Happy Women's Day to all my female and male friends !
Hope not bothered with my women's day greetings for my male friends as we all know including male themselves that all the warmth and beauty of their life is possible because of women they had and have so far :)
If my eldest son would have not sent me Happy Women's day message i could have not remember honestly . I want to thank him for his sweetness as i know how his days are tightly packed with business and yet he remembered and greeted. I can only imagine how fortunate will be the girl who will accompany him in the journey of life :)
I don't mind if you will call me feminist as i think this is the only(hopefully) bad (in terms to be racist i mean) habit that i could not quit until now.
As teenager (mid teens) i wanted to own separate planet where i can inhabit all female creatures .Though later when i mentioned this to hubby he laughed loud and said then all women will consider you as enemy ,i still wonder why ?
I love woman most probably i had one of the finest woman as mother to whom i owe my life i have today. When i rethink my past i shiver with fear what could have be done with my life if i did not had my mom . Specially despite of being uneducated the way she could understand the importance of education for her daughters .The way she stood for our education before her elder brothers who had strong influence in the village particularly in family ,did labor in fields or sold sometimes expensive utensils bought in good times (when health did not allow her to work).And how she stopped my elder brother to marry us to our uneducated and spoiled cousins .I think a Mother reflects Creator who placed her in the world to do his most delicate and most beautiful job. I know once i started to write about my mother this post will look like happy mother's day post so i try to put dam front of my emotions .
I love women most probably because i have bit a poet's heart who is known for having special admiration for beauty and delicacy though my appreciation is mingled with deep sense of respect and care that i feel for women as gender and they play various rolls (under the pressure and threat sometimes ) in society and still empower their male characters with great support .
I treasure courage of women belong to restricted parts of the world specially who never give up their fight against suppression and harassment and always try to rise from ashes when pushed by fire of negative circumstances .
I believe that if remove women from the map of life scenario will resemble to a garden from where all the flowers are plucked away and plants remained in the garden are just physical part of the view whereas "soul" has disappeared completely !
Aristotle defined woman as weaker part of substance that could not achieved the higher form to be a man . But i can't agree to this because i think like everything else woman was created for Reason. We can see how this so called weaker part of substance provides Strength and glory to so called stronger part of the substance throughout the world. Woman surely is soul part of existence where men are "mass" power mostly. Both are interdependent because this was the part of Nature's plan (believe it or not) . Nature's most interest seems in "family unit "and to raise a family Nature needed partner slightly weak physically yet more enlightened spiritually so can feel forced to stay with children and infuse wisdom in them. How this physical weakness was taken as granted and manipulated by males in all levels of society is obvious. Nature 's plan is forever and perfect because physical strength can be gained later through practicing various physical exercises ( if one want to)but upbringing of their children is not something to build later. This is huge topic so i will stop here dear Friends!
I am thoroughly enjoying the Galileo's Error by Philip Goff ,yesterday i closed it on eightieth page ,truly a gift for me !
Sharing some more flower form my front yard ,hope you will enjoy the delight.
Keep spreading your light precious souls as we all need light badly so it can enlighten our inner world.
God Bless You All!
Happy Womens Day to you to Baili, your flowers are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWhen nature smile garden is flooded with blooms :)
ReplyDeleteOur lives would be so impoverished without the love and friendship of women!
ReplyDeleteyou nailed it beautifully dear Debra ,like roots provide for whole system of a tree women of our life (mothers specially) lay foundation of our personalities without their support we hardly have a well groomed existence .
DeleteI did not know, Baili, that today was Women's' Day, so thank you for sharing this information. You did have a wonderful example in your mother and your love and praise for her is well founded. She was a very wise woman in wanting education for her daughters and in refusing to let them marry those who were not as well educated.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the beautiful and colorful flowers in your yard. My favorite is the purple pansy and actually I enjoyed seeing all since there are no blooms here now and for some months to come as winter prevails in New England.
i feel so blessed and grateful for having mother like her dear Dorothy ,she was truly an inspiration ,she bought plot on hill by selling some of her jewelry and gave us home where we could live for years a happy beautiful life ,i see how wisely she managed to provide us better living against all odds she beard alone while crying often for her loss of son and feeling sad and disappointed with negligence of her eldest son and less caring husband, none of this could break mountain of her courage rooted in her undefeated faith that she transferred to her daughters .
Deleteit is joy to deliver your eyes some colorful pleasure :)
Happy Women's Day, enjoyed your beautiful flowers.
ReplyDeleteglad you enjoyed Christine
DeleteWomen have made the world since the beginning of time and get little credit for it. Hoping for a better future for women.
ReplyDeletedelicacy of her personality where has brought numerous praise and love on the one hand at the same time she has been taken granted and humiliated for the same reason dear Nichole as hey say "everything has both sides"
Deleteit can be true for the men either but we overlook it :)
i admire how world has change for woman as better place during recent century ,work is in progress i think with more precise "brought up" and " curriculum " focusing on specific matter we can fast it
Well this is a beautiful post - all those gorgeous flowers and what a beautiful tribute to your mother on this day. I enjoyed reading about her through your words. have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteas i age i want to write more about my parents dear Sandy mother particularly ,she was pillar of my life whom i thought as huge shelter as sky ,without her selfless and constant support i could have not live life that i have today . i think we all are reflection of our mothers which make us relive them through our thoughts and actions what a luxury
DeleteHappy Woman's Day.
ReplyDeleteYour flowers are so lovely, such colourful blooms.
All the best Jan
thank you dear Jan
DeleteAs a teacher , I had the pleasure of working with many very competent female teachers. They were great examples. I think it's great to have one special day to celebrate women.
ReplyDeleteknowing women for long term specially as colleagues can make one understand better i think though now at this part of age i realize that no matter how well and how long you know each other it depends on your own attitude what opinion you make for others dear Red . mostly people appreciate those who think likely and that is it ,the character they posses does not matter at all which is sad sometimes
DeleteIt's also my wife's birthday.
ReplyDeleteWe spent the day together and it was really good.
many happy returns of the day to your wife dear Pedro
Deletewhat else can be more joyous to spend some quality time together :)
a true gift that we can receive from loved ones .
she must be a wonderful woman i say
Dear Baili, thank you for the lovely photographs of flowers. We are nearing spring here in the United States, but today the weather prediction is for 3-5 inches of snow! However, it will melt quickly and spring with come. A songwriter once wrote, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind." I remember those words when something happens that seems difficult (winter). I remember that following the hard will come new life for me. (spring).
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, like you, I so value my women friends. And I know that my mother not only gave me life, but also gave me a philosophy of life: "Dolores, you find what you look for. If you look for good, you will find it. And if you look for bad, you will surely find that also." Those words are her legacy to me. Peace.
dear Dee thank you for beautiful words !
Deletei am born with faith though i had no idea i had it and it appeared in my thoughts and actions gradually all by itself and made me notice that we are for to make choices but we must bear in mind that all choices have consequences and same story tells the religion and science which i realized far later .
each falling leaf is making way for new bud i agree my friend ,so in circle of Nature hope and sadness are best friends :) and for reason of course
When women rule the world will be a safer place. I love your photos. Have a great day.
ReplyDeletedear Nichole i think i have to be agree with you yet women are considered more emotional and less diplomat than men but same traits can prove them better ruler i think :)
DeleteHappy (belated) Women's Day to you, Baili. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing the photos of the beautiful flowers. Spring is on its way here and I look forward to seeing tulips rising up soon!
ReplyDeleteBelated Happy Women's Day, Baili!
ReplyDeleteI always love reading about your amazing mother and her determination to see you educated and free to marry someone beyond your cousins and village. Women have accomplished much more than what "HIS"- story has recorded. We are slowly, zigzagingly (Is that even a word?) moving forward as women. I am so excited about Ketanji Brown Jackson becoming the Supreme Court Justice who will take Justice Stephen Breyer's seat on the Supreme Court when he retires. Another step forward!
I'm more comfortable among women. While some women are competitive and put each other down, I think many women enjoy and truly value their female friends. I've had many male friends over the years and have gotten along with them just fine in social and working situations. But I think women really understand each other because they are women.
That said, besides being my true love, Terry is my very best friend. I am so grateful that we have been able to travel through life together for almost forty years. He has always supported me in chasing my dreams and has accepted me for who I am. Well, he does try to change me at least once a day. He's still trying after forty years ~ LOL! That make's him insane! We have our squabbles and disagreements, but we mostly get along very, very well.
Your garden is beautiful and filled with so many flowers I love: roses, petunias, sweet alyssum, daisies, geraniums, and sunflowers! They make me smile. Here the weather is cool, but the wind is strong and cold, so I have scuffled in and out of the house quickly throughout the day. A few brave dandelions are peeking out, but that's it.
In my last comment to you in the previous post, I mentioned that I was taking my computer into the Apple Store on Waikiki in Honolulu to have its operating system updated. That's when my weeks of computer hell began. Now that's behind me, except for some writing documents I'm trying to find, so things are looking up. I was working backwards to catch up with your posts, but I then I decided to jump back to my last comment to you and work forward.
I hope you are having a great week! Love and hugs to you! Now I have to clean up the supper dishes and the kitchen. Ugh! Terry is out of town, and it's a mystery to me how one little me can make such a big mess. LOL! XOXOX