Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Kindness By My Elder Brother And Photos By Eldest Son From Recent Norway Trip

Hello beautiful souls!
Hope and pray all of you are blooming awesomely in the garden of life and flourishing happily!

Sorry for one month absence but believe i missed you all more than you might have missed me (let me be optimistic :))

Almost two months back i was informed by my elder brother that some pieces of land are shown on computer which we have inherited from our mother's side. What was pleasing more than anything that my elder brother wanted me to come and accept the gift of land from him so i can make my dream come true about having my own small house in the village . This was first time in my life my elder brother showed some generosity which i was excited to share with my husband and in laws. So  we decided to visit my native village during summer vacation. Our youngest son was suppose to join us but our elder son invited him to stay with him in Karachi. The only thing that made me sad was celebrating Eid Ul Adha without both kids in native village as our elder son was doing some internship so was unable to join us.

In short me and hubby travelled alone after so many years which was mixture of sour and sweet because we were happy to be on our own but at the same time little down to miss kids meanwhile.
I must say everything regarding land ownership went easy like piece of cake but unfortunately the land was not of my likening .It was below the hill on plain and too deep to enjoy the view f village i used to have in past :(
We told my brother that we will decide about land later .Despite of that sad part of the story we spent two one of the most beautiful days in my native house . We visit there once or twice a year for two or three days hardly and rush to Islamabad because of some uneasiness my heart had been feeling there since always. But this time was exception and the peace and joy i found in my childhood home seemed so genuine and it is because my brother first time proved that he has heart to love me and share as big brother .For me this is most important and beautiful thing in whole world and i am happy i was able to witness this day.
Although we could not connect to our kids meanwhile but thanks to weak service of internet that we have been receiving photos regularly from them that would strengthen us for while. Sharing  some photos sent y my eldest son from his recent visit to Oslo Norway. His friend and her fiancé has invited him while back .  

    my son told Norway is probably one of the most expensive country which effects tourism lot 

                                         he loved Norway and how cozy it is for strolling 
     he told how during summer sun does not set at all though it does not affect sleeping because of biological clock is set already 

   can you see how cloud forms a spread palm that is receiving something from above 

     i forgot the name of young lady ,she was on educational trip in London for year or something ,couple befriended to my son and met on weekends .couple is getting married next year and my son is invited as well .

      according to my son weather of the Norway seemed warm unexpectedly unlike London which was shocking to know because i thought Norway is under snow cower mostly 

                                              i think this mister pet is very friendly and cool yes :)

 Thank you for kind visits and words dear friends ! it is blessing to have you all with me in this blogging world!

keep smiling! hugs and blessings! 


  1. What a lovely post. So nice about your brother's kindness. And what fun about your son's visit to Norway! Travelling and experiencing the world is always a joy! Thank you for sharing the images.

    1. i love travelling dear Martha though i feel with age i am loosing my energy levels and home sounds best place on earth yet my heart goes to wander on different lands ,see various cultures and explore all what life offers

  2. That Sun not setting is a bit scary.

    1. when i first heard this that there is land where sun does not sets at all i was in my early twenties and so fascinated by land where light stays forever .yes light is most favorite thing of mine .later scientific explanations revealed that it is matter of earth spin only

  3. First, Bali, let me assure you that you were missed during your blog break. But, it is always good to take them especially when the opportunity to visit family arrives. It was very nice of your elder brother to offer you the land. I can imagine how excited you were to think of building a small house in your home village, so sorry to read that the site was not a good one. But, the fact that you and your brother have reconnected and that you had a wonderful visit was great to read about. It is nice that you and your husband were able to get away together, even if you did miss having your sons on this trip. I enjoyed seeing the photos your son about his visit to Oslo, Norway. He is having the most amazing world travels with his friends!

    And, thank you, dear blogger friend, for all your wonderful comments on my blog posts. They are much appreciated. I try to read and comment on other bloggers post at least on a weekly basis so my advance apology on not commenting on all posts.

    1. thank you dear Dorothy ,your kindness is my strength my friend !
      i am happy that i could enjoy this break at my native town and native home specially ,despite missing children me and hubby had pleasant time there by the grace of kind God!
      piece of land was good in means that it could have been source to spend some peaceful separate time in village specially in pleasant weather and among old dear acquaintance but again our priority was to have home on hill top (which we can buy actually but our eldest son is not interested having land there because of bitter memories belong there unfortunately regarding relatives) and it was instead on low land so we quit idea to use it for building house which requires lots of money and there is no point to spend so much on place which is not favorite even
      as far as concerned is your weekly visit dear Dorothy i think it is what suits you as you have so much to do including travelling and meeting wonderful friends and family . in our small city such luxury is absent . bearable weather is so short and therefore i have more time to visit bogging friends and i love to do so :)

  4. Lots of good news Baili! Inheriting land and good brother and lucky son visiting Norway

    1. thank you dear Christine
      this is only grace of God indeed ,life is full of all kind of surprises indeed ,always good to encounter with happy ones :)

  5. I am glad for the healing between you and your brother. 🩵 Blessings

    1. thank you dear Sandi !
      there was nothing from me except an awe and wonder why ?
      i am glad my kind lord gave some relief to a sour heart my friend !

  6. A nice gesture from your brother! Even if you don't end up accepting that piece of land.

    1. dear Debra hubby and me decided to leave it as it is because of it's odd situation ,odd from our point of view as it is below hill and does not give favorite view of surroundings which is more important for us

  7. I am happy you have something that was once your mother's and even more happy that your brother extended this kindness. The pictures of Norway are stunning.

    1. thank you dear Emma ,for me relationships and an honest and loving relationship are more important and sadly i remained unable to experience from my own siblings . the kindness my brother showed delivered peace to my soul little bit

  8. I did enjoy this post.
    Very nice to read about your brother's kindness, and what a lovely trip your son enjoyed in Norway, good to see his photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. thank you so much dear Jan
      my son wanted to visit Norway to watch northern lights but he postpone it for later because of some piece of business during certain times . he loved teh country despite he found it really expensive

  9. It must have felt good to receive that land from your brother! Too bad you weren’t with your boys but raising independent young men is a job well done! Bittersweet indeed.

    1. though land wasn't an ideal one still i went through a unique pleasant experience of my life dear Marie because of closeness i felt with my brother .it meant lot to me and i am grateful for this feeling for which i have been starving for my whole life .
      i agree that raising a teenager is hardest job in the world and i think the more awareness kids get the harder it gets for parents

  10. Sometimes it's difficult to divide an estate so that all are satisfied. Norway is a beautiful country.

    1. so true about differences over land dear Red
      it is so common here as well and we see people spend all they have already for peace of land with little value ,seems like matter of an ego more than land .
      for me it was never important to inherit land as i saw my mom suffered with unfairness from her brother who forbad our maternal grandpa to give her piece of land when she came to village and needed it most to have shelter for her family . it was heartbreaking to see her sad all the time so i had no interest in having such thing in future .but this is true that i faced the unfair behavior from my elder brother throughout the life and it was very surprising to have such offer from him .all that mattered to me was his changed attitude after lifetime

  11. My daughter Mariana, the younger one, has a Paquistani boyfriend.
    The world is really an oyster.

    1. oh wow that sounds amazing dear Pedro
      hope their future will be full of happiness and prosperity together amen !

  12. Interesting to read about your piece of land. Was that land chosen for you by your brother?
    All the photos are lovely Baili. Take care.

  13. my brother and sister including me inherited some pieces of lands in the village and in surroundings purchased by our maternal grandpa long ago ,according to our law we a son or brother get double share than their sister our brother's share was bigger. So my brother wanted to give me his own piece of land so i can build house there as my own piece of land was not enough for house of two bedroom but hubby and me did not like the place because it was on low land instead hilltop

  14. Lindas as imagens da sua viagem à Noruega com seu irmão. Obrigada por partilhar.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  15. Such wonderful photos! Oh, this climate change is reaching many places. So glad your son went on this trip. I hope you are having a good July and finding some wonderful reads and your creativity is being inspired. Thank you so much for your comments💗🌸💗

  16. Hi, Baili! I am delighted to hear that you had a lovely stay in your native village and of the kindness of your elder brother. It's a step toward healing your relationship, although he has a lot to make up for. I live near the top of a hill. I won't live anywhere where I might get flooded, especially with our crazy weather. I make Terry nuts whenever we look at property, because I'll say things like, "This is in the middle of a flood plain. We can't possibly buy here or we're barely beyond the spillway of a dam." Relators don't like my comments ~ lol! Thanks for sharing your eldest son's trip photos. I'm happy to know that he is seeing so much of the world. Of course you would see a cloud forming a spread palm that is receiving something from above, my spiritual friend. That's how you see our relationship with the Creator. Hugs and love to you and your family!

  17. Precious friend Louise!
    I agree that after long time rudeness and hater my elder has decided to show some kindnkindness finally. I have to avoid the reason behind his offer which revealed after arrival there .and this is because I want to stick with positive side of the picture yes I am selfish when it comes to overlook and forgive others negative behaviour because I know God is witnessing everything and he knows how to respond. So I keep this story for other time to keep my heart light.
    I can only imagine how it feels to live near flooding threat area. Glad you live in higher place my lovely friend!
    I don't have such possibility here though but living in village for me means living in a house on hilltop.
    So true that is how we connect to our God !

  18. I am so happy for you that you have reconnected on happy terms with your brother.

    I enjoyed seeing the pictures from Norway.

  19. thank you so much dear Cheri


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