Sunday, November 6, 2022

Living With Positive Energy

Happy  days lovely people! 

 The only laptop In the house that belonged to my youngest son is down too so informing you via my smart  phone less older than me though far smarter than me lol . Sharing this tiny video which speak my heart nicely but shortly unlike me: )

Will be visiting you through my phone dear friends. 

Blessings to all of you! 


  1. I really enjoyed the video, Baili. Spirit is a powerful! Take care! Good luck with the laptop and phone.

    1. Thank you dear Marie :)
      We have a weak body with powerful spirit indeed.
      The more we explore it the better we understand how much miraculous human soul is

  2. Dear Baili, How lucky I am to have looked at Baili and I this morning and find the video by Dr. Bruce Lipton. This video is a wonderful explanation of what we humans are all about. I absolutely love this and thank you so much for sharing. What a blessing. I am sorry to hear you are stuck on the “smart”phone but I understand fully. Hope you get your computer back soon! I subscribed to Dr. Lipton’s videos and gave him a “thumbs-up”. Very best wishes to you, Dear Baili, from Seattle! John

    1. Thank you dear John for sharing your likening for the video. Such a pleasure to know that you liked it.

  3. Positive energy is so important! Nothing is more dispiriting and discouraging than living with negative energy.

    1. I think life without positive approach is unworthy of living dear Debra.
      Things happen and we can't control most of the time. Allah we can do is try hard and hope .for better. Wasting time and energy that we get for once only in regret or complain is unwise

  4. Replies
    1. Life is unpredictable indeed but i think God will turn it into good for me if I will try to stay positive :)

  5. Sorry about the laptops. The video was very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Lengthy rains humidity along with prior dust made our tabletsand laptops sick probably.
      Glad you liked the video it is brief perfect and to the point

  6. Baili, so sorry to read your sons laptop has gone too, but at least you can access via your phone. Take care and hope all is going well there otherwise.

  7. Our phones are refusing to recharge to but still I am trying to stick my eyes on filled part lol

  8. Oh dear!
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. Oh that's too bad about the laptop! Ours are 10 years old and I'm afraid each day they'll just never start again! Typing on the phone is NOT fun! ☺

  10. Wishing you peace, Baili, and oodles of blessings. Have a wonderful week, my lovely friend.

  11. Adorei o vídeo! Tudo é pura energia, que nunca se perde e que está em constante transformação! Assim é a natureza... e assim somos nós...
    Estimo que o problema com o laptop se resolva, Baili! As tecnologias estão sempre a pregar-nos partidas... acho que são muito temperamentais! :-)
    Um beijinho! Estimo que se encontre bem, assim como todos os seus, Baili!
    Andei mais ausente nos últimos meses... Em Maio a minha mãe teve Covid, e depois desenvolveu algumas sequelas que tiveram de ser tratadas nos últimos meses, e que exigiram algum acompanhamento e cuidados médicos... felizmente já passou... mas ainda deu um pouco o que fazer todo o processo, com a dermatite nas pernas.
    Tudo de bom!

  12. I hope you get your computer problems sorted out soon.

    Great video :-)

    Yes we are made of Energy & Light and are part of the wider cosmos. Spiritual teachers such as Jesus taught this and how to connect with that Energy & Light.

  13. We are part of matter though blessed with enlightened part of universe dear Cheri "consciousness " soul or consciousness is given to us for connecting with higher truth of life . When we are more dominated by physical desires our soul dim and we are sick and disabled spiritually. Loosing divine energy of soul we are nothing more than mere shallow piece of matter

  14. Wonderful video, Baili. Our physical existence disguises the fact that we are creatures of energy. It's hard to wrap my mind around it. I have always believed that I have a soul and that my soul is who I really am. Despite my constantly changing physical life, where even my atoms have totally changed, I remain me because of my energetic soul.


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