Thursday, June 17, 2021

Oh It Rained Here Finally ! poem

 Can  you believe it 

It rained in the morning today 

like In  the deepest  darkness

after so long  

light made it's way 

Lightening and thunder spoke  loud

thankfully though  

this time came genuine clouds

they promised and kept their word 

within while with heavy spray 

they showered  and washed my world 

since ages  this burning  earth 

bathed  ecstatically  

took finally  a new fresh birth !

when stopped storm's  hovering wrath

views changed  gratefully their  old dusty cloths   

ground looked like praying hands 

who's prayers  were answered at last 

he received it with deepest gratitude 

through his tears and smiles lot!

like a bird free from cage 

my soul  took flight so high and high

from above when gazed below 

it's real,  it is raining oh my! 

how magical to see from there 

falling down countless soothing pearls 

fascinating ,determined   troops  

entrancing in heart of land 

to liberate it from  ruthless heat 

and sooth it from scorching pain 

let me fly in the endless sky 

to reveal my immense joy !

nothing lasts here forever 

so i know heat will be here 

but this day ,this moment is mine 

and this truth is most divine :)

yes it it rained here today after many months wait and my heart is  absolutely mad with happiness and gratefulness ,we were sleeping in front yard when around 5 am  we woke up with huge noise of thunder storm .winds gusts were really strong that we thought our tree gone fall upon us as they both were bending too much ,when we took our chaarpae(traditional bed ) inside veranda heavy rain started suddenly alongwith strong winds which continued for almost two hours ,such heavy rain is rare here so i was really really happy and grateful for this generosity of nature as everything here including us was literally starving  for rain ,i hope and pray may creator  continue this kindness in future too amen!

i missed this sight terribly !

our temperature dropped too and it seems that after quite time i feel my spirit in my body. I know where you guys live weather is opposite .Rains pour joy into our days like sun fill your day with pleasure and sooth.I wish you find your weather as lovely and supportive as i found ours after months and may you not have to wait for this as long amen!
stay blessed with with faith and hope precious friends !
see you soon! God bless you all! 


  1. Beautiful poem!
    We still have rain here, it was flood since heavy rain for days in couple weeks ago.

    Stay safe, Baili!

  2. How lovely I bet the air felt fresh and clear and the rain would smell wonderful - we have rain here, not very heavy though and although I like the heat, it is a welcome change which our garden and the woodland behind will need.

  3. I feel the joy in your words. The rain has refreshed your soul along with everything else.

  4. Such joyful words.
    Rain is so refreshing.

    All the best Jan

  5. Nothing is better than a long-waited for event.

  6. I remember being on the farm and waiting and hoping for rain so that we would have a crop.

  7. Loved the poem and would love some rain here too.
    Have a nice weekend

  8. Beautiful poem you have written.
    Your garden is looking every so green, it was in the previous post too but I forgot to mention it.
    After so long without rain, it's a blessing when it does as it freshens up all things including the mind :)

  9. Beautiful words. Here we are having some hot weather at the moment and rain is welcomed.
    In my part of France Normandy we are used to a lot of rain but we love the fact we have different kind of weather sometimes in one day.
    I hope it will still continue to rain in your country because rain is necessary for our lives.

  10. Lovely, cheerful and grateful poem!!! I'm so happy it rained for you Baili!! :)

  11. Beautiful poem, glad you had rain.

  12. Very nice poem and the garden looks lovely.

  13. I wish you many more days of rain, Baili.

    I enjoyed your poem.

  14. It is raining where I live. A slow steady rain that sinks into the ground. The sort of rain my grandmother loved. I know you enjoyed the rain.

  15. Hello Baili,
    Lovely poem! I am glad you had some rain, it does freshen the air and lower the temperatures. Take care, have a happy new week!

  16. Beautiful poem! Rain is always welcome this time of year.

  17. Beautiful. Rain does inspire poetry.

  18. Gosto do seu poema inspirado na chuva que tanta satisfação lhe causou. É quase sempre uma bênção do céu, a chuva, se não for tempestuosa.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  19. As I read this post, Baili, the sky here is darkening and there is the threat of rain coming very soon as the wind is also noticeable. So glad you had a wonderful rainstorm to nourish your plants and your spirits.

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  21. Adorei o seu poema que tão bem expressou, a alegria que a chuva proporcionou! E chuva... é vida! Desde que não cause estragos é muito bem vinda!
    Aqui na Europa, houve cheias terríveis em alguns países, devido a chuvas muito intensas... em zonas muito próximas de rios, que encheram rapidamente... e em países, onde tal efeito não deveria acontecer... para mais, na altura do Verão, que torna tudo mais inesperado... são as alterações climáticas! Aqui em Portugal, este Verão está extremamente ventoso. Os grandes incêndios do nosso país em 2017 que destruíram tantas áreas verdes, vieram contribuir para tal... as árvores servem como corta-ventos... agora o vento Norte, sente de forma muito intensa... tenho saudades das calmas e amenas noites de Verão, que havia antes no nosso país... é tão estranho sentirmos que está tudo a mudar rápido demais e com a Natureza a perder os seus padrões normais, das várias estações do ano... com muitos deles se misturando aleatoriamente, em qualquer altura do ano, agora...
    Adorei ver o seu jardim, Baili! Deve ter ficado lindo depois das chuvas! Os prados aqui das traseiras da minha casa, também dão logo sinal, após a caída de chuvas... de um dia para o outro, flores e arbustos, parecem surgir do nada...

  22. I'm always grateful when we get rain here, Baili; but I'm sure my happiness doesn't meet your joy. Snow is my favorite precipitation. It's beautiful and feeds the snowpack in our Rocky Mountains. Several states and millions and millions of people depend on that snow. Terry, he'd be happy if he never saw snow again ~ LOL. Your garden is a peaceful, restful green, and I love how your hubby plants flowers for you and your family to enjoy! Hugs to you!

  23. Whoops ~ not sure if my comment went through. Google is giving me fits again. Fortunately, I saved it on my desktop. I'm always grateful when we get rain here, Baili; but I'm sure my happiness doesn't meet your joy. Snow is my favorite precipitation. It's beautiful and feeds the snowpack in our Rocky Mountains. Several states and millions and millions of people depend on that snow. Terry, he'd be happy if he never saw snow again ~ LOL. Your garden is a peaceful, restful green, and I love how your hubby plants flowers for you and your family to enjoy! Hugs to you!


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