts about his future only because i have observed throughout the life that God or Nature lead us according to our inner perception lying in our core . I know he has heart of gold and pure soul that sees goodness in everything around and wants good for all around so i believe that though obstacles are for all of us Allah will lead him to better in life eventually inshallah ! I liked the girl and i felt she has goodness within may this work for both of them someday amen!
      thanks for best wishes for hubby and heat bearing strength dear friend . this is last year of hubby's job .he will retire next year and then visiting other places will be easier hopefully .Our Ahmed youngest one will prepare for the university as well ,lets see how long it will take him to achieve this . life is short and unpredictable .we are trying to do our best to deal whatever comes next :)
      hugs and best wishes

  10. I'm sorry your usual plans for summer will not happen this year.It can take awhile to get over disappointments. You have a handsome son and his girlfriend seems like a friendly and pleasant person. I hope they will have a wonderful future together. They say that travelling together will bring out the worst in people so if you can survive that you will be good together, lol. I actually think it's true. It means your son and his girlfriend look like they have more than survived a trip together.

    1. i agree dear Joy it can take while to overcome sudden happenings such as the cancellation of our summer holiday trip to my native town and Islamabad. But i could thankfully as it is for the greater and good purpose which we hope will fulfill with the will of God hopefully !
      oh heartfelt thanks for sharing your wisdom with me dear Joy !
      it really means lot to me .
      i think this mindset has potential because during travels we go through different situations and moods and this is how probably we get to know each other better . i did not think of it before but i know my son is wise man just like his father with deeper insight in life and everything .this is hope and pray that God will bring goodness in his life because he has been doing so much good to others since he is on his journey of life practically . Gabriel has positive and strong personality i believe and my son appreciate her wisdom she shows in managing different aspects of her life . Honestly none of us what lies ahead but i feel no shame in showing that we want best for both of them and we want them to be happy together so as parents we can feel peace of mind as well .here in my family kids two time younger than my son are married and having children .we just want them to do what they think is right and if it will be what we want as well our joy will doubled indeed .all hope to Allah!

    2. Dear Baili, your son does sound like a wise man and how wonderful he takes after his father. It is a huge blessing to have a man in a relationship who is wise. My dear husband is also a very wise man and I ask him a lot for his advice and insights. I understand how much you want a positive and blessed future for your son and also for his future wife. It is a desire of every loving parent and even other loving relatives toward their family members. May God bless him indeed in all ways.

    3. Precious friend Joyful thank you sooo much for the sweet words!
      Sorry for I located this response of your late my friend!
      I agree that it is really a huge blessing to have wise and kind life partner. I don't think I will ever be able to have words appropriate and enough that can define hubby' s goodness honestly. I say openly and often that he is biggest gift of dear God to me after my late mother!
      This is even a greater blessing that my eldest son has same amazingly responsible nature and strong personality by the grace of God!!!
      As Parents we want our children to settle in life on time naturally. We are always for them here with prayers and best wishes beaded in each breath.

    4. Precious friend Joyful thank you sooo much for the sweet words!
      Sorry for I located this response of your late my friend!
      I agree that it is really a huge blessing to have wise and kind life partner. I don't think I will ever be able to have words appropriate and enough that can define hubby' s goodness honestly. I say openly and often that he is biggest gift of dear God to me after my late mother!
      This is even a greater blessing that my eldest son has same amazingly responsible nature and strong personality by the grace of God!!!
      As Parents we want our children to settle in life on time naturally. We are always for them here with prayers and best wishes beaded in each breath.

  11. These are beautiful photographs your son has taken, and you have shared.
    His girlfriend is lovely, such a gorgeous smile.

    I hope you can keep as cool as possible in the heat you are currently experiencing.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. dear Jan thank you so much for sharing your likening for the post and that you enjoyed the beautiful views of Greece
      special thanks for mentioning Gabbie ,she has beautiful smile that touches the heart i agree :)
      Our days are terribly hot yet Eid day (last day) was cheerful and windy by the grace of God ,it brought relief and made mobility easier thankfully

  12. The Greek Islands are wonderful, dear baili.
    Have a great week

    1. i assume you are quite familiar with paradise of Greece dear Pedro

  13. Fotografias maravilhosas. Obrigada ao seu filho.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  14. Dear Baili - In the latest post, you thanked all the comments in this post. I didn’t know what it was like, so came to look at this post belated. Your son’s photos are all fabulous. I instantly fell in love with Greece like you. While reading your explanation on each photo, I imagined how your son warmly shared the travel story with you. My June has been too hot, but coming top summer will be cruelly hot, so I can manage so far. Thank you for reading a couple of my posts about Hydrangeas. Have healthy and happy days ahead.

  15. This was sweet of you to read both posts dear Yoko !
    Greece is main attraction for the visitors throughout the world indeed.we felt happy that our son could visit there and spent some lovely holidays there. The weather of Greece was probably the main reason he choose it London is Gray and rainy most time of the year and my son miss to see sunny sky.
    He loved having long drives under sunny skies 😊
    I really loved breathtaking display of hydrangeas in your splendid post my friend

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  17. I am sorry that your Eid plans were disappointing and that your sons could not be with you.

    Your sons photos of Greece are amazing, he takes such good photos. Hi lady friend looks lovely I wish them all the best.


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