Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why Don't You Cry To Release the Pain? (Poem)

Everything  is fake 

everything is lie

Why  don't  you  feel  that

Why don't  you  cry ?

Circumstances are  bad

Everything  around 

Is  disappointingly  sad!

Are  you  not  grown ?

Not  wise ,  enough  

Or have a heart  of  stone?

Listening  daily  blasts

Crazy  people's  shots

Watching  people  in  Pain

Miseries driving  insane

Wherever we see

Accidents  ,mishaps 
May  be  you  think  you are 

Man  of  steel perhaps  

Okay  see  closer 

don't you feel  as looser

Do  you  get ,what  you  give?

Love, that   is  all  you  need

To   breath  to  live!

I  am  sure  you  are

loyal   friend  of  all

But  for  you  oh  fool

does  anybody  fall?

When  heart  is broken

 and  soul  grind

Where do you go for 
peace,   to   find?

Why  don't  you  squeeze 

pillow against  your  chest!

and  cry  aloud  which 

Is all  you can do  best 

are  you  scared or shy

when you  need to release 

Why  don't  you  cry ???

Crying  will  make  you  better

It  will  make  you  Light

It  will  make  the   things 

For  you   more  bright!

Seeds   of   tears   are  not

For planting  world  inside 

Open  the  window   of  eyes 

And  throw  them  all  outside

Let  them   wash  away  

All  the  sorrows  you  gain

Let  them  to  release

All  the  birds  of   Pain!


  1. such a beautiful written piece,

  2. We have these hearts to use them, to let them be free to feel and scream and speak out.

    Blessings, Baili, to you.

  3. Beautiful and so true. Crying and laughing are both cleansers of the soul. Often men are taught that to cry is unmanly and women are told that a nice long laugh is unladylike. Emotions are meant to be felt. We are healthier when we feel them.

  4. Great verse.

    You so eloquently express feelings about not expressing emotions.

  5. Simply beautiful, baili.
    Have a nice weekend

  6. Crying is good to release the pain. Getting out into the open and scream the heart out is another way to release pent up feelings, rather than hurt others with negative words. Have a wonderful day, Baili!

  7. Another beautiful, thoughtful and thought-provoking poem!

  8. If I lived in a town, I probably would need to cry a lot, but since I live surrounded by trees, I'm happy anyway. ;)
    Beautiful verses, as always, dear Baili. Hugs!

  9. Very nice words of feelings. I'm not sure men should cry but we do. I still have a stifled sob that sometimes comes when I sigh inwards. Ever since my first wife left for another.
    Thank you for peeking in. May God Bless you always.

  10. Beautiful words. Crying can be very healing. Lately I find tears beginning o flow more than they used to.

  11. Bonjour chère amie,

    La vie est de plus en plus difficile ! Pourtant il est vrai qu'elle pourrait être si douce si l'être humain n'était pas aussi avide de pouvoir et d'argent.
    Cependant restons optimistes et portons en nous la joie, la paix et l'amour.

    Gros bisous

  12. That is so welk written,I love thd message of this poem☺

  13. Lovely words in your poem.

    All the best Jan

  14. Sure a great verse indeed. Have to release if we want to be lighter.

  15. Lovely poem, Baili. Sometimes a good cry can make all the difference in the world.

  16. Oh how hauntingly beautiful, dearest Baili...this truly touched my heart!
    How utterly true!! :))

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  17. A lovely piece, baili - tears really do release pain, and it's best not to keep them bottled up inside, for it can harden the heart to do so. Hugs, my friend.

  18. I hope your poem wasnt written because you are sad, it's a very thoughtful and kind poem.

  19. Um poema muito belo e sensível. Gostei imenso.
    Uma boa semana.

  20. You have a beautiful soul and way with words!

  21. I loved this poem and also what I read in your introduction to your blog. I'm so glad to have met you and am looking forward to getting to know you.

  22. This is so beautiful! Sometimes we need a good cry to rid ourselves of whatever pain is weighing us down.

  23. Beautifully written! I didn't cry earlier in my life and now I have, I have released so much and it feels so good! Big Hugs!


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