Sunday, October 30, 2022

Just Few Photos That Delighted me


Sometimes looking at photo collection one can relive previous moments :) Sharing some images that i selected when i was scrolling my google photos, Except the first one that my younger son sent me last night when he returned after attending a concert at his university .These joyous fresh faces remind me how life is innocent at this part of age :) 


before attending concert at university my son participated in arranging a surprise birthday party for his classmate and friend ,i fund this video sweet and funny 

                   missing my front yard as still work is on and so messy because of it :( 

                              these are not just flowers but my best wishes for all my friends!

         some moments with nature harmonize our soul with each single existing at same time 

Blessings to all of you !


  1. Yes, there's nothing like being young! Such gorgeous flowers too.

    1. this age of innocence makes everything beautiful i agree ,unaware of future burdened with tons of responsibilities sigh

  2. The video and photo of you son and the other young people makes me happy for them. Enjoy every minute!

    1. dear Marie my son seems to accept and enjoy the new exciting phase of life like all others :)

  3. The new generation brings hope to the world - so intelligent, caring and happy! Lovely photos - the red roses are so pretty! Hugs to you - thank you for checking in on me, sweet friend. xo

    1. he mentions he is blessed to have new friends who take care of him as they are his elder or kin .this makes me serene as mother and as human who sees world as one body of humanity with numerous parts

    2. dear Karen you post every month and this time you were late which made me concerned little bit .so much is happening everywhere .my heart keep saying prayers all the time for all of us!

  4. Shining happy young faces make me smile. Your lovely wishes are received and appreciated.

  5. I enjoyed seeing your photographs and thank you for sharing the beautiful flowers.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you dear Jan I was looking flowers image as missing glancing at yard plants and flowers so much these days. Hope work end within November and i will be sitting and walking in my yard

  6. The first photo is so full of joy and your flower photos are delightful :-)

  7. Oh, to be young again! These are lovely photos, Baili. Thank you for sharing them, dear friend!

  8. What a delight to see the pretty flowers, and the first photo is a joy with so many smiling faces all having a good time. The birthday photo, well that is lovely to see and I expect much more fun for the givers than the receiver though he took it with glee..
    Take care.

    1. To be honest dear Margaret I had hardly attend a birthday party or concert particularly as could not go high school (we have collage instead) and till tenth grade schooling is quite restricted unlike collage where students have environment to enjoy freedom so I can only imagine what it feels like to arrange surprise birthday party or how to create fun moments like this. Looks delightful to see .
      It was my Son 's first concert so he had great time with friends by the grace of God

  9. Também me dá imenso prazer rever fotografias. Adorei as suas.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  10. Hello Baili,
    Your photos are wonderful, it is great to see you son and his friends having a fun time. The flowers are all beautiful and I like the view of the water. Take care, enjoy your day. Have a great new week!

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  12. Thank you for sharing the photos from your son as he and his friends did look very happy at the concert. The video of the birthday surprise was not quite what I expected and spraying the young man with what was either shaving cream or whipped cream did seem like a very odd way to wish him a Happy Birthday. I know you are missing your yard and its blooms, but these you shared were lovely, my friend, so thank you.

  13. Dear Baili - Happy faces of our children and nature including flowers never fail to delight or heal us. Japanese words “å’²/saku” meaning “bloom” is derived from〝笑/warau” meaning “smile” or “laugh”. We surely smile to see flowers. Thanks for sharing us with many pleasant moments. Have nice days ahead.


  14. Hi, your photos are awesome. photos of nature always give you the pleasure that can heal you from the inside. Plumbers in Windsor

  15. Yes, young, fresh, beautiful faces. Ohhh the flowers are so pretty. I really like seeing them. I hope all is well with you. Have a lovely day today.

  16. Hi, Amazing photos, friendship funny moments and other photos such a realty of nature
    so amazing.

  17. Grata pela partilha destes momentos tão especiais, querida Baili!
    Que flores lindas! Pelo que me apercebi, estará a arranjar o seu jardim... então em breve já terá as flores de volta, e tudo o mais numa versão mais bonita!
    Andei bastante ausente nos últimos meses, acompanhando mais de perto a saúde da minha mãe, mas soube que tinha havido bastante mau tempo e estragos no Paquistão, há algum tempo atrás! Estimo que o mau tempo não tenha causado estragos por aí, nem nenhum dos seus familiares tenha sido afetado por tal...
    Um beijinho

  18. What a joyful picture of smiling, happy, innocent young people. And the birthday video was such fun and hilarious. Thank you for sharing them, Baili. Sometimes I miss those carefree times, although I didn't always recognize them as carefree at the time. But there is joy in every stage of life, and I am grateful for each one I get to experience. Your flowers are gorgeous, and your garden looks lush and rich in its summer glory.


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