Friday, February 4, 2022

New Washing Machine Gift By Eldest Son , Family Photo And Some Flowers


Hey beautiful Hearts !

Hope beating amazingly with hope and faith like a flower in the garden which spread beauty and peace no matter how bad is weather or environment .

After my son left we all felt bit sad for few days .Actually his days to leave were near and my heart started to feel sinking already but reality is something we have to face eventually and day came when my son left for London with promise that he will be visiting once or twice in a year if  world sticks to it's normality. All we can hope and pray for making it happen! Few of our relatives came to meet my son but they were late as he was gone already.

Two days back i did my laundry and asked my younger son to spread it as usual he smiled and said " are sure "? 

And guess what i was not tired at all because  my eldest bought a new washing machine for me :) He ordered online on the second day of his arrival and machine was here within a week. Unlike my old one (technically new actually as hubby bought it hardly an year ago) It rinse and dry the clothes ,i mean not completely dry them but when i take out clothes my hands don't get wet at all which is amazing because that is what bothers me during winters .My son was saying to buy this one from more than year but i though it was quite expensive but this time my pneumonia made him do so unhesitatingly. May God bless each parent with such kind kids amen! 

Sorry for unclear image ,actually we have installed it in one of our attached bathroom as my kitchen is not that big ,if i would have agreed to have it in kitchen it would have restricted my mobility there so i thought it is nice to have it in bathroom as i don't have to take any part in what machine does so all i have to do is minding my own business and take out clothes when machine is off.
Honestly i was doing my laundry by hands beacuse i realized that washing machine (older one)  makes me more tired as i have to leave all other jobs and stand by and take out laundry after each 20 minutes and rinse them. In winter i have to warm water as we don't have geyser yet .It would take whole day and i would feel so exhausted and often get feverish for few days (sigh ,aging) .So solution according to my simple brain was classify clothes ,then dip portion of them  one by  one after taking out each .And because each portion of clothes has to saty dipped in mixture of detergent for while i would get enough break to do other routine house chores meanwhile ,i was keeping this from my son but he knew when i got sick seriously in recent winters. But now i am truly grateful for this luxury and enjoying using this gift by my precious baby!

                               this image and below is taken when my son had to leave next day 

 our family was able to have this family photo after three long years thankfully ! i am deeply grateful that for the visit of my son after so long and i am happy for all other friends who were able to meet their loved ones finally!

              few photos from my garden that explain the joy of  our  heart that we felt when met our son! 

Thank you for bearing with me precious friends! your support always strengthen me to share my heart with you and i am so happy to have you all with me as blogging friends!
See you soon hopefully ,God Bless You All!


  1. Time with your eldest is precious for sure. What a wonderful gift too. He is a blessing to the family in every way!

  2. What a generous gift from your son! It will make your life easier. And your flowers are so beautiful -- especially those roses!

  3. Beautiful flowers! So glad you have a new washing machine from your lovely son.

  4. My goodness Baili, you deserve that new machine! it looks like you had a washer that didn't spin to remove the water, it must have been hard work to rinse and then wring the clothing out - but now you have a nice new machine that would appear to do a fast spin cycle, making your clothes nice and 'dry' just damp and no more dripping laundry! I am pleased for you - and again, you have wonderful sons who love you and think of these ways to help you :)

  5. Your son loves you so much. Getting such a great gift is truly a gift.

  6. So far my sons only give me headaches!

    Actually my kids are all pretty good, but no washing machines for me yet.

  7. Attentive sons are such a blessing. The visit sounds joyful and what a treat to have your new labor saving washing machine. My adult sons live in the same city as me, I am happy about that.

  8. Ohhh so nice to have a washer. What a wonderful son you have.

  9. That is an amazing gift. Your love of your son is reflected in the love he gives you in return.

  10. A gift from a son is always special.
    Have a great week.

  11. Um presente do seu filho que terá muita utilidade. Que família linda, a sua!
    Belíssimas fotografias.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  12. Hello,
    What a wonderful gift from your son. Beautiful family photos. The garden images are lovely. Have a happy day and a great new week!

  13. That is a lovely gift from your son, it will certainly make life easier for you.
    I love the family photographs you have shared, they are very special.
    Your flowers look beautiful, such a wonderful array of colour.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. What a wonderful gift from your son that will surely make your laundry chore much easier, Bali, as from this post you did have a hard job before. The family photo of you and your husband and 3 sons was wonderful and all your sons look like such fine young men.

  15. Forgot to add that the flowers from your garden are so colorful and wonderful to see such blooms when it is winter weather in my state now.

  16. Dear Baili, Your comments on my blog bring joy to me! How can I say ‘thank you’ enough? You are so kind and your kindness touches my soul. God bless you. This post of Baili and I brings a smile to my face to see your family so happy with the visit by your eldest son and his gift to you. I know you will enjoy the new machine because I enjoy using a similar one to do our laundry almost every day. A good machine makes a big difference. I love your flower photos. You have some beautiful flowers in your garden! It is a joy to see the pictures of your family. You are a good-looking group! :-) Thank you for sharing your blog. Very best regards to you from Seattle! John

  17. Your flowers are so exquisite! Your family is wonderful. It feels like we have watched your boys go from early teens to grownup.

  18. Dear Baili, it is wonderful to see your beautiful family photos and hear the joy and pride you have for your dear son. Such a generous and loving young man. I can only imagine how much you have missed him and I do hope that it will not be such a long time between visits in the future. Maybe we are turning the corner in this terrible pandemic and families can once again be free to visit one another again. Your garden flowers are so pretty, especially the multi-colored rose. I have not seen one like it! So happy for you to have the new washing machine. Now this chore will be so much easier for you and every time you use it, you will feel the love from your son. Sending blessings to you and your family. Hugs xo Karen

  19. Dear Baili - What a lovely gift from your eldest son! Being separated after happy reunion must be felt lonely. However, when we are not together, we think of each other more than the time of being together. Right? Your garden is so colorful. On the other hand, my garden is muted in colors the most, which makes bigger the joy of the arrival of the colorful seasons. Take care and be happy.


  20. wow what a great gift from your son who obviously loves you so much. He always sounds amazing to me, as do you other guys. Love the family photos. I really enjoy sharing in some of your life with your stories and photos. All the best to u all!!

  21. What a special gift from your son... he knew just how to bless your heart and body in such a wonderful way! I can't imagine how you were doing laundry, it sounds very tedious! Thankful you are able to do it much easier now! Such a lovely family picture, I can feel the love in the photo. Your garden flowers are glorious! We can only dream of flowers here, it is still winter :) Many blessings to you!

  22. Such a beautiful family photos, Baili. I'm sure your heart ached when your eldest son had to leave again. It's hard to be apart from a loved one. This summer I hope to see my two younger sisters whom I haven't seen since before the pandemic. I can't wait to hug them. Hugs are really special! Despite the heartache, you must be so proud of your son and all he has accomplished.

    Your son is thoughtful and generous, Baili! Modern washing machines are a blessing. I know what it is like to do it by hand, with a scrub board, or with old wringer machines. Those scared me because I thought I would catch and flatten my hand when feeding clothes through the wringers. I've hung many, many loads of laundry outside to dry in all seasons.

    One summer, when we lived in Lac Seul, Mom and I had to take our laundry to the lakeshore, go out on some rocks in the water, and wash them there. That was an adventure to me, but not so much for my mother. I'm glad that your son has lightened your work.

    Your happy and beautiful flowers make me smile! Sending you lots of love!


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