Saturday, September 9, 2023

Light And Mystery Of Challenges

  Hello Lovely Friends ,hope all is well at your corner,  everything  is fine here as well by the grace of kind God! Though i doubt you will be able to watch this  intriguing video which is longer than 17 minutes ,i still want to share it here because i loved the details it shares about "Light" the second most awesome thing in the universe after consciousness .In this video latest scientific research has been mentioned that how light behaves differently when observed by anything whether human eye or detector lens . Isn't this amazing ?

I am always touched by such scientific conclusions about universe. If you remember  as i had been mentioning continuously in my older posts that i was compelled by everything existing around me as child even tiny rocks laying on ground would appeal me as they were my friend .According to eastern philosophy universe is is a unified consciousness within which we all exist like wave that is part of huge ocean but still is separate wave at the same time. After latest research on quantum physics modern science seems to agree on this as well. 

Living as tiny drop in vast sea of consciousness is really a fulfilling thought for me . Everything is alive, connected and  interdependent. Despite this ocean has two forms of Energy mind and Matter  in other words Consciousness and Unconsciousness .

Like every single thing in the universe we human too are made up of  two energies

 Unconscious part is matter (body and physical brain with all it's material desires) 

Consciousness ,part that is aware of itself and strive to grow up to the spiritual state gradually. 

To Turn unconsciousness into Consciousness Nature kick us further with Challenges that if we face with Deepest faith and courage can make us grow stronger and better person eventually with more wisdom!

Health ,peace and joy to all of you and to all you love!


  1. Sometimes, we are at war with our selves. Trying to stay conscious more than unconscious which makes it harder to sleep. Although, I have not found how to let go those worries like I should. That's why I have a book by my bed at night. Thanks so much for the post.

  2. Dear Ellie here is Taoist philosophy in East that things in universe and even in life go according to their Divine flow or plan and all we can do is to do our part and rest leave on Destiny or that divine flow because forcing it further can only add to our worries and nothing else.
    faith is too we try when denied from everything else. In my opinion Faith should be base of our all thoughts and actions all the time

  3. I know what you mean about certain things capturing your interest. I often feel trees or rocks calling for me to notice them. I am not quite a tree hugger but I can't tell you how many times I have been driving somewhere and have to turn around just to get out of my car just to look at a tree. I can see their beauty and feel their personalities.

    1. i can relate to your affection with trees dear Emma
      with growing knowledge day by day and "sense of feeling things's auras " i realize that how tree are made to befriend with humans .even though every natural phenomena has strong appeal for human senses such as water and greenery ,hills and meadows etc trees are made easy to have close and provide really comfy and cozy feeling that heal our souls if we have heart that long for true love

  4. I like how you think! An appreciation for science can be a rich source of spirituality == the two are not irreconcilable as often thought.

    1. i think everything happening in the world and universe is preplanned and not a single particle or single event is meaningless dear Debra
      we may can explain all things scientifically but we hardly ponder that how we have adopted such intelligence that we can solve all the issues that we confront .
      this is very clear that in this game consciousness is wearing bodies trying to make sense of her being
      or it is game where universe is question sheet with all answer present but in dimed manner ,and we are here with insight to find them as latest research of the science approve that reality is observed when we look at it ,isn't it proof that everything here is for reason among which top most is test of our wisdom
      science is a most appropriate gift for humanity to make it happen

  5. I watched the video. Part of it reminded me of a Star Trek episode where Seven observes the Omega molecule and it reacts to her because she is looking at it. It can tell and acts like it sees her too.

    1. precious friend Sandi i felt strong and strange appeal in natural phenomena since i was little girl .an undefinable connection that kept me away from experiencing true sense of loneliness that people talk about even in hardest times of my life when my soul was struck by some really close relationships i had strength lasting in farthest corner of my being which could feel connection with world outside full of signs of Nature. everything in my life seems to take shape because of this most powerful connection i have with her and everything i have seems bond deeply to the strangest faith i born with in God who created all .
      i am sure you too have been respond by Nature many times my friend . all we need a keen eye and she smiles to us back warmly ,comfort us the way no one can ever

  6. I have always loved science. It has made me appreciate creation more! There is so much to learn. It is an exciting part of being human!

  7. true precious Marie!
    as humans we come with consciousness which is name of awareness of self and all around us ,curiosity is one of the greatest tool that make us wonder about all the magic we see within and before us and science is indeed a gift of this curiosity to calm itself .
    some years ago i was a wondering heart of child which is happy to have some possible assumptions and answers that science brought to the world .contentment is another gift that come from it

  8. ... and health, peace and joy are wished for you too dear Baili

    All the best Jan

  9. Scientific breakthroughs and medical miracles always amaze me baili.
    Have a great week

    1. Science is revealing that oldest books have mentioned dear Pedro and I think this is really awesome

  10. So many of your posts get me thinking which is good for ones mind.

    1. Thinking is the sign of a Conscious mind dear Margaret

  11. Gosto da sua curiosidade sobre estas coisas de que nos fala. Obrigada por partilhar.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry I could not read your previous message unfortunately. Always welcome if you want to share your wisdom

  13. Hello Baili,
    Our universe is amazing, I am thankful for all the scientific research that is happening.
    Wishing you health, peace and joy. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  14. Oh yes Baili - all of creation is amazing...God certainly designed everything perfectly. Hugs!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. i'm not really into science but that is really amazing.


  17. Our current scientific observations should lead us back to the messages of the 'True Original Teachers' of our current religions..

  18. i believe that you are right here dear Cheri because there exist many similarities between both ,though science is way to observe ,experiment and conclude through physical approach and religion speaks behalf of "soul" the early condition of consciousness before she wore the body and this is why what comes via pure consciousness sounds more authentic

  19. Thanks, Baili, for the video link which I only watched part-way, but will resume at another time. I enjoy the way you always find such interesting topics that chappenge your mind and thinking and that you graciously share with fellow bloggers.


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