Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Laws Of Attraction And Me

 As  i mentioned so many times i am not well read or well learned at any level .I completed my masters degree in English literature some years back .And i did this by buying books and reading them at home so i can prepare for exams .I was passed and i took this as an achievement as it was like dream come true.After that i hardly read any book though i bought few but could not finish them.I hardly  find time for blogging an hour or little more so not possible to explore or lean more things online even .Reason to share this here is that i knew nothing about laws of attraction except once my eldest son shared the definition of it with the reference of  Albert Einstein.

Last day when i sat front of laptop with my empty head i wrote "laws of attraction" on google search bar to get some inspiration .I was thrilled ,excited and shocked to learn that there are so many people and wise people who thought and felt similarly. We had guests last day and today either until evening so no energy to write post but i am sharing few quotes from the treasure i found.I felt this way since i have started to feel and i agree to  each of it fully .

Your Faith is your weapon ,shield, courage and victory against odds,save it in your heart and nurture it with undefeated longing for divine truth !

Blessings to all of you dear friends!


  1. I love Einstein quotes. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You undervalue yourself dear Baili. You are educated, have a beautiful family and raised three young men who will be educated as well. You put beauty beauty into the world. It will return to you.

  3. Life is easier if we have a Good Attitude. A Bad Attitude brings its own problems. Being grateful for what we have makes us open to receiving more blessings, I believe.

  4. You did some good research to find these quotes on one topic. Interesting post.

  5. I admire your strength and perseverance, baili.
    You are a true fighter.

  6. I absolutely agree with you and am a believer in the law of attraction - imagination is the power within. My mother called it magic but whatever you call it, it is real. The quotes you have found are excellent examples of how this potential has been found and used by so many people of power. Unfortunately some bad people have discovered it too (Hitler comes to mind) - my favourite quote which comes from the Bible is 'as you sow so shall you reap' (or as my mother would say be careful what you wish for, there's always a price).

    1. i agree with your mother dear Betty

      my own mother was not educated in worldly means but she has wisdom and foresight to see things that that can happen if we wish bad for others . i was born with this realization and i practiced it in my life unconsciously in early life and consciously in mature life (thirty plus)
      my belief in the law of attraction (about which i knew nothing then) or in some mysterious happening became stronger with time when i started to observe life and people deeply .i found each person with care for others far serene even with little material and each person in pain who thought or acted badly for others .this helped me to correct my mistakes and i think the peace of mind i earned today by doing so is priceless
      yes there is price for every wish but our ego comes in way and restrain to see this

  7. You are such a wonderful person. Thank you. Have a very nice day.

  8. I noticed that there were several quotes about imagination. Imagination is to me the surest sign of intelligence. I look for it and encourage it in children.

    1. i think without imagination we are spiritually blind and this is biggest reason we are lost and unhappy ,because we see only through physical eyes and think this is all we have and mistake begins from here

  9. Back in the 80's i was introduced to these ideas through many teachers. Seth books, Abraham books, ACIM, so many and a lot of the early 20th century writers like Walter Lanyon, Joel S. Goldsmith - etc. I've never looked back. I was raised Catholic but these teachings were what I needed. Love all the quotes you posted and glad you found something exciting for you to delve into more. Seems like ultimately it all boils down in a way to quantum physics , wave (being God/Spirit and particle being each particle of light that we are.

    1. how nicely you said it dear Sandy

      yes realizing that we are tiny particles of that divine energy named differently by different thought systems makes brings me peace in complete meaning of peace i bet if i would have not known and acknowledged it i was still a lost child in crowd looking for something meaningful ,i feel so blessed now

  10. p.s. but you already have delved into from childhood.

  11. I believe in the Law of Attraction, Baili. Feeling grateful for all that you have and having a loving, positive attitude brings it all back around to you. Love all the wonderful quotes. You are a wise, beautiful and very intelligent woman and a true inspiration. Sending hugs xo Karen

    1. i too agree that rules of nature are simple and easy to follow by all
      i think we humans have fall in love with complexities and so we invent them in order to have fun
      this desperation for fun is huge sign of our distraction from correct way of life that keep us connected to our origin and leads us towards right path and this happens when we listen to nature and follow it's principles

  12. Beautifully written. Congrats to you on your accomplishments. You should be proud. Imagination is everything. Keep striving to be the best you can be and enjoy life along the way. Thank you again for your uplifting comment.

  13. Goodness, that's a lovely selection of quotes.

    Wishing you a happy weekend dear Baili.

    All the best Jan

  14. You sound too modest, Baili. Don’t underestimate yourself. You did a great accomplishment in master’s degree in English some years ago! Try to be confident in your self. Thank you for sharing all the words of wisdom. I think both thoughts and imagination are important. In this time of anxiety, there are many misinformation. We have to think enough to evaluate not obeying blindly. So I’d like to fly around freely with one wing of thinking and another wing of imagination. Take care.


  15. I have heard about it and I have to say I love that idea. I think there is this great power inside our heads that we don't use often. I love these quotes, especially from A. Einstein. And Baili, to me you sound like a very well educated person, you are so wise! You did so well with your education and let's not forget about taking care of this beautiful family you got - that is a true success for a woman. Have a lovely new week!

  16. Gostei imenso das inúmeras frases que escreveu nos traz sobre as leis da atracção. É sempre bom ler o que aqui deixa.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  17. Hello Baili,
    Such an inspiring post, I love all the quotes. We must let our minds think good positive thoughts and we will live a happy and productive life. Take care, enjoy your day! I wish you a happy new week!

  18. Thanks for sharing all these quotes, Baili, most of which I was unfamiliar with and enjoyed reading. And, I think that you are more well read than a great many other people, and are far too modest.

  19. Jesus said that the two most important commandments are to love the lord our God with all our hearts, and to love others as ourselves. When we do this much joy follows. I like the quotes you gathered here.

  20. Grata por estas partilhas, tão preciosas, Baili! Gosto bastante dos pensamentos de Einstein! Era uma pessoa muito à frente do seu próprio tempo!
    Um beijinho!


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