Sunday, May 26, 2024

Heat ,Young Sheldon , Promotion And Travel


We are having extremely hot weather since two weeks almost.  The actual harsh weather which seemed delayed for one and a half week due to rains in surrounding area has arrived eventually. The scorching sun sees to lean down and showing his resentful eyes angrily . The poor earth is trembling with heat and sweat wondering what to do to make sun feel calm. 

Nature before my eyes has been like open book who teach us lessons of life through her each aspect and behavior. Today when science admits that nothing is random or empty but we are living with vibration of energies who sense our personal energies and react accordingly ,it feels quite exciting to be part of such "alive" and vibrant universe. Nature reveals for us that dwelling on any extreme is dangerous and only "balance" is a way to reach appropriate consequences.

My homeopathy medication course has ended but the visit to doctor is postponed till hubby returns from Karachi . Hubby has got promotion to 18 grade scale as shorthand instructor at commercial college . He along with other promoted colleagues  been called to attend a meeting where he will be handed his promotion and posting order. He will return tomorrow noon hopefully.

My younger son has left only few days with us. I am bit sad yet i am hopping that he will make his time there productive and best . He will join us on Eid ul Adha hopefully which is expected in mid of June . My younger son has recommended us Young Sheldon    in his last visit. He told he loved the show specially the family environment. He told he has watched the show twice. Since my younger son is here, we ,me and my youngest one are watching the show with him daily and loving it a lot . 

We wanted to visit my native town and Islamabad during summer holidays this year but the final exams of my youngest son are two weeks late due to heat wave ,so it can take whole June almost to end his exam now. We will have to wait until things get clear so we can book our seats for the travel. Lets hope we will be able to spend one month at less hot place at least. July is one of the most humid and muggy months ,same is true about August and September here. 

Trying to catch up with you guys whenever i find piece of time .

thanks for being with me sweet friends .you guys are my strength for blogging !

God Bless You All!

Thinking of you with heart full of best wishes and prayers !


  1. Congratulations to your husband on the promotion, Baili. His hard work paid off.

    Oh Baili. I cannot imagine the heat you are experiencing. I pray you have a way to stay cool in the blistering days and weeks ahead.

    Time watching young Sheldon with your son is special.

    Take care, Baili.

  2. Yes, I heard about your country's extreme heat wave on the news just the other day. I hope you are coping okay with it. Enjoy the rest of your younger son's visit. I'm a fan of "Young Sheldon" too -- it's a very funny show!

  3. I love that you watch American TV shows! 😂 ha ha

    I think it makes the world a small place.

    1. dear Marie i have watched sesame street and full house when i was in my mid teens or little less .i loved english shows specially like Two and half ,house full and young sheldon sitcoms are entertaining over all and i love to learn from everything i see or hear :)

  4. thanks for sweet words dear Marie
    actually this promotion of hubby and bunch of colleagues was supposed to be done more than ten years ago. the order was issued by authorities but was held later by court because of some petition was fired against the decision with claim that previous government had done some illegal posting during their times of ruling time which has to be cancelled first so those who were overlooked must get their right of promotion first . Hubby has only one year left to his retirement still we are happy and grateful that he has gotten his right to some extent .he would have been promoted to 19 scale long ago otherwise .

  5. Hello Baili,
    Congratulations to your hubby on his promotion. Sounds like your family is busy, I hope you can all travel when the timing is right. I hope your weather improves. My hubby likes the Young Sheldon show. Take care, have a great week!

    1. thanks dear Eileen !
      we are looking forward to our travel next month and hope for the best
      how nice your hubby loves the show as well .when it comes to enjoy light family humor with something inspirational i love to watch ,i am glad my kids show likening for such cute programs .it makes me connect to days when they were little

  6. Good that you have a place to go to get out of the extreme heat. I hope your sons get to spend some time with you this summer.

  7. amen for the best wishes dear Red!
    true about having place to visit though we go and live on rent until now still being familiar with city like Islamabad and having heavenly native town is a blessing for sure

  8. I love the way you wright. Congratulations to your husband. It is always so cool to cold here, I wish I could get a few weeks of heat. Have a wonderful day today.

    1. this is sweet of you to find my simple words nice dear Nichole !
      i agree cold or hot ,having one type of weather constantly can be irritating .we are lucky that we see four season fairly across the country here in south Asia Pakistan . even though in our country there are places with extreme seasons such as our Sindh in southern part and higher parts in North
      i wish i can send you some sun and heat as well dear friend !!!

  9. My, you have been busy. I am happy for your husband and I know you are so proud.
    Some of the simplest things in life are the most satisfying. You and your sons watching TV together makes me feel good.

    1. life as house wife is mostly packed with business here dear Emma .unlike in your part of land we still do most of our household with hands .i do it completely alone ,i mean i am grateful my sons helped me when they were here just like my youngest one tries hard to help me in dishwashing and spreading laundry or cleaning house daily .but when he will be leaving for the university i will be on my own totally .Indeed God is always with us to support us from within and around and it keeps me sane when i think about future days .
      hubby got back from the meeting today by the grace of God and we are happy that he is promoted to 18 scale in the last year of his job at least . he was not alone who waited for this chance for more than ten years but there were so many whom he met during meeting . thankfully we both have content nature and such things make little difference though they do for sure .
      i agree that for person like me the most rich feeling comes when i enjoy little moments of joy and sooth with my family .never asked for more for myself honestly

  10. So happy for you and your husband! I hope you get some relief from the heat, but living in Nebraska means very humid summers. We have been getting some rain which is nice. So fun that you are watching Young Sheldon. I am glad you are enjoying it. Wishing you a beautiful June full of sweet surprises. I hope things go well with your son's exams. Thanks for the wonderful imagery in your post!

    1. thanks precious friend Ellie for appreciating my simple expressions .hearing it from writer like is an honor indeed!
      our humid months are from July to September and they terrified us every year because we literally starve for breath in extreme humidity .
      heartfelt best wishes for you and family !

  11. Mariana will come to Macau next week.
    Have a great week

    1. awe !!!
      i can relate to your joy dear Pedro :)
      wish me luck so my eldest son can visit us us this year hopefully!

  12. Congratulation to your husband Baili. I did learn shorthand when I went to school and rather liked it and doing it, unfortunately can't recall it now.
    It's good you can hopefully get away to another city from the extreme heat. Happy travels and good luck to your sons and their exams and I know they will do well.

  13. thank you so much for positive words that brighten my heart always dear Margaret !
    thankfully hubby 's promotion process has been completed and he has been posted in small city close to our .20 minutes drive hardly . hope all will be even better as he is expecting to repost back as someone will retire and hubby suppose to replace him hopefully in coming months by the grace of God .this will keep him within the city we live .
    thanks for best wishes .we too hope we can travel hopefully

  14. Many congratulation to your husband, that is good that his posting will just be a twenty minute drive away..
    Do enjoy the rest of your younger son's visit.

    I am sorry you are experiencing such high heat, I do hope you may be able to travel to a cooler place to get some relief soon.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  15. Add my congratulations to your husband on his overdue promotion. How nice that you and your sons could enjoy a fun show together. We are having such nice weather now and it was unfortunate to read about your heat wave, Baili, and I hope you will be able to go someplace a little cooler when your son’s exams are completed.

  16. You and yours have a busy schedule in the business of living! How wonderful for your husband! Having your son home to visit is a real gift.

  17. Congratulations on your hubbies promotion :-)

    I hope the weather gets cooler for you and that you are able to visit your native town and Islamabad.

  18. Congratulations to your hubby on his promotion! I think about you and your family in the terrible heat all the time. This means I think about Pakistan all of the time, because you are the gracious face of your country, opening my eyes to its culture and beauty. Your description of the angry sun is powerful, Baili! The poet in you can't be suppressed. I haven't watched "Young Sheldon," although I watched "big" Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory" all the time. I don't have much time for tv these days. Love and hugs to you!


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