Saturday, January 25, 2025

Whole Body Check Up And Glimpses Of Recent Visit To Faisal Mosque


Hey precious friends ❤️

Hope and pray having blessed days by the grace of God!

Me and two of my sons (eldest and youngest) are enjoying our last few days here in capital city Islamabad. As day of my eldest son’s coming closer my heart feels heavier though I am trying my best to no dwell on this feeling longer. Eldest son is doing his best to keep us accompanied as well! Before hubby left for our khairpur home eldest son took both of us (hubby and me) to Shifa international hospital for our whole body check up . He was concerned about our health and wanted to make sure that everything is going well within our bodies. His such attempt seemed made us little anxious before honestly because concept of full body check up is something people hardly think about here. I n

Know it may sound bit ignorant but such ideas will take sometime to establish in fundamental thought pattern of our society. As far as I know even wealthy people go through such tests only when things get quite serious. But once we both were convinced that it is important further became easy. Our son would drop us at hospital everyday for three days where with an agent provided by hospital management would lead us to various departments for tests. Procedures would take more than four hours everyday. At third day we were taken to a dietitian who on the basis of few present results advised us further regarding our diet. The dietitian doctor was a Turkish woman of my age almost. She was married to a Pakistani man who I assumed was doctor as well. She had really friendly nature which made it easy to speak in English with her (rarest experience for me here) .She gave me her card when we left. I felt quite happy about meeting with her. We will collect our due test results on Monday morning hopefully. Overall Our reports came clean until now which makes us our son specially quite happy and grateful! One thing that made me feel good is that while visiting al different doctors I noticed their appreciation for my habit to exercise and meditate. The last doctor who consulted us on the basis of present results admired this habit and said it has hold back many serious issues which could have arisen and overtaken my body otherwise. I really felt blessed and peaceful from within after what she had acknowledged! Such things are alien to my surroundings and people otherwise :( it is not easy to adopt habits that aren’t familiar to people around actually so it was special feeling honestly!

Sharing few glimpse of hospital pathways as abundance of delightful flowers would make me stop there❤️

And some photos from our today’s visit to Faisal Mosque.Hope you will enjoy. Me and both of my sons had really nice time there even though Faisal Mosque was fully packed with visitors. We had delicious lunch at Bundu Khan Restaurant Centaurus Mall. Later eldest son took us for long drive as well. So we just returned from the excursion and wanted to share my joy with you all 🥰

                      Missed hubby and younger son meanwhile badly! Taken in hospital Shifa international 

Really huge hospital 

                                            Pathways are laced with dazzling flowers 

             We arrived at daytime (2 :45) .but visitors flooded after 3pm and it was too crowded to walk freely soon.still we took walks,sat here and there for while,took some photos,(mostly by son’s phone) sharing which I had captured only.

                                           I had to wait for people to get side before clicking 

My eldest son was so happy to have sunny weather so far as in London he finds such days rarely 

        These are most precious moments for me as mother and I am greatly aware of this!!!! Still hope he will be able to visit us every year !

    I loved this one enough to set as walls on my new phone Lock Screen, at second screen I set a family picture taken recently. Since hubby has new iPhone now.he has given me his almost new Samsung phone 😊 

Heartfelt thanks for being with me dear friends. Your support is my strength!
See you soon. Health Peace and Happiness to you all and to all you love ❤️ 


  1. Glad he is safely back to London, precious son. Lovely photos.

  2. It is wonderful that your son loves you so much that he had you both examined by doctors. He wants to make sure you are both healthy for a long time.

  3. How wonderful to have that time with your young men! The check-ups are the added bonus. I am glad all appeared well so far.

  4. Here, we get a "yearly" check up. It's not nearly as thorough as what you had bet when it's done every year it becomes routine.

  5. A complete physical check-up is a good idea to catch any issues become they become big or out-of-control problems. Hopefully all your tests will come back with good news for you. And my, isn't that a beautiful modern mosque! Beautiful architecture.

  6. baili, you must be so, so proud of the thoughtful, wonderful man your oldest son has become. What a credit to you and your husband! Also, what a good idea to have a thorough medical checkup. I am glad your exercise and meditation regimes were commented on in a positive manner. It is good to get that affirmation. I hope all tests come back with encouraging results.

  7. Lovely photos Baili and I'm sure your eldest sons spoils you all, but isn't that just lovely.
    The hospital visits sound like a good idea so I do hope all results are good.
    Pretty flowers - enjoy your time with your sons and take care.

  8. So good you are getting your health checked out. Such lovely photos. I know you must miss him. So great to see you guys altogether. I hope you are having a great start to the new year.

  9. Your photographs are so joyful, lovely to see you spending so many precious moments with your sons ... you will have some wonderful memories

    I hope the results of your medical check-up will be positive.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Enjoy your family as much as possible, dear baili

  11. Dear Baili, It’s great to see the care and concern your eldest son has for you and your hubby — it’s a beautiful reflection of the strong bond within your family. Full body checkups may seem unfamiliar or even intimidating in some societies, but your willingness to embrace this step for your health is truly commendable. It’s wonderful that the results have been positive so far, and it’s a testament to your dedication to exercise and meditation. Meeting the Turkish dietitian sounds like a lovely experience too—it’s always special to connect with someone who is kind and understanding, especially when discussing important aspects like health and lifestyle. Wishing you and your family continued health and happiness, and blessings to you dear Baili. John

  12. First, Baili, you have a beautiful family with loving sons and husband and the joy you share in spending time together is always evident in your posts. It was heartwarming to read that your eldest son wanted both of his parents to get a whole body checkup and then to read just how detailed these tests are. I wondered is this something that is regularly done for everyone and is there a cost or not? I hope that you will both receive good news with the results. The photos taken of your sons and yourself at Faisal Mosque were lovely to see despite the crowds. It was wonderful to see such happy smiles, my friend, even though I know you will be saddened to bid farewell to your eldest son.

  13. Lovely photographs.
    Hope all the test results are good.

    All the best Jan

  14. Your son(s) sound so great and for your oldest to want to make sure all is well with you and his father - that is really special. Hope all your tests come back good which it sounds like they will (are)...and good for you on the meditation. I think it's so important to do. Love all the photos. You look great and healthy in them and such good looking and kind guys you have in your life.

  15. Your family is so caring! I think it is wonderful that your son has ensured you have health checks, I hope the results are positive of course and that anything that needs improvement can be rectified with diet/exercise. Yes, we live a 45 minute train ride from London, it is grey, damp and cold at the moment - around 6 or 8 fahrenheit during the day, but still has some lovely places to visit. I wonder if your son has been to Canary Wharf which is in Docklands, the train station itself is quite impressive (all glass roofing). I worked there years ago when it was first built, the park there is peaceful and pretty. Also, I hope he gets to explore Hyde Park in central London when the weather gets nicer - there are lots of places in London and suburbs to get close to nature and I hope he has time to enjoy them. I hope you will all have quality time together before he returns to the UK. Betty

  16. Wonderful photos of you and your family. Your sons are handsome and loving.
    It is a great thing they did to make sure your are healthy. I hope all the test results come back with good news. It is good to try and catch things early, if something was wrong. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.


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