Friday, February 8, 2019

Super Heros ( actually )

Hey   Wonderful  Super   Heros !

Hope   you  are  brilliantly   overcoming   all   the   abrupt    or   constant   ups   and  downs   of  your  life !

If   you  are    objecting   on   my  title  chosen   for  you today  "SUPER  HEROS"   i  would   say   PLEASE  DON"T

Because   i  believe   that  "common  man"   is   REAL  SUPER  HERO"

Why  ???

Well    the  answer  is  so  simple 

Facing  life's  everyday    odds  and    fighting  at  the  same  time   on  all   sides   of  battle   field  (world)    which    include    not   only   physical    challenges   but   mental   sufferings   and   emotional  breakdowns     is  NOT  EASY !

And    doing     it   without  any   kind  of  supernatural  power  is   "SUPER  POWER  ITSELF"  isn't  it?

I  bet     superman   cannot   fly   with  backache  or  spider man    cannot   throw   net   from  hands   if  he  suffer  with   arthritis .

Can   Batman  bear   that   weird   tow  eared   cap  if  he   has   terrible  migraine  ?

But   you   bear    all   and  even  more  than   it    and  Still    Continue   the  Flight   of  Survival !

 Through   all   the   difficulties     brought  to  you  by  life   whether  if  it  is   a  economical   problem ,   social   issue  ,   mental  stress  ,  chronic  illness  or     complications   of   relationships .

You   still    keep   try   to   come  out  of   each   with

  "STRENGTH   OF  WILL  POWER"   which  is 
" an  actual  super power"

                                    (image source google)

 You   fly     through   the  wild   strong   wind   of  obstacles   which  try  hard  to  push   you  back    and   torn  down   your  wings  

BUT   ,

You  Keep   flying    with   eye   on   target     and  wings   powered    by   faith    and   hope    that ,

YOU   WILL   MAKE   IT   HAPPEN    FOR     SURE   :)

You   not   only   cope    and  with   your   personal     troubles   but   you   also 

  Help   Others  as   much   as  possible!

You  do   this   selflessly !

Sympathy   and  caring  for   other   human   is  something   far    special    than   normal   term of  Good   human   being .

Because  Good  Human   beings   do  good   for  them  selves ,

But  Great   people   do   good  things   for  others    more  than  themselves ! 

This   illuminates   your   enlightened   soul!

This   light   is   your   power   better  than  any  other   supernatural   power 

You   prove   yourself  a   beautiful    human    with   humble   soul !

This   slow   steady     crawling   under   the   thorny    wired    net      proves   you    a   TRUE   SUPERHERO !

Keep   flying !



  1. Your post are always so inspiring for others, you arw such a loving and kind person☺

  2. I love the eagle imagery, Baili!

  3. You're so right -- ordinary people can be superheroes all the time, doing extraordinary things.

  4. Thanks for this inspiring post, we are all in this together!

  5. Super post as always Baili. This post is making me think about the novels of Philip Dick. In his novels he often championed the common person, fighting everyday battles, as the true heroes of the world.

  6. You touch on many different things in this post. I like to think that we maintain being positive to go through life rather than fighting .

  7. Such a wonderfully upbeat post, dearest Baili!!
    You truly are such an inspiration to us all...your insight is amazing, as is your beautiful kind Soul 😊😊
    I love the eagle too...reminds me how our own Spirit can soar - if we only let it!
    Oh thank you so much for being you!

    All my love and hugs ❤❤❤

  8. Sometimes its very hard... but will try

  9. Dear Baili, what a great post! I love it. Yes, we are super heroes, I agree. Have a blessed day.

  10. Such a lovely and encouraging post. Thank you.

  11. I love this, Baili, and you are a super hero too! "Sympathy and caring for other human is something far special than normal term of Good human being." That was my favorite line.

  12. Lovely post, sweet friend. I think YOU are a superhero!

  13. From the timw a person is born and till death there is always a continuous fight for survival. Unless a person is a super hero he or she will fall by the way side. During the life span a person achieves so many impossible things to survive. Towards the end of life a person thinks what was the need for so much struggle, so much effort, so much tension.
    I enjoyed reading your wonderful writing.

    1. Thank you Joseph for insightful words!

      The end of the life you talked about here is need to be remembered all the time !
      This remembrance will keep us safe from all unnecessary restlessness

      I feel lucky to remember my end all the time , it saves me from all negativity

  14. Beautiful, inspirational words, Baili! Wishing you blessings and strength to continue being the lovely super hero that you are. Hugs xx Karen

  15. Thank you my all superheroes who left such sweet kind and encouraging words here

    When I wrote this post I was suffering with 102 fever

    But now today I am much better
    God bless you all

  16. Dear Baili, this post was so beautiful to read, and your words inspirational.
    Thank you.

    I am so pleased to read that today your fever has passed and you are feeling much better. Please take care.
    God bless.

    All the best Jan

  17. The real super heroes are always among the most common people.
    The father, the mother, friends, those are the real ones.
    Have great week!

  18. Such a wonderful thought, baili - and so true. I see where you have been ill and hope you feel much better now, or very soon. Your writing is always so thoughtful and positive and encouraging. I think that is one of your many superhero qualities, my friend. Take care.

    1. My precious friend Jenny thank you so much for overwhelming kind words!

      You have heart of good to call me such title
      While crawling under the thorny wire I am honestly trying my best that's it !

  19. Beautiful, great post! Thank you my friend! Keep flying! Big Hugs!

  20. What an uplifting post, Baili! I'm with you! Ordinary people are amazing and heroic. I am in awe of them constantly.


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