It is beautiful airy day .Two days rain has brought freshness and sooth to views .I am enjoying the weather so much because i know that in May this lovely weather will end and extreme heat will attack suddenly .I feel as i age it is hard to survive such heat .But if there is no way out one has to learn how to do so .Giving up is not my thing at all. I prefer die fighting.
My sister in law still sends me text messages .She is doing this since more than year now .I am happy to keep in touch with her .I cannot say i can forget what she did to me in past but i can remember that i was not her and my actions should reveal what i was and what i am.I strongly believe that we should hate badness but not people with bad behaviors. I love giving benefit of doubt and try to keep my hopes high for the goodness in people.
I truly believe that God has installed basic instinct of "goodness" within us already so we know when we do something bad and feel embarrassed .I know so many people act they don't embarrass but still i believe that may be their vision is blocked by their ego ,they know they are wrong.
Why some people choose to correct their mistakes and some not? .Why people are so different from each other ? I know there are countless factors that shape their behaviors and form their thought system ,
But , when i ponder upon human psychology i feel that their is very basic flaw that plays most important role about how and from where we choose the way of thinking.
We come to this world with different brain than other species.
We look for Betterment and to achieve this goal we practice various ways of thoughts. We face problems and learn how to solve them.This practice of different ideas makes our brain more flexible for new set of ideas.It is said that human brain is complex. I would say rules for successful life depicted by Nature are really simply and so obvious to neglect.
Balance and Harmony is key to peaceful life on planet.Human brain is designed to absorb knowledge from surroundings and match it with his own set of ideas formed by his own experiences and reach to conclusion.Conclusions are mostly different by people we know this well.
Why so ?
I think we miss something here.Brain is a thinking machine. I think it works like running belt upon which are numerous bottles placed and coming to you speedily and if you not catch at right time bottle falls down And you find pile near feet. But what about the part of belt that went Empty meanwhile .It is okay about belt because it can be fill again.But it is not okay about human brain.
I think we are missing that delicate point that human brain needs to be filled with Correct ideas each moment otherwise Negative energy fill it with itself and things start to go wrong .For example air takes place if we don't pour water in the glass. Air is everywhere ,no mater how tightly you fill the holes it still makes it's way to enter .Exactly how Negative thoughts dominate our brain.Brain works by energy.It's function consists Thoughts ,so if we are being lazy and not providing it with Right thoughts we leave space for Wrong thoughts simply.
What are the wrong and right thoughts we all know.All thoughts that can be beneficial for us and for those around us are right and all that can be harmful are wrong right?
But what if i only care about my own benefit and choose what can benefit me but harm others on the same time ? .
Here seems "space" just like empty belt .
Because as human being i am born with "goodness" installed within me not "badness" so i strongly believe that i will never ever think decide bad for me or for anyone around me.
There is Another reason that i will choose good for others too because i have ability to sense danger just like other species .As a human being i can sense not just physical threats that can occur because of my choice of incorrect option but i am given Insight as "Imagination " to sense how fatal can be consequences if my social and moral actions are wrong . I know that removal of one single card can make the whole card palace fall down.My hidden misdeed will show it's damaging outcome sooner or later and i cannot deny this no matter how many books i can write and how clever i am .I will be still a helpless tiny part of huge system and bound to follow rules to avoid irreparable Loss .So if i am thinking correctly my decision will be for the goodness of all.
How do i know this ?
Because i am sent to survive and thrive as specie not just an individual.I am given Brain to think and solve issues that come in the way while doing so.Whoever has created me wants me live in the harmony with all co existents .Nature is the book to teaches me all these important lessons so why would i want bad for my co living beings unless they are threat to my survival.
I won't, but i still i do. Because i be lazy and stop reminding myself my basic information.Yes it is" Basic Memory Function Disorder" When i be lazy and let my brain go empty Negative thoughts fill it because it is natural process which makes makes me start think unnaturally .To live our Brain needs water and nutrition but to Function In A Healthy Way It Need Thoughts .If i don't give it .It takes it anyway from negative energy floating around us.So i need to feed it with Positive thoughts when i am thinking.
It is okay to do mistakes but we know no one likes doing them. Computer is mere a copy of our brain and we can see how it has dominated the all area of our life. We don't like our computer to make mistake right? Although mostly they are fixable .Then why we appreciate our ability to make mistakes?
Lesson that we learn from mistakes can be learn from other ways too don't you agree ?
We are making mess here by forgetting our very first and utterly necessary lesson that we are part of Nature .And as a part of Nature we have to follow it's divine rules. Abandoning them is revealing how destructive our attitude is ,so it will be better to realize and correct our mistakes.
Feeding our brains with positive refined thoughts will be first step that can lead us towards better life.
Being advance in material by learning skills show us we can advance and decorate our "thought system " if we learn How to Think !
So let's try to think correctly ,try to not leave space or lapse in our thought belts and try to fill it with accurate and refined thoughts instead of trash that actually does not belong to us but make it's way because find space .
I don't think "flawless" is possible with us humans! The older I get, the worse my memory gets and the more prone I am to making mental mistakes.
ReplyDeleteOnce I heard that "being old is a disease "
DeleteIf science says so then it will be curable someday in future dear Debra
Actually our psyche plays more role in raising such issues while we age
It is proven by different situation the two kind of countries have.
People in advanced countries like yours have numerous opportunities to explore and enjoy life so they face such issues quite later in life than people of countries like mine.
Here woman after few children are count as old and it is not acceptable to expect behaviour where they show their fondness for light things such as laughter or listening music .It is count vulgar or childish. Such things make people older fast don't you think?
I say meditation helps a lot in straightening the brain's tangled threads and makes you think clearly
You have such deep good thoughts Baili!
ReplyDeleteNice of you to say so :)
ReplyDeleteIf a person is guided by love and goodness they will naturally make others feel good. Your sister-in-law sees this goodnes in you. Even though she did not treat you well you are good enough to give that gift to her. I hope she makes the best of the gift.
ReplyDeletei wish she does so dear Emma i really wish
DeleteThe search for truth not only helps us but those around us. Politicians are a bad example these days as they have no consideration of truth.
ReplyDeletei think Truth is most evident and most visible thing in Nature and we are part of it ,things start to get bad when we close our eyes and sneak our head in sand while thinking that we can avoid the consequences of our actions .
Deletei think politicians have only one truth and that makes them selfish and nothing else
Separating a person from their actions is difficult but can be liberating as well.
ReplyDeleteYou inspire me, Baili.
id did not realized it then but i remember that in school days i used to kind even those who bothered me ,i had this attitude until i was terribly hurt and fought back only for my right yet i could not stop myself to continue do good to them whom i knew want to hurt me .i feel helpless about this ,my faith takes over me completely all the time .with time i realized few of them turned good to me and i think it was grace of Creator who let them be good and let me have their goodness
DeleteBeing stuck to bad memories is terrible, baili.
ReplyDeleteWe just move along and try to be happy.
Have a nice weekend
i used to stuck in my bad memories for more than ten years i admit ,but thankfully i got over with it and now i only choose good one to remember
DeleteThere's an English proverb I grew up with 'Idle brains are the devils workshop'
ReplyDeleteI think all this focus in the European media about mental health issues, depression leading to suicide ... is a part of the idle brain issue that has arisen because of lockdown.
oh that is sad news indeed
Deletei can brag about my flexible nature when it comes to survive ,i think if you lock me up in a bathroom for year i can live probably with that and happily because of only my faith that i am not alone my God is around me ,
in countries like ours where people have less hobbies and specially women stay at home ,they fill their time space with hings that harm not just them but others too ,this is serious issue here too
Though provoking post Baili, well done.
ReplyDeleteThe older we get the more we get set in our ways, some people more so than other people.
your words remind me time when it was thought that early age marriages (from 16 to 17) are best because the older girl and boy will grow they will loose their flexibility to adjust with each other
Deleteyes what ever our thought system is we get more deep into it as we age
I believe ways of thinking are built upon a paradigm consisting of past experiences, personal values, goals, belief systems, culture, and the way in which we, as individuals, are capable of processing these variables. I think both maco and mico level elements influence us in multiple ways. Best wishes for a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeletei don't know when but i truly believe that in future people will go to institutions to learn "better thinking skills" i think i am not first to think this way ,,process has started with mediation and other things that help us little bit to think straight and think healthy but this is just beginning i believe my friend
Deletethank you for kind visit and words !
Yet again you provide a good post and one to get us thinking ...
ReplyDeleteThank you.
May the weekend ahead be a good one.
All the best Jan
tank you
DeleteDear sweet Baili! I love your heart that ponders the deep things of life. I'm thankful you are enjoying beautiful days of rain, and hoping that the heat isn't as difficult this year for you. It seems we all have people in our lives who have hurt us. We can forgive their wrong to us, but still love them, but it doesn't mean we need to allow them to hurt us again. I pray for the relationship with your SIL that she will have a changed heart. You are right, the Lord God designed each of us with a will, free choice, and also a knowledge of good and evil. In the garden, Adam and Eve sinned and were exposed to the choices of good and evil. And that same choice exists today. Thankfully we can turn to the Lord and with His help we can make the right choices. I pray that the Lord touches your heart today and continues to give you great insight into the issues of life. Many blessings to you dear friend!
ReplyDeletethank you dear Marilyn for sweet comment
Deleteit is my belief that the biggest gift of our Creator to us is to let us connect back to him and feel his such astonishing and overwhelming presence that turns our heart to goodness more and more with each day
it is His strength given to us that we can love even those who hurt us and may be can hurt more in future but what makes me strong is my ultimate faith that My lord the Creator who has blesses me ability to love them He will keep me safe harm coming from them .
you are such a sweet dear Laurie !
ReplyDeleteYou are such a beautiful soul. Looking for good where ever it is. You are a blessing to us all.
ReplyDeletemy biggest greed is as if i can move magic wand and make all people in the world love and respect each other and that is it
DeleteFiquei muito sensibilizada pela forma como falou da sua mãe. Ela é uma pessoa muito especial para si com certeza. E lembrei-me da minha mãe também cheia de amor pelos filhos.
ReplyDeleteUma boa semana com muita saúde.
Um beijo.
You are so lovely and thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteI try to forget and move on from the negative actions of others. I will still be there for them if they need me.
Mais uma notável publicação, Baili, que revela toda a sua riqueza interior e sensibilidade!
ReplyDeleteEu acho que o problema atual ... é as gerações não tentarem sequer tentar pensar... mas apenas responder a estÃmulos exteriores... beleza, riqueza, consumismo, ganância... essencialmente fixados em si mesmos, e cada vez menos no mundo à sua volta. Há falta de solidariedade, de empatia, de compreensão pelo próximo. Há muito egocentrismo, e muita superficialidade... e apreciar alguém com os seus valores, Baili... é uma verdadeira lufada de ar fresco e puro, neste mundo em que se vive cada vez mais para ter, mas não para se ser melhor... Grata por partilhar as suas preciosas reflexões!
Um beijinho!
Such wise words! Thank you beautiful soul! Big Hugs!