Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Land Or Wheels ? And Happy Spring Blooms :)

Hey  Precious  Friends!

Hope   thinking  positively   so  breathing  lightly :)

It  is   almost  12 pm .Sun  is  showering  his  golden  rays  generously  outside  in  my  front yard. Pleasant  breeze is  pouring  soul  in  gorgeous  views . It  is  enchanting  weather specially when  it  is  breezy here .It  seems  all  the  trees  and  plants  waving  to  me with  sweet  delightful  smiles :))) This  scene  seems  essence  of  life and  powerful  message  of  my  Creator :)
I  inhale  it  into  my  soul  and  feel  bit  more  alive  now  days  as  it  is  spring  time  here guys :)))
Nature  has  filled  the  lap  of  my  yard  with  his  most  beautiful  smiles  which  i  cherish  gratefully while  moving  around .

 When  i  started  blogging in  2009  i used  to  visit  some  blogger  friends  who  were  traveling  different  states  and  living  in  their  vehicles . I  was  fascinated  by  their  way  of  life as  i  love  traveling  and  watching  various  people and  cultures .Then  i was  38  and  now  i  am  50. I  don't  know  what  changed  in  those  years  but  i  think  now  i would  love  to  travel  time to  time  though  but  spending  whole  life  on  wheels will  not  be  my  choice.
I  am  not  wise  enough  to  know  the  psyche  that  get  satisfaction  by  not  staying at  just  one  place. Mostly  people  like  to  choose  and  live  at  one  place and  prefer  the  native area  or  where  they  spent  most  part  of  their  life . I  think  it  is  more  than  just they  love  their  land .May  be  they  love themselves more and  try  to stay in  their  comfort zone  where  they  can  feel  the  warmth  of  memories  powerfully  belong to  their  past.

I  can't say  about  who  live  on  wheels .May  be  they  got  adventurous   attitude  and  consider  whole  land as home. This  one  sounds  wiser  either :) I  too  think whole  planet as my home still  i  love  to  have  place  where  i  can  fill  myself within .The  place  who  can  speak  behalf  of  me. My  way  of  thinking  and  life  can  reflect through  it.


Now  happy  spring  to  you  all :) Sharing  some  smiles  that  brighten  my  day now days :)))

adding  this  image  specially  for  dear  Sandi  who  asked " what  is  grain wash " ? i  took  this  few  days  back to  show  her  that  grain  wash  means washing  these  grains  before sending  them to  grind .so  they  can  turn  into  wheat  flour .We  use  that flour to make tortilla everyday and  have it with  curry or another dish .

took  this  last  afternoon when  sky looked  stunning  with  slight  clouds ,can't stop to pray for  more rains :) on right  my  neem  tree standing  in  wait  for  his new  outfit  which  has  started  to  appear  as  sprouts  now 

captured  this  divine look  while ago ,each  time  i  see these  wonders  of   nature  it  amaze me  how  Lord  fulfil promise of  new life to  earth ,i really  wish  we  can  let her  live long !

May  your  lives  blossom  like these  flowers  dear  friends  and spread  joy  and  serenity  in  your  worlds , may  they  never  fade away .I believe  our  souls  and  good  deeds  are  eternal and remain  never  remain  forever somehow !

take  good  care   guys ! love!


  1. May your life also full of blooms of colourful petals.

  2. Such beautiful flowers! We are still covered in snow but spring is not too far away. I love to travel and I wish we could do more of it. Perhaps one day!

    1. i wish i can share my spring with you by sending lots of sunshine and blooms dear Martha :)
      i hope you can you can do more travel in future

  3. You do indeed have spring with all those beautiful blooms.

    As I age, my desire to travel has disappeared. I stay close to home now, do day trips and return home every evening. Maybe this summer I will venture a bit further.

    1. ah your walks keeps my soul fulfilled dear Marie :)

  4. Beautiful photos!


    There was a time when I wanted to roam the whole world. Not now. I am also 50. The years went by fast!

    Thank you for the photo and explanation of grainwash, Baili! It is so cool that here I am at my kitchen table while on the other side of the world my friend who I have not met has gone outside and taken a picture for me. Isn't it amazing? The Internet makes us thisclose.


    Have a wonderful, blessed day!

    1. dear Sandi
      can't explain my feelings to you but try to believe me that i am strangely connected to all at same time ,this is indefinable but i am
      i think of you all of you and keep in my prayers as i do for my own family ,there is something keeps me that way so close to all or makes me keep feeling that way and all i know about it is that he is my creator to whom i remember in each breath so he rewards me with feeling of connectivity to all his beloved people which liberates me from being alone !

  5. The flowers are beautiful and so lovely to see.
    As you know we travel on 'wheels' as you call it, in our caravan but we have a home to come home to. It's good to travel our country, it's so large and wonderful to see as it changes from a temperate climate to the tropical climate. We have travelled each winter since the year 2000 for 3 to 4 months. This year we may not go, only travel in our State (Tasmania) before winter and after winter, will have to wait and see.

    1. your country is really beautiful i know :)

      i adore your way of life ,i would do same if life gives me chance in future hopefully
      coming home after travel reveals the the meaning of this phrase more strongly
      home sweet home :)

  6. I would not like to live out of my car. Here, wt would be impossible in the winter. On the other hand I could move around. We get attached to a house but it's only a house. Awesome flowers.

    1. i agree keeping balance in everything makes it valuable forever dear Red

  7. what a pretty post, I see you have nasturtium flowers, I love them (did you know you can eat both the flowers and the leaves in salad?). My family used to travel frequently and I was always moving schools and was always 'the new girl' sometimes not even going to school much as I hated it. As an adult, the first thing I did was make sure we had a secure home (hubby and I met age 19) and we have lived in our current house for 26 years. I like to have the ground under my feet but I do love holiday travels and intend to do some much longer trips next year - I think home is where the people we love are, but it's also a sense of belonging. I sometimes think we belong to our house and it doesn't want to let us go, many times we considered moving and we never do!

    1. oh i did not know about this flower dear Betty and honestly i just knew the name when you mentioned in comment ,call me ignorant yea :(

      traveling becomes challenging with age i agree
      living in one house forever is fascinating and once i believed that this is the only way to live life ,but now i know how many ways to live life and one of them is on wheels which sounds appealing if is is periodically but not for all times for me

  8. I agree, I live to travel but I need a place to call home. As you mention, come folks are happy being on the road full time. People are different.

    It is not spring here yet. But It is coming soon. I am looking forward to it !

    Have a great day!

  9. These days it seems very comfortable to be at home instead of roaming the world on wheels. Beautiful flowers!

    1. i agree that planet has being crowded more and more which is creating complexities in human behavior

  10. Your Spring blooms are so pretty, Baili. The pink spiky one is especially unique. And I love the red roses. Many of these flowers I don't see around here. I think it's adventurous when people travel around in their motorhomes. I know some people like to do this when they have retired and want to explore different areas.

    I hope these February days are being good to you, Baili.


    1. i wish i could share the name of flower dear Sheri
      lack of time for surfing keeps me bound to blogging rather than exploring more mostly :(

  11. ahh....whenever someone talks "spring' i tune in and listen. i saw a bit of spring today on the shoreline over by another local lake - purple flowers similar to some you have posted. They are common and i can't believe I forgot their name. Anyway, we have had beautiful weather but a bit windy and chilly and more winter weather on the way. Spring is always welcome here. enjoyed your flower photos and your beautiful words. My thoughts was if i could do it over again I would have a home that i could always come home to after three weeks or so out on the road - traveling to various parts of the country and learning about the flora and fauna in those areas and the animals that are indigenous. I would have the best camera money could buy because i love photography. however, now although I would love to do that i think I would be staying home locally more than traveling. My sleep has changed the older I get and a hotel room wouldn't be fun!

    1. i can imagine your love for spring and flowers dear Sandy as you have creative soul and creativity always strive for vibrant expressions of nature for inspiration :)
      i love you captures as much as your art :)

  12. We start feeling the smell and the mood of Spring.
    Have a great weekend

  13. Real "Food for thought" this fabulous post, dearest Baili!
    Had I been a more confident person, I would have loved to travel when I was younger. At sixteen, I applied and almost joined the Navy. However, a lack of faith in my own abilities held me back...and I eventually ended up working within the UK Civil Service - it seemed somehow safer to stay in my native country. I guess I was afraid of the unknown! Crazy, I know. I missed out on such adventure.:/
    Now, I travel a lot, especially in spring and summer.
    All those wasted years (sigh)...

    Oh how I love those stunning pictures of your flowers...looking at them makes me think of summer, warmth, and truly lifts my spirits!:))
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    All my love and hugs xxxxxxx

    1. how alike we thought when we were young dear Ygraine :)

      either i was deeply moved by the "image " and the fascination army people had among civilians :)
      i would have joined army if i was healthy and able to continue science subjects in my matriculation, one of my friend who was lucky enough to achieve her dream she would write letter about her life there and it would make me happy for her but sad that i could not :(
      hey at least you can travel now :) i am sure times were not wasted but invested in positive growth of your soul :)

  14. I always love to read your post, your spirituality amazes me each time. That it true the world is so beautifuly created by God, I love those pretty flowers and hope Spring will come quickly in here,too. I admire people who travel around the world, so fascinating.But me, I guess I love my Comfort Zone too much! Have a lovely weekend ☺

  15. You have provided us all with some lovely spring colors, Baili, and sadly there are none to share yet from NH. We do enjoy traveling and have taken a couple of extended road trips in our car but we always stopped to sleep in hotels along the route. I know of people, including a cousin and his wife, who live in an RV most months. We prefer to have a home to return to and in our case that's now an apt, which actually makes leaving much easier.

    1. being child i wanted to stay on wheels but now i can understand like you that how important it is to stay connected with ground ,you use your space to grow beautifully while filling it with your own spirit ,it can be way to express your self deeply indeed

  16. I grew up in NY City for the first 16 years of my life and am now living in a very rural area in another state and love both - because they are home. I have not been a world traveler but have had the opportunity to visit many areas in the US and once had an opportunity to visit Athens, Greece and some of their islands. I have loved and learned but truly what meant the most to me was home. That is where love is.

    Baili, your first paragraph was lovely and it touched me so. I can read your beautiful, peaceful heart in every word. I live on the other side of the world from you, and we have the same flowers in common.

    1. you are lucky to have huge change during both phases of your life dear friend
      change is one of the most important thin in process of learning life to be more grateful and more wise

  17. I like to travel once in a while, but mostly I prefer to stay at home. I love all your photos of your beautiful flowers.

  18. Hi Baili :) Your flowers are so beautiful! It's funny...I thought about buying a recreational vehicle and living on the road too...I think this was also around the same time as you! But then when I met Alex, my decision changed and I just wanted to own my home and make a "nest" with him and the pets!!!

    1. oh that is so LOVELY isn't it :)))

      it is so natural that wen we meet with our "right" partner we tend to make nest and form family dear Rain :)
      i am so happy for you

  19. What a beautiful post, your flowers are so colourful, simply delightful to see.

    All the best Jan

  20. Gosto muito das fotografias. O seu amor pela Natureza é fantástico. Viajar é bom, mas gosto sempre de voltar para o meu lugar, para o meu chão.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  21. The bright, beautiful flowers uplifted my heart when it is in a sinking mode due to the news of novel coronavirus every day. Wish, Baili and your family, a joyful spring.


  22. Ah, your flowers are beautiful! We've had only snow for the last few months so the colour in your photos is very much a treat for me!

    If I had my choice, I would have lived exactly as we have done. I know that makes me very lucky. Many people don't have that security or happiness. I am very grateful.

  23. Hi Baili, You have so many kinds of flowers, and they are blooming in the same time! They are amazing, Baili!
    I wish I would travel around the world, enjoying and adoring the other parts of this planet :)

    Have a lovely day, Baili!


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